/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERFACE_IPLAYERHELPERS_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERFACE_IPLAYERHELPERS_H_ /** * @file IPlayerHelpers.h * @brief Defines basic helper functions for Half-Life 2 clients */ #include <IShareSys.h> #include <IAdminSystem.h> #define SMINTERFACE_PLAYERMANAGER_NAME "IPlayerManager" #define SMINTERFACE_PLAYERMANAGER_VERSION 19 struct edict_t; class IPlayerInfo; #define SM_REPLY_CONSOLE 0 /**< Reply to console. */ #define SM_REPLY_CHAT 1 /**< Reply to chat. */ namespace SourceMod { /** * @brief Abstracts some Half-Life 2 and SourceMod properties about clients. */ class IGamePlayer { public: /** * @brief Returns the player's name. * * @return String containing the player's name, * or NULL if unavailable. */ virtual const char *GetName() =0; /** * @brief Returns the player's IP address. * * @return String containing the player's IP address, * or NULL if unavailable. */ virtual const char *GetIPAddress() =0; /** * @brief Returns the player's authentication string. * * @param validated Check backend validation status. * @return String containing the player's auth string. * May be NULL if unavailable. */ virtual const char *GetAuthString(bool validated = true) =0; /** * @brief Returns the player's edict_t structure. * * @return edict_t pointer, or NULL if unavailable. */ virtual edict_t *GetEdict() =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the player is in game (putinserver). * * @return True if in game, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsInGame() =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the player is connected. * * Note: If this returns true, all above functions except for * GetAuthString() should return non-NULL results. * * @return True if connected, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsConnected() =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the player is a fake client. * * @return True if a fake client, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsFakeClient() =0; /** * @brief Returns the client's AdminId, if any. * * @return AdminId, or INVALID_ADMIN_ID if none. */ virtual AdminId GetAdminId() =0; /** * @brief Sets the client's AdminId. * * @param id AdminId to set. * @param temp If true, the id will be invalidated on disconnect. */ virtual void SetAdminId(AdminId id, bool temp) =0; /** * @brief Returns the client's userid. * * @return Userid. */ virtual int GetUserId() =0; /** * @brief Returns the client's language id. * * @return Language id. */ virtual unsigned int GetLanguageId() =0; /** * @brief Returns a player's IPlayerInfo object, if any. * * @return IPlayerInfo pointer, or NULL if none. */ virtual IPlayerInfo *GetPlayerInfo() =0; /** * @brief Runs through Core's admin authorization checks. If the * client is already an admin, no checks are performed. * * Note that this function operates solely against the in-memory admin * cache. It will check steamids, IPs, names, and verify a password * if one exists. To implement other authentication schemes, simply * don't call this function and use IGamePlayer::SetAdminId() instead. * * @return True if access changed, false otherwise. */ virtual bool RunAdminCacheChecks() =0; /** * @brief Notifies all listeners that the client has completed * all of your post-connection (in-game, auth, admin) checks. * * If you returned "false" from OnClientPreAdminCheck(), you must * ALWAYS manually invoke this function, even if RunAdminCacheChecks() * failed or you did not assign an AdminId. Failure to call this * function could result in plugins (such as reservedslots) not * working properly. * * If you are implementing asynchronous fetches, and the client * disconnects during your fetching process, you should make sure to * recognize that case and not call this function. That is, do not * call this function on mismatched PreCheck calls, or on disconnected * clients. A good way to check this is to pass userids around, which * are unique per client connection. * * Calling this has no effect if it has already been called on the * given client (thus it is safe for multiple asynchronous plugins to * call it at various times). */ virtual void NotifyPostAdminChecks() =0; /** * @brief Returns the clients unique serial identifier. * * @return Serial number. */ virtual unsigned int GetSerial() =0; /** * @brief Return whether the client is authorized. * * @return True if authorized, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsAuthorized() =0; /** * @brief Kicks the client with a message * * @param message The message shown to the client when kicked */ virtual void Kick(const char *message) =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the client is marked as being in the kick * queue. The client doesn't necessarily have to be in the actual kick * queue for this function to return true. * * @return True if in the kick queue, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsInKickQueue() =0; /** * @brief Marks the client as being in the kick queue. They are not * actually added to the kick queue. Use IGameHelpers::AddDelayedKick() * to actually