/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "smn_keyvalues.h" #include "sourcemod.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "HalfLife2.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "logic_bridge.h" HandleType_t g_KeyValueType; class KeyValueNatives : public SMGlobalClass, public IHandleTypeDispatch { public: void OnSourceModAllInitialized() { g_KeyValueType = handlesys->CreateType("KeyValues", this, 0, NULL, NULL, g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } void OnSourceModShutdown() { handlesys->RemoveType(g_KeyValueType, g_pCoreIdent); g_KeyValueType = 0; } void OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object) { KeyValueStack *pStk = reinterpret_cast<KeyValueStack *>(object); if (pStk->m_bDeleteOnDestroy) { pStk->pBase->deleteThis(); } delete pStk; } int CalcKVSizeR(KeyValues *pv) { CUtlBuffer buf; int size; pv->RecursiveSaveToFile(buf, 0); size = buf.TellMaxPut(); buf.Purge(); return size; } bool GetHandleApproxSize(HandleType_t type, void *object, unsigned int *pSize) { KeyValueStack *pStk = (KeyValueStack *)object; unsigned int size = sizeof(KeyValueStack) + (pStk->pCurRoot.size() * sizeof(KeyValues *)); /* Check how much memory the actual thing takes up */ size += CalcKVSizeR(pStk->pBase); *pSize = size; return true; } }; KeyValues *SourceModBase::ReadKeyValuesHandle(Handle_t hndl, HandleError *err, bool root) { HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { if (err) { *err = herr; } return NULL; } if (err) { *err = HandleError_None; } return (root) ? pStk->pBase : pStk->pCurRoot.front(); } static cell_t smn_KvSetString(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key, *value; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToString(params[3], &value); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetString(key, value); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetNum(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetInt(key, params[3]); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetUInt64(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; cell_t *addr; uint64 value; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr); value = *reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(addr); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetUint64(key, value); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetFloat(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetFloat(key, sp_ctof(params[3])); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetColor(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); Color color(params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6]); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetColor(key, color); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetVector(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; char buffer[64]; cell_t *vector; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &vector); ke::SafeSprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%f %f %f", sp_ctof(vector[0]), sp_ctof(vector[1]), sp_ctof(vector[2])); pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SetString(key, buffer); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetString(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } const char *value; char *key, *defvalue; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToString(params[5], &defvalue); value = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetString(key, defvalue); pCtx->StringToLocalUTF8(params[3], params[4], value, NULL); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetNum(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } int value; char *key; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); value = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetInt(key, params[3]); return value; } static cell_t smn_KvGetFloat(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } float value; char *key; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); value = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetFloat(key, sp_ctof(params[3])); return sp_ftoc(value); } static cell_t smn_KvGetColor(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } Color color; char *key; cell_t *r, *g, *b, *a; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &r); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[4], &g); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[5], &b); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[6], &a); color = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetColor(key); *r = color.r(); *g = color.g(); *b = color.b(); *a = color.a(); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetUInt64(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; cell_t *addr, *defvalue; uint64 value; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[4], &defvalue); value = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetUint64(key, static_cast<uint64>(*defvalue)); *reinterpret_cast<uint64 *>(addr) = value; return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetVector(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *key; const char *value; cell_t *defvector, *outvector; char buffer[64]; pCtx->LocalToStringNULL(params[2], &key); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &outvector); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[4], &defvector); ke::SafeSprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%f %f %f", sp_ctof(defvector[0]), sp_ctof(defvector[1]), sp_ctof(defvector[2])); value = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetString(key, buffer); float out; int components = 0; while (*value && components < 3) { while ((*value) && (*value == ' ')) { value++; } out = 0.0f; bool isnegative; if (*value == '-') { isnegative = true; value++; } else { isnegative = false; } for (; *value && isdigit(*value); ++value) { out *= 10.0f; out += *value - '0'; } if (*value == '.') { value++; float factor = 0.1f; for (; *value && isdigit(*value); ++value) { out += (*value - '0') * factor; factor *= 0.1f; } } out = (isnegative) ? -out : out; outvector[components++] = sp_ftoc(out); } return 