/** * vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=99 et: * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "jit_x86.h" #include "plugin-runtime.h" #include "plugin-context.h" #include "watchdog_timer.h" #include "environment.h" #include "code-stubs.h" #include "x86-utils.h" using namespace sp; #if defined USE_UNGEN_OPCODES #include "ungen_opcodes.h" #endif #define __ masm. static inline ConditionCode OpToCondition(OPCODE op) { switch (op) { case OP_EQ: case OP_JEQ: return equal; case OP_NEQ: case OP_JNEQ: return not_equal; case OP_SLESS: case OP_JSLESS: return less; case OP_SLEQ: case OP_JSLEQ: return less_equal; case OP_SGRTR: case OP_JSGRTR: return greater; case OP_SGEQ: case OP_JSGEQ: return greater_equal; default: assert(false); return negative; } } #if 0 && !defined NDEBUG static const char * GetFunctionName(const sp_plugin_t *plugin, uint32_t offs) { if (!plugin->debug.unpacked) { uint32_t max, iter; sp_fdbg_symbol_t *sym; sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *arr; uint8_t *cursor = (uint8_t *)(plugin->debug.symbols); max = plugin->debug.syms_num; for (iter = 0; iter < max; iter++) { sym = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)cursor; if (sym->ident == sp::IDENT_FUNCTION && sym->codestart <= offs && sym->codeend > offs) return plugin->debug.stringbase + sym->name; if (sym->dimcount > 0) { cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t); arr = (sp_fdbg_arraydim_t *)cursor; cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_arraydim_t) * sym->dimcount; continue; } cursor += sizeof(sp_fdbg_symbol_t); } } else { uint32_t max, iter; sp_u_fdbg_symbol_t *sym; sp_u_fdbg_arraydim_t *arr; uint8_t *cursor = (uint8_t *)(plugin->debug.symbols); max = plugin->debug.syms_num; for (iter = 0; iter < max; iter++) { sym = (sp_u_fdbg_symbol_t *)cursor; if (sym->ident == sp::IDENT_FUNCTION && sym->codestart <= offs && sym->codeend > offs) return plugin->debug.stringbase + sym->name; if (sym->dimcount > 0) { cursor += sizeof(sp_u_fdbg_symbol_t); arr = (sp_u_fdbg_arraydim_t *)cursor; cursor += sizeof(sp_u_fdbg_arraydim_t) * sym->dimcount; continue; } cursor += sizeof(sp_u_fdbg_symbol_t); } } return NULL; } #endif CompiledFunction * sp::CompileFunction(PluginRuntime *prt, cell_t pcode_offs, int *err) { Compiler cc(prt, pcode_offs); CompiledFunction *fun = cc.emit(err); if (!fun) return NULL; // Grab the lock before linking code in, since the watchdog timer will look // at this list on another thread. ke::AutoLock lock(Environment::get()->lock()); prt->AddJittedFunction(fun); return fun; } static int CompileFromThunk(PluginRuntime *runtime, cell_t pcode_offs, void **addrp, char *pc) { // If the watchdog timer has declared a timeout, we must process it now, // and possibly refuse to compile, since otherwise we will compile a // function that is not patched for timeouts. if (!Environment::get()->watchdog()->HandleInterrupt()) return SP_ERROR_TIMEOUT; CompiledFunction *fn = runtime->GetJittedFunctionByOffset(pcode_offs); if (!fn) { int err; fn = CompileFunction(runtime, pcode_offs, &err); if (!fn) return err; } #if defined JIT_SPEW Environment::get()->debugger()->OnDebugSpew( "Patching thunk to %s::%s\n", runtime->plugin()->name, GetFunctionName(runtime->plugin(), pcode_offs)); #endif *addrp = fn->GetEntryAddress(); /* Right now, we always keep the code RWE */ *(intptr_t *)(pc - 4) = intptr_t(fn->GetEntryAddress()) - intptr_t(pc); return SP_ERROR_NONE; } Compiler::Compiler(PluginRuntime *rt, cell_t pcode_offs) : env_(Environment::get()), rt_(rt), context_(rt->GetBaseContext()), image_(rt_->image()), error_(SP_ERROR_NONE), pcode_start_(pcode_offs), code_start_(reinterpret_cast<const cell_t *>(rt_->code().bytes + pcode_start_)), cip_(code_start_), code_end_(reinterpret_cast<const cell_t *>(rt_->code().bytes + rt_->code().length)) { size_t nmaxops = rt_->code().length / sizeof(cell_t) + 1; jump_map_ = new Label[nmaxops]; } Compiler::~Compiler() { delete [] jump_map_; } CompiledFunction * Compiler::emit(int *errp) { if (cip_ >= code_end_ || *cip_ != OP_PROC) { *errp = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; return NULL; } #if defined JIT_SPEW g_engine1.GetDebugHook()->OnDebugSpew( "Compiling function %s::%s\n", rt_->Name(), GetFunctionName(plugin_, pcode_start_)); SpewOpcode(plugin_, code_start_, cip_); #endif const cell_t *codeseg = reinterpret_cast<const cell_t *>(rt_->code().bytes); cip_++; if (!emitOp(OP_PROC)) { *errp = (error_ == SP_ERROR_NONE) ? SP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY : error_; return NULL; } while (cip_ < code_end_) { // If we reach the end of this function, or the beginning of a new // procedure, then stop. if (*cip_ == OP_PROC || *cip_ == OP_ENDPROC) break; #if defined JIT_SPEW SpewOpcode(plugin_, code_start_, cip_); #endif // We assume every instruction is a jump target, so before emitting // an opcode, we bind its corresponding label. __ bind(&jump_map_[cip_ - codeseg]); // Save the start of the opcode for emitCipMap(). op_cip_ = cip_; OPCODE op = (OPCODE)readCell(); if (!emitOp(op) || error_ != SP_ERROR_NONE) { *errp = (error_ == SP_ERROR_NONE) ? SP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY : error_; return NULL; } } emitCallThunks(); // For each backward jump, emit a little thunk so we can exit from a timeout. // Track the offset of where the thunk is, so the watchdog timer can patch it. for (size_t i = 0; i < backward_jumps_.length(); i++) { BackwardJump &jump = backward_jumps_[i]; jump.timeout_offset = masm.pc(); __ call(&throw_timeout_); emitCipMapping(jump.cip); } // This has to come last. emitErrorPaths(); uint8_t *code = LinkCode(env_, masm); if (!code) { *errp = SP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NULL; } AutoPtr<FixedArray<LoopEdge>> edges( new FixedArray<LoopEdge>(backward_jumps_.length())); for (size_t i = 0; i < backward_jumps_.length(); i++) { const BackwardJump &jump = backward_jumps_[i]; edges->at(i).offset = jump.pc; edges->at(i).disp32 = int32_t(jump.timeout_offset) - int32_t(jump.pc); } AutoPtr<FixedArray<CipMapEntry>> cipmap( new FixedArray<CipMapEntry>(cip_map_.length())); memcpy(cipmap->buffer(), cip_map_.buffer(), cip_map_.length() * sizeof(CipMapEntry)); return new CompiledFunction(code, masm.length(), pcode_start_, edges.take(), cipmap.take()); } // No exit frame - error code is returned directly. static int InvokePushTracker(PluginContext *cx, uint32_t amount) { return cx->pushTracker(amount); } // No exit frame - error code is returned directly. static int InvokePopTrackerAndSetHeap(PluginContext *cx) { return cx->popTrackerAndSetHeap(); } // Error code must be checked in the environment. static cell_t InvokeNativeHelper(PluginContext *cx, ucell_t native_idx, cell_t *params) { return cx->invokeNative(native_idx, params); } // Error code must be checked in the environment. static cell_t InvokeBoundNativeHelper(PluginContext *cx, SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC fn, cell_t *params) { return cx->invokeBoundNative(fn, params); } // No exit frame - error code is returned directly. static int InvokeGenerateFullArray(PluginContext *cx, uint32_t argc, cell_t *argv, int autozero) { return cx->generateFullArray(argc, argv, autozero); } // Exit frame is a JitExitFrameForHelper. static void InvokeReportError(int err) { Environment::get()->ReportError(err); } // Exit frame is a JitExitFrameForHelper. This is a special function since we // have to notify the watchdog timer that we're unblocked. static void InvokeReportTimeout() { Environment::get()->watchdog()->NotifyTimeoutReceived(); InvokeReportError(SP_ERROR_TIMEOUT); } bool Compiler::emitOp(OPCODE op) { switch (op) { case OP_MOVE_PRI: __ movl(pri, alt); break; case OP_MOVE_ALT: __ movl(alt, pri); break; case OP_XCHG: __ xchgl(pri, alt); break; case OP_ZERO: { cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(dat, offset), 0); break; } case OP_ZERO_S: { cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(frm, offset), 0); break; } case OP_PUSH_PRI: case OP_PUSH_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_PUSH_PRI) ? pri : alt; __ movl(Operand(stk, -4), reg); __ subl(stk, 4); break; } case OP_PUSH_C: case OP_PUSH2_C: case OP_PUSH3_C: case OP_PUSH4_C: case OP_PUSH5_C: { int n = 1; if (op >= OP_PUSH2_C) n = ((op - OP_PUSH2_C) / 4) + 2; int i = 1; do { cell_t val = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(stk, -(4 * i)), val); } while (i++ < n); __ subl(stk, 4 * n); break; } case OP_PUSH_ADR: case OP_PUSH2_ADR: case OP_PUSH3_ADR: case OP_PUSH4_ADR: case OP_PUSH5_ADR: { int n = 1; if (op >= OP_PUSH2_ADR) n = ((op - OP_PUSH2_ADR) / 4) + 2; int i = 1; // We temporarily relocate FRM to be a local address instead of an // absolute address. __ subl(frm, dat); do { cell_t offset = readCell(); __ lea(tmp, Operand(frm, offset)); __ movl(Operand(stk, -(4 * i)), tmp); } while (i++ < n); __ subl(stk, 4 * n); __ addl(frm, dat); break; } case OP_PUSH_S: case OP_PUSH2_S: case OP_PUSH3_S: case OP_PUSH4_S: case OP_PUSH5_S: { int n = 1; if (op >= OP_PUSH2_S) n = ((op - OP_PUSH2_S) / 4) + 2; int i = 1; do { cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(tmp, Operand(frm, offset)); __ movl(Operand(stk, -(4 * i)), tmp); } while (i++ < n); __ subl(stk, 4 * n); break; } case OP_PUSH: case OP_PUSH2: case OP_PUSH3: case OP_PUSH4: case OP_PUSH5: { int n = 1; if (op >= OP_PUSH2) n = ((op - OP_PUSH2) / 4) + 2; int i = 1; do { cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(tmp, Operand(dat, offset)); __ movl(Operand(stk, -(4 * i)), tmp); } while (i++ < n); __ subl(stk, 4 * n); break; } case OP_ZERO_PRI: __ xorl(pri, pri); break; case OP_ZERO_ALT: __ xorl(alt, alt); break; case OP_ADD: __ addl(pri, alt); break; case OP_SUB: __ subl(pri, alt); break; case OP_SUB_ALT: __ movl(tmp, alt); __ subl(tmp, pri); __ movl(pri, tmp); break; case OP_PROC: // Push the old frame onto the stack. __ movl(tmp, Operand(frmAddr())); __ movl(Operand(stk, -4), tmp); __ subl(stk, 8); // extra unused slot for non-existant CIP // Get and store the new frame. __ movl(tmp, stk); __ movl(frm, stk); __ subl(tmp, dat); __ movl(Operand(frmAddr()), tmp); // Store the function cip for stack traces. __ push(pcode_start_); // Align the stack to 16-bytes (each call adds 8 bytes). __ subl(esp, 8); #if defined(DEBUG) // Debug guards. __ movl(Operand(esp, 0), 0xffaaee00); __ movl(Operand(esp, 4), 0xffaaee04); #endif break; case OP_IDXADDR_B: { cell_t val = readCell(); __ shll(pri, val); __ addl(pri, alt); break; } case OP_SHL: __ movl(ecx, alt); __ shll_cl(pri); break; case OP_SHR: __ movl(ecx, alt); __ shrl_cl(pri); break; case OP_SSHR: __ movl(ecx, alt); __ sarl_cl(pri); break; case OP_SHL_C_PRI: case OP_SHL_C_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_SHL_C_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t val = readCell(); __ shll(reg, val); break; } case OP_SHR_C_PRI: case OP_SHR_C_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_SHR_C_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t val = readCell(); __ shrl(reg, val); break; } case OP_SMUL: __ imull(pri, alt); break; case OP_NOT: __ testl(eax, eax); __ movl(eax, 0); __ set(zero, r8_al); break; case OP_NEG: __ negl(eax); break; case OP_XOR: __ xorl(pri, alt); break; case OP_OR: __ orl(pri, alt); break; case OP_AND: __ andl(pri, alt); break; case OP_INVERT: __ notl(pri); break; case OP_ADD_C: { cell_t val = readCell(); __ addl(pri, val); break; } case OP_SMUL_C: { cell_t val = readCell(); __ imull(pri, pri, val); break; } case OP_EQ: case OP_NEQ: case OP_SLESS: case OP_SLEQ: case OP_SGRTR: case OP_SGEQ: { ConditionCode cc = OpToCondition(op); __ cmpl(pri, alt); __ movl(pri, 0); __ set(cc, r8_al); break; } case OP_EQ_C_PRI: case OP_EQ_C_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_EQ_C_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t val = readCell(); __ cmpl(reg, val); __ movl(pri, 0); __ set(equal, r8_al); break; } case OP_INC_PRI: case OP_INC_ALT: { Register reg = (OP_INC_PRI) ? pri : alt; __ addl(reg, 1); break; } case OP_INC: case OP_INC_S: { Register base = (op == OP_INC) ? dat : frm; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ addl(Operand(base, offset), 1); break; } case OP_INC_I: __ addl(Operand(dat, pri, NoScale), 1); break; case OP_DEC_PRI: case OP_DEC_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_DEC_PRI) ? pri : alt; __ subl(reg, 1); break; } case OP_DEC: case OP_DEC_S: { Register base = (op == OP_DEC) ? dat : frm; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ subl(Operand(base, offset), 1); break; } case OP_DEC_I: __ subl(Operand(dat, pri, NoScale), 1); break; case OP_LOAD_PRI: case OP_LOAD_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_LOAD_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(reg, Operand(dat, offset)); break; } case OP_LOAD_BOTH: { cell_t offs1 = readCell(); cell_t offs2 = readCell(); __ movl(pri, Operand(dat, offs1)); __ movl(alt, Operand(dat, offs2)); break; } case OP_LOAD_S_PRI: case OP_LOAD_S_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_LOAD_S_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(reg, Operand(frm, offset)); break; } case OP_LOAD_S_BOTH: { cell_t offs1 = readCell(); cell_t offs2 = readCell(); __ movl(pri, Operand(frm, offs1)); __ movl(alt, Operand(frm, offs2)); break; } case OP_LREF_S_PRI: case OP_LREF_S_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_LREF_S_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(reg, Operand(frm, offset)); __ movl(reg, Operand(dat, reg, NoScale)); break; } case OP_CONST_PRI: case OP_CONST_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_CONST_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t val = readCell(); __ movl(reg, val); break; } case OP_ADDR_PRI: case OP_ADDR_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_ADDR_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(reg, Operand(frmAddr())); __ addl(reg, offset); break; } case OP_STOR_PRI: case OP_STOR_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_STOR_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(dat, offset), reg); break; } case OP_STOR_S_PRI: case OP_STOR_S_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_STOR_S_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(frm, offset), reg); break; } case OP_IDXADDR: __ lea(pri, Operand(alt, pri, ScaleFour)); break; case OP_SREF_S_PRI: case OP_SREF_S_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_SREF_S_PRI) ? pri : alt; cell_t offset = readCell(); __ movl(tmp, Operand(frm, offset)); __ movl(Operand(dat, tmp, NoScale), reg); break; } case OP_POP_PRI: case OP_POP_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_POP_PRI) ? pri : alt; __ movl(reg, Operand(stk, 0)); __ addl(stk, 4); break; } case OP_SWAP_PRI: case OP_SWAP_ALT: { Register reg = (op == OP_SWAP_PRI) ? pri : alt; __ movl(tmp, Operand(stk, 