/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod SDKTools Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "hooks.h" #include "extension.h" #include "basehandle.h" #include "vector.h" #include "utlvector.h" #include <shareddefs.h> #include "usercmd.h" #include "filesystem.h" #define FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS "SDKTools PlayerRunCmd 11Params" CHookManager g_Hooks; static bool PRCH_enabled = false; static bool PRCH_used = false; static bool PRCHPost_used = false; static bool FILE_used = false; SH_DECL_MANUALHOOK2_void(PlayerRunCmdHook, 0, 0, 0, CUserCmd *, IMoveHelper *); SH_DECL_HOOK2(IBaseFileSystem, FileExists, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, bool, const char*, const char *); #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ALIENSWARM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD2 SH_DECL_HOOK3(INetChannel, SendFile, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, bool, const char *, unsigned int, bool); #else SH_DECL_HOOK2(INetChannel, SendFile, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, bool, const char *, unsigned int); #endif SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(INetChannel, ProcessPacket, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, struct netpacket_s *, bool); SourceHook::CallClass<IBaseFileSystem> *basefilesystemPatch = NULL; CHookManager::CHookManager() { m_usercmdsFwd = NULL; m_usercmdsPostFwd = NULL; m_netFileSendFwd = NULL; m_netFileReceiveFwd = NULL; m_pActiveNetChannel = NULL; } void CHookManager::Initialize() { int offset; if (g_pGameConf->GetOffset("PlayerRunCmd", &offset)) { SH_MANUALHOOK_RECONFIGURE(PlayerRunCmdHook, offset, 0, 0); PRCH_enabled = true; } else { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Failed to find PlayerRunCmd offset - OnPlayerRunCmd forward disabled."); PRCH_enabled = false; } basefilesystemPatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(basefilesystem); m_netFileSendFwd = forwards->CreateForward("OnFileSend", ET_Event, 2, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_String); m_netFileReceiveFwd = forwards->CreateForward("OnFileReceive", ET_Event, 2, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_String); plsys->AddPluginsListener(this); sharesys->AddCapabilityProvider(myself, this, FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS); m_usercmdsFwd = forwards->CreateForward("OnPlayerRunCmd", ET_Event, 11, NULL, Param_Cell, // client Param_CellByRef, // buttons Param_CellByRef, // impulse Param_Array, // Float:vel[3] Param_Array, // Float:angles[3] Param_CellByRef, // weapon Param_CellByRef, // subtype Param_CellByRef, // cmdnum Param_CellByRef, // tickcount Param_CellByRef, // seed Param_Array); // mouse[2] m_usercmdsPostFwd = forwards->CreateForward("OnPlayerRunCmdPost", ET_Ignore, 11, NULL, Param_Cell, // client Param_Cell, // buttons Param_Cell, // impulse Param_Array, // Float:vel[3] Param_Array, // Float:angles[3] Param_Cell, // weapon Param_Cell, // subtype Param_Cell, // cmdnum Param_Cell, // tickcount Param_Cell, // seed Param_Array); // mouse[2] } void CHookManager::Shutdown() { forwards->ReleaseForward(m_usercmdsFwd); forwards->ReleaseForward(m_usercmdsPostFwd); forwards->ReleaseForward(m_netFileSendFwd); forwards->ReleaseForward(m_netFileReceiveFwd); plsys->RemovePluginsListener(this); sharesys->DropCapabilityProvider(myself, this, FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS); } void CHookManager::OnMapStart() { m_bFSTranHookWarned = false; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 static ConVarRef replay_enable("replay_enable"); m_bReplayEnabled = replay_enable.GetBool(); #endif } void CHookManager::OnClientConnect(int client) { NetChannelHook(client); } void CHookManager::OnClientPutInServer(int client) { if (PRCH_used) PlayerRunCmdHook(client, false); if (PRCHPost_used) PlayerRunCmdHook(client, true); } void CHookManager::PlayerRunCmdHook(int client, bool post) { edict_t *pEdict = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); if (!pEdict) { return; } IServerUnknown *pUnknown = pEdict->GetUnknown(); if (!pUnknown) { return; } CBaseEntity *pEntity = pUnknown->GetBaseEntity(); if (!pEntity) { return; } ke::Vector<CVTableHook *> &runUserCmdHookVec = post ? m_runUserCmdPostHooks : m_runUserCmdHooks; CVTableHook hook(pEntity); for (size_t i = 0; i < runUserCmdHookVec.length(); ++i) { if (hook == runUserCmdHookVec[i]) { return; } } int hookid; if (post) hookid = SH_ADD_MANUALVPHOOK(PlayerRunCmdHook, pEntity, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::PlayerRunCmdPost), true); else hookid = SH_ADD_MANUALVPHOOK(PlayerRunCmdHook, pEntity, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::PlayerRunCmd), false); hook.SetHookID(hookid); runUserCmdHookVec.append(new CVTableHook(hook)); } void