 * This file is used to set various options that are important to SourceMod's core.
 * If this file is missing or an option in this file is missing, then the default values will be used.
	 * This option determines if SourceMod logging is enabled.
	 * "on"		- Logging is enabled (default)
	 * "off"	- Logging is disabled
	"Logging"		"on"
	 * This option determines how SourceMod logging should be handled.
	 * "daily"	- New log file is created for each day (default)
	 * "map"	- New log file is created for each map change
	 * "game"	- Use game's log files
	"LogMode"		"daily"
	 * Language that multilingual enabled plugins and extensions will use to print messages.
	 * Only languages listed in languages.cfg are valid.
	 * The default value is "en"
	"ServerLang"	"en"
	 * String to use as the public chat trigger.  Set an empty string to disable.
	"PublicChatTrigger"		"!"
	 * String to use as the silent chat trigger.  Set an empty string to disable.
	"SilentChatTrigger"		"/"
	 * If a say command is a silent chat trigger, and is used by an admin, 
	 * but it does not evaluate to an actual command, it will be displayed 
	 * publicly.  This setting allows you to suppress accidental typings.
	 * The default value is "no".  A value of "yes" will supress.
	"SilentFailSuppress"	"no"
	 * Password setinfo key that clients must set.  You must change this in order for
	 * passwords to work, for security reasons.
	"PassInfoVar"			"_password"
	 * Specifies the sound that gets played when an item is selected from a menu.
	"MenuItemSound"			"buttons/button14.wav"

	 * Specifies the sound that gets played when an "Exit" button is selected 
	 * from a menu.
	"MenuExitSound"			"buttons/combine_button7.wav"
	 * Specifies the sound that gets played when an "Exit Back" button is selected 
	 * from a menu.  This is the special "Back" button that is intended to roll back
	 * to a previous menu.
	"MenuExitBackSound"		"buttons/combine_button7.wav"

	 * Enables or disables whether SourceMod reads a client's cl_language cvar to set 
	 * their language for server-side phrase translation.
	 * "on"		- Translate using the client's language (default)
	 * "off"	- Translate using default server's language
	"AllowClLanguageVar"		"On"

	 * Enables or Disables SourceMod's automatic gamedata updating.
	 * The default value is "no". A value of "yes" will block the Auto Updater.
	"DisableAutoUpdate"			"no"

	 * If set to yes, a successful gamedata update will attempt to restart SourceMod.
	 * SourceMod is unloaded and reloaded, and the map is changed to the current map.
	 * Since gamedata updates occur when the server loads, impact should be minimal.
	 * But to be safe, this option is disabled by default.
	"ForceRestartAfterUpdate"	"no"

	 * URL to use for retrieving update information.
	 * SSL is not yet supported.
	"AutoUpdateURL"				"http://update.sourcemod.net/update/"

	 * Whether to show debug spew.  
	 * Currently this will log details about the gamedata updating process.
	"DebugSpew"					"no"
	 * If set to yes, SourceMod will validate steamid auth strings with the Steam backend before giving out admin access.
	 * This can prevent malicious users from impersonating admins with stolen Steam apptickets.
	 * If Steam is down, admins will not be authenticated until Steam comes back up.
	 * This option increases the security of your server, but is still experimental.
	"SteamAuthstringValidation"	"yes"
	 * Enables or disables whether SourceMod blocks known or potentially malicious plugins from loading.
	 * It is STRONGLY advised that this is left enabled, there have been cases in the past with plugins that
	 * allow anyone to delete files on the server, gain full rcon control, etc.
	 * "yes"	- Block malware or illegal plugins from loading (default)
	 * "no"		- Warn about malware or illegal plugins loading
	"BlockBadPlugins"	"yes"

	 * If a plugin takes too long to execute, hanging or freezing the game server in the process, 
	 * SourceMod will attempt to terminate that plugin after the specified timeout length has
	 * passed. You can disable this feature by setting the value to "0".
	"SlowScriptTimeout"	"8"

	 * Disable the SourcePawn just-in-time compiler. This is intended for C++ developers using
	 * debugging tools and finding it difficult to inspect JIT stack frames. The interpreter
	 * is not as well-tested as the JIT and will make script execution roughly 10X slower, so
	 * it is not intended for general purpose use.
	"DisableJIT"	"no"