/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <time.h> #include "TimerSys.h" #include "ForwardSys.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "frame_hooks.h" #define TIMER_MIN_ACCURACY 0.1 #if !defined ORANGEBOX_BUILD #define CallGlobalChangeCallbacks CallGlobalChangeCallback #endif #if defined ORANGEBOX_BUILD SH_DECL_HOOK3_void(ICvar, CallGlobalChangeCallbacks, SH_NOATTRIB, false, ConVar *, const char *, float); #else SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(ICvar, CallGlobalChangeCallbacks, SH_NOATTRIB, false, ConVar *, const char *); #endif TimerSystem g_Timers; float g_fUniversalTime = 0.0f; float g_fGameStartTime = 0.0f; /* Game game start time, non-universal */ float g_fTimerThink = 0.0f; /* Timer's next think time */ const float *g_pUniversalTime = &g_fUniversalTime; ConVar *mp_timelimit = NULL; int g_TimeLeftMode = 0; ConVar sm_time_adjustment("sm_time_adjustment", "0", 0, "Adjusts the server time in seconds"); inline float GetSimulatedTime() { return g_fUniversalTime; } time_t GetAdjustedTime(time_t *buf) { time_t val = time(NULL) + sm_time_adjustment.GetInt(); if (buf) { *buf = val; } return val; } class DefaultMapTimer : public IMapTimer, public SMGlobalClass { public: DefaultMapTimer() { m_bInUse = false; } void OnSourceModLevelChange(const char *mapName) { g_fGameStartTime = 0.0f; } int GetMapTimeLimit() { return mp_timelimit->GetInt(); } void SetMapTimerStatus(bool enabled) { if (enabled && !m_bInUse) { Enable(); } else if (!enabled && m_bInUse) { Disable(); } m_bInUse = enabled; } void ExtendMapTimeLimit(int extra_time) { if (extra_time == 0) { mp_timelimit->SetValue(0); return; } extra_time /= 60; mp_timelimit->SetValue(mp_timelimit->GetInt() + extra_time); } #if defined ORANGEBOX_BUILD void GlobalChangeCallback(ConVar *pVar, const char *old_value, float flOldValue) #else void GlobalChangeCallback(ConVar *pVar, const char *old_value) #endif { if (pVar != mp_timelimit) { return; } if (atoi(old_value) == pVar->GetInt()) { return; } g_Timers.MapTimeLeftChanged(); } private: void Enable() { SH_ADD_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ICvar, CallGlobalChangeCallbacks, icvar, this, &DefaultMapTimer::GlobalChangeCallback, false); } void Disable() { SH_REMOVE_HOOK_MEMFUNC(ICvar, CallGlobalChangeCallbacks, icvar, this, &DefaultMapTimer::GlobalChangeCallback, false); } private: bool m_bInUse; } s_DefaultMapTimer; /** * If the ticking process has run amok (should be impossible), we * take care of this by "skipping" the in-between time, to prevent * a bazillion times from firing on accident. This has the result * that a drastic jump in time will continue acting normally. Users * may not expect this, but... I think it is the best solution. */ inline float CalcNextThink(float last, float interval) { if (g_fUniversalTime - last - interval <= TIMER_MIN_ACCURACY) { return last + interval; } else { return g_fUniversalTime + interval; } } void ITimer::Initialize(ITimedEvent *pCallbacks, float fInterval, float fToExec, void *pData, int flags) { m_Listener = pCallbacks; m_Interval = fInterval; m_ToExec = fToExec; m_pData = pData; m_Flags = flags; m_InExec = false; m_KillMe = false; } TimerSystem::TimerSystem() { m_pMapTimer = NULL; m_bHasMapTickedYet = false; m_bHasMapSimulatedYet = false; m_fLastTickedTime = 0.0f; } TimerSystem::~TimerSystem() { CStack<ITimer *>::iterator iter; for (iter=m_FreeTimers.begin(); iter!=m_FreeTimers.end(); iter++) { delete (*iter); } m_FreeTimers.popall(); } void TimerSystem::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { g_ShareSys.AddInterface(NULL, this); m_pOnGameFrame = g_Forwards.CreateForward("OnGameFrame", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); m_pOnMapTimeLeftChanged = g_Forwards.CreateForward("OnMapTimeLeftChanged", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); } void TimerSystem::OnSourceModGameInitialized() { mp_timelimit = icvar->FindVar("mp_timelimit"); if (m_pMapTimer == NULL && mp_timelimit != NULL) { SetMapTimer(&s_DefaultMapTimer); } } void TimerSystem::OnSourceModShutdown() { SetMapTimer(NULL); g_Forwards.ReleaseForward(m_pOnGameFrame); g_Forwards.ReleaseForward(m_pOnMapTimeLeftChanged); } void TimerSystem::OnSourceModLevelChange(const char *mapName) { MapChange(true); } void TimerSystem::OnSourceModLevelEnd() { m_bHasMapTickedYet = false; m_bHasMapSimulatedYet = false; } void TimerSystem::GameFrame(bool simulating) { if (simulating && m_bHasMapTickedYet) { g_fUniversalTime += gpGlobals->curtime - m_fLastTickedTime; if (!m_bHasMapSimulatedYet) { m_bHasMapSimulatedYet = true; MapTimeLeftChanged(); } } else { g_fUniversalTime += gpGlobals->interval_per_tick; } m_fLastTickedTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_bHasMapTickedYet = true; if (g_fUniversalTime >= g_fTimerThink) { RunFrame(); g_fTimerThink = CalcNextThink(g_fTimerThink, TIMER_MIN_ACCURACY); } RunFrameHooks(); if (m_pOnGameFrame->GetFunctionCount()) { m_pOnGameFrame->Execute(NULL); } } void TimerSystem::RunFrame() { ITimer *pTimer; TimerIter iter; float curtime = GetSimulatedTime(); for (iter=m_SingleTimers.begin(); iter!