1; } static cell_t smn_CreateKeyValues(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { KeyValueStack *pStk; char *name, *firstkey, *firstvalue; bool is_empty; pCtx->LocalToString(params[1], &name); pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &firstkey); pCtx->LocalToString(params[3], &firstvalue); is_empty = (firstkey[0] == '\0'); pStk = new KeyValueStack; pStk->pBase = new KeyValues(name, is_empty ? NULL : firstkey, (is_empty||(firstvalue[0]=='\0')) ? NULL : firstvalue); pStk->pCurRoot.push(pStk->pBase); return handlesys->CreateHandle(g_KeyValueType, pStk, pCtx->GetIdentity(), g_pCoreIdent, NULL); } static cell_t smn_KvJumpToKey(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; char *name; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &name); KeyValues *pSubKey = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pSubKey = pSubKey->FindKey(name, (params[3]) ? true : false); if (!pSubKey) { return 0; } pStk->pCurRoot.push(pSubKey); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvJumpToKeySymbol(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pSubKey = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pSubKey = pSubKey->FindKey(params[2]); if (!pSubKey) { return 0; } pStk->pCurRoot.push(pSubKey); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGotoFirstSubKey(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pSubKey = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); KeyValues *pFirstSubKey; if (params[2]) { pFirstSubKey = pSubKey->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); } else { pFirstSubKey = pSubKey->GetFirstSubKey(); } if (!pFirstSubKey) { return 0; } pStk->pCurRoot.push(pFirstSubKey); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGotoNextKey(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pSubKey = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); if (params[2]) { pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextTrueSubKey(); } else { pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey(); } if (!pSubKey) { return 0; } pStk->pCurRoot.pop(); pStk->pCurRoot.push(pSubKey); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGoBack(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } if (pStk->pCurRoot.size() == 1) { return 0; } pStk->pCurRoot.pop(); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvRewind(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } while (pStk->pCurRoot.size() > 1) { pStk->pCurRoot.pop(); } return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetSectionName(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pSection = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); const char *name = pSection->GetName(); if (!name) { return 0; } pCtx->StringToLocalUTF8(params[2], params[3], name, NULL); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSetSectionName(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; char *name; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &name); KeyValues *pSection = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pSection->SetName(name); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetDataType(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; char *name; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &name); return pStk->pCurRoot.front()->GetDataType(name); } static cell_t smn_KeyValuesToFile(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; char *path; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &path); return pStk->pCurRoot.front()->SaveToFile(basefilesystem, path); } static cell_t smn_FileToKeyValues(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; char *path; KeyValueStack *pStk; KeyValues *kv; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &path); kv = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); return g_HL2.KVLoadFromFile(kv, basefilesystem, path); } static cell_t smn_StringToKeyValues(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; KeyValues *kv; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } char *buffer; char *resourceName; pCtx->LocalToString(params[2], &buffer); pCtx->LocalToString(params[3], &resourceName); kv = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); return kv->LoadFromBuffer(resourceName, buffer); } static cell_t smn_KvSetEscapeSequences(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } pStk->pCurRoot.front()->UsesEscapeSequences(params[2] ? true : false); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvNodesInStack(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } return pStk->pCurRoot.size() - 1; } static cell_t smn_KvDeleteThis(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } if (pStk->pCurRoot.size() < 2) { return 0; } KeyValues *pValues = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pStk->pCurRoot.pop(); KeyValues *pRoot = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); /* We have to manually verify this since Valve sucks * :TODO: make our own KeyValues.h file and make * the sub stuff private so we can do this ourselves! */ KeyValues *sub = pRoot->GetFirstSubKey(); while (sub) { if (sub == pValues) { KeyValues *pNext = pValues->GetNextKey(); pRoot->RemoveSubKey(pValues); pValues->deleteThis(); if (pNext) { pStk->pCurRoot.push(pNext); return 1; } else { return -1; } } sub = sub->GetNextKey(); } /* Push this back on :( */ pStk->pCurRoot.push(pValues); return 0; } static cell_t smn_KvDeleteKey(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } if (pStk->pCurRoot.size() < 2) { return 0; } char *keyName; pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &keyName); KeyValues *pRoot = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); KeyValues *pValues = pRoot->FindKey(keyName); if (!pValues) { return 0; } pRoot->RemoveSubKey(pValues); pValues->deleteThis(); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvSavePosition(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } if (pStk->pCurRoot.size() < 2) { return 0; } KeyValues *pValues = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pStk->pCurRoot.push(pValues); return 1; } static cell_t