 *   Each sub-section of "Plugins" should have a title which specifies a plugin filename.
 * Filenames have a wildcard of *.  Appending .amxx is not required.
 * If the filename has no explicit path, it will be patched to any sub-path in the plugins folder.
 *   Available properties for plugins are:
 * "pause"	- Whether or not the plugin should load paused - "yes" or "no" (defualt)
 * "lifetime"	- Lifetime of the plugin.  Options:
 *                "private"	- Plugin is privately maintained and receives no forwards from Core
 *		  "mapsync"	- Plugins should be reloaded on mapchange if changed (default)
 *		  "maponly"	- Plugin should be unloaded at the end of the map
 *		  "global"	- Plugin will never be unloaded or updated
 * You can also have an "Options" section declaring options to pass onto the JIT:
 * "debug"		- Whether or not to load the plugin in debug mode
 * "inl_errors"		- Internal optimization to inline error checks.  Results in larger but faster code.
 * "inl_natives"	- Internal optimization to inline native calls.  Results in larger code (unknown speed effect).
		"pause"			"no"
		"lifetime"		"mapsync"
			"debug"		"no"