/*  Pawn compiler
 *  Global (cross-module) variables.
 *  Copyright (c) ITB CompuPhase, 1997-2006
 *  This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty.
 *  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
 *  the use of this software.
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 *  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 *  1.  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *      claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
 *      a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *      appreciated but is not required.
 *  2.  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 *      misrepresented as being the original software.
 *  3.  This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
 *  Version: $Id$
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>     /* for _MAX_PATH */
#include "sc.h"
#include "sp_symhash.h"

/*  global variables
 *  All global variables that are shared amongst the compiler files are
 *  declared here.
symbol loctab;                   /* local symbol table */
symbol glbtab;                   /* global symbol table */
cell *litq;                      /* the literal queue */
unsigned char pline[sLINEMAX+1]; /* the line read from the input file */
const unsigned char *lptr;       /* points to the current position in "pline" */
constvalue tagname_tab = { NULL, "", 0, 0};  /* tagname table */
constvalue libname_tab = { NULL, "", 0, 0};  /* library table (#pragma library "..." syntax) */
constvalue *curlibrary = NULL;   /* current library */
int pc_addlibtable = TRUE;       /* is the library table added to the AMX file? */
symbol *curfunc;                 /* pointer to current function */
char *inpfname;                  /* pointer to name of the file currently read from */
char outfname[_MAX_PATH];        /* intermediate (assembler) file name */
char binfname[_MAX_PATH];        /* binary file name */
char errfname[_MAX_PATH];        /* error file name */
char sc_ctrlchar = CTRL_CHAR;    /* the control character (or escape character)*/
char sc_ctrlchar_org = CTRL_CHAR;/* the default control character */
int litidx    = 0;               /* index to literal table */
int litmax    = sDEF_LITMAX;     /* current size of the literal table */
int stgidx    = 0;      /* index to the staging buffer */
int sc_labnum = 0;      /* number of (internal) labels */
int staging   = 0;      /* true if staging output */
cell declared = 0;      /* number of local cells declared */
cell glb_declared=0;    /* number of global cells declared */
cell code_idx = 0;      /* number of bytes with generated code */
int ntv_funcid= 0;      /* incremental number of native function */
int errnum    = 0;      /* number of errors */
int warnnum   = 0;      /* number of warnings */
int sc_debug  = sCHKBOUNDS; /* by default: bounds checking+assertions */
int sc_packstr= FALSE;  /* strings are packed by default? */
int sc_asmfile= FALSE;  /* create .ASM file? */
int sc_listing= FALSE;  /* create .LST file? */
int sc_compress=TRUE;   /* compress bytecode? */
int sc_needsemicolon=TRUE;/* semicolon required to terminate expressions? */
int sc_dataalign=sizeof(cell);/* data alignment value */
int sc_alignnext=FALSE; /* must frame of the next function be aligned? */
int pc_docexpr=FALSE;   /* must expression be attached to documentation comment? */
int curseg    = 0;      /* 1 if currently parsing CODE, 2 if parsing DATA */
cell pc_stksize=sDEF_AMXSTACK;/* default stack size */
cell pc_amxlimit=0;     /* default abstract machine size limit = none */
cell pc_amxram=0;       /* default abstract machine data size limit = none */
int freading  = FALSE;  /* Is there an input file ready for reading? */
int fline     = 0;      /* the line number in the current file */
short fnumber = 0;      /* the file number in the file table (debugging) */
short fcurrent= 0;      /* current file being processed (debugging) */
short sc_intest=FALSE;  /* true if inside a test */
int sideeffect= 0;      /* true if an expression causes a side-effect */
int stmtindent= 0;      /* current indent of the statement */
int indent_nowarn=FALSE;/* skip warning "217 loose indentation" */
int sc_tabsize=8;       /* number of spaces that a TAB represents */
short sc_allowtags=TRUE;  /* allow/detect tagnames in lex() */
int sc_status;          /* read/write status */
int sc_err_status;
int sc_rationaltag=0;   /* tag for rational numbers */
int rational_digits=0;  /* number of fractional digits */
int sc_allowproccall=0; /* allow/detect tagnames in lex() */
short sc_is_utf8=FALSE; /* is this source file in UTF-8 encoding */
char *pc_deprecate=NULL;/* if non-null, mark next declaration as deprecated */
int sc_curstates=0;     /* ID of the current state list */
int pc_optimize=sOPTIMIZE_NOMACRO; /* (peephole) optimization level */
int pc_memflags=0;      /* special flags for the stack/heap usage */
int sc_showincludes=0;  /* show include files */
int sc_require_newdecls=0; /* Require new-style declarations */

constvalue sc_automaton_tab = { NULL, "", 0, 0}; /* automaton table */
constvalue sc_state_tab = { NULL, "", 0, 0};   /* state table */

void *inpf    = NULL;   /* file read from (source or include) */
void *inpf_org= NULL;   /* main source file */
void *outf    = NULL;   /* (intermediate) text file written to */

jmp_buf errbuf;

HashTable *sp_Globals = NULL;

#if !defined SC_LIGHT
  int sc_makereport=FALSE; /* generate a cross-reference report */

#if defined __WATCOMC__ && !defined NDEBUG
  /* Watcom's CVPACK dislikes .OBJ files without functions */
  static int dummyfunc(void)
    return 0;