/* ======== Basic Admin tool ========
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Erling K. Sæterdal
* No warranties of any kind
* License: zlib/libpng
* Author(s): Erling K. Sæterdal ( EKS )
* Credits:
*	Menu code based on code from CSDM ( http://www.tcwonline.org/~dvander/cssdm ) Created by BAILOPAN
*	Helping on misc errors/functions: BAILOPAN,LDuke,sslice,devicenull,PMOnoTo,cybermind ( most who idle in #sourcemod on GameSurge realy )
* ============================ */

#include <ISmmPlugin.h>

#define ADMININTERFACE_MAXACCESSLENGTHTEXT 50		// This is the maximum length of a "flag" access text.

//#include "BATMenu.h"

//extern menuId g_AdminMenu;
class AdminInterfaceListner
	virtual void OnAdminInterfaceUnload()=0;
	virtual void Client_Authorized(int id)=0;

class AdminInterface
	virtual bool RegisterFlag(const char *Class,const char *Flag,const char *Description) = 0; // Registers a new admin access
	virtual bool IsClient(int id) = 0;				// returns false if client is bot, or NOT connected
	virtual bool HasFlag(int id,const char *Flag) = 0;	// returns true if the player has this access flag, lower case only
	virtual int GetInterfaceVersion() = 0 ;		// Returns the interface version of the admin mod
	virtual const char* GetModName() = 0;			// Returns the name of the current admin mod
	virtual void AddEventListner(AdminInterfaceListner *ptr) = 0; // You should ALLWAYS set this, so you know when the "server"  plugin gets unloaded
	virtual void RemoveListner(AdminInterfaceListner *ptr) = 0;   // You MUST CALL this function in your plugin unloads function, or the admin plugin will crash on next client connect.

class BATAdminInterface : public AdminInterface
	bool RegisterFlag(const char *Class,const char *Flag,const char *Description); // Max 1 admin access at the time, returns true if done successfully
	bool IsClient(int id);		// returns false if client is bot, or NOT connected
	bool HasFlag(int id,const char *Flag);	// returns true if the player has this access flag
	int GetInterfaceVersion() { return ADMININTERFACE_VERSION; } // Returns the interface version of the admin mod
	const char* GetModName() { return "BAT"; }		// Returns the name of the current admin mod
	void AddEventListner(AdminInterfaceListner *ptr); // You should ALLWAYS set this, so you know when the "server"  plugin gets unloaded
	void RemoveListner(AdminInterfaceListner *ptr);
	char GetFlagFromInt(int CharIndex);
	bool CustomAccessExistence(const char *Flag);
class MyListener : public IMetamodListener
	virtual void *OnMetamodQuery(const char *iface, int *ret);