	"Vote Nextmap"
		"en"			"Vote for the next map!"

	"Nextmap Voting Started"
		"en"			"Voting for next map has started."

	"Nextmap Voting Finished"
		"#format"		"{1:s},{2:i},{3:i}"
		"en"			"Map voting has finished. The next map will be {1}. (Received {2}%% of {3} votes)"

	"Current Map Extended"
		"#format"		"{1:i},{2:i}"
		"en"			"The current map has been extended. (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"
	"Extend Map"
		"en"			"Extend Current Map"

	"Dont Change"
		"en"			"Don't Change"

	"Current Map Stays"
		"#format"		"{1:i},{2:i}"
		"en"			"Current map continues! The Vote has spoken! (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"

	"Changed Next Map"
		"#format"		"{1:s}"
		"en"			"Changed nextmap to \"{1}\"."	

	"Starting Runoff"
		"#format"		"{1:.0f},{2:s},{3:.0f},{4:s},{5:.0f}"
		"en"			"No map got over {1}%% votes ({2} [{3}%%] & {4} [{5}%%]), starting runoff vote"