/** * vim: set ts=4 : * =============================================================== * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * =============================================================== * * This file is not open source and may not be copied without explicit * written permission of AlliedModders LLC. This file may not be redistributed * in whole or significant part. * For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <time.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "MenuManager.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "MenuStyle_Valve.h" #include "ShareSys.h" #include "HandleSys.h" MenuManager g_Menus; /******************************* ******************************* ******** VOTE HANDLER ********* ******************************* *******************************/ unsigned int VoteMenuHandler::GetMenuAPIVersion2() { return m_pHandler->GetMenuAPIVersion2(); } bool VoteMenuHandler::IsVoteInProgress() { return (m_pCurMenu != NULL); } void VoteMenuHandler::InitializeVoting(IBaseMenu *menu) { m_Items = menu->GetItemCount(); if (m_Votes.size() < (size_t)m_Items) { /* Only clear the items we need to... */ size_t size = m_Votes.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) { m_Votes[i] = 0; } m_Votes.resize(m_Items, 0); } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Items; i++) { m_Votes[i] = 0; } } m_pCurMenu = menu; m_pHandler->OnMenuStart(m_pCurMenu); } void VoteMenuHandler::StartVoting() { m_bStarted = true; m_pHandler->OnMenuVoteStart(m_pCurMenu); /* By now we know how many clients were set. * If there are none, we should end IMMEDIATELY. */ if (m_Clients == 0) { EndVoting(); } } void VoteMenuHandler::DecrementPlayerCount() { assert(m_Clients > 0); m_Clients--; if (m_bStarted && m_Clients == 0) { EndVoting(); } } void VoteMenuHandler::EndVoting() { if (m_bCancelled) { /* If we were cancelled, don't bother tabulating anything. * Reset just in case someone tries to redraw, which means * we need to save our states. */ IBaseMenu *menu = m_pCurMenu; InternalReset(); m_pHandler->OnMenuVoteCancel(menu); m_pHandler->OnMenuEnd(menu); return; } unsigned int chosen = 0; unsigned int highest = 0; unsigned int dup_count = 0; /* If we got zero votes, take a shortcut. */ if (m_NumVotes == 0) { /* Pick a random item and then jump far, far away. */ srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL))); chosen = (unsigned int)rand() % m_Items; goto picked_item; } /* We can't have more dups than this! * This is the max number of players. */ unsigned int dup_array[256]; for (size_t i=1; i<m_Items; i++) { if (m_Votes[i] > m_Votes[highest]) { /* If we have a new highest count, mark it and trash the duplicate * list by setting the total to 0. */ highest = i; dup_count = 0; } else if (m_Votes[i] == m_Votes[highest]) { /* If they're equal, mark it in the duplicate list. * We'll add in the original later. */ dup_array[dup_count++] = i; } } /* Check if we need to pick from the duplicate list */ if (dup_count) { /* Re-add the original to the list because it's not in there. */ dup_array[dup_count++] = highest; /* Pick a random slot. */ srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL))); unsigned int r = (unsigned int)rand() % dup_count; /* Pick the item. */ chosen = dup_array[r]; } else { chosen = highest; } picked_item: m_pHandler->OnMenuVoteEnd(m_pCurMenu, chosen); m_pHandler->OnMenuEnd(m_pCurMenu); InternalReset(); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuStart(IBaseMenu *menu) { m_Clients++; } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuEnd(IBaseMenu *menu) { DecrementPlayerCount(); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuCancel(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, MenuCancelReason reason) { m_pHandler->OnMenuCancel(menu, client, reason); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuDisplay(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, IMenuPanel *display) { m_pHandler->OnMenuDisplay(menu, client, display); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuDisplayItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, const char **display) { m_pHandler->OnMenuDisplayItem(menu, client, item, display); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuDrawItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, unsigned int &style) { m_pHandler->OnMenuDrawItem(menu, client, item, style); } void VoteMenuHandler::OnMenuSelect(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item) { /* Check by our item count, NOT the vote array size */ if (item < m_Items) { m_Votes[item]++; m_NumVotes++; } m_pHandler->OnMenuSelect(menu, client, item); } void VoteMenuHandler::Reset(IMenuHandler *mh) { m_pHandler = mh; InternalReset(); } void VoteMenuHandler::InternalReset() { m_Clients = 0; m_Items = 0; m_bStarted = false; m_pCurMenu = NULL; m_NumVotes = 0; m_bCancelled = false; } void VoteMenuHandler::CancelVoting() { m_bCancelled = true; } /******************************* ******************************* ******** MENU MANAGER ********* ******************************* *******************************/ MenuManager::MenuManager() { m_Styles.push_back(&g_ValveMenuStyle); SetDefaultStyle(&g_ValveMenuStyle); } void MenuManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { g_ShareSys.AddInterface(NULL, this); HandleAccess access; g_HandleSys.InitAccessDefaults(NULL, &access); /* Deny cloning to menus */ access.access[HandleAccess_Clone] = HANDLE_RESTRICT_OWNER|HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY; m_MenuType = g_HandleSys.CreateType("IBaseMenu", this, 0, NULL, &access, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); /* Also deny deletion to styles */ access.access[HandleAccess_Delete] = HANDLE_RESTRICT_OWNER|HANDLE_RESTRICT_IDENTITY; m_StyleType = g_HandleSys.CreateType("IMenuStyle", this, 0, NULL, &access, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } void MenuManager::OnSourceModAllShutdown() { g_HandleSys.RemoveType(m_MenuType, g_pCoreIdent); g_HandleSys.RemoveType(m_StyleType, g_pCoreIdent); while (!m_VoteHandlers.empty()) { delete m_VoteHandlers.front(); m_VoteHandlers.pop(); } } void MenuManager::OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object) { if (type == m_MenuType) { IBaseMenu *menu = (IBaseMenu *)object; menu->Destroy(false); } else if (type == m_StyleType) { /* Do nothing */ } } Handle_t MenuManager::CreateMenuHandle(IBaseMenu *menu, IdentityToken_t *pOwner) { if (m_MenuType == NO_HANDLE_TYPE) { return BAD_HANDLE; } return g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(m_MenuType, menu, pOwner, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } Handle_t MenuManager::CreateStyleHandle(IMenuStyle *style) { if (m_StyleType == NO_HANDLE_TYPE) { return BAD_HANDLE; } return g_HandleSys.CreateHandle(m_StyleType, style, g_pCoreIdent, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } HandleError MenuManager::ReadMenuHandle(Handle_t handle, IBaseMenu **menu) { HandleSecurity sec; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; sec.pOwner = NULL; return g_HandleSys.ReadHandle(handle, m_MenuType, &sec, (void **)menu); } HandleError MenuManager::ReadStyleHandle(Handle_t handle, IMenuStyle **style) { HandleSecurity sec; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; sec.pOwner = g_pCoreIdent; return g_HandleSys.ReadHandle(handle, m_StyleType, &sec, (void **)style); } bool MenuManager::SetDefaultStyle(IMenuStyle *style) { if (!style) { return false; } m_pDefaultStyle = style; return true; } IMenuStyle *MenuManager::GetStyle(unsigned int index) { if (index >= GetStyleCount()) { return NULL; } return m_Styles[index]; } void MenuManager::AddStyle(IMenuStyle *style) { m_Styles.push_back(style); } unsigned int MenuManager::GetStyleCount() { return (unsigned int)m_Styles.size(); } IMenuStyle *MenuManager::FindStyleByName(const char *name) { unsigned int count = GetStyleCount(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) { IMenuStyle *ptr = GetStyle(i); if (strcasecmp(ptr->GetStyleName(), name) == 0) { return ptr; } } return NULL; } inline bool IsSlotItem(IMenuPanel *display, unsigned int style) { if (!display->CanDrawItem(style)) { return false; } if ((style & ITEMDRAW_IGNORE) == ITEMDRAW_IGNORE) { return false; } if (style & ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE) { return false; } return true; } IMenuPanel *MenuManager::RenderMenu(int client, menu_states_t &md, ItemOrder order) { IBaseMenu *menu = md.menu; if (!menu) { return NULL; } struct { unsigned int position; ItemDrawInfo draw; } drawItems[10]; /* Figure out how many items to draw */ IMenuStyle *style = menu->GetDrawStyle(); unsigned