# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=99 noet ft=python: import os import re import subprocess from ambuild.cache import Cache import ambuild.command as command #Quickly try to ascertain the current repository revision def GetVersion(): args = ['hg', 'parent', '-R', AMBuild.sourceFolder] p = command.RunDirectCommand(AMBuild, args) m = re.match('changeset:\s+(\d+):(.+)', p.stdoutText) if m == None: raise Exception('Could not determine repository version') return m.groups() def PerformReversioning(): rev, cset = GetVersion() cacheFile = os.path.join(AMBuild.outputFolder, '.ambuild', 'hgcache') cache = Cache(cacheFile) if os.path.isfile(cacheFile): cache.LoadCache() if cache.HasVariable('cset') and cache['cset'] == cset: return False cache.CacheVariable('cset', cset) productFile = open(os.path.join(AMBuild.sourceFolder, 'product.version'), 'r') productContents = productFile.read() productFile.close() m = re.match('(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-?(.*)', productContents) if m == None: raise Exception('Could not detremine product version') major, minor, release, tag = m.groups() fullstring = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(major, minor, release) if tag != "": fullstring += "-{0}".format(tag) if tag == "dev": fullstring += "+{0}".format(rev) incFolder = os.path.join(AMBuild.outputFolder, 'includes') if not os.path.isdir(incFolder): os.makedirs(incFolder) incFile = open(os.path.join(incFolder, 'sourcemod_version_auto.h'), 'w') incFile.write(""" #ifndef _SOURCEMOD_AUTO_VERSION_INFORMATION_H_ #define _SOURCEMOD_AUTO_VERSION_INFORMATION_H_ #define SM_BUILD_TAG \"{0}\" #define SM_BUILD_REV \"{1}\" #define SM_BUILD_CSET \"{2}\" #define SM_BUILD_MAJOR \"{3}\" #define SM_BUILD_MINOR \"{4}\" #define SM_BUILD_RELEASE \"{5}\" #define SM_BUILD_UNIQUEID SM_BUILD_REV \":\" SM_BUILD_CSET #define SM_VERSION_STRING \"{6}\" #define SM_VERSION_FILE {7},{8},{9},0 #endif /* _SOURCEMOD_AUTO_VERSION_INFORMATION_H_ */ """.format(tag, rev, cset, major, minor, release, fullstring, major, minor, release)) incFile.close() incFile = open(os.path.join(incFolder, 'version_auto.inc'), 'w') incFile.write(""" #if defined _auto_version_included #endinput #endif #define _auto_version_included #define SOURCEMOD_V_TAG \"{0}\" #define SOURCEMOD_V_REV {1} #define SOURCEMOD_V_CSET \"{2}\" #define SOURCEMOD_V_MAJOR {3} #define SOURCEMOD_V_MINOR {4} #define SOURCEMOD_V_RELEASE {5} #define SOURCEMOD_VERSION \"{6}\" """.format(tag, rev, cset, major, minor, release, fullstring)) incFile.close() cache.WriteCache() PerformReversioning()