/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #if defined _timers_included #endinput #endif #define _timers_included #include <datapack> #define TIMER_REPEAT (1<<0) /**< Timer will repeat until it returns Plugin_Stop */ #define TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE (1<<1) /**< Timer will not carry over mapchanges */ #define TIMER_HNDL_CLOSE (1<<9) /**< Deprecated define, replaced by below */ #define TIMER_DATA_HNDL_CLOSE (1<<9) /**< Timer will automatically call CloseHandle() on its data when finished */ /** * Any of the following prototypes will work for a timed function. */ funcenum Timer { /** * Called when the timer interval has elapsed. * * @param timer Handle to the timer object. * @param hndl Handle passed to CreateTimer() when timer was created. * @return Plugin_Stop to stop a repeating timer, any other value for * default behavior. */ Action:public(Handle:timer, Handle:hndl), /** * Called when the timer interval has elapsed. * * @param timer Handle to the timer object. * @param data Data passed to CreateTimer() when timer was created. * @return Plugin_Stop to stop a repeating timer, any other value for * default behavior. */ Action:public(Handle:timer, any:data), /** * Called when the timer interval has elapsed. * * @param timer Handle to the timer object. * @return Plugin_Stop to stop a repeating timer, any other value for * default behavior. */ Action:public(Handle:timer), }; /** * Creates a basic timer. Calling CloseHandle() on a timer will end the timer. * * @param interval Interval from the current game time to execute the given function. * @param func Function to execute once the given interval has elapsed. * @param data Handle or value to pass through to the timer callback function. * @param flags Flags to set (such as repeatability or auto-Handle closing). * @return Handle to the timer object. You do not need to call CloseHandle(). * If the timer could not be created, INVALID_HANDLE will be returned. */ native Handle:CreateTimer(Float:interval, Timer:func, any:data=INVALID_HANDLE, flags=0); /** * Kills a timer. Use this instead of CloseHandle() if you need more options. * * @param timer Timer Handle to kill. * @param autoClose If autoClose is true, the data that was passed to CreateTimer() will * be closed as a handle if TIMER_DATA_HNDL_CLOSE was not specified. * @noreturn */ native KillTimer(Handle:timer, bool:autoClose=false); /** * Manually triggers a timer so its function will be called. * * @param timer Timer Handle to trigger. * @param reset If reset is true, the elapsed time counter is reset * so the full interval must pass again. * @noreturn */ native TriggerTimer(Handle:timer, bool:reset=false); /** * Returns the simulated game time. * * This time is internally maintained by SourceMod and is based on the game * tick count and tick rate. Unlike GetGameTime(), it will increment past * map changes and while no players are connected. Unlike GetEngineTime(), * it will not increment based on the system clock (i.e. it is still bound * to the ticking process). * * @return Time based on the game tick count. */ native Float:GetTickedTime(); /** * Returns an estimate of the time left before the map ends. If the server * has not processed any frames yet (i.e. no players have joined the map yet), * then the time left returned will always be infinite. * * @param timeleft Variable to store the time, in seconds. If the * value is less than 0, the time limit is infinite. * @return True if the operation is supported, false otherwise. */ native bool:GetMapTimeLeft(&timeleft); /** * Retrieves the current map time limit. If the server has not processed any * frames yet (i.e. no players have joined the map yet), then the time limit * returned will always be 0. * * @param time Set to the number of total seconds in the map time * limit, or 0 if there is no time limit set. * @return True on success, false if operation is not supported. */ native bool:GetMapTimeLimit(&time); /** * Extends the map time limit in a way that will notify all plugins. * * @param time Number of seconds to extend map time limit by. * The number can be negative to decrease the time limit. * If 0, the map will be set to have no time limit. * @return True on success, false if operation is not supported. */ native bool:ExtendMapTimeLimit(time); /** * Returns the number of seconds in between game server ticks. * * Note: A tick, in this context, is a frame. * * @return Number of seconds in between ticks. */ native Float:GetTickInterval(); /** * Notification that the map's time left has changed via a change in the time * limit or a change in the game rules (such as mp_restartgame). This is useful * for plugins trying to create timers based on the time left in the map. * * Calling ExtendMapTimeLimit() from here, without proper precaution, will * cause infinite recursion. * * If the operation is not supported, this will never be called. * If the server has not yet processed any frames (i.e. no players have joined * the map yet), then this will be called once the server begins ticking, even * if there is no time limit set. */ forward OnMapTimeLeftChanged(); /** * Returns whether or not the server is processing frames or not. * * The server does not process frames until at least one client joins the game. * Once the first player has in, even if that player, leaves, the server's * timers and entities will work. * * @return True if the server is ticking, false otherwise. */ native bool:IsServerProcessing(); /** * Creates a timer associated with a new datapack, and returns the datapack. * @note The datapack is automatically freed when the timer ends. * @note The position of the datapack is not reset or changed for the timer function. * * @param interval Interval from the current game time to execute the given function. * @param func Function to execute once the given interval has elapsed. * @param datapack The newly created datapack is passed though this by-reference * parameter to the timer callback function. * @param flags Timer flags. * @return Handle to the timer object. You do not need to call CloseHandle(). */ stock Handle:CreateDataTimer(Float:interval, Timer:func, &Handle:datapack, flags=0) { datapack = CreateDataPack(); flags |= TIMER_DATA_HNDL_CLOSE; return CreateTimer(interval, func, datapack, flags); }