/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #if defined _console_included #endinput #endif #define _console_included #define INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS (-1) /** * Console variable bound values used with Get/SetConVarBounds() */ enum ConVarBounds { ConVarBound_Upper = 0, ConVarBound_Lower }; /** * Console variable query helper values. */ enum QueryCookie { QUERYCOOKIE_FAILED = 0, }; /** * Reply sources for commands. */ enum ReplySource { SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE = 0, SM_REPLY_TO_CHAT = 1, }; /** * Console variable query result values. */ enum ConVarQueryResult { ConVarQuery_Okay = 0, /**< Retrieval of client convar value was successful. */ ConVarQuery_NotFound, /**< Client convar was not found. */ ConVarQuery_NotValid, /**< A console command with the same name was found, but there is no convar. */ ConVarQuery_Protected /**< Client convar was found, but it is protected. The server cannot retrieve its value. */ }; /** * @section Flags for console commands and console variables. The descriptions * for each constant come directly from the Source SDK. */ #define FCVAR_NONE 0 /**< The default, no flags at all */ #define FCVAR_UNREGISTERED (1<<0) /**< If this is set, don't add to linked list, etc. */ #define FCVAR_LAUNCHER (1<<1) /**< Defined by launcher. */ #define FCVAR_GAMEDLL (1<<2) /**< Defined by the game DLL. */ #define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL (1<<3) /**< Defined by the client DLL. */ #define FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM (1<<4) /**< Defined by the material system. */ #define FCVAR_PROTECTED (1<<5) /**< It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value. */ #define FCVAR_SPONLY (1<<6) /**< This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server. */ #define FCVAR_ARCHIVE (1<<7) /**< Set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc */ #define FCVAR_NOTIFY (1<<8) /**< Notifies players when changed. */ #define FCVAR_USERINFO (1<<9) /**< Changes the client's info string. */ #define FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY (1<<10) /**< This cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters (e.g., used for player name, etc.) */ #define FCVAR_UNLOGGED (1<<11) /**< If this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console if we are creating a log */ #define FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING (1<<12) /**< Never try to print that cvar. */ #define FCVAR_REPLICATED (1<<13) /**< Server setting enforced on clients. */ #define FCVAR_CHEAT (1<<14) /**< Only useable in singleplayer / debug / multiplayer & sv_cheats */ #define FCVAR_STUDIORENDER (1<<15) /**< Defined by the studiorender system. */ #define FCVAR_DEMO (1<<16) /**< Record this cvar when starting a demo file. */ #define FCVAR_DONTRECORD (1<<17) /**< Don't record these command in demo files. */ #define FCVAR_PLUGIN (1<<18) /**< Defined by a 3rd party plugin. */ #define FCVAR_DATACACHE (1<<19) /**< Defined by the datacache system. */ #define FCVAR_TOOLSYSTEM (1<<20) /**< Defined by an IToolSystem library */ #define FCVAR_FILESYSTEM (1<<21) /**< Defined by the file system. */ #define FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED (1<<22) /**< Cvar cannot be changed by a client that is connected to a server. */ #define FCVAR_SOUNDSYSTEM (1<<23) /**< Defined by the soundsystem library. */ #define FCVAR_ARCHIVE_XBOX (1<<24) /**< Cvar written to config.cfg on the Xbox. */ #define FCVAR_INPUTSYSTEM (1<<25) /**< Defined by the inputsystem DLL. */ #define FCVAR_NETWORKSYSTEM (1<<26) /**< Defined by the network system. */ #define FCVAR_VPHYSICS (1<<27) /**< Defined by vphysics. */ /** * @endsection */ /** * Executes a server command as if it were on the server console (or RCON) * * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn */ native ServerCommand(const String:format[], any:...); /** * Executes a server command as if it were on the server console (or RCON) * and stores the printed text into buffer. * * Warning: This calls ServerExecute internally and may have issues if * certain commands are in the buffer, only use when you really need * the response. * Also, on L4D2 this will not print the command output to the server console. * * @param buffer String to store command result into. * @param maxlen Length of buffer. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn */ native ServerCommandEx(String:buffer[], maxlen, const String:format[], any:...); /** * Inserts a server command at the beginning of the server command buffer. * * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn */ native InsertServerCommand(const String:format[], any:...); /** * Executes every command in the server's command buffer, rather than once per frame. * * @noreturn */ native ServerExecute(); /** * Executes a client command. Note that this will not work on clients unless * they have cl_restrict_server_commands set to 0. * * @param client Index of the client. * @param fmt Format of the client command. * @param ... Format parameters * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, or client not connected. */ native ClientCommand(client, const String:fmt[], any:...); /** * Executes a client command on the server without being networked. * * FakeClientCommand() overwrites the command tokenization buffer. This can * cause undesired