0)); __ movl(Operand(stk, 0), reg); __ movl(reg, tmp); break; } case OP_LIDX: __ lea(pri, Operand(alt, pri, ScaleFour)); __ movl(pri, Operand(dat, pri, NoScale)); break; case OP_LIDX_B: { cell_t val = readCell(); if (val >= 0 && val <= 3) { __ lea(pri, Operand(alt, pri, Scale(val))); } else { __ shll(pri, val); __ addl(pri, alt); } emitCheckAddress(pri); __ movl(pri, Operand(dat, pri, NoScale)); break; } case OP_CONST: case OP_CONST_S: { Register base = (op == OP_CONST) ? dat : frm; cell_t offset = readCell(); cell_t val = readCell(); __ movl(Operand(base, offset), val); break; } case OP_LOAD_I: emitCheckAddress(pri); __ movl(pri, Operand(dat, pri, NoScale)); break; case OP_STOR_I: emitCheckAddress(alt); __ movl(Operand(dat, alt, NoScale), pri); break; case OP_SDIV: case OP_SDIV_ALT: { Register dividend = (op == OP_SDIV) ? pri : alt; Register divisor = (op == OP_SDIV) ? alt : pri; // Guard against divide-by-zero. __ testl(divisor, divisor); jumpOnError(zero, SP_ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); // A more subtle case; -INT_MIN / -1 yields an overflow exception. Label ok; __ cmpl(divisor, -1); __ j(not_equal, &ok); __ cmpl(dividend, 0x80000000); jumpOnError(equal, SP_ERROR_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); __ bind(&ok); // Now we can actually perform the divide. __ movl(tmp, divisor); if (op == OP_SDIV) __ movl(edx, dividend); else __ movl(eax, dividend); __ sarl(edx, 31); __ idivl(tmp); break; } case OP_LODB_I: { cell_t val = readCell(); emitCheckAddress(pri); __ movl(pri, Operand(dat, pri, NoScale)); if (val == 1) __ andl(pri, 0xff); else if (val == 2) __ andl(pri, 0xffff); break; } case OP_STRB_I: { cell_t val = readCell(); emitCheckAddress(alt); if (val == 1) __ movb(Operand(dat, alt, NoScale), pri); else if (val == 2) __ movw(Operand(dat, alt, NoScale), pri); else if (val == 4) __ movl(Operand(dat, alt, NoScale), pri); break; } case OP_RETN: { // Restore the old frame pointer. __ movl(frm, Operand(stk, 4)); // get the old frm __ addl(stk, 8); // pop stack __ movl(Operand(frmAddr()), frm); // store back old frm __ addl(frm, dat); // relocate // Remove parameters. __ movl(tmp, Operand(stk, 0)); __ lea(stk, Operand(stk, tmp, ScaleFour, 4)); __ addl(esp, 12); __ ret(); break; } case OP_MOVS: { cell_t val = readCell(); unsigned dwords = val / 4; unsigned bytes = val % 4; __ cld(); __ push(esi); __ push(edi); // Note: set edi first, since we need esi. __ lea(edi, Operand(dat, alt, NoScale)); __ lea(esi, Operand(dat, pri, NoScale)); if (dwords) { __ movl(ecx, dwords); __ rep_movsd(); } if (bytes) { __ movl(ecx, bytes); __ rep_movsb(); } __ pop(edi); __ pop(esi); break; } case OP_FILL: { // eax/pri is used implicitly. unsigned dwords = readCell() / 4; __ push(edi); __ lea(edi, Operand(dat, alt, NoScale)); __ movl(ecx, dwords); __ cld(); __ rep_stosd(); __ pop(edi); break; } case OP_STRADJUST_PRI: __ addl(pri, 4); __ sarl(pri, 2); break; case OP_FABS: __ movl(pri, Operand(stk, 0)); __ andl(pri, 0x7fffffff); __ addl(stk, 4); break; case OP_FLOAT: if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse2) { __ cvtsi2ss(xmm0, Operand(edi, 0)); __ movd(pri, xmm0); } else { __ fild32(Operand(edi, 0)); __ subl(esp, 4); __ fstp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(pri); } __ addl(stk, 4); break; case OP_FLOATADD: case OP_FLOATSUB: case OP_FLOATMUL: case OP_FLOATDIV: if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse2) { __ movss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 0)); if (op == OP_FLOATADD) __ addss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATSUB) __ subss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATMUL) __ mulss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATDIV) __ divss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 4)); __ movd(pri, xmm0); } else { __ subl(esp, 4); __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); if (op == OP_FLOATADD) __ fadd32(Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATSUB) __ fsub32(Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATMUL) __ fmul32(Operand(stk, 4)); else if (op == OP_FLOATDIV) __ fdiv32(Operand(stk, 4)); __ fstp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(pri); } __ addl(stk, 8); break; case OP_RND_TO_NEAREST: { if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse) { // Assume no one is touching MXCSR. __ cvtss2si(pri, Operand(stk, 0)); } else { static float kRoundToNearest = 0.5f; // From http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/assembler_tricks.html#fastfloorf __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ fadd32(st0, st0); __ fadd32(Operand(ExternalAddress(&kRoundToNearest))); __ subl(esp, 4); __ fistp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(pri); __ sarl(pri, 1); } __ addl(stk, 4); break; } case OP_RND_TO_CEIL: { static float kRoundToCeil = -0.5f; // From http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/assembler_tricks.html#fastfloorf __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ fadd32(st0, st0); __ fsubr32(Operand(ExternalAddress(&kRoundToCeil))); __ subl(esp, 4); __ fistp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(pri); __ sarl(pri, 1); __ negl(pri); __ addl(stk, 4); break; } case OP_RND_TO_ZERO: if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse) { __ cvttss2si(pri, Operand(stk, 0)); } else { __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ subl(esp, 8); __ fstcw(Operand(esp, 4)); __ movl(Operand(esp, 0), 0xfff); __ fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); __ fistp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(pri); __ fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); __ addl(esp, 4); } __ addl(stk, 4); break; case OP_RND_TO_FLOOR: __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ subl(esp, 8); __ fstcw(Operand(esp, 4)); __ movl(Operand(esp, 0), 0x7ff); __ fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); __ fistp32(Operand(esp, 0)); __ pop(eax); __ fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); __ addl(esp, 4); __ addl(stk, 4); break; // This is the old float cmp, which returns ordered results. In newly // compiled code it should not be used or generated. // // Note that the checks here are inverted: the test is |rhs OP lhs|. case OP_FLOATCMP: { Label bl, ab, done; if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse) { __ movss(xmm0, Operand(stk, 4)); __ ucomiss(Operand(stk, 0), xmm0); } else { __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ fld32(Operand(stk, 4)); __ fucomip(st1); __ fstp(st0); } __ j(above, &ab); __ j(below, &bl); __ xorl(pri, pri); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&ab); __ movl(pri, -1); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&bl); __ movl(pri, 1); __ bind(&done); __ addl(stk, 8); break; } case OP_FLOAT_GT: emitFloatCmp(above); break; case OP_FLOAT_GE: emitFloatCmp(above_equal); break; case OP_FLOAT_LE: emitFloatCmp(below_equal); break; case OP_FLOAT_LT: emitFloatCmp(below); break; case OP_FLOAT_EQ: emitFloatCmp(equal); break; case OP_FLOAT_NE: emitFloatCmp(not_equal); break; case OP_FLOAT_NOT: { if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse) { __ xorps(xmm0, xmm0); __ ucomiss(Operand(stk, 0), xmm0); } else { __ fld32(Operand(stk, 0)); __ fldz(); __ fucomip(st1); __ fstp(st0); } // See emitFloatCmp() - this is a shorter version. Label done; __ movl(eax, 1); __ j(parity, &done); __ set(zero, r8_al); __ bind(&done); __ addl(stk, 4); break; } case OP_STACK: { cell_t amount = readCell(); __ addl(stk, amount); if (amount > 0) { // Check if the stack went beyond the stack top - usually a compiler error. __ cmpl(stk, intptr_t(context_->memory() + context_->HeapSize())); jumpOnError(not_below, SP_ERROR_STACKMIN); } else { // Check if the stack is going to collide with the heap. __ movl(tmp, Operand(hpAddr())); __ lea(tmp, Operand(dat, ecx, NoScale, STACK_MARGIN)); __ cmpl(stk, tmp); jumpOnError(below, SP_ERROR_STACKLOW); } break; } case OP_HEAP: { cell_t amount = readCell(); __ movl(alt, Operand(hpAddr())); __ addl(Operand(hpAddr()), amount); if (amount < 0) { __ cmpl(Operand(hpAddr()), context_->DataSize()); jumpOnError(below, SP_ERROR_HEAPMIN); } else { __ movl(tmp, Operand(hpAddr())); __ lea(tmp, Operand(dat, ecx, NoScale, STACK_MARGIN)); __ cmpl(tmp, stk); jumpOnError(above, SP_ERROR_HEAPLOW); } break; } case OP_JUMP: { Label *target = labelAt(readCell()); if (!target) return false; if (target->bound()) { __ jmp32(target); backward_jumps_.append(BackwardJump(masm.pc(), op_cip_)); } else { __ jmp(target); } break; } case OP_JZER: case OP_JNZ: { ConditionCode cc = (op == OP_JZER) ? zero : not_zero; Label *target = labelAt(readCell()); if (!target) return false; __ testl(pri, pri); if (target->bound()) { __ j32(cc, target); backward_jumps_.append(BackwardJump(masm.pc(), op_cip_)); } else { __ j(cc, target); } break; } case OP_JEQ: case OP_JNEQ: case OP_JSLESS: case OP_JSLEQ: case OP_JSGRTR: case OP_JSGEQ: { Label *target = labelAt(readCell()); if (!target) return false; ConditionCode cc = OpToCondition(op); __ cmpl(pri, alt); if (target->bound()) { __ j32(cc, target); backward_jumps_.append(BackwardJump(masm.pc(), op_cip_)); } else { __ j(cc, target); } break; } case OP_TRACKER_PUSH_C: { cell_t amount = readCell(); __ push(pri); __ push(alt); __ push(amount * 4); __ push(intptr_t(rt_->GetBaseContext())); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokePushTracker)); __ addl(esp, 8); __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); __ pop(alt); __ pop(pri); break; } case OP_TRACKER_POP_SETHEAP: { // Save registers. __ push(pri); __ push(alt); // Get the context pointer and call the sanity checker. __ push(intptr_t(rt_->GetBaseContext())); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokePopTrackerAndSetHeap)); __ addl(esp, 4); __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); __ pop(alt); __ pop(pri); break; } // This opcode is used to note where line breaks occur. We don't support // live debugging, and if we did, we could build this map from the lines // table. So we don't generate any code here. case OP_BREAK: break; // This should never be hit. case OP_HALT: __ align(16); __ movl(pri, readCell()); __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); break; case OP_BOUNDS: { cell_t value = readCell(); __ cmpl(eax, value); jumpOnError(above, SP_ERROR_ARRAY_BOUNDS); break; } case OP_GENARRAY: case OP_GENARRAY_Z: emitGenArray(op == OP_GENARRAY_Z); break; case OP_CALL: if (!emitCall()) return false; break; case OP_SYSREQ_C: case OP_SYSREQ_N: if (!emitNativeCall(op)) return false; break; case OP_SWITCH: if (!emitSwitch()) return false; break; case OP_CASETBL: { size_t ncases = readCell(); // Two cells per case, and one extra cell for the default address. cip_ += (ncases * 2) + 1; break; } case OP_NOP: break; default: error_ = SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; return false; } return true; } Label * Compiler::labelAt(size_t offset) { if (offset % 4 != 0 || offset > rt_->code().length || offset <= pcode_start_) { // If the jump target is misaligned, or out of pcode bounds, or is an // address out of the function bounds, we abort. Unfortunately we can't // test beyond the end of the function since we don't have a precursor // pass (yet). error_ = SP_ERROR_INSTRUCTION_PARAM; return NULL; } return &jump_map_[offset / sizeof(cell_t)]; } void Compiler::emitCheckAddress(Register reg) { // Check if we're in memory bounds. __ cmpl(reg, context_->HeapSize()); jumpOnError(not_below, SP_ERROR_MEMACCESS); // Check if we're in the invalid region between hp and sp. Label done; __ cmpl(reg, Operand(hpAddr())); __ j(below, &done); __ lea(tmp, Operand(dat, reg, NoScale)); __ cmpl(tmp, stk); jumpOnError(below, SP_ERROR_MEMACCESS); __ bind(&done); } void Compiler::emitGenArray(bool autozero) { cell_t val = readCell(); if (val == 1) { // flat array; we can generate this without indirection tables. // Note that we can overwrite ALT because technically STACK should be destroying ALT __ movl(alt, Operand(hpAddr())); __ movl(tmp, Operand(stk, 0)); __ movl(Operand(stk, 0), alt); // store base of the array into the stack. __ lea(alt, Operand(alt, tmp, ScaleFour)); __ movl(Operand(hpAddr()), alt); __ addl(alt, dat); __ cmpl(alt, stk); jumpOnError(not_below, SP_ERROR_HEAPLOW); __ shll(tmp, 2); __ push(tmp); __ push(intptr_t(rt_->GetBaseContext())); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokePushTracker)); __ addl(esp, 4); __ pop(tmp); __ shrl(tmp, 2); __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); if (autozero) { // Note - tmp is ecx and still intact. __ push(eax); __ push(edi); __ xorl(eax, eax); __ movl(edi, Operand(stk, 0)); __ addl(edi, dat); __ cld(); __ rep_stosd(); __ pop(edi); __ pop(eax); } } else { __ push(pri); // int GenerateArray(cx, vars[], uint32_t, cell_t *, int, unsigned *); __ push(autozero ? 1 : 0); __ push(stk); __ push(val); __ push(intptr_t(context_)); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokeGenerateFullArray)); __ addl(esp, 4 * sizeof(void *)); // restore pri to tmp __ pop(tmp); __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); // Move tmp back to pri, remove pushed args. __ movl(pri, tmp); __ addl(stk, (val - 1) * 4); } } bool Compiler::emitCall() { cell_t offset = readCell(); // If this offset looks crappy, i.e. not aligned or out of bounds, we just // abort. if (offset % 4 != 0 || uint32_t(offset) >= rt_->code().length) { error_ = SP_ERROR_INSTRUCTION_PARAM; return false; } CompiledFunction *fun = rt_->GetJittedFunctionByOffset(offset); if (!fun) { // Need to emit a delayed thunk. CallThunk *thunk = new CallThunk(offset); __ call(&thunk->call); if (!thunks_.append(thunk)) return false; } else { // Function is already emitted, we can do a direct call. __ call(ExternalAddress(fun->GetEntryAddress())); } // Map the return address to the cip that started this call. emitCipMapping(op_cip_); return true; } void Compiler::emitCallThunks() { for (size_t i = 0; i < thunks_.length(); i++) { CallThunk *thunk = thunks_[i]; Label error; __ bind(&thunk->call); // Get the return address, since that is the call that we need to patch. __ movl(eax, Operand(esp, 0)); // Push an OP_PROC frame as if we already called the function. This helps // error reporting. __ push(thunk->pcode_offset); __ subl(esp, 8); // Create the exit frame, then align the stack. __ push(0); __ movl(ecx, intptr_t(&Environment::get()->exit_frame())); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitNative()), -1); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitSp()), esp); // We need to push 4 arguments, and one of them will need an extra word // on the stack. Allocate a big block so we're aligned. // // Note: we add 12 since the push above misaligned the stack. static const size_t kStackNeeded = 5 * sizeof(void *); static const size_t kStackReserve = ke::Align(kStackNeeded, 16) + 3 * sizeof(void *); __ subl(esp, kStackReserve); // Set arguments. __ movl(Operand(esp, 3 * sizeof(void *)), eax); __ lea(edx, Operand(esp, 4 * sizeof(void *))); __ movl(Operand(esp, 2 * sizeof(void *)), edx); __ movl(Operand(esp, 1 * sizeof(void *)), intptr_t(thunk->pcode_offset)); __ movl(Operand(esp, 0 * sizeof(void *)), intptr_t(rt_)); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)CompileFromThunk)); __ movl(edx, Operand(esp, 4 * sizeof(void *))); __ addl(esp, kStackReserve + 4 * sizeof(void *)); // Drop the exit frame and fake frame. __ testl(eax, eax); jumpOnError(not_zero); __ jmp(edx); } } cell_t Compiler::readCell() { if (cip_ >= code_end_) { error_= SP_ERROR_INVALID_INSTRUCTION; return 0; } return *cip_++; } bool Compiler::emitNativeCall(OPCODE op) { uint32_t native_index = readCell(); if (native_index >= image_->NumNatives()) { error_ = SP_ERROR_INSTRUCTION_PARAM; return false; } uint32_t num_params; if (op == OP_SYSREQ_N) { num_params = readCell(); // See if we can get a replacement opcode. If we can, then recursively // call emitOp() to generate it. Note: it's important that we do this // before generating any code for the SYSREQ.N. unsigned replacement = rt_->GetNativeReplacement(native_index); if (replacement != OP_NOP) return emitOp((OPCODE)replacement); // Store the number of parameters. __ movl(Operand(stk, -4), num_params); __ subl(stk, 4); } // Create the exit frame. This is a JitExitFrameForNative, so everything we // push up to the return address of the call instruction is reflected in // that structure. __ movl(eax, intptr_t(&Environment::get()->exit_frame())); __ movl(Operand(eax, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitNative()), native_index); __ movl(Operand(eax, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitSp()), esp); // Save registers. __ push(edx); // Push the last parameter for the C++ function. __ push(stk); // Relocate our absolute stk to be dat-relative, and update the context's // view. __ subl(stk, dat); __ movl(eax, intptr_t(context_)); __ movl(Operand(eax, PluginContext::offsetOfSp()), stk); const sp_native_t *native = rt_->GetNative(native_index); if ((native->status != SP_NATIVE_BOUND) || (native->flags & (SP_NTVFLAG_OPTIONAL | SP_NTVFLAG_EPHEMERAL))) { // The native is either unbound, or it could become unbound in the // future. Invoke the slower native callback. __ push(native_index); __ push(intptr_t(rt_->GetBaseContext())); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokeNativeHelper)); } else { // The native is bound so we have a few more guarantees. __ push(intptr_t(native->pfn)); __ push(intptr_t(rt_->GetBaseContext())); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokeBoundNativeHelper)); } // Map the return address to the cip that initiated this call. emitCipMapping(op_cip_); // Check for errors. Note we jump directly to the return stub since the // error has already been reported. __ movl(ecx, intptr_t(Environment::get())); __ cmpl(Operand(ecx, Environment::offsetOfExceptionCode()), 0); __ j(not_zero, &return_reported_error_); // Restore local state. __ addl(stk, dat); __ addl(esp, 12); __ pop(edx); if (op == OP_SYSREQ_N) { // Pop the stack. Do not check the margins. __ addl(stk, (num_params + 1) * sizeof(cell_t)); } return true; } bool Compiler::emitSwitch() { cell_t offset = readCell(); if (!labelAt(offset)) return false; cell_t *tbl = (cell_t *)((char *)rt_->code().bytes + offset + sizeof(cell_t)); struct Entry { cell_t val; cell_t offset; }; size_t ncases = *tbl++; Label *defaultCase = labelAt(*tbl); if (!defaultCase) return false; // Degenerate - 0 cases. if (!ncases) { __ jmp(defaultCase); return true; } Entry *cases = (Entry *)(tbl + 1); // Degenerate - 1 case. if (ncases == 1) { Label *maybe = labelAt(cases[0].offset); if (!maybe) return false; __ cmpl(pri, cases[0].val); __ j(equal, maybe); __ jmp(defaultCase); return true; } // We have two or more cases, so let's generate a full switch. Decide // whether we'll make an if chain, or a jump table, based on whether // the numbers are strictly sequential. bool sequential = true; { cell_t first = cases[0].val; cell_t last = first; for (size_t i = 1; i < ncases; i++) { if (cases[i].val != ++last) { sequential = false; break; } } } // First check whether the bounds are correct: if (a < LOW || a > HIGH); // this check is valid whether or not we emit a sequential-optimized switch. cell_t low = cases[0].val; if (low != 0) { // negate it so we'll get a lower bound of 0. low = -low; __ lea(tmp, Operand(pri, low)); } else { __ movl(tmp, pri); } cell_t high = abs(cases[0].val - cases[ncases - 1].val); __ cmpl(tmp, high); __ j(above, defaultCase); if (sequential) { // Optimized table version. The tomfoolery below is because we only have // one free register... it seems unlikely pri or alt will be used given // that we're at the end of a control-flow