/** * ================================================================ * SourcePawn (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ================================================================ * * This file is not open source and may not be copied without explicit * written permission of AlliedModders LLC. This file may not be redistributed * in whole or significant part. * For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "sp_file_headers.h" #include "sp_vm_types.h" #include "sp_vm_engine.h" #include "zlib/zlib.h" #include "sp_vm_basecontext.h" #if defined WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #elif defined __GNUC__ #include <sys/mman.h> #endif #define INVALID_CIP 0xFFFFFFFF using namespace SourcePawn; #define ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX 25 static const char *g_ErrorMsgTable[] = { NULL, "Unrecognizable file format", "Decompressor was not found", "Not enough space on the heap", "Invalid parameter or parameter type", "Invalid plugin address", "Object or index not found", "Invalid index or index not found", "Not enough space on the stack", "Debug section not found or debug not enabled", "Invalid instruction", "Invalid memory access", "Stack went below stack boundary", "Heap went below heap boundary", "Divide by zero", "Array index is out of bounds", "Instruction contained invalid parameter", "Stack memory leaked by native", "Heap memory leaked by native", "Dynamic array is too big", "Tracker stack is out of bounds", "Native was never bound", "Maximum number of parameters reached", "Native detected error", "Plugin not runnable", "Call was aborted", }; SourcePawnEngine::SourcePawnEngine() { m_pDebugHook = NULL; m_CallStack = NULL; m_FreedCalls = NULL; m_CurChain = 0; #if 0 m_pFreeFuncs = NULL; #endif } SourcePawnEngine::~SourcePawnEngine() { TracedCall *pTemp; while (m_FreedCalls) { pTemp = m_FreedCalls->next; delete m_FreedCalls; m_FreedCalls = pTemp; } #if 0 CFunction *pNext; while (m_pFreeFuncs) { pNext = m_pFreeFuncs->m_pNext; delete m_pFreeFuncs; m_pFreeFuncs = pNext; } #endif } void *SourcePawnEngine::ExecAlloc(size_t size) { #if defined WIN32 return VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); #elif defined __GNUC__ void *base = memalign(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), size); if (mprotect(base, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC) != 0) { free(base); return NULL; } return base; #endif } void SourcePawnEngine::ExecFree(void *address) { #if defined WIN32 VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #elif defined __GNUC__ free(address); #endif } void *SourcePawnEngine::BaseAlloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } void SourcePawnEngine::BaseFree(void *memory) { free(memory); } IPluginContext *SourcePawnEngine::CreateBaseContext(sp_context_t *ctx) { return new BaseContext(ctx); } void SourcePawnEngine::FreeBaseContext(IPluginContext *ctx) { delete ctx; } sp_plugin_t *_ReadPlugin(sp_file_hdr_t *hdr, uint8_t *base, sp_plugin_t *plugin, int *err) { char *nameptr; uint8_t sectnum = 0; sp_file_section_t