effects because future calls to GetCmdArg* will return * data from the FakeClientCommand(), not the parent command. If you are in * a hook where this matters (for example, a "say" hook), you should use * FakeClientCommandEx() instead. * * @param client Index of the client. * @param fmt Format of the client command. * @param ... Format parameters * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, or client not connected. */ native FakeClientCommand(client, const String:fmt[], any:...); /** * Executes a client command on the server without being networked. The * execution of the client command is delayed by one frame to prevent any * re-entrancy issues that might surface with FakeClientCommand(). * * @param client Index of the client. * @param fmt Format of the client command. * @param ... Format parameters * @noreturn * @error Invalid client index, or client not connected. */ native FakeClientCommandEx(client, const String:fmt[], any:...); /** * Sends a message to the server console. * * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn */ native PrintToServer(const String:format[], any:...); /** * Sends a message to a client's console. * * @param client Client index. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn * @error If the client is not connected an error will be thrown. */ native PrintToConsole(client, const String:format[], any:...); /** * Reples to a message in a command. * * A client index of 0 will use PrintToServer(). * If the command was from the console, PrintToConsole() is used. * If the command was from chat, PrintToChat() is used. * * @param client Client index, or 0 for server. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn * @error If the client is not connected or invalid. */ native ReplyToCommand(client, const String:format[], any:...); /** * Returns the current reply source of a command. * * @return ReplySource value. */ native ReplySource:GetCmdReplySource(); /** * Sets the current reply source of a command. * * Only use this if you know what you are doing. You should save the old value * and restore it once you are done. * * @param source New ReplySource value. * @return Old ReplySource value. */ native ReplySource:SetCmdReplySource(ReplySource:source); /** * Returns whether the current say hook is a chat trigger. * * This function is only meaningful inside say or say_team hooks. * * @return True if a chat trigger, false otherwise. */ native bool:IsChatTrigger(); /** * Displays usage of an admin command to users depending on the * setting of the sm_show_activity cvar. All users receive a message * in their chat text, except for the originating client, who receives * the message based on the current ReplySource. * * @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server. * @param tag Tag to prepend to the message. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn * @error */ native ShowActivity2(client, const String:tag[], const String:format[], any:...); /** * Displays usage of an admin command to users depending on the * setting of the sm_show_activity cvar. * * This version does not display a message to the originating client * if used from chat triggers or menus. If manual replies are used * for these cases, then this function will suffice. Otherwise, * ShowActivity2() is slightly more useful. * * @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn * @error */ native ShowActivity(client, const String:format[], any:...); /** * Same as ShowActivity(), except the tag parameter is used instead of * "[SM] " (note that you must supply any spacing). * * @param client Client index doing the action, or 0 for server. * @param tag Tag to display with. * @param format Formatting rules. * @param ... Variable number of format parameters. * @noreturn * @error */ native ShowActivityEx(client, const String:tag[], const String:format[], any:...); /** * Given an originating client and a target client, returns the string * that describes the originating client according to the sm_show_activity cvar. * * For example, "ADMIN", "PLAYER", or a player's name could be placed in this buffer. * * @param client Originating client; may be 0 for server console. * @param target Targeted client. * @param namebuf Name buffer. * @param maxlength Maximum size of the name buffer. * @return True if activity should be shown. False otherwise. In either * case, the name buffer is filled. The return value can be used * to broadcast a "safe" name to all players regardless of the * sm_show_activity filters. * @error Invalid client index or client not connected. */ native FormatActivitySource(client, target, const String:namebuf[], maxlength); /** * Called when a server-only command is invoked. * * @param args Number of arguments that were in the argument string. * @return An Action value. Not handling the command * means that Source will report it as "not found." */ functag public Action:SrvCmd(args); /** * Creates a server-only console command, or hooks an already existing one. * * Server commands are case sensitive. * * @param cmd Name of the command to hook or create. * @param callback A function to use as a callback for when the command is invoked. * @param description Optional description to use for command creation. * @param flags Optional flags to use for command creation. * @noreturn * @error Command name is the same as an existing convar. */ native RegServerCmd(const String:cmd[], SrvCmd:callback, const String:description[]="", flags=0); /** * Called when a generic console command is invoked. * * @param client Index of the client, or 0 from the server. * @param args Number of arguments that were in the argument string. * @return An Action value. Not handling the command * means that Source will report it as "not found." */ functag public Action:ConCmd(client, args); /** * Creates a console command, or hooks an already existing one. * * Console commands are case sensitive. However, if the command already exists in the game, * a client may enter the command in any case. SourceMod corrects for this automatically, * and you should only hook the "real" version of the command. * * @param cmd Name of the command to hook or create. * @param callback A function to use as a callback for when the command is invoked. * @param description Optional description to use for command creation. * @param flags Optional flags to use for command creation. * @noreturn * @error Command name is the same as an existing convar. */ native RegConsoleCmd(const String:cmd[], ConCmd:callback, const String:description[]="", flags=0); /** * Creates a console command as an administrative command. If the command does not exist, * it is created. When this command is invoked, the access rights of the player are * automatically checked before allowing it to continue. * * Admin commands are case sensitive from both the client and server. * * @param cmd String containing command to register. * @param callback A function to use as a callback for when the command is invoked. * @param adminflags Administrative flags (bitstring) to use for permissions. * @param description Optional description to use for help. * @param group String containing the command group to use. If empty, * the plugin's filename will be used instead. * @param flags Optional console flags. * @noreturn * @error Command name is the same as an existing convar. */ native RegAdminCmd(const String:cmd[], ConCmd:callback, adminflags, const String:description[]="", const String:group[]="", flags=0); /** * Returns the number of arguments from the current console or server command. * @note Unlike the HL2 engine call, this does not include the command itself. * * @return Number of arguments to the current command. */ native GetCmdArgs(); /** * Retrieves a command argument given its index, from the current console or * server command. * @note Argument indexes start at 1; 0 retrieves the command name. * * @param argnum Argument number to retrieve. * @param buffer Buffer to use for storing the string. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @return Length of string written to buffer. */ native GetCmdArg(argnum, String:buffer[], maxlength); /** * Retrieves the entire command argument string in one lump from the current * console or server command. * * @param buffer Buffer to use for storing the string. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @return Length of string written to buffer. */ native GetCmdArgString(String:buffer[], maxlength); /** * Creates a new console variable. * * @param name Name of new convar. * @param defaultValue String containing the default value of new convar. * @param description Optional description of the convar. * @param flags Optional bitstring of flags determining how the convar should be handled. See FCVAR_* constants for more details. * @param hasMin Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a minimum value. * @param min Minimum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMin is true. * @param hasMax Optional boolean that determines if the convar has a maximum value. * @param max Maximum floating point value that the convar can have if hasMax is true. * @return A handle to the newly created convar. If the convar already exists, a handle to it will still be returned. * @error Convar name is blank or is the same as an existing console command. */ native Handle:CreateConVar(const String:name[], const String:defaultValue[], const String:description[]="", flags=0, bool:hasMin=false, Float:min=0.0, bool:hasMax=false, Float:max=0.0); /** * Searches for a console variable. * * @param name Name of convar to find. * @return A handle to the convar if it is found. INVALID_HANDLE otherwise. */ native Handle:FindConVar(const String:name[]); /** * Called when a console variable's value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar that was changed. * @param oldValue String containing the value of the convar before it was changed. * @param newValue String containing the new value of the convar. * @noreturn */ functag public ConVarChanged(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]); /** * Creates a hook for when a console variable's value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param callback An OnConVarChanged function pointer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle or invalid callback function. */ native HookConVarChange(Handle:convar, ConVarChanged:callback); /** * Removes a hook for when a console variable's value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param callback An OnConVarChanged function pointer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle, invalid callback function, or no active hook on convar. */ native UnhookConVarChange(Handle:convar, ConVarChanged:callback); /** * Returns