smn_CopySubkeys(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl_copied = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); Handle_t hndl_parent = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[2]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk_copied, *pStk_parent; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl_copied, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk_copied)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl_copied, herr); } if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl_parent, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk_parent)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl_parent, herr); } pStk_copied->pCurRoot.front()->CopySubkeys(pStk_parent->pCurRoot.front()); return 1; } static cell_t smn_GetNameSymbol(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; cell_t *val; char *key; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } if (pStk->pCurRoot.size() < 2) { return 0; } pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &key); KeyValues *pKv = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->FindKey(key); if (!pKv) { return 0; } pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &val); *val = pKv->GetNameSymbol(); return 1; } static cell_t smn_FindKeyById(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pKv = pStk->pCurRoot.front()->FindKey(params[2]); if (!pKv) { return 0; } pContext->StringToLocalUTF8(params[3], params[4], pKv->GetName(), NULL); return 1; } static cell_t smn_KvGetSectionSymbol(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; cell_t *val; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *pSection = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); pCtx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[2], &val); *val = pSection->GetNameSymbol(); if (!*val) { return 0; } return 1; } static cell_t KeyValues_Import(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { // This version takes (dest, src). The original is (src, dest). const cell_t new_params[3] = { 2, params[2], params[1], }; return smn_CopySubkeys(pContext, new_params); } static cell_t smn_KeyValuesToString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *kv; CUtlBuffer buffer; kv = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); kv->RecursiveSaveToFile(buffer, 0); char* outStr; pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &outStr); size_t maxlen = static_cast<size_t>(params[3]); buffer.GetString(outStr, maxlen); return buffer.TellPut(); } static cell_t smn_KeyValuesExportLength(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]); HandleError herr; HandleSecurity sec; KeyValueStack *pStk; sec.pOwner = NULL; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; if ((herr=handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_KeyValueType, &sec, (void **)&pStk)) != HandleError_None) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid key value handle %x (error %d)", hndl, herr); } KeyValues *kv; CUtlBuffer buffer; kv = pStk->pCurRoot.front(); kv->RecursiveSaveToFile(buffer, 0); return (cell_t)buffer.TellPut(); } static KeyValueNatives s_KeyValueNatives; REGISTER_NATIVES(keyvaluenatives) { {"KvSetString", smn_KvSetString}, {"KvSetNum", smn_KvSetNum}, {"KvSetUInt64", smn_KvSetUInt64}, {"KvSetFloat", smn_KvSetFloat}, {"KvSetColor", smn_KvSetColor}, {"KvGetString", smn_KvGetString}, {"KvGetNum", smn_KvGetNum}, {"KvGetFloat", smn_KvGetFloat}, {"KvGetColor", smn_KvGetColor}, {"KvGetUInt64", smn_KvGetUInt64}, {"CreateKeyValues", smn_CreateKeyValues}, {"KvJumpToKey", smn_KvJumpToKey}, {"KvJumpToKeySymbol", smn_KvJumpToKeySymbol}, {"KvGotoNextKey", smn_KvGotoNextKey}, {"KvGotoFirstSubKey", smn_KvGotoFirstSubKey}, {"KvGoBack", smn_KvGoBack}, {"KvRewind", smn_KvRewind}, {"KvGetSectionName", smn_KvGetSectionName}, {"KvSetSectionName", smn_KvSetSectionName}, {"KvGetDataType", smn_KvGetDataType}, {"KeyValuesToFile", smn_KeyValuesToFile}, {"FileToKeyValues", smn_FileToKeyValues}, {"StringToKeyValues", smn_StringToKeyValues}, {"KvSetEscapeSequences", smn_KvSetEscapeSequences}, {"KvDeleteThis", smn_KvDeleteThis}, {"KvDeleteKey", smn_KvDeleteKey}, {"KvNodesInStack", smn_KvNodesInStack}, {"KvSavePosition", smn_KvSavePosition}, {"KvCopySubkeys", smn_CopySubkeys}, {"KvFindKeyById", smn_FindKeyById}, {"KvGetNameSymbol", smn_GetNameSymbol}, {"KvGetSectionSymbol", smn_KvGetSectionSymbol}, {"KvGetVector", smn_KvGetVector}, {"KvSetVector", smn_KvSetVector}, // Transitional syntax support. {"KeyValues.KeyValues", smn_CreateKeyValues}, {"KeyValues.SetString", smn_KvSetString}, {"KeyValues.SetNum", smn_KvSetNum}, {"KeyValues.SetUInt64", smn_KvSetUInt64}, {"KeyValues.SetFloat", smn_KvSetFloat}, {"KeyValues.SetColor", smn_KvSetColor}, {"KeyValues.GetString", smn_KvGetString}, {"KeyValues.GetNum", smn_KvGetNum}, {"KeyValues.GetFloat", smn_KvGetFloat}, {"KeyValues.GetColor", smn_KvGetColor}, {"KeyValues.GetUInt64", smn_KvGetUInt64}, {"KeyValues.JumpToKey", smn_KvJumpToKey}, {"KeyValues.JumpToKeySymbol", smn_KvJumpToKeySymbol}, {"KeyValues.GotoNextKey", smn_KvGotoNextKey}, {"KeyValues.GotoFirstSubKey", smn_KvGotoFirstSubKey}, {"KeyValues.GoBack", smn_KvGoBack}, {"KeyValues.Rewind", smn_KvRewind}, {"KeyValues.GetSectionName", smn_KvGetSectionName}, {"KeyValues.SetSectionName", smn_KvSetSectionName}, {"KeyValues.GetDataType", smn_KvGetDataType}, {"KeyValues.SetEscapeSequences", smn_KvSetEscapeSequences}, {"KeyValues.DeleteThis", smn_KvDeleteThis}, {"KeyValues.DeleteKey", smn_KvDeleteKey}, {"KeyValues.NodesInStack", smn_KvNodesInStack}, {"KeyValues.SavePosition", smn_KvSavePosition}, {"KeyValues.FindKeyById", smn_FindKeyById}, {"KeyValues.GetNameSymbol", smn_GetNameSymbol}, {"KeyValues.GetSectionSymbol", smn_KvGetSectionSymbol}, {"KeyValues.GetVector", smn_KvGetVector}, {"KeyValues.SetVector", smn_KvSetVector}, {"KeyValues.Import", KeyValues_Import}, {"KeyValues.ImportFromFile", smn_FileToKeyValues}, {"KeyValues.ImportFromString", smn_StringToKeyValues}, {"KeyValues.ExportToFile", smn_KeyValuesToFile}, {"KeyValues.ExportToString", smn_KeyValuesToString}, {"KeyValues.ExportLength.get", smn_KeyValuesExportLength}, {NULL, NULL} };