point, but we'll play it safe. DataLabel table; __ push(eax); __ movl(eax, &table); __ movl(ecx, Operand(eax, ecx, ScaleFour)); __ pop(eax); __ jmp(ecx); __ bind(&table); for (size_t i = 0; i < ncases; i++) { Label *label = labelAt(cases[i].offset); if (!label) return false; __ emit_absolute_address(label); } } else { // Slower version. Go through each case and generate a check. for (size_t i = 0; i < ncases; i++) { Label *label = labelAt(cases[i].offset); if (!label) return false; __ cmpl(pri, cases[i].val); __ j(equal, label); } __ jmp(defaultCase); } return true; } void Compiler::emitFloatCmp(ConditionCode cc) { unsigned lhs = 4; unsigned rhs = 0; if (cc == below || cc == below_equal) { // NaN results in ZF=1 PF=1 CF=1 // // ja/jae check for ZF,CF=0 and CF=0. If we make all relational compares // look like ja/jae, we'll guarantee all NaN comparisons will fail (which // would not be true for jb/jbe, unless we checked with jp). if (cc == below) cc = above; else cc = above_equal; rhs = 4; lhs = 0; } if (MacroAssemblerX86::Features().sse) { __ movss(xmm0, Operand(stk, rhs)); __ ucomiss(Operand(stk, lhs), xmm0); } else { __ fld32(Operand(stk, rhs)); __ fld32(Operand(stk, lhs)); __ fucomip(st1); __ fstp(st0); } // An equal or not-equal needs special handling for the parity bit. if (cc == equal || cc == not_equal) { // If NaN, PF=1, ZF=1, and E/Z tests ZF=1. // // If NaN, PF=1, ZF=1 and NE/NZ tests Z=0. But, we want any != with NaNs // to return true, including NaN != NaN. // // To make checks simpler, we set |eax| to the expected value of a NaN // beforehand. This also clears the top bits of |eax| for setcc. Label done; __ movl(eax, (cc == equal) ? 0 : 1); __ j(parity, &done); __ set(cc, r8_al); __ bind(&done); } else { __ movl(eax, 0); __ set(cc, r8_al); } __ addl(stk, 8); } void Compiler::jumpOnError(ConditionCode cc, int err) { // Note: we accept 0 for err. In this case we expect the error to be in eax. { ErrorPath path(op_cip_, err); error_paths_.append(path); } ErrorPath &path = error_paths_.back(); __ j(cc, &path.label); } void Compiler::emitErrorPaths() { // For each path that had an error check, bind it to an error routine and // add it to the cip map. What we'll get is something like: // // cmp dividend, 0 // jz error_thunk_0 // // error_thunk_0: // call integer_overflow // // integer_overflow: // mov eax, SP_ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO // jmp report_error // // report_error: // create exit frame // push eax // call InvokeReportError(int err) // for (size_t i = 0; i < error_paths_.length(); i++) { ErrorPath &path = error_paths_[i]; // If there's no error code, it should be in eax. Otherwise we'll jump to // a path that sets eax to a hardcoded value. __ bind(&path.label); if (path.err == 0) __ call(&report_error_); else __ call(&throw_error_code_[path.err]); emitCipMapping(path.cip); } emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_STACKLOW); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_STACKMIN); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_ARRAY_BOUNDS); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_MEMACCESS); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_HEAPLOW); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_HEAPMIN); emitThrowPathIfNeeded(SP_ERROR_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); if (report_error_.used()) { __ bind(&report_error_); // Create the exit frame. We always get here through a call from the opcode // (and always via an out-of-line thunk). __ movl(ecx, intptr_t(&Environment::get()->exit_frame())); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitNative()), -1); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitSp()), esp); // Since the return stub wipes out the stack, we don't need to subl after // the call. __ push(eax); __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokeReportError)); __ jmp(ExternalAddress(env_->stubs()->ReturnStub())); } // We get here if we know an exception is already pending. if (return_reported_error_.used()) { __ bind(&return_reported_error_); __ movl(eax, intptr_t(Environment::get())); __ movl(eax, Operand(eax, Environment::offsetOfExceptionCode())); __ jmp(ExternalAddress(env_->stubs()->ReturnStub())); } // The timeout uses a special stub. if (throw_timeout_.used()) { __ bind(&throw_timeout_); // Create the exit frame. __ movl(ecx, intptr_t(&Environment::get()->exit_frame())); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitNative()), -1); __ movl(Operand(ecx, ExitFrame::offsetOfExitSp()), esp); // Since the return stub wipes out the stack, we don't need to subl after // the call. __ call(ExternalAddress((void *)InvokeReportTimeout)); __ jmp(ExternalAddress(env_->stubs()->ReturnStub())); } } void Compiler::emitThrowPathIfNeeded(int err) { assert(err < SP_MAX_ERROR_CODES); if (!throw_error_code_[err].used()) return; __ bind(&throw_error_code_[err]); __ movl(eax, err); __ jmp(&report_error_); }