add them to the queue. */ virtual void MarkAsBeingKicked() =0; virtual void SetLanguageId(unsigned int id) =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the player is the SourceTV bot. * * @return True if the SourceTV bot, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsSourceTV() const =0; /** * @brief Returns whether the player is the Replay bot. * * @return True if the Replay bot, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsReplay() const =0; /** * @brief Returns the client's Steam account ID. * * @param validated Check backend validation status. * * @return Steam account ID or 0 if not available. */ virtual unsigned int GetSteamAccountID(bool validated = true) =0; /** * @brief Returns the client's edict/entity index. * * @return Client's index. */ virtual int GetIndex() const =0; /** * @brief Prints a string to the client console. * * @param pMsg String to print. */ virtual void PrintToConsole(const char *pMsg) =0; }; /** * @brief Provides callbacks for important client events. */ class IClientListener { public: /** * @brief Returns the current client listener version. * * @return Client listener version. */ virtual unsigned int GetClientListenerVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_PLAYERMANAGER_VERSION; } public: /** * @brief Called when a client requests connection. * * @param client Index of the client. * @param error Error buffer for a disconnect reason. * @param maxlength Maximum length of error buffer. * @return True to allow client, false to reject. */ virtual bool InterceptClientConnect(int client, char *error, size_t maxlength) { return true; } /** * @brief Called when a client has connected. * * @param client Index of the client. */ virtual void OnClientConnected(int client) { } /** * @brief Called when a client is put in server. * * @param client Index of the client. */ virtual void OnClientPutInServer(int client) { } /** * @brief Called when a client is disconnecting (not fully disconnected yet). * * @param client Index of the client. */ virtual void OnClientDisconnecting(int client) { } /** * @brief Called when a client has fully disconnected. * * @param client Index of the client. */ virtual void OnClientDisconnected(int client) { } /** * @brief Called when a client has received authorization. * * @param client Index of the client. * @param authstring Authorization string. */ virtual void OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char *authstring) { } /** * @brief Called when the server is activated. */ virtual void OnServerActivated(int max_clients) { } /** * @brief Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, but * before admin checks are done. This can be used to override the * default admin checks for a client. * * By default, this function allows the authentication process to * continue as normal. If you need to delay the cache searching * process in order to get asynchronous data, then return false here. * * If you return false, you must call IPlayerManager::NotifyPostAdminCheck * for the same client, or else the OnClientPostAdminCheck callback will * never be called. * * @param client Client index. * @return True to continue normally, false to override * the authentication process. */ virtual bool OnClientPreAdminCheck(int client) { return true; } /** * @brief Called once a client is authorized and fully in-game, and * after all post-connection authorizations have been passed. If the * client does not have an AdminId by this stage, it means that no * admin entry was in the cache that matched, and the user could not * be authenticated as an admin. * * @param client Client index. */ virtual void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { } /** * @brief Notifies the extension that the maxplayers value has changed * * @param newvalue New maxplayers value. */ virtual void OnMaxPlayersChanged(int newvalue) { } /** * @brief Notifies the extension that a clients settings changed * * @param client Client index. */ virtual void OnClientSettingsChanged(int client) { } }; #define COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE (1<<0) /**< Only allow alive players */ #define COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD (1<<1) /**< Only filter dead players */ #define COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED (1<<2) /**< Allow players not fully in-game */ #define COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY (1<<3) /**< Ignore immunity rules */ #define COMMAND_FILTER_NO_MULTI (1<<4) /**< Do not allow multiple target patterns */ #define COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS (1<<5) /**< Do not allow bots to be targetted */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_VALID 1 /**< Client passed the filter */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_NONE 0 /**< No target was found */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_ALIVE -1 /**< Single client is not alive */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_DEAD -2 /**< Single client is not dead */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_IN_GAME -3 /**< Single client is not in