/** * =============================================================== * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * =============================================================== * * This file is not open source and may not be copied without explicit * written permission of AlliedModders LLC. This file may not be redistributed * in whole or significant part. * For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "CConCmdManager.h" #include "sm_srvcmds.h" #include "AdminCache.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "CPlayerManager.h" #include "CTranslator.h" CConCmdManager g_ConCmds; SH_DECL_HOOK0_void(ConCommand, Dispatch, SH_NOATTRIB, false); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, SH_NOATTRIB, false, int); struct PlCmdInfo { ConCmdInfo *pInfo; CmdHook *pHook; CmdType type; }; typedef List<PlCmdInfo> CmdList; void AddToPlCmdList(CmdList *pList, const PlCmdInfo &info); CConCmdManager::CConCmdManager() : m_Strings(1024) { m_pCmds = sm_trie_create(); m_pCmdGrps = sm_trie_create(); } CConCmdManager::~CConCmdManager() { sm_trie_destroy(m_pCmds); sm_trie_destroy(m_pCmdGrps); } void CConCmdManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { g_PluginSys.AddPluginsListener(this); g_RootMenu.AddRootConsoleCommand("cmds", "List console commands", this); SH_ADD_HOOK_MEMFUNC(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, serverClients, this, &CConCmdManager::SetCommandClient, false); } void CConCmdManager::OnSourceModShutdown() { /* All commands should already be removed by the time we're done */ SH_REMOVE_HOOK_MEMFUNC(IServerGameClients, SetCommandClient, serverClients, this, &CConCmdManager::SetCommandClient, false); g_RootMenu.RemoveRootConsoleCommand("cmds", this); g_PluginSys.RemovePluginsListener(this); } void CConCmdManager::RemoveConCmds(List<CmdHook *> &cmdlist, IPluginContext *pContext) { List<CmdHook *>::iterator iter = cmdlist.begin(); CmdHook *pHook; while (iter != cmdlist.end()) { pHook = (*iter); if (pHook->pf->GetParentContext() == pContext) { delete pHook->pAdmin; delete pHook; iter = cmdlist.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } } void CConCmdManager::OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin) { CmdList *pList; List<ConCmdInfo *> removed; if (plugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList, true)) { IPluginContext *pContext = plugin->GetBaseContext(); CmdList::iterator iter; /* First pass! * Only bother if there's an actual command list on this plugin... */ for (iter=pList->begin(); iter!=pList->end(); iter++) { PlCmdInfo &cmd = (*iter); ConCmdInfo *pInfo = cmd.pInfo; /* Has this chain already been fully cleaned/removed? */ if (removed.find(pInfo) != removed.end()) { continue; } /* Remove any hooks from us on this command */ RemoveConCmds(pInfo->conhooks, pContext); RemoveConCmds(pInfo->srvhooks, pContext); /* See if there are still hooks */ if (pInfo->srvhooks.size()) { continue; } if (pInfo->conhooks.size()) { continue; } /* Remove the command, it should be safe now */ RemoveConCmd(pInfo); removed.push_back(pInfo); } delete pList; } } void CommandCallback() { g_ConCmds.InternalDispatch(); } void CConCmdManager::SetCommandClient(int client) { m_CmdClient = client + 1; } ResultType CConCmdManager::DispatchClientCommand(int client, ResultType type) { const char *cmd = engine->Cmd_Argv(0); int args = engine->Cmd_Argc() - 1; ConCmdInfo *pInfo; if (sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmds, cmd, (void **)&pInfo)) { cell_t result = type; cell_t tempres = result; List<CmdHook *>::iterator iter; CmdHook *pHook; for (iter=pInfo->conhooks.begin(); iter!