/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_THREADER_H #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_THREADER_H /** * @file IThreader.h * @brief Contains platform independent routines for threading. */ #include <IShareSys.h> #define SMINTERFACE_THREADER_NAME "IThreader" #define SMINTERFACE_THREADER_VERSION 2 namespace SourceMod { /** * @brief Thread creation flags */ enum ThreadFlags { Thread_Default = 0, /** * @brief Auto-release handle on finish * * You are not guaranteed the handle for this is valid after * calling MakeThread(), so never use it until OnTerminate is called. */ Thread_AutoRelease = 1, /** * @brief Thread is created "suspended", meaning it is inactive until unpaused. */ Thread_CreateSuspended = 2, }; /** * @brief Specifies thread priority levels. */ enum ThreadPriority { ThreadPrio_Minimum = -8, ThreadPrio_Low = -3, ThreadPrio_Normal = 0, ThreadPrio_High = 3, ThreadPrio_Maximum = 8, }; /** * @brief The current state of a thread. */ enum ThreadState { Thread_Running = 0, Thread_Paused = 1, Thread_Done = 2, }; /** * @brief Thread-specific parameters. */ struct ThreadParams { /** Constructor */ ThreadParams() : flags(Thread_Default), prio(ThreadPrio_Normal) { }; ThreadFlags flags; /**< Flags to set on the thread */ ThreadPriority prio; /**< Priority to set on the thread */ }; class IThreadCreator; /** * @brief Describes a handle to a thread. */ class IThreadHandle { public: /** Virtual destructor */ virtual ~IThreadHandle() { }; public: /** * @brief Pauses parent thread until this thread completes. * * @return True if successful, false otherwise. */ virtual bool WaitForThread() =0; /** * @brief Destroys the thread handle. This will not necessarily cancel the thread. */ virtual void DestroyThis() =0; /** * @brief Returns the parent threader. * * @return IThreadCreator that created this thread. */ virtual IThreadCreator *Parent() =0; /** * @brief Returns the thread states. * * @param ptparams Pointer to a ThreadParams buffer. */ virtual void GetParams(ThreadParams *ptparams) =0; /** * @brief Returns the thread priority. * * @return Thread priority. */ virtual ThreadPriority GetPriority() =0; /** * @brief Sets thread priority. * NOTE: On Linux, this always returns false. * * @param prio Thread priority to set. * @return True if successful, false otherwise. */ virtual bool SetPriority(ThreadPriority prio) =0; /** * @brief Returns the thread state. * * @return Current thread state. */ virtual ThreadState GetState() =0; /** * @brief Attempts to unpause a paused thread. * * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ virtual bool Unpause() =0; }; /** * @brief Handles a single thread's execution. */ class IThread { public: /** Virtual destructor */ virtual ~IThread() { }; public: /** * @brief Called when the thread runs (in its own thread). * * @param pHandle Pointer to the thread's handle. */ virtual void RunThread(IThreadHandle *pHandle) =0; /** * @brief Called when the thread terminates. This occurs inside the thread as well. * * @param pHandle Pointer to the thread's handle. * @param cancel True if the thread did not finish, false otherwise. */ virtual void OnTerminate(IThreadHandle *pHandle, bool cancel) =0; }; /** * @brief Describes a thread creator */ class IThreadCreator { public: /** Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~IThreadCreator() { }; public: /** * @brief Creates a basic thread. * * @param pThread IThread pointer for callbacks. */ virtual void MakeThread(IThread *pThread) =0; /** * @brief Creates a thread with specific options. * * @param pThread IThread pointer for callbacks. * @param flags Flags for the thread. * @return IThreadHandle pointer (must be released). */ virtual IThreadHandle *MakeThread(IThread *pThread, ThreadFlags flags) =0; /** * @brief Creates a thread with specific options. * * @param pThread IThread pointer for callbacks. * @param params Extended options for the thread. * @return IThreadHandle pointer (must be released). */ virtual IThreadHandle *MakeThread(IThread *pThread, const ThreadParams *params) =0; /** * @brief Returns the priority bounds. * Note: On Linux, the min and max are both Thread_Normal. * * @param max Stores the maximum priority level. * @param min Stores the minimum priority level. */ virtual void