#include public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Forward Testing Lab #1", author = "AlliedModders LLC", description = "Tests suite #1 for forwards created by plugins", version = "", url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/" }; new Handle:g_GlobalFwd = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_PrivateFwd = INVALID_HANDLE; public OnPluginStart() { RegServerCmd("test_create_gforward", Command_CreateGlobalForward); RegServerCmd("test_create_pforward", Command_CreatePrivateForward); RegServerCmd("test_exec_gforward", Command_ExecGlobalForward); RegServerCmd("test_exec_pforward", Command_ExecPrivateForward); } public OnPluginEnd() { CloseHandle(g_GlobalFwd); CloseHandle(g_PrivateFwd); } public Action:Command_CreateGlobalForward(args) { if (g_GlobalFwd != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(g_GlobalFwd); } g_GlobalFwd = CreateGlobalForward("OnGlobalForward", ET_Ignore, Param_Any, Param_Cell, Param_Float, Param_String, Param_Array, Param_CellByRef, Param_FloatByRef); if (g_GlobalFwd == INVALID_HANDLE) { PrintToServer("Failed to create global forward!"); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_CreatePrivateForward(args) { new Handle:pl; new Function:func; if (g_PrivateFwd != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(g_PrivateFwd); } g_PrivateFwd = CreateForward(ET_Hook, Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_VarArgs); if (g_PrivateFwd == INVALID_HANDLE) { PrintToServer("Failed to create private forward!") } pl = FindPluginByFile("fwdtest2.smx"); if (!pl) { PrintToServer("Could not find fwdtest2.smx!"); return Plugin_Handled; } func = GetFunctionByName(pl, "OnPrivateForward"); /* This shouldn't happen, but oh well */ if (func == INVALID_FUNCTION) { PrintToServer("Could not find \"OnPrivateForward\" in fwdtest2.smx!"); return Plugin_Handled; } if (!AddToForward(g_PrivateFwd, pl, func) || !AddToForward(g_PrivateFwd, GetMyHandle(), ZohMyGod)) { PrintToServer("Failed to add functions to private forward!"); return Plugin_Handled; } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_ExecGlobalForward(args) { new a = 99; new Float:b = 4.215; new err, ret; if (g_GlobalFwd == INVALID_HANDLE) { PrintToServer("Failed to execute global forward. Create it first."); return Plugin_Handled; } PrintToServer("Beginning call to %d functions in global forward \"OnGlobalForward\"", GetForwardFunctionCount(g_GlobalFwd)); Call_StartForward(g_GlobalFwd); Call_PushCell(OnPluginStart); Call_PushCell(7); Call_PushFloat(-8.5); Call_PushString("Anata wa doko desu ka?"); Call_PushArray({0.0, 1.1, 2.2}, 3); Call_PushCellRef(a); Call_PushFloatRef(b); err = Call_Finish(ret); PrintToServer("Call to global forward \"OnGlobalForward\" completed"); PrintToServer("Error code = %d (expected: %d)", err, 0); PrintToServer("Return value = %d (expected: %d)", ret, Plugin_Continue); PrintToServer("a = %d (expected: %d)", a, 777); PrintToServer("b = %f (expected: %f)", b, -0.782); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:Command_ExecPrivateForward(args) { new err, ret; if (g_PrivateFwd == INVALID_HANDLE) { PrintToServer("Failed to execute private forward. Create it first."); return Plugin_Handled; } PrintToServer("Beginning call to %d functions in private forward", GetForwardFunctionCount(g_PrivateFwd)); Call_StartForward(g_PrivateFwd); Call_PushCell(24); Call_PushString("I am a format string: %d %d %d %d %d %d"); Call_PushCell(0); Call_PushCell(1); Call_PushCell(2); Call_PushCell(3); Call_PushCell(4); Call_PushCell(5); err = Call_Finish(ret); PrintToServer("Call to private forward completed"); PrintToServer("Error code = %d (expected: %d)", err, 0); PrintToServer("Return value = %d (expected: %d)", ret, Plugin_Handled); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:ZohMyGod(num, const String:format[], ...) { decl String:buffer[128]; PrintToServer("Inside private forward #1"); PrintToServer("num = %d (expected: %d)", num, 24); VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 3); PrintToServer("buffer = \"%s\" (expected: \"%s\")", buffer, "I am a format string: 0 1 2 3 4 5"); PrintToServer("End private forward #1"); return Plugin_Continue; }