game */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_IMMUNE -4 /**< Single client is immune */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER -5 /**< A multi-filter (such as @all) had no targets */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_HUMAN -6 /**< Target was not human */ #define COMMAND_TARGET_AMBIGUOUS -7 /**< Partial name had too many targets */ #define COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW 0 /**< Target name is a raw string */ #define COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML 1 /**< Target name is a multi-lingual phrase */ /** * @brief Holds the many command target info parameters. */ struct cmd_target_info_t { const char *pattern; /**< IN: Target pattern string. */ int admin; /**< IN: Client admin index, or 0 if server .*/ cell_t *targets; /**< IN: Array to store targets. */ cell_t max_targets; /**< IN: Max targets (always >= 1) */ int flags; /**< IN: COMMAND_FILTER flags. */ char *target_name; /**< OUT: Buffer to store target name. */ size_t target_name_maxlength; /**< IN: Maximum length of the target name buffer. */ int target_name_style; /**< OUT: Target name style (COMMAND_TARGETNAME) */ int reason; /**< OUT: COMMAND_TARGET reason. */ unsigned int num_targets; /**< OUT: Number of targets. */ }; /** * @brief Intercepts a command target operation. */ class ICommandTargetProcessor { public: /** * @brief Must process the command target and return a COMMAND_TARGET value. * * @param info Struct containing command target information. * Any members labelled OUT must be filled if processing * is to be completed (i.e. true returned). * @return True to end processing, false to let Core continue. */ virtual bool ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) =0; }; class IPlayerManager : public SMInterface { public: const char *GetInterfaceName() { return SMINTERFACE_PLAYERMANAGER_NAME; } unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_PLAYERMANAGER_VERSION; } public: /** * @brief Adds a client listener. * * @param listener Pointer to an IClientListener. */ virtual void AddClientListener(IClientListener *listener) =0; /** * @brief Removes a client listener. * * @param listener Pointer to an IClientListener. */ virtual void RemoveClientListener(IClientListener *listener) =0; /** * @brief Retrieves an IGamePlayer object by its client index. * * Note: This will return a valid object for any player, connected or not. * Note: Client indexes start at 1, not 0. * * @param client Index of the client. * @return An IGamePlayer pointer, or NULL if out of range. */ virtual IGamePlayer *GetGamePlayer(int client) =0; /** * @brief Retrieves an IGamePlayer object by its edict_t pointer. * * @param pEdict Index of the client * @return An IGamePlayer pointer, or NULL if out of range. */ virtual IGamePlayer *GetGamePlayer(edict_t *pEdict) =0; /** * @brief Returns the maximum number of clients. * * Note: this will not work until the server is activated. * * @return Maximum number of clients. */ virtual int GetMaxClients() =0; /** * @brief Returns the number of players currently connected. * * @return Current number of connected clients. */ virtual int GetNumPlayers() =0; /** * @brief Returns the client index by its userid. * * @param userid Userid of the client. * @return Client index, or 0 if invalid userid passed. */ virtual int GetClientOfUserId(int userid) =0; /** * @brief Returns whether or not the server is activated. * * @return True if ServerActivate() has been called * at least once, false otherwise. */ virtual bool IsServerActivated() =0; /** * @brief Gets SourceMod's reply source. * * @return ReplyTo source. */ virtual unsigned int GetReplyTo() =0; /** * @brief Sets SourceMod's reply source. * * @param reply Reply source. * @return Old reply source. */ virtual unsigned int SetReplyTo(unsigned int reply) =0; /** * @brief Tests if a player meets command filtering rules. * * @param pAdmin IGamePlayer of the admin, or NULL if the server. * @param pTarget IGamePlayer of the player being targeted. * @param flags COMMAND_FILTER flags. * @return COMMAND_TARGET value. */ virtual int FilterCommandTarget(IGamePlayer *pAdmin, IGamePlayer *pTarget, int flags) =0; /** * @brief Registers a command target processor. * * @param pHandler Pointer to an ICommandTargetProcessor instance. */ virtual void RegisterCommandTargetProcessor(ICommandTargetProcessor *pHandler) =0; /** * @brief Removes a command target processor. * * @param pHandler Pointer to an ICommandTargetProcessor instance. */ virtual void UnregisterCommandTargetProcessor(ICommandTargetProcessor *pHandler) =0; /** * @brief Returns the client index by its serial number. * * @return Client index, or 0 for invalid serial. */ virtual int GetClientFromSerial(unsigned int serial) =0; /** * @brief Processes the pattern inside a cmd_target_info_t structure * and outputs the clients that match it. * * @param info Pointer to the cmd_target_info_t structure to process. */ virtual void ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) =0; }; } #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_INTERFACE_IPLAYERHELPERS_H_