#!/bin/bash # Path for DepotDownloader to download to, relative to DD_PATH DD_DIR=csgo # AppId to use for DepotDownloader for Steam3 content (steamcmd app_update number) DD_APP=740 # Relative path to game's engine directory from DD ENGINE_PATH_FROM_DD=${DD_DIR}/ # Game's directory name GAME_DIR=csgo # SM gamedata engine name ENGINE_NAME=csgo # List of gamedata files to run checks on gamedata_files=( "sdktools.games/engine.csgo.txt" "sm-cstrike.games/game.csgo.txt" ) # Is game a 2006/2007 "mod" ? # If so, bin names are adjusted with _i486 suffix and no update check will be done MOD=0 # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE source ./gdc_core.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 exit $?