=pInfo->conhooks.end(); iter++) { pHook = (*iter); if (!pHook->pf->IsRunnable()) { continue; } if (pHook->pAdmin && !CheckAccess(client, cmd, pHook->pAdmin)) { if (result < Pl_Handled) { result = Pl_Handled; } continue; } pHook->pf->PushCell(client); pHook->pf->PushCell(args); if (pHook->pf->Execute(&tempres) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { if (tempres > result) { result = tempres; } if (result == Pl_Stop) { break; } } } type = (ResultType)result; } return type; } void CConCmdManager::InternalDispatch() { /** * Note: Console commands will EITHER go through IServerGameDLL::ClientCommand, * OR this dispatch. They will NEVER go through both. * -- * Whether or not it goes through the callback is determined by FCVAR_GAMEDLL */ const char *cmd = engine->Cmd_Argv(0); ConCmdInfo *pInfo; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmds, cmd, (void **)&pInfo)) { return; } cell_t result = Pl_Continue; int args = engine->Cmd_Argc() - 1; List<CmdHook *>::iterator iter; CmdHook *pHook; /* Execute server-only commands if viable */ if (m_CmdClient == 0 && pInfo->srvhooks.size()) { cell_t tempres = result; for (iter=pInfo->srvhooks.begin(); iter!=pInfo->srvhooks.end(); iter++) { pHook = (*iter); if (!pHook->pf->IsRunnable()) { continue; } pHook->pf->PushCell(args); if (pHook->pf->Execute(&tempres) == SP_ERROR_NONE) { if (tempres > result) { result = tempres; } if (result == Pl_Stop) { break; } } } /* Check if there's an early stop */ if (result >= Pl_Stop) { if (!pInfo->sourceMod) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } return; } } /* Execute console commands */ if (pInfo->conhooks.size()) { cell_t tempres = result; for (iter=pInfo->conhooks.begin(); iter!=pInfo->conhooks.end(); iter++) { pHook = (*iter); if (!pHook->pf->IsRunnable()) { continue; } if (m_CmdClient && pHook->pAdmin && !CheckAccess(m_CmdClient, cmd, pHook->pAdmin)) { if (result < Pl_Handled) { result = Pl_Handled; } continue; } pHook->pf->PushCell(m_CmdClient); pHook->pf->PushCell(args); if (pHook->pf->Execute(&tempres) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { if (tempres > result) { result = tempres; } if (result == Pl_Stop) { break; } } } } if (result >= Pl_Handled) { if (!pInfo->sourceMod) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } return; } } bool CConCmdManager::CheckAccess(int client, const char *cmd, AdminCmdInfo *pAdmin) { FlagBits cmdflags = pAdmin->eflags; if (cmdflags == 0) { return true; } CPlayer *player = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client); if (!player) { return false; } AdminId adm = player->GetAdminId(); if (adm != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { FlagBits bits = g_Admins.GetAdminFlags(adm, Access_Effective); /* root knows all, WHOA */ if ((bits & ADMFLAG_ROOT) == ADMFLAG_ROOT) { return true; } /* See if our other flags match */ if ((bits & cmdflags) == cmdflags) { return true; } /* Check for overrides */ unsigned int groups = g_Admins.GetAdminGroupCount(adm); GroupId gid; OverrideRule rule; bool override = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<groups; i++) { gid = g_Admins.GetAdminGroup(adm, i, NULL); /* First get group-level override */ override = g_Admins.GetGroupCommandOverride(gid, cmd, Override_CommandGroup, &rule); /* Now get the specific command override */ if (g_Admins.GetGroupCommandOverride(gid, cmd, Override_Command, &rule)) { override = true; } if (override) { if (rule == Command_Allow) { return true; } else if (rule == Command_Deny) { break; } } } } if (player->IsFakeClient() || player->GetEdict() == NULL) { return false; } /* If we got here, the command failed... */ char buffer[128]; if (g_Translator.CoreTrans(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer), "No Access", NULL, NULL) != Trans_Okay) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "You do not have access to this command"); } char fullbuffer[192]; snprintf(fullbuffer, sizeof(fullbuffer), "[SM] %s.