/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod SDKTools Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id: tenatives.cpp 1566 2007-10-14 22:12:46Z faluco $ */ #include "extension.h" #include "output.h" ISourcePawnEngine *spengine = NULL; EntityOutputManager g_OutputManager; bool EntityOutputManager::CreateFireEventDetour() { if (!g_pGameConf->GetMemSig("FireOutput", &info_address) || !info_address) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Could not locate FireOutput - Disabling Entity Outputs"); return false; } if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("FireOutputBackup", (int *)&(info_restore.bytes))) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Could not locate FireOutputBackup - Disabling Entity Outputs"); return false; } /* First, save restore bits */ for (size_t i=0; i<info_restore.bytes; i++) { info_restore.patch[i] = ((unsigned char *)info_address)[i]; } info_callback = spengine->ExecAlloc(100); JitWriter wr; JitWriter *jit = ≀ wr.outbase = (jitcode_t)info_callback; wr.outptr = wr.outbase; /* Function we are detouring into is * * void FireEventDetour(CBaseEntityOutput(void *) *pOutput, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float fDelay = 0 ) */ /* push fDelay [esp+20h] * push pCaller [esp+1Ch] * push pActivator [esp+18h] * push pOutput [ecx] */ #if defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); /* variant_t doesnt do anything so i'll disable this bit */ //IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); //IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); //IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); //IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); //IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 32); IA32_Push_Reg(jit, REG_ECX); #elif defined PLATFORM_LINUX IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 20); IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 20); IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 20); // We miss the variant_t pointer IA32_Push_Rm_Disp8_ESP(jit, 16); #endif jitoffs_t call = IA32_Call_Imm32(jit, 0); IA32_Write_Jump32_Abs(jit, call, (void *)TempDetour); #if defined PLATFORM_LINUX IA32_Add_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, 4, MOD_REG); //add esp, 4 #elif defined PLATFORM_WINDOWS IA32_Pop_Reg(jit, REG_ECX); #endif IA32_Add_Rm_Imm8(jit, REG_ESP, 12, MOD_REG); //add esp, 12 (0Ch) /* Patch old bytes in */ for (size_t i=0; i<info_restore.bytes; i++) { jit->write_ubyte(info_restore.patch[i]); } /* Return to the original function */ call = IA32_Jump_Imm32(jit, 0); IA32_Write_Jump32_Abs(jit, call, (unsigned char *)info_address + info_restore.bytes); return true; } void EntityOutputManager::InitFireEventDetour() { if (!is_detoured) { DoGatePatch((unsigned char *)info_address, &info_callback); is_detoured = true; } } void EntityOutputManager::DeleteFireEventDetour() { if (is_detoured) { ShutdownFireEventDetour(); } if (info_callback) { /* Free the gate */ spengine->ExecFree(info_callback); info_callback = NULL; } } void TempDetour(void *pOutput, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float fDelay) { g_OutputManager.FireEventDetour(pOutput, pActivator, pCaller, fDelay); } void EntityOutputManager::ShutdownFireEventDetour() { if (info_callback) { /* Remove the patch */ ApplyPatch(info_address, 0, &info_restore, NULL); is_detoured = false; } } void EntityOutputManager::FireEventDetour(void *pOutput, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, float fDelay) { char sOutput[20]; Q_snprintf(sOutput, sizeof(sOutput), "%x", pOutput); // attempt to directly lookup a hook using the pOutput pointer OutputNameStruct *pOutputName = NULL; edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pCaller); /* TODO: Add support for entities without an edict */ if (pEdict == NULL) { return; } bool fastLookup = false; // Fast lookup failed - check the slow way for hooks that havn't fired yet if ((fastLookup = EntityOutputs->Retrieve(sOutput, (void **)&pOutputName)) == false) { const char *classname = pEdict->GetClassName(); const char *outputname = FindOutputName(pOutput, pCaller); pOutputName = FindOutputPointer(classname, outputname, false); if (!pOutputName) { return; } } if (!pOutputName->hooks.empty()) { if (!fastLookup) { // hook exists on this classname and output - map it into our quick find trie EntityOutputs->Insert(sOutput, pOutputName); } SourceHook::List<omg_hooks *>::iterator _iter; omg_hooks *hook; _iter = pOutputName->hooks.begin(); while (_iter != pOutputName->hooks.end()) { hook = (omg_hooks *)*_iter; hook->in_use = true; int serial = pEdict->m_NetworkSerialNumber; if (serial != hook->entity_filter && hook->entity_index == engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict)) { // same entity index but different serial number. Entity has changed, kill the hook. _iter = pOutputName->hooks.erase(_iter); CleanUpHook(hook); continue; } if (hook->entity_filter == -1 || hook->entity_filter == serial) // Global classname hook { /* Handle_t handle; if (Value.FieldType() == FIELD_VOID) { handle = 0; } else { varhandle_t *varhandle = new varhandle_t; memmove ((void *)&varhandle->crab, (void *)&Value, sizeof(variant_t)); handle = handlesys->CreateHandle(VariantHandle, (void *)varhandle, hook->pf->GetParentContext()->GetIdentity(), myself->GetIdentity(), NULL); } */ //fire the forward to hook->pf