/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourcePawn * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include "sp_vm_api.h" #include "sp_vm_basecontext.h" #include "sp_vm_engine.h" #include "x86/jit_x86.h" using namespace SourcePawn; #define CELLBOUNDMAX (INT_MAX/sizeof(cell_t)) #define STACKMARGIN ((cell_t)(16*sizeof(cell_t))) BaseContext::BaseContext(BaseRuntime *pRuntime) { m_pRuntime = pRuntime; m_pPlugin = m_pRuntime->m_pPlugin; m_InExec = false; m_CustomMsg = false; m_pNullVec = NULL; m_pNullString = NULL; } BaseContext::~BaseContext() { } IVirtualMachine *BaseContext::GetVirtualMachine() { return NULL; } sp_context_t *BaseContext::GetContext() { return &m_ctx; } bool BaseContext::IsDebugging() { return m_pRuntime->IsDebugging(); } int BaseContext::SetDebugBreak(void *newpfn, void *oldpfn) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } IPluginDebugInfo *BaseContext::GetDebugInfo() { return NULL; } int BaseContext::Execute(uint32_t code_addr, cell_t *result) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } void BaseContext::SetErrorMessage(const char *msg, va_list ap) { m_CustomMsg = true; vsnprintf(m_MsgCache, sizeof(m_MsgCache), msg, ap); } void BaseContext::_SetErrorMessage(const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); SetErrorMessage(msg, ap); va_end(ap); } cell_t BaseContext::ThrowNativeErrorEx(int error, const char *msg, ...) { if (!m_InExec) { return 0; } m_ctx.n_err = error; if (msg) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); SetErrorMessage(msg, ap); va_end(ap); } return 0; } cell_t BaseContext::ThrowNativeError(const char *msg, ...) { if (!m_InExec) { return 0; } m_ctx.n_err = SP_ERROR_NATIVE; if (msg) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); SetErrorMessage(msg, ap); va_end(ap); } return 0; } int BaseContext::HeapAlloc(unsigned int cells, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) { cell_t *addr; ucell_t realmem; #if 0 if (cells > CELLBOUNDMAX) { return SP_ERROR_ARAM; } #else assert(cells < CELLBOUNDMAX); #endif realmem = cells * sizeof(cell_t); /** * Check if the space between the heap and stack is sufficient. */ if ((cell_t)(m_ctx.sp - m_ctx.hp - realmem) < STACKMARGIN) { return SP_ERROR_HEAPLOW; } addr = (cell_t *)(m_pPlugin->memory + m_ctx.hp); /* store size of allocation in cells */ *addr = (cell_t)cells; addr++; m_ctx.hp += sizeof(cell_t); *local_addr = m_ctx.hp; if (phys_addr) { *phys_addr = addr; } m_ctx.hp += realmem; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseContext::HeapPop(cell_t local_addr) { cell_t cellcount; cell_t *addr; /* check the bounds of this address */ local_addr -= sizeof(cell_t); if (local_addr < (cell_t)m_pPlugin->data_size || local_addr >= m_ctx.sp) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } addr = (cell_t *)(m_pPlugin->memory + local_addr); cellcount = (*addr) * sizeof(cell_t); /* check if this memory count looks valid */ if ((signed)(m_ctx.hp - cellcount - sizeof(cell_t)) != local_addr) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } m_ctx.hp = local_addr; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseContext::HeapRelease(cell_t local_addr) { if (local_addr < (cell_t)m_pPlugin->data_size) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } m_ctx.hp = local_addr - sizeof(cell_t); return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseContext::FindNativeByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { return m_pRuntime->FindNativeByName(name, index); } int BaseContext::GetNativeByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_native_t **native) { return m_pRuntime->GetNativeByIndex(index, native); } uint32_t BaseContext::GetNativesNum() { return m_pRuntime->GetNativesNum(); } int BaseContext::FindPublicByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { return m_pRuntime->FindPublicByName(name, index); } int BaseContext::GetPublicByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_public_t **pblic) { return m_pRuntime->GetPublicByIndex(index, pblic); } uint32_t BaseContext::GetPublicsNum() { return m_pRuntime->GetPublicsNum(); } int BaseContext::GetPubvarByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_pubvar_t **pubvar) { return m_pRuntime->GetPubvarByIndex(index, pubvar); } int BaseContext::FindPubvarByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) { return m_pRuntime->FindPublicByName(name, index); } int BaseContext::GetPubvarAddrs(uint32_t index, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) { return m_pRuntime->GetPubvarAddrs(index, local_addr, phys_addr); } uint32_t BaseContext::GetPubVarsNum() { return