\n", buffer); engine->ClientPrintf(player->GetEdict(), fullbuffer); return false; } void CConCmdManager::AddConsoleCommand(IPluginFunction *pFunction, const char *name, const char *description, int flags) { ConCmdInfo *pInfo = AddOrFindCommand(name, description, flags); CmdHook *pHook = new CmdHook(); pHook->pf = pFunction; if (description && description[0]) { pHook->helptext.assign(description); } pInfo->conhooks.push_back(pHook); /* Add to the plugin */ CmdList *pList; IPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginSys.GetPluginByCtx(pFunction->GetParentContext()->GetContext()); if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList)) { pList = new CmdList(); pPlugin->SetProperty("CommandList", pList); } PlCmdInfo info; info.pInfo = pInfo; info.type = Cmd_Console; info.pHook = pHook; AddToPlCmdList(pList, info); } bool CConCmdManager::AddAdminCommand(IPluginFunction *pFunction, const char *name, const char *group, int adminflags, const char *description, int flags) { ConCmdInfo *pInfo = AddOrFindCommand(name, description, flags); CmdHook *pHook = new CmdHook(); AdminCmdInfo *pAdmin = new AdminCmdInfo(); pHook->pf = pFunction; if (description && description[0]) { pHook->helptext.assign(description); } pHook->pAdmin = pAdmin; void *object; int grpid; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmdGrps, group, (void **)&object)) { grpid = m_Strings.AddString(group); sm_trie_insert(m_pCmdGrps, group, (void *)grpid); } else { grpid = (int)object; } pAdmin->cmdGrpId = grpid; pAdmin->flags = adminflags; /* First get the command group override, if any */ bool override = g_Admins.GetCommandOverride(group, Override_CommandGroup, &(pAdmin->eflags)); /* Next get the command override, if any */ if (g_Admins.GetCommandOverride(name, Override_Command, &(pAdmin->eflags))) { override = true; } /* Assign normal flags if there were no overrides */ if (!override) { pAdmin->eflags = pAdmin->flags; } /* Finally, add the hook */ pInfo->conhooks.push_back(pHook); /* Now add to the plugin */ CmdList *pList; IPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginSys.GetPluginByCtx(pFunction->GetParentContext()->GetContext()); if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList)) { pList = new CmdList(); pPlugin->SetProperty("CommandList", pList); } PlCmdInfo info; info.pInfo = pInfo; info.type = Cmd_Admin; info.pHook = pHook; AddToPlCmdList(pList, info); return true; } void CConCmdManager::AddServerCommand(IPluginFunction *pFunction, const char *name, const char *description, int flags) { ConCmdInfo *pInfo = AddOrFindCommand(name, description, flags); CmdHook *pHook = new CmdHook(); pHook->pf = pFunction; if (description && description[0]) { pHook->helptext.assign(description); } pInfo->srvhooks.push_back(pHook); /* Add to the plugin */ CmdList *pList; IPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginSys.GetPluginByCtx(pFunction->GetParentContext()->GetContext()); if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList)) { pList = new CmdList(); pPlugin->SetProperty("CommandList", pList); } PlCmdInfo info; info.pInfo = pInfo; info.type = Cmd_Server; info.pHook = pHook; AddToPlCmdList(pList, info); } void AddToPlCmdList(CmdList *pList, const PlCmdInfo &info) { CmdList::iterator iter = pList->begin(); bool inserted = false; const char *orig = NULL; orig = info.pInfo->pCmd->GetName(); /* Insert this into the help list, SORTED alphabetically. */ while (iter != pList->end()) { PlCmdInfo &obj = (*iter); const char *cmd = obj.pInfo->pCmd->GetName(); if (strcmp(orig, cmd) < 0) { pList->insert(iter, info); inserted = true; break; } iter++; } if (!inserted) { pList->push_back(info); } } void CConCmdManager::AddToCmdList(ConCmdInfo *info) { List<ConCmdInfo *>::iterator iter = m_CmdList.begin(); ConCmdInfo *pInfo; bool inserted = false; const char *orig = NULL; orig = info->pCmd->GetName(); /* Insert this into the help list, SORTED alphabetically. */ while (iter != m_CmdList.end()) { const char *cmd = NULL; pInfo = (*iter); cmd = pInfo->pCmd->GetName(); if (strcmp(orig, cmd) < 0) { m_CmdList.insert(iter, info); inserted = true; break; } iter++; } if (!inserted) { m_CmdList.push_back(info); } } void CConCmdManager::UpdateAdminCmdFlags(const char *cmd, OverrideType type, FlagBits bits) { ConCmdInfo *pInfo; if (type == Override_Command) { if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmds, cmd, (void **)&pInfo)) { return; } List<CmdHook *>::iterator iter; CmdHook *pHook; for (iter=pInfo->conhooks.begin(); iter!