=m_SingleTimers.end(); ) { pTimer = (*iter); if (curtime >= pTimer->m_ToExec) { pTimer->m_InExec = true; pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimerEnd(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); iter = m_SingleTimers.erase(iter); m_FreeTimers.push(pTimer); } else { break; } } ResultType res; for (iter=m_LoopTimers.begin(); iter!=m_LoopTimers.end(); ) { pTimer = (*iter); if (curtime >= pTimer->m_ToExec) { pTimer->m_InExec = true; res = pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); if (pTimer->m_KillMe || (res == Pl_Stop)) { pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimerEnd(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); iter = m_LoopTimers.erase(iter); m_FreeTimers.push(pTimer); continue; } pTimer->m_InExec = false; pTimer->m_ToExec = CalcNextThink(pTimer->m_ToExec, pTimer->m_Interval); } iter++; } } ITimer *TimerSystem::CreateTimer(ITimedEvent *pCallbacks, float fInterval, void *pData, int flags) { ITimer *pTimer; TimerIter iter; float to_exec = GetSimulatedTime() + fInterval; if (m_FreeTimers.empty()) { pTimer = new ITimer; } else { pTimer = m_FreeTimers.front(); m_FreeTimers.pop(); } pTimer->Initialize(pCallbacks, fInterval, to_exec, pData, flags); if (flags & TIMER_FLAG_REPEAT) { m_LoopTimers.push_back(pTimer); goto return_timer; } if (m_SingleTimers.size() >= 1) { iter = --m_SingleTimers.end(); if ((*iter)->m_ToExec <= to_exec) { goto normal_insert_end; } } for (iter=m_SingleTimers.begin(); iter!=m_SingleTimers.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->m_ToExec >= to_exec) { m_SingleTimers.insert(iter, pTimer); goto return_timer; } } normal_insert_end: m_SingleTimers.push_back(pTimer); return_timer: return pTimer; } void TimerSystem::FireTimerOnce(ITimer *pTimer, bool delayExec) { ResultType res; if (pTimer->m_InExec) { return; } pTimer->m_InExec = true; res = pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimer(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); if (!(pTimer->m_Flags & TIMER_FLAG_REPEAT)) { pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimerEnd(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); m_SingleTimers.remove(pTimer); m_FreeTimers.push(pTimer); } else { if ((res != Pl_Stop) && !pTimer->m_KillMe) { if (delayExec) { pTimer->m_ToExec = GetSimulatedTime() + pTimer->m_Interval; } pTimer->m_InExec = false; return; } pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimerEnd(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); m_LoopTimers.remove(pTimer); m_FreeTimers.push(pTimer); } } void TimerSystem::KillTimer(ITimer *pTimer) { if (pTimer->m_KillMe) { return; } if (pTimer->m_InExec) { pTimer->m_KillMe = true; return; } pTimer->m_InExec = true; /* The timer it's not really executed but this check needs to be done */ pTimer->m_Listener->OnTimerEnd(pTimer, pTimer->m_pData); if (pTimer->m_Flags & TIMER_FLAG_REPEAT) { m_LoopTimers.remove(pTimer); } else { m_SingleTimers.remove(pTimer); } m_FreeTimers.push(pTimer); } CStack<ITimer *> s_tokill; void TimerSystem::MapChange(bool real_mapchange) { ITimer *pTimer; TimerIter iter; for (iter=m_SingleTimers.begin(); iter!=m_SingleTimers.end(); iter++) { pTimer = (*iter); if (real_mapchange && (pTimer->m_Flags & TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE)) { s_tokill.push(pTimer); } } for (iter=m_LoopTimers.begin(); iter!=m_LoopTimers.end(); iter++) { pTimer = (*iter); if (real_mapchange && (pTimer->m_Flags & TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE)) { s_tokill.push(pTimer); } } while (!s_tokill.empty()) { KillTimer(s_tokill.front()); s_tokill.pop(); } } IMapTimer *TimerSystem::SetMapTimer(IMapTimer *pTimer) { IMapTimer *old = m_pMapTimer; m_pMapTimer = pTimer; if (m_pMapTimer) { m_pMapTimer->SetMapTimerStatus(true); } if (old) { old->SetMapTimerStatus(false); } return old; } IMapTimer *TimerSystem::GetMapTimer() { return m_pMapTimer; } void TimerSystem::MapTimeLeftChanged() { m_pOnMapTimeLeftChanged->Execute(NULL); } void TimerSystem::NotifyOfGameStart(float offset) { g_fGameStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime + offset; } float TimerSystem::GetTickedTime() { return g_fUniversalTime; } bool TimerSystem::GetMapTimeLeft(float *time_left) { if (!m_pMapTimer) { return false; } int time_limit; if (!m_bHasMapSimulatedYet || (time_limit = m_pMapTimer->GetMapTimeLimit()) < 1) { *time_left = -1.0f; } else { *time_left = (g_fGameStartTime + time_limit * 60.0f) - gpGlobals->curtime; } return true; }