the boolean value of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @return The boolean value of the convar. * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native bool:GetConVarBool(Handle:convar); /** * Sets the boolean value of a console variable. * * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value New boolean value. * @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag * and actually exists on clients. * @param notify If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarBool(Handle:convar, bool:value, bool:replicate=false, bool:notify=false); /** * Returns the integer value of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @return The integer value of the convar. * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native GetConVarInt(Handle:convar); /** * Sets the integer value of a console variable. * * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value New integer value. * @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag * and actually exists on clients. * @param notify If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarInt(Handle:convar, value, bool:replicate=false, bool:notify=false); /** * Returns the floating point value of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @return The floating point value of the convar. * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native Float:GetConVarFloat(Handle:convar); /** * Sets the floating point value of a console variable. * * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value New floating point value. * @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag * and actually exists on clients. * @param notify If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarFloat(Handle:convar, Float:value, bool:replicate=false, bool:notify=false); /** * Retrieves the string value of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value Buffer to store the value of the convar. * @param maxlength Maximum length of string buffer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native GetConVarString(Handle:convar, String:value[], maxlength); /** * Sets the string value of a console variable. * * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value New string value. * @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag * and actually exists on clients. * @param notify If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarString(Handle:convar, const String:value[], bool:replicate=false, bool:notify=false); /** * Resets the console variable to its default value. * * Note: The replicate and notify params are only relevant for the original, Dark Messiah, and * Episode 1 engines. Newer engines automatically do these things when the convar value is changed. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param replicate If set to true, the new convar value will be set on all clients. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_REPLICATED flag * and actually exists on clients. * @param notify If set to true, clients will be notified that the convar has changed. * This will only work if the convar has the FCVAR_NOTIFY flag. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native ResetConVar(Handle:convar, bool:replicate=false, bool:notify=false); /** * Retrieves the default string value of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param value Buffer to store the default value of the convar. * @param maxlength Maximum length of string buffer. * @return Number of bytes written to the buffer (UTF-8 safe). * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native GetConVarDefault(Handle:convar, String:value[], maxlength); /** * Returns the bitstring of flags on a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @return A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags that are enabled. * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native GetConVarFlags(Handle:convar); /** * Sets the bitstring of flags on a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param flags A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags to enable. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarFlags(Handle:convar, flags); /** * Retrieves the specified bound of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param type Type of bound to retrieve, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper. * @param value By-reference cell to store the specified floating point bound value. * @return True if the convar has the specified bound set, false otherwise. * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native bool:GetConVarBounds(Handle:convar, ConVarBounds:type, &Float:value); /** * Sets the specified bound of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param type Type of bound to set, ConVarBound_Lower or ConVarBound_Upper * @param set If set to true, convar will use specified bound. If false, bound will be removed. * @param value Floating point value to use as the specified bound. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native SetConVarBounds(Handle:convar, ConVarBounds:type, bool:set, Float:value=0.0); /** * Retrieves the name of a console variable. * * @param convar Handle to the convar. * @param name Buffer to store the name of the convar. * @param maxlength Maximum length of string buffer. * @noreturn * @error Invalid or corrupt Handle. */ native GetConVarName(Handle:convar, String:name[], maxlength); funcenum ConVarQueryFinished { /** * Called when a query to retrieve a client's console variable has finished. * * @param cookie Unique identifier of query. * @param client Player index. * @param result Result of query that tells one whether or not query was successful. * See ConVarQueryResult enum for more details. * @param convarName Name of client convar that was queried. * @param convarValue Value of client convar that was queried if successful. This will be "" if it was not. * @param value Value that was passed when query was started. * @noreturn */ public(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[], any:value), /** * Called when a query to retrieve a client's console variable has finished. * * @param cookie Unique identifier of query. * @param client Player index. * @param result Result of query that tells one whether or not query was successful. * See ConVarQueryResult enum for more details. * @param convarName Name of client convar that was queried. * @param convarValue Value of client convar that was queried if successful. This will be "" if it was not. * @noreturn */ public(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[]) }; /** * Starts a query to retrieve the value of a client's console variable. * * @param client Player index. * @param cvarName Name of client convar to query. * @param callback A function to use as a callback when the query has finished. * @param value Optional value to pass to the callback function. * @return A cookie that uniquely identifies the query. * Returns QUERYCOOKIE_FAILED on failure, such as when used on a bot. */ native QueryCookie:QueryClientConVar(client, const String:cvarName[], ConVarQueryFinished:callback, any:value=0); /** * Gets a command iterator. Must be freed with CloseHandle(). * * @return A new command iterator. */ native Handle:GetCommandIterator(); /** * Reads a command iterator, then advances to the next command if any. * Only SourceMod specific commands are returned. * * @param iter Command iterator Handle. * @param name Name buffer. * @param nameLen Name buffer size. * @param eflags Effective default flags of a command. * @param desc Command description buffer. * @param descLen Command description buffer size. * @return True on success, false if there are no more commands. */ native bool:ReadCommandIterator(Handle:iter, String:name[], nameLen, &eflags=0, String:desc[]="", descLen=0); /** * Returns whether a client has access to a given command string. The string * can be any override string, as overrides can be independent of * commands. This feature essentially allows you to create custom * flags using the override system. * * @param client Client index. * @param command Command name. If the command is not found, the default * flags are used. * @param flags Flag string to use as a default, if the command or override * is not found. * @param override_only If true, SourceMod will not attempt to find a matching * command, and it will only use the default flags specified. * Otherwise, SourceMod will ignore the default flags if * there is a matching admin command. * @return True if the client has access, false otherwise. */ native bool:CheckCommandAccess(client, const String:command[], flags, bool:override_only=false); /** * Returns whether an admin has access to a given command string. The string * can be any override string, as overrides can be independent of * commands. This feature essentially allows you to create custom flags * using the override system. * * @param id AdminId of the admin. * @param command Command name. If the command is not found, the default * flags are used. * @param flags Flag string to use as a default, if the command or override * is not found. * @param override_only If true, SourceMod will not attempt to find a matching * command, and it will only use the default flags specified. * Otherwise, SourceMod will ignore the default flags if * there is a matching admin command. * @return True if the admin has access, false otherwise. */ native bool:CheckAccess(AdminId:id, const String:command[], flags, bool:override_only=false); /** * Returns true if the supplied character is valid in a ConVar name. * * @param c Character to validate. * @return True is valid for ConVars, false otherwise */ stock bool:IsValidConVarChar(c) { return (c == '_' || IsCharAlpha(c) || IsCharNumeric(c)); } /** * Returns the bitstring of flags of a command. * * @param name Name of the command. * @return A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags that are enabled * or INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS if command not found. */ native GetCommandFlags(const String:name[]); /** * Sets the bitstring of flags of a command. * * @param name Name of the command. * @param flags A bitstring containing the FCVAR_* flags to enable. * @return True on success, otherwise false. */ native bool:SetCommandFlags(const String:name[], flags); /** * Starts a ConCommandBase search, traversing the list of ConVars and * ConCommands. If a Handle is returned, the next entry must be read * via FindNextConCommand(). The order of the list is undefined. * * @param buffer Buffer to store entry name. * @param max_size Maximum size of the buffer. * @param isCommand Variable to store whether the entry is a command. * If it is not a command, it is