CHookManager::PlayerRunCmd(CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper) { if (!ucmd) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } if (m_usercmdsFwd->GetFunctionCount() == 0) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } CBaseEntity *pEntity = META_IFACEPTR(CBaseEntity); if (!pEntity) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pEntity); if (!pEdict) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } int client = IndexOfEdict(pEdict); cell_t result = 0; /* Impulse is a byte so we copy it back manually */ cell_t impulse = ucmd->impulse; cell_t vel[3] = {sp_ftoc(ucmd->forwardmove), sp_ftoc(ucmd->sidemove), sp_ftoc(ucmd->upmove)}; cell_t angles[3] = {sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.x), sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.y), sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.z)}; cell_t mouse[2] = {ucmd->mousedx, ucmd->mousedy}; m_usercmdsFwd->PushCell(client); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->buttons); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&impulse); m_usercmdsFwd->PushArray(vel, 3, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); m_usercmdsFwd->PushArray(angles, 3, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->weaponselect); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->weaponsubtype); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->command_number); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->tick_count); m_usercmdsFwd->PushCellByRef(&ucmd->random_seed); m_usercmdsFwd->PushArray(mouse, 2, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); m_usercmdsFwd->Execute(&result); ucmd->impulse = impulse; ucmd->forwardmove = sp_ctof(vel[0]); ucmd->sidemove = sp_ctof(vel[1]); ucmd->upmove = sp_ctof(vel[2]); ucmd->viewangles.x = sp_ctof(angles[0]); ucmd->viewangles.y = sp_ctof(angles[1]); ucmd->viewangles.z = sp_ctof(angles[2]); ucmd->mousedx = mouse[0]; ucmd->mousedy = mouse[1]; if (result == Pl_Handled) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } void CHookManager::PlayerRunCmdPost(CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper) { if (!ucmd) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } if (m_usercmdsPostFwd->GetFunctionCount() == 0) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } CBaseEntity *pEntity = META_IFACEPTR(CBaseEntity); if (!pEntity) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } edict_t *pEdict = gameents->BaseEntityToEdict(pEntity); if (!pEdict) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } int client = IndexOfEdict(pEdict); cell_t vel[3] = { sp_ftoc(ucmd->forwardmove), sp_ftoc(ucmd->sidemove), sp_ftoc(ucmd->upmove) }; cell_t angles[3] = { sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.x), sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.y), sp_ftoc(ucmd->viewangles.z) }; cell_t mouse[2] = { ucmd->mousedx, ucmd->mousedy }; m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(client); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->buttons); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->impulse); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushArray(vel, 3); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushArray(angles, 3); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->weaponselect); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->weaponsubtype); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->command_number); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->tick_count); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushCell(ucmd->random_seed); m_usercmdsPostFwd->PushArray(mouse, 2); m_usercmdsPostFwd->Execute(); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } void CHookManager::NetChannelHook(int client) { if (!FILE_used) return; INetChannel *pNetChannel = static_cast<INetChannel *>(engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(client)); if (pNetChannel == NULL) { return; } /* Normal NetChannel Hooks. */ { CVTableHook nethook(pNetChannel); size_t iter; /* Initial Hook */ #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 if (m_bReplayEnabled) { if (!m_bFSTranHookWarned) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "OnFileSend hooks are not currently working on TF2 servers with Replay enabled."); m_bFSTranHookWarned = true; } } else #endif if (!m_netChannelHooks.length()) { CVTableHook filehook(basefilesystem); int hookid = SH_ADD_VPHOOK(IBaseFileSystem, FileExists, basefilesystem, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::FileExists), false); filehook.SetHookID(hookid); m_netChannelHooks.append(new CVTableHook(filehook)); } for (iter = 0; iter < m_netChannelHooks.length(); ++iter) { if (nethook == m_netChannelHooks[iter]) { break; } } if (iter == m_netChannelHooks.length()) { int hookid = SH_ADD_VPHOOK(INetChannel, SendFile, pNetChannel, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::SendFile), false); nethook.SetHookID(hookid); m_netChannelHooks.append(new CVTableHook(nethook)); hookid = SH_ADD_VPHOOK(INetChannel, ProcessPacket, pNetChannel, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::ProcessPacket), false); nethook.SetHookID(hookid); m_netChannelHooks.append(new CVTableHook(nethook)); hookid = SH_ADD_VPHOOK(INetChannel, ProcessPacket, pNetChannel, SH_MEMBER(this, &CHookManager::ProcessPacket_Post), true); nethook.SetHookID(hookid); m_netChannelHooks.append(new CVTableHook(nethook)); } } } void CHookManager::ProcessPacket(struct netpacket_s *packet, bool bHasHeader) { if (m_netFileReceiveFwd->GetFunctionCount() == 0) { RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } m_pActiveNetChannel = META_IFACEPTR(INetChannel); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } bool CHookManager::FileExists(const char *filename, const char *pathID) { if (m_pActiveNetChannel == NULL || m_netFileReceiveFwd->GetFunctionCount() == 0) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } bool ret = SH_CALL(basefilesystemPatch, &IBaseFileSystem::FileExists)(filename, pathID); if (ret == true) /* If the File Exists, the engine historically bails out. */ { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } int userid = 0; IClient *pClient = (IClient *)m_pActiveNetChannel->GetMsgHandler(); if (pClient != NULL) { userid = pClient->GetUserID(); } cell_t res = Pl_Continue; m_netFileReceiveFwd->PushCell(playerhelpers->GetClientOfUserId(userid)); m_netFileReceiveFwd->PushString(filename); m_netFileReceiveFwd->Execute(&res); if (res != Pl_Continue) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, true); } RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } void CHookManager::ProcessPacket_Post(struct netpacket_s* packet, bool bHasHeader) { m_pActiveNetChannel = NULL; RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ALIENSWARM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD2 bool CHookManager::SendFile(const char *filename, unsigned int transferID, bool isReplayDemo) #else bool CHookManager::SendFile(const char *filename, unsigned int transferID) #endif { if (m_netFileSendFwd->GetFunctionCount() == 0) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } INetChannel *pNetChannel = META_IFACEPTR(INetChannel); if (pNetChannel == NULL) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } int userid = 0; IClient *pClient = (IClient *)pNetChannel->GetMsgHandler(); if (pClient != NULL) { userid = pClient->GetUserID(); } cell_t res = Pl_Continue; m_netFileSendFwd->PushCell(playerhelpers->GetClientOfUserId(userid)); m_netFileSendFwd->PushString(filename); m_netFileSendFwd->Execute(&res); if (res != Pl_Continue) { /* Mimic the Engine. */ #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ALIENSWARM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD2 pNetChannel->DenyFile(filename, transferID, isReplayDemo); #else pNetChannel->DenyFile(filename, transferID); #endif RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, false); } RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, false); } void CHookManager::OnPluginLoaded(IPlugin *plugin) { if (PRCH_enabled) { bool changed = false; if (!PRCH_used && (m_usercmdsFwd->GetFunctionCount() > 0)) { PRCH_used = true; changed = true; } if (!PRCHPost_used && (m_usercmdsPostFwd->GetFunctionCount() > 0)) { PRCHPost_used = true; changed = true; } // Only check the hooks on the players if a new hook is used by this plugin. if (changed) { int MaxClients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i)->IsInGame()) { OnClientPutInServer(i); } } } } if (!FILE_used && (m_netFileSendFwd->GetFunctionCount() || m_netFileReceiveFwd->GetFunctionCount())) { FILE_used = true; int MaxClients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i)->IsConnected()) { OnClientConnect(i); } } } } void CHookManager::OnPluginUnloaded(IPlugin *plugin) { if (PRCH_used && !m_usercmdsFwd->GetFunctionCount()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_runUserCmdHooks.length(); ++i) { delete m_runUserCmdHooks[i]; } m_runUserCmdHooks.clear(); PRCH_used = false; } if (PRCHPost_used && !m_usercmdsPostFwd->GetFunctionCount()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_runUserCmdPostHooks.length(); ++i) { delete m_runUserCmdPostHooks[i]; } m_runUserCmdPostHooks.clear(); PRCHPost_used = false; } if (FILE_used && !m_netFileSendFwd->GetFunctionCount() && !m_netFileReceiveFwd->GetFunctionCount()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_netChannelHooks.length(); ++i) { delete m_netChannelHooks[i]; } m_netChannelHooks.clear(); FILE_used = false; } } FeatureStatus CHookManager::GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType type, const char *name) { return FeatureStatus_Available; }