m_pRuntime->GetPubVarsNum(); } int BaseContext::BindNatives(const sp_nativeinfo_t *natives, unsigned int num, int overwrite) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::BindNative(const sp_nativeinfo_t *native) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::BindNativeToIndex(uint32_t index, SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC func) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::BindNativeToAny(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC native) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::LocalToPhysAddr(cell_t local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) { if (((local_addr >= m_ctx.hp) && (local_addr < m_ctx.sp)) || (local_addr < 0) || ((ucell_t)local_addr >= m_pPlugin->mem_size)) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } if (phys_addr) { *phys_addr = (cell_t *)(m_pPlugin->memory + local_addr); } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseContext::PushCell(cell_t value) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::PushCellsFromArray(cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::PushCellArray(cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr, cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::LocalToString(cell_t local_addr, char **addr) { if (((local_addr >= m_ctx.hp) && (local_addr < m_ctx.sp)) || (local_addr < 0) || ((ucell_t)local_addr >= m_pPlugin->mem_size)) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } *addr = (char *)(m_pPlugin->memory + local_addr); return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int BaseContext::PushString(cell_t *local_addr, char **phys_addr, const char *string) { return SP_ERROR_ABORTED; } int BaseContext::StringToLocal(cell_t local_addr, size_t bytes, const char *source) { char *dest; size_t len; if (((local_addr >= m_ctx.hp) && (local_addr < m_ctx.sp)) || (local_addr < 0) || ((ucell_t)local_addr >= m_pPlugin->mem_size)) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } if (bytes == 0) { return SP_ERROR_NONE; } len = strlen(source); dest = (char *)(m_pPlugin->memory + local_addr); if (len >= bytes) { len = bytes - 1; } memmove(dest, source, len); dest[len] = '\0'; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } inline int __CheckValidChar(char *c) { int count; int bytecount = 0; for (count=1; (*c & 0xC0) == 0x80; count++) { c--; } switch (*c & 0xF0) { case 0xC0: case 0xD0: { bytecount = 2; break; } case 0xE0: { bytecount = 3; break; } case 0xF0: { bytecount = 4; break; } } if (bytecount != count) { return count; } return 0; } int BaseContext::StringToLocalUTF8(cell_t local_addr, size_t maxbytes, const char *source, size_t *wrtnbytes) { char *dest; size_t len; bool needtocheck = false; if (((local_addr >= m_ctx.hp) && (local_addr < m_ctx.sp)) || (local_addr < 0) || ((ucell_t)local_addr >= m_pPlugin->mem_size)) { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } if (maxbytes == 0) { return SP_ERROR_NONE; } len = strlen(source); dest = (char *)(m_pPlugin->memory + local_addr); if ((size_t)len >= maxbytes) { len = maxbytes - 1; needtocheck = true; } memmove(dest, source, len); if ((dest[len-1] & 1<<7) && needtocheck) { len -= __CheckValidChar(dest+len-1); } dest[len] = '\0'; if (wrtnbytes) { *wrtnbytes = len; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } IPluginFunction *BaseContext::GetFunctionById(funcid_t func_id) { return m_pRuntime->GetFunctionById(func_id); } IPluginFunction *BaseContext::GetFunctionByName(const char *public_name) { return m_pRuntime->GetFunctionByName(public_name); } int BaseContext::LocalToStringNULL(cell_t local_addr, char **addr) { int err; if ((err = LocalToString(local_addr, addr)) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { return err; } if ((cell_t *)*addr == m_pNullString) { *addr = NULL; } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } SourceMod::IdentityToken_t *BaseContext::GetIdentity() { return m_pToken; } void BaseContext::SetIdentity(SourceMod::IdentityToken_t *token) { m_pToken = token; } cell_t *BaseContext::GetNullRef(SP_NULL_TYPE type) { if (type == SP_NULL_VECTOR) { return m_pNullVec; } return NULL; } bool BaseContext::IsInExec() { return m_InExec; } int BaseContext::Execute(IPluginFunction *function, const cell_t *params, unsigned int num_params, cell_t *result) { int ir; int serial; cell_t *sp; funcid_t fnid; sp_public_t *pubfunc; cell_t _ignore_result; fnid = function->GetFunctionID(); if (fnid & 1) { unsigned int public_id; public_id = fnid >> 1; if (m_pRuntime->GetPublicByIndex(public_id, &pubfunc) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } else { return