GetPriorityBounds(ThreadPriority &max, ThreadPriority &min) =0; }; /** * @brief Describes a simple locking mutex. */ class IMutex { public: /** Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~IMutex() { }; public: /** * @brief Attempts to lock, but returns instantly. * * @return True if lock was obtained, false otherwise. */ virtual bool TryLock() =0; /** * @brief Attempts to lock by waiting for release. */ virtual void Lock() =0; /** * @brief Unlocks the mutex. */ virtual void Unlock() =0; /** * @brief Destroys the mutex handle. */ virtual void DestroyThis() =0; }; /** * @brief Describes a simple "condition variable"/signal lock. */ class IEventSignal { public: /** Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~IEventSignal() { }; public: /** * @brief Waits for a signal. */ virtual void Wait() =0; /** * @brief Triggers the signal and resets the signal after triggering. */ virtual void Signal() =0; /** * @brief Frees the signal handle. */ virtual void DestroyThis() =0; }; /** * @brief Describes possible worker states */ enum WorkerState { Worker_Invalid = -3, Worker_Stopped = -2, Worker_Paused = -1, Worker_Running, }; /** * @brief This is a "worker pool." A single thread places tasks in a queue. * Each IThread is then a task, rather than its own separate thread. */ class IThreadWorker : public IThreadCreator { public: /** Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~IThreadWorker() { }; public: /** * @brief Runs one "frame" of the worker. * * @return Number of tasks processed. */ virtual unsigned int RunFrame() =0; public: /** * @brief Pauses the worker. * * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ virtual bool Pause() =0; /** * @brief Unpauses the worker. * * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ virtual bool Unpause() =0; /** * @brief Starts the worker thread. * * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ virtual bool Start() =0; /** * @brief Stops the worker thread. * * @param flush If true, all remaining tasks will be cancelled. * Otherwise, the threader will wait until the queue is empty. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ virtual bool Stop(bool flush) =0; /** * @brief Returns the status of the worker. * * @param numThreads Pointer to store number of threads in the queue. * @return State of the worker. */ virtual WorkerState GetStatus(unsigned int *numThreads) =0; }; /** * @brief Describes thread worker callbacks. */ class IThreadWorkerCallbacks { public: /** * @brief Called when the worker thread is initialized. * * @param pWorker Pointer to the worker. */ virtual void OnWorkerStart(IThreadWorker *pWorker) { } /** * @brief Called when the worker thread is cleaning up. * * @param pWorker Pointer to the worker. */ virtual void OnWorkerStop(IThreadWorker *pWorker) { } }; /** * @brief Describes a threading system */ class IThreader : public SMInterface, public IThreadCreator { public: virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() { return SMINTERFACE_THREADER_NAME; } virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_THREADER_VERSION; } virtual bool IsVersionCompatible(unsigned int version) { if (version < 2) { return false; } return SMInterface::IsVersionCompatible(version); } public: /** * @brief Creates a mutex (mutual exclusion lock). * * @return A new IMutex pointer (must be destroyed). */ virtual IMutex *MakeMutex() =0; /** * @brief Sleeps the calling thread for a number of milliseconds. * * @param ms Millisecond count to sleep. */ virtual void ThreadSleep(unsigned int ms) =0; /** * @brief Creates a non-signalled event. * * @return A new IEventSignal pointer (must be destroyed). */ virtual IEventSignal *MakeEventSignal() =0; /** * @brief Creates a thread worker. * * @param hooks Optional pointer to callback interface. * @param threaded If true, the worker will be threaded. * If false, the worker will require manual frame execution. * @return A new IThreadWorker pointer (must be destroyed). */ virtual IThreadWorker *MakeWorker(IThreadWorkerCallbacks *hooks, bool threaded) =0; /** * @brief Destroys an IThreadWorker pointer. * * @param pWorker IThreadWorker pointer to destroy. */ virtual void DestroyWorker(IThreadWorker *pWorker) =0; }; }; #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_THREADER_H