 * vim: set ts=4 :
 * ===============================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * ===============================================================
 * This file is not open source and may not be copied without explicit
 * written permission of AlliedModders LLC.  This file may not be redistributed 
 * in whole or significant part.
 * For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php
 * Version: $Id$


#include "ShareSys.h"
#include <IUserMessages.h>
#include "sourcemm_api.h"
#include "sm_trie.h"
#include "CellRecipientFilter.h"

using namespace SourceHook;
using namespace SourceMod;


struct ListenerInfo
	IUserMessageListener *Callback;
	bool IsHooked;
	bool KillMe;

typedef List<ListenerInfo *> MsgList;
typedef List<ListenerInfo *>::iterator MsgIter;

class UserMessages : 
	public IUserMessages,
	public SMGlobalClass
public: //SMGlobalClass
	void OnSourceModStartup(bool late);
	void OnSourceModAllInitialized();
	void OnSourceModAllShutdown();
public: //IUserMessages
	int GetMessageIndex(const char *msg);
	bool GetMessageName(int msgid, char *buffer, size_t maxlength) const;
	bool HookUserMessage(int msg_id, IUserMessageListener *pListener, bool intercept=false);
	bool UnhookUserMessage(int msg_id, IUserMessageListener *pListener, bool intercept=false);
	bf_write *StartMessage(int msg_id, cell_t players[], unsigned int playersNum, int flags);
	bool EndMessage();
	bf_write *OnStartMessage_Pre(IRecipientFilter *filter, int msg_type);
	bf_write *OnStartMessage_Post(IRecipientFilter *filter, int msg_type);
	void OnMessageEnd_Pre();
	void OnMessageEnd_Post();
	void _DecRefCounter();
	List<ListenerInfo *> m_msgHooks[255];
	List<ListenerInfo *> m_msgIntercepts[255];
	CStack<ListenerInfo *> m_FreeListeners;
	unsigned char m_pBase[2500];
	IRecipientFilter *m_CurRecFilter;
	bf_write m_InterceptBuffer;
	bf_write *m_OrigBuffer;
	bf_read m_ReadBuffer;
	size_t m_HookCount;
	bool m_InHook;
	bool m_BlockEndPost;
	bool m_FallbackSearch;

	Trie *m_Names;
	CellRecipientFilter m_CellRecFilter;
	bool m_InExec;
	int m_CurFlags;
	int m_CurId;

extern UserMessages g_UserMsgs;