hook->pf->PushString(pOutputName->Name); hook->pf->PushCell(engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdict)); edict_t *pEdictActivator = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pActivator); if (!pEdictActivator) { hook->pf->PushCell(-1); } else { hook->pf->PushCell(engine->IndexOfEdict(pEdictActivator)); } //hook->pf->PushCell(handle); hook->pf->PushFloat(fDelay); hook->pf->Execute(NULL); if ((hook->entity_filter != -1) && hook->only_once) { _iter = pOutputName->hooks.erase(_iter); CleanUpHook(hook); continue; } if (hook->delete_me) { _iter = pOutputName->hooks.erase(_iter); CleanUpHook(hook); continue; } hook->in_use = false; _iter++; continue; } } } } omg_hooks *EntityOutputManager::NewHook() { omg_hooks *hook; if (FreeHooks.empty()) { hook = new omg_hooks; } else { hook = g_OutputManager.FreeHooks.front(); g_OutputManager.FreeHooks.pop(); } return hook; } void EntityOutputManager::OnHookAdded() { HookCount++; if (HookCount == 1) { // This is the first hook created InitFireEventDetour(); } } void EntityOutputManager::OnHookRemoved() { HookCount--; if (HookCount == 0) { //we need to check if we are inside a detour. easy. //if we are how do we ShutdownFireEventDetour(); } } void EntityOutputManager::CleanUpHook(omg_hooks *hook) { FreeHooks.push(hook); OnHookRemoved(); IPlugin *pPlugin = plsys->FindPluginByContext(hook->pf->GetParentContext()->GetContext()); SourceHook::List<omg_hooks *> *pList = NULL; if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("OutputHookList", (void **)&pList, false) || !pList) { return; } SourceHook::List<omg_hooks *>::iterator p_iter = pList->begin(); omg_hooks *pluginHook; while (p_iter != pList->end()) { pluginHook = (omg_hooks *)*p_iter; if (pluginHook == hook) { p_iter = pList->erase(p_iter); } else { p_iter++; } } } void EntityOutputManager::OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin) { SourceHook::List<omg_hooks *> *pList = NULL; if (plugin->GetProperty("OutputHookList", (void **)&pList, true)) { SourceHook::List<omg_hooks *>::iterator p_iter = pList->begin(); omg_hooks *hook; while (p_iter != pList->end()) { hook = (omg_hooks *)*p_iter; p_iter = pList->erase(p_iter); //remove from this plugins list hook->m_parent->hooks.remove(hook); // remove from the y's list FreeHooks.push(hook); //save the omg_hook OnHookRemoved(); } } } OutputNameStruct *EntityOutputManager::FindOutputPointer(const char *classname, const char *outputname, bool create) { ClassNameStruct *pClassname; if (!ClassNames->Retrieve(classname, (void **)&pClassname)) { if (create) { pClassname = new ClassNameStruct; ClassNames->Insert(classname, pClassname); } else { return NULL; } } OutputNameStruct *pOutputName; if (!pClassname->OutputList->Retrieve(outputname, (void **)&pOutputName)) { if (create) { pOutputName = new OutputNameStruct; pClassname->OutputList->Insert(outputname, pOutputName); strncpy(pOutputName->Name, outputname, sizeof(pOutputName->Name)); pOutputName->Name[49] = 0; } else { return NULL; } } return pOutputName; } // Iterate the datamap of pCaller and look for output pointers with the same address as pOutput const char *EntityOutputManager::FindOutputName(void *pOutput, CBaseEntity *pCaller) { datamap_t *pMap = gamehelpers->GetDataMap(pCaller); while (pMap) { for (int i=0; i<pMap->dataNumFields; i++) { if (pMap->dataDesc[i].flags & FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT) { if ((char *)pCaller + pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldOffset[0] == pOutput) { return pMap->dataDesc[i].externalName; } } } pMap = pMap->baseMap; } return NULL; } #if 0 // Almost identical copy of this function from cbase.cpp - FIELD_EHANDLE changed to remove dependencies const char *variant_t::ToString( void ) const { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(string_t) == sizeof(int) ); static char szBuf[512]; switch (fieldType) { case FIELD_STRING: { return(STRING(iszVal)); } case FIELD_BOOLEAN: { if (bVal == 0) { Q_strncpy(szBuf, "false",sizeof(szBuf)); } else { Q_strncpy(szBuf, "true",sizeof(szBuf)); } return(szBuf); } case FIELD_INTEGER: { Q_snprintf( szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "%i", iVal ); return(szBuf); } case FIELD_FLOAT: { Q_snprintf(szBuf,sizeof(szBuf), "%g", flVal); return(szBuf); } case FIELD_COLOR32: { Q_snprintf(szBuf,sizeof(szBuf), "%d %d %d %d", (int)rgbaVal.r, (int)rgbaVal.g, (int)rgbaVal.b, (int)rgbaVal.a); return(szBuf); } case FIELD_VECTOR: { Q_snprintf(szBuf,sizeof(szBuf), "[%g %g %g]", (double)vecVal[0], (double)vecVal[1], (double)vecVal[2]); return(szBuf); } case FIELD_VOID: { szBuf[0] = '\0'; return(szBuf); } case FIELD_EHANDLE: { CBaseHandle temp = eVal; const char *pszName = g_OutputManager.BaseHandleToEdict(temp)->GetClassName(); if (pszName == NULL) { Q_strncpy( szBuf, "<<null entity>>", 512 ); return (szBuf); } Q_strncpy( szBuf, pszName, 512 ); return (szBuf); } default: break; } return("No conversion to string"); } #endif // Thanks SM core edict_t *EntityOutputManager::BaseHandleToEdict(CBaseHandle &hndl) { if (!hndl.IsValid()) { return NULL; } int index = hndl.GetEntryIndex(); edict_t *pStoredEdict; pStoredEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(index); if (pStoredEdict == NULL) { return NULL; } IServerEntity *pSE = pStoredEdict->GetIServerEntity(); if (pSE == NULL) { return NULL; } if (pSE->GetRefEHandle() != hndl) { return NULL; } return pStoredEdict; }