int pgn = menu->GetPagination(); unsigned int maxItems = style->GetMaxPageItems(); if (pgn != MENU_NO_PAGINATION) { maxItems = pgn; } unsigned int totalItems = menu->GetItemCount(); unsigned int startItem = 0; /* For pagination, find the starting point. */ if (pgn != MENU_NO_PAGINATION) { if (order == ItemOrder_Ascending) { startItem = md.lastItem; /* This shouldn't happen with well-coded menus. * If the item is out of bounds, switch the order to * Items_Descending and make us start from the top. */ if (startItem >= totalItems) { startItem = totalItems - 1; order = ItemOrder_Descending; } } else if (order == ItemOrder_Descending) { startItem = md.firstItem; /* This shouldn't happen with well-coded menus. * If searching backwards doesn't give us enough room, * start from the beginning and change to ascending. */ if (startItem <= maxItems) { startItem = 0; order = ItemOrder_Ascending; } } } /* Get our Display pointer and initialize some crap */ IMenuPanel *display = menu->CreatePanel(); IMenuHandler *mh = md.mh; bool foundExtra = false; unsigned int extraItem = 0; /** * We keep searching until: * 1) There are no more items * 2) We reach one OVER the maximum number of slot items * 3) We have reached maxItems and pagination is MENU_NO_PAGINATION */ unsigned int i = startItem; unsigned int foundItems = 0; while (true) { ItemDrawInfo &dr = drawItems[foundItems].draw; /* Is the item valid? */ if (menu->GetItemInfo(i, &dr) != NULL) { /* Ask the user to change the style, if necessary */ mh->OnMenuDrawItem(menu, client, i, dr.style); /* Check if it's renderable */ if (IsSlotItem(display, dr.style)) { /* If we've already found the max number of items, * This means we should just cancel out and log our * "last item." */ if (foundItems >= maxItems) { foundExtra = true; extraItem = i; break; } drawItems[foundItems++].position = i; } } /* If there's no pagination, stop once the menu is full. */ if (pgn == MENU_NO_PAGINATION) { /* If we've filled up, then stop */ if (foundItems >= maxItems) { break; } } /* If we're descending and this is the first item, stop */ if (order == ItemOrder_Descending) { if (i == 0) { break; } i--; } /* If we're ascending and this is the last item, stop */ else if (order == ItemOrder_Ascending) { if (i >= totalItems - 1) { break; } i++; } } /* There were no items to draw! */ if (!foundItems) { display->DeleteThis(); return NULL; } /* Check initial buttons */ bool displayPrev = false; bool displayNext = false; if (foundExtra) { if (order == ItemOrder_Descending) { displayPrev = true; md.firstItem = extraItem; } else if (order == ItemOrder_Ascending) { displayNext = true; md.lastItem = extraItem; } } /** * If we're paginated, we have to find if there is another page. * Sadly, the only way to do this is to try drawing more items! */ if (pgn != MENU_NO_PAGINATION) { unsigned int lastItem = 0; ItemDrawInfo dr; /* Find the last feasible item to search from. */ if (order == ItemOrder_Descending) { lastItem = drawItems[0].position; if (lastItem >= totalItems - 1) { goto skip_search; } while (++lastItem < totalItems) { if (menu->GetItemInfo(lastItem, &dr) != NULL) { mh->OnMenuDrawItem(menu, client, lastItem, dr.style); if (IsSlotItem(display, dr.style)) { displayNext = true; md.lastItem = lastItem; break; } } } } else if (order == ItemOrder_Ascending) { lastItem = drawItems[0].position; if (lastItem == 0) { goto skip_search; } lastItem--; while (lastItem-- != 0) { if (menu->GetItemInfo(lastItem, &dr) != NULL) { mh->OnMenuDrawItem(menu, client, lastItem, dr.style); if (IsSlotItem(display, dr.style)) { displayPrev = true; md.firstItem = lastItem; break; } } } } } skip_search: /* Draw the item according to the order */ menu_slots_t *slots = md.slots; unsigned int position = 0; /* Keep track of the last position */ if (order == ItemOrder_Ascending) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<foundItems; i++) { ItemDrawInfo &dr = drawItems[i].draw; menu->GetItemInfo(drawItems[i].position, &dr); mh->OnMenuDisplayItem(menu, client, drawItems[i].position, &(dr.display)); if ((position = display->DrawItem(dr)) != 0) { slots[position].item = drawItems[i].position; slots[position].type = ItemSel_Item; } } } else if (order == ItemOrder_Descending) { unsigned int i = foundItems; /* NOTE: There will always be at least one item because * of the check