=pInfo->conhooks.end(); iter++) { pHook = (*iter); if (pHook->pAdmin) { if (bits) { pHook->pAdmin->eflags = bits; } else { pHook->pAdmin->eflags = pHook->pAdmin->flags; } } } } else if (type == Override_CommandGroup) { void *object; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmdGrps, cmd, &object)) { return; } int grpid = (int)object; /* This is bad :( loop through all commands */ List<ConCmdInfo *>::iterator iter; CmdHook *pHook; for (iter=m_CmdList.begin(); iter!=m_CmdList.end(); iter++) { pInfo = (*iter); for (List<CmdHook *>::iterator citer=pInfo->conhooks.begin(); citer!=pInfo->conhooks.end(); citer++) { pHook = (*citer); if (pHook->pAdmin && pHook->pAdmin->cmdGrpId == grpid) { if (bits) { pHook->pAdmin->eflags = bits; } else { pHook->pAdmin->eflags = pHook->pAdmin->flags; } } } } } } void CConCmdManager::RemoveConCmd(ConCmdInfo *info) { /* Remove console-specific information * This should always be true as of right now */ if (info->pCmd) { /* Remove from the trie */ sm_trie_delete(m_pCmds, info->pCmd->GetName()); if (info->sourceMod) { /* Unlink from SourceMM */ g_SMAPI->UnregisterConCmdBase(g_PLAPI, info->pCmd); /* Delete the command's memory */ char *new_help = const_cast<char *>(info->pCmd->GetHelpText()); char *new_name = const_cast<char *>(info->pCmd->GetName()); delete [] new_help; delete [] new_name; delete info->pCmd; } else { /* Remove the external hook */ SH_REMOVE_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ConCommand, Dispatch, info->pCmd, CommandCallback, false); } } /* Remove from list */ m_CmdList.remove(info); delete info; } ConCmdInfo *CConCmdManager::AddOrFindCommand(const char *name, const char *description, int flags) { ConCmdInfo *pInfo; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pCmds, name, (void **)&pInfo)) { pInfo = new ConCmdInfo(); /* Find the commandopan */ ConCommandBase *pBase = icvar->GetCommands(); ConCommand *pCmd = NULL; while (pBase) { if (pBase->IsCommand() && (strcmp(pBase->GetName(), name) == 0)) { pCmd = (ConCommand *)pBase; break; } pBase = const_cast<ConCommandBase *>(pBase->GetNext()); } if (!pCmd) { /* Note that we have to duplicate because the source might not be * a static string, and these expect static memory. */ if (!description) { description = ""; } char *new_name = sm_strdup(name); char *new_help = sm_strdup(description); pCmd = new ConCommand(new_name, CommandCallback, new_help, flags); pInfo->sourceMod = true; } else { SH_ADD_HOOK_STATICFUNC(ConCommand, Dispatch, pCmd, CommandCallback, false); } pInfo->pCmd = pCmd; sm_trie_insert(m_pCmds, name, pInfo); AddToCmdList(pInfo); } return pInfo; } void CConCmdManager::OnRootConsoleCommand(const char *command, unsigned int argcount) { if (argcount >= 3) { const char *text = engine->Cmd_Argv(2); int id = atoi(text); CPlugin *pPlugin = g_PluginSys.GetPluginByOrder(id); if (!pPlugin) { g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] Plugin index %d not found.", id); return; } CmdList *pList; if (!pPlugin->GetProperty("CommandList", (void **)&pList)) { g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] No commands found for %s", pPlugin->GetFilename()); return; } if (!pList->size()) { g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] No commands found for %s", pPlugin->GetFilename()); return; } CmdList::iterator iter; const char *type = NULL; const char *name; const char *help; g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint(" %-17.16s %-8.7s %s", "[Name]", "[Type]", "[Help]"); for (iter=pList->begin(); iter!=pList->end(); iter++) { PlCmdInfo &cmd = (*iter); if (cmd.type == Cmd_Server) { type = "server"; } else if (cmd.type == Cmd_Console) { type = "console"; } else if (cmd.type == Cmd_Admin) { type = "admin"; } name = cmd.pInfo->pCmd->GetName(); if (cmd.pHook->helptext.size()) { help = cmd.pHook->helptext.c_str(); } else { help = cmd.pInfo->pCmd->GetHelpText(); } g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint(" %-17.16s %-12.11s %s", name, type, help); } return; } g_RootMenu.ConsolePrint("[SM] Usage: sm cmds <plugin #>"); }