a ConVar. * @param flags Variable to store entry flags. * @param description Buffer to store the description, empty if no description present. * @param descrmax_size Maximum size of the description buffer. * @return On success, a ConCmdIter Handle is returned, which * can be read via FindNextConCommand(), and must be * closed via CloseHandle(). Additionally, the output * parameters will be filled with information of the * first ConCommandBase entry. * On failure, INVALID_HANDLE is returned, and the * contents of outputs is undefined. */ native Handle:FindFirstConCommand(String:buffer[], max_size, &bool:isCommand, &flags=0, String:description[]="", descrmax_size=0); /** * Reads the next entry in a ConCommandBase iterator. * * @param search ConCmdIter Handle to search. * @param buffer Buffer to store entry name. * @param max_size Maximum size of the buffer. * @param isCommand Variable to store whether the entry is a command. * If it is not a command, it is a ConVar. * @param flags Variable to store entry flags. * @param description Buffer to store the description, empty if no description present. * @param descrmax_size Maximum size of the description buffer. * @return On success, the outputs are filled, the iterator is * advanced to the next entry, and true is returned. * If no more entries exist, false is returned, and the * contents of outputs is undefined. */ native bool:FindNextConCommand(Handle:search, String:buffer[], max_size, &bool:isCommand, &flags=0, String:description[]="", descrmax_size=0); /** * Replicates a convar value to a specific client. This does not change the actual convar value. * * @param client Client index * @param convar ConVar handle * @param value String value to send * @return True on success, false on failure * @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or client is fake */ native bool:SendConVarValue(client, Handle:convar, const String:value[]); /** * Adds an informational string to the server's public "tags". * This string should be a short, unique identifier. * * Note: Tags are automatically removed when a plugin unloads. * Note: Currently, this function does nothing because of bugs in the Valve master. * * @param tag Tag string to append. * @noreturn */ native AddServerTag(const String:tag[]); /** * Removes a tag previously added by the calling plugin. * * @param tag Tag string to remove. * @noreturn */ native RemoveServerTag(const String:tag[]); /** * Callback for command listeners. This is invoked whenever any command * reaches the server, from the server console itself or a player. * * Clients may be in the process of connecting when they are executing commands * IsClientConnected(client) is not guaranteed to return true. Other functions * such as GetClientIP() may not work at this point either. * * Returning Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop will prevent the original, * baseline code from running. * * -- TEXT BELOW IS IMPLEMENTATION, AND NOT GUARANTEED -- * Even if returning Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop, some callbacks will still * trigger. These are: * * C++ command dispatch hooks from Metamod:Source plugins * * Reg*Cmd() hooks that did not create new commands. * * @param client Client, or 0 for server. * Client may not be connected or in game. * @param command Command name, lower case. To get name as typed, use * GetCmdArg() and specify argument 0. * @param argc Argument count. * @return Action to take (see extended notes above). */ functag public Action:CommandListener(client, const String:command[], argc); #define FEATURECAP_COMMANDLISTENER "command listener" /** * Adds a callback that will fire when a command is sent to the server. * * Registering commands is designed to create a new command as part of the UI, * whereas this is a lightweight hook on a command string, existing or not. * Using Reg*Cmd to intercept is in poor practice, as it physically creates a * new command and can slow down dispatch in general. * * To see if this feature is available, use FeatureType_Capability and * FEATURECAP_COMMANDLISTENER. * * @param callback Callback. * @param command Command, or if not specified, a global listener. * The command is case insensitive. * @return True if this feature is available on the current game, * false otherwise. */ native bool:AddCommandListener(CommandListener:callback, const String:command[]=""); /** * Removes a previously added command listener, in reverse order of being added. * * @param callback Callback. * @param command Command, or if not specified, a global listener. * The command is case insensitive. * @error Callback has no active listeners. */ native RemoveCommandListener(CommandListener:callback, const String:command[]=""); /** * Global listener for the chat commands. * * @param client Client index. * @param command Command name. * @param sArgs Chat argument string. * * @return An Action value. Returning Plugin_Handled bypasses the game function call. Returning Plugin_Stop bypasses the post hook as well as the game function. */ forward Action:OnClientSayCommand(client, const String:command[], const String:sArgs[]); /** * Global post listener for the chat commands. * * @param client Client index. * @param command Command name. * @param sArgs Chat argument string. * */ forward OnClientSayCommand_Post(client, const String:command[], const String:sArgs[]);