earlier. */ while (i--) { ItemDrawInfo &dr = drawItems[i].draw; menu->GetItemInfo(drawItems[i].position, &dr); mh->OnMenuDisplayItem(menu, client, drawItems[i].position, &(dr.display)); if ((position = display->DrawItem(dr)) != 0) { slots[position].item = drawItems[i].position; slots[position].type = ItemSel_Item; } } } /* Now, we need to check if we need to add anything extra */ if (pgn != MENU_NO_PAGINATION) { bool canDrawDisabled = display->CanDrawItem(ITEMDRAW_DISABLED|ITEMDRAW_CONTROL); bool exitButton = menu->GetExitButton(); char text[50]; /* Calculate how many items we are allowed for control stuff */ unsigned int padding = style->GetMaxPageItems() - maxItems; /* Add the number of available slots */ padding += (maxItems - foundItems); /* Someday, if we are able to re-enable this, we will be very lucky men. */ #if 0 if (!style->FeatureExists(MenuStyleFeature_ImplicitExit)) { #endif /* Even if we don't draw an exit button, we invalidate the slot. */ padding--; #if 0 } else { /* Otherwise, we don't draw anything and leave the slot available */ exitButton = false; } #endif /* Subtract two slots for the displayNext/displayPrev padding */ padding -= 2; /** * We allow next/prev to be undrawn if neither exists. * Thus, we only need padding if one of them will be drawn, * or the exit button will be drawn. */ ItemDrawInfo padItem(NULL, ITEMDRAW_SPACER); if (exitButton || (displayNext || displayPrev)) { /* If there are no control options, * Instead just pad with invisible slots. */ if (!displayPrev && !displayPrev) { padItem.style = ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT; } /* Add spacers so we can pad to the end */ for (unsigned int i=0; i<padding; i++) { position = display->DrawItem(padItem); slots[position].type = ItemSel_None; } } /* Put a fake spacer before control stuff, if possible */ if ((displayPrev || displayNext) || exitButton) { ItemDrawInfo draw("", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE|ITEMDRAW_SPACER); display->DrawItem(draw); } ItemDrawInfo dr(text, 0); /** * If we have one or the other, we need to have spacers for both. */ if (displayPrev || displayNext) { /* PREVIOUS */ ItemDrawInfo padCtrlItem(NULL, ITEMDRAW_SPACER|ITEMDRAW_CONTROL); if (displayPrev || canDrawDisabled) { CorePlayerTranslate(client, text, sizeof(text), "Back", NULL); dr.style = (displayPrev ? 0 : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)|ITEMDRAW_CONTROL; position = display->DrawItem(dr); slots[position].type = ItemSel_Back; } else if (displayNext || exitButton) { /* If we can't display this, and there is an exit button, * we need to pad! */ position = display->DrawItem(padCtrlItem); slots[position].type = ItemSel_None; } /* NEXT */ if (displayNext || canDrawDisabled) { CorePlayerTranslate(client, text, sizeof(text), "Next", NULL); dr.style = (displayNext ? 0 : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED)|ITEMDRAW_CONTROL; position = display->DrawItem(dr); slots[position].type = ItemSel_Next; } else if (exitButton) { /* If we can't display this, * but there is an "exit" button, we need to pad! */ position = display->DrawItem(padCtrlItem); slots[position].type = ItemSel_None; } } else { /* Otherwise, bump to two slots! */ ItemDrawInfo numBump(NULL, ITEMDRAW_NOTEXT); position = display->DrawItem(numBump); slots[position].type = ItemSel_None; position = display->DrawItem(numBump); slots[position].type = ItemSel_None; } /* EXIT */ if (exitButton) { CorePlayerTranslate(client, text, sizeof(text), "Exit", NULL); dr.style = ITEMDRAW_CONTROL; position = display->DrawItem(dr); slots[position].type = ItemSel_Exit; } } /* Lastly, fill in any slots we could have missed */ for (unsigned int i = position + 1; i < 10; i++) { slots[i].type = ItemSel_None; } /* Do title stuff */ mh->OnMenuDisplay(menu, client, display); display->DrawTitle(menu->GetDefaultTitle(), true); return display; } IMenuStyle *MenuManager::GetDefaultStyle() { return m_pDefaultStyle; } IVoteMenuHandler *MenuManager::CreateVoteWrapper(IMenuHandler *mh) { VoteMenuHandler *vh = NULL; if (m_VoteHandlers.empty()) { vh = new VoteMenuHandler; } else { vh = m_VoteHandlers.front(); m_VoteHandlers.pop(); } vh->Reset(mh); return vh; } void MenuManager::ReleaseVoteWrapper(IVoteMenuHandler *mh) { if (mh == NULL) { return; } m_VoteHandlers.push((VoteMenuHandler *)mh); }