SP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS; } if (m_pRuntime->IsPaused()) { return SP_ERROR_NOT_RUNNABLE; } if (m_ctx.hp + 16*sizeof(cell_t) > (cell_t)(m_ctx.sp - (sizeof(cell_t) * (num_params + 1)))) { return SP_ERROR_STACKLOW; } if (result == NULL) { result = &_ignore_result; } /* We got this far. It's time to start profiling. */ if ((m_pPlugin->prof_flags & SP_PROF_CALLBACKS) == SP_PROF_CALLBACKS) { serial = m_pPlugin->profiler->OnCallbackBegin(this, pubfunc); } /* Save our previous state. */ bool save_exec; uint32_t save_n_idx; cell_t save_sp, save_hp; save_sp = m_ctx.sp; save_hp = m_ctx.hp; save_exec = m_InExec; save_n_idx = m_ctx.n_idx; /* Push parameters */ m_ctx.sp -= sizeof(cell_t) * (num_params + 1); sp = (cell_t *)(m_pPlugin->memory + m_ctx.sp); sp[0] = num_params; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) { sp[i + 1] = params[i]; } /* Clear internal state */ m_ctx.n_err = SP_ERROR_NONE; m_ctx.n_idx = 0; m_MsgCache[0] = '\0'; m_CustomMsg = false; m_InExec = false; /* Start the tracer */ g_engine1.PushTracer(this); /* Execute the function */ ir = g_Jit1.ContextExecute(m_pPlugin, &m_ctx, pubfunc->code_offs, result); /* Restore some states, stop tracing */ m_InExec = save_exec; if (ir == SP_ERROR_NONE) { m_ctx.n_err = SP_ERROR_NONE; if (m_ctx.sp != save_sp) { ir = SP_ERROR_STACKLEAK; _SetErrorMessage("Stack leak detected: sp:%d should be %d!", m_ctx.sp, save_sp); } if (m_ctx.hp != save_hp) { ir = SP_ERROR_HEAPLEAK; _SetErrorMessage("Heap leak detected: hp:%d should be %d!", m_ctx.hp, save_hp); } } m_ctx.sp = save_sp; m_ctx.hp = save_hp; g_engine1.PopTracer(ir, m_CustomMsg ? m_MsgCache : NULL); if ((m_pPlugin->prof_flags & SP_PROF_CALLBACKS) == SP_PROF_CALLBACKS) { m_pPlugin->profiler->OnCallbackEnd(serial); } m_ctx.n_idx = save_n_idx; m_ctx.n_err = SP_ERROR_NONE; m_MsgCache[0] = '\0'; m_CustomMsg = false; return ir; } IPluginRuntime *BaseContext::GetRuntime() { return m_pRuntime; } int BaseRuntime::ApplyCompilationOptions(ICompilation *co) { int err; /* The JIT does not destroy anything until it is guaranteed to succeed. */ if (!g_Jit1.Compile(co, this, &err)) { return err; } RefreshFunctionCache(); m_pCtx->Refresh(); return SP_ERROR_NONE; } DebugInfo::DebugInfo(sp_plugin_t *plugin) : m_pPlugin(plugin) { } #define USHR(x) ((unsigned int)(x)>>1) int DebugInfo::LookupFile(ucell_t addr, const char **filename) { int high, low, mid; high = m_pPlugin->debug.files_num; low = -1; while (high - low > 1) { mid = USHR(low + high); if (m_pPlugin->files[mid].addr <= addr) { low = mid; } else { high = mid; } } if (low == -1) { return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } *filename = m_pPlugin->files[low].name; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int DebugInfo::LookupFunction(ucell_t addr, const char **name) { uint32_t iter, max = m_pPlugin->debug.syms_num; for (iter=0; itersymbols[iter].sym->ident == SP_SYM_FUNCTION) && (m_pPlugin->symbols[iter].codestart <= addr) && (m_pPlugin->symbols[iter].codeend > addr)) { break; } } if (iter >= max) { return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } *name = m_pPlugin->symbols[iter].name; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } int DebugInfo::LookupLine(ucell_t addr, uint32_t *line) { int high, low, mid; high = m_pPlugin->debug.lines_num; low = -1; while (high - low > 1) { mid = USHR(low + high); if (m_pPlugin->lines[mid].addr <= addr) { low = mid; } else { high = mid; } } if (low == -1) { return SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } /* Since the CIP occurs BEFORE the line, we have to add one */ *line = m_pPlugin->lines[low].line + 1; return SP_ERROR_NONE; } #undef USHR int BaseContext::GetLastNativeError() { return m_ctx.n_err; } cell_t *BaseContext::GetLocalParams() { return (cell_t *)(m_pPlugin->memory + m_ctx.frm + (2 * sizeof(cell_t))); } void BaseContext::SetKey(int k, void *value) { if (k < 1 || k > 4) { return; } m_keys[k - 1] = value; m_keys_set[k - 1] = true; } bool BaseContext::GetKey(int k, void **value) { if (k < 1 || k > 4 || m_keys_set[k - 1] == false) { return false; } *value = m_keys[k - 1]; return true; } void BaseContext::Refresh() { /* Initialize the null references */ uint32_t index; if (FindPubvarByName("NULL_VECTOR", &index) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { sp_pubvar_t *pubvar; GetPubvarByIndex(index, &pubvar); m_pNullVec = pubvar->offs; } else { m_pNullVec = NULL; } if (FindPubvarByName("NULL_STRING", &index) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { sp_pubvar_t *pubvar; GetPubvarByIndex(index, &pubvar); m_pNullString = pubvar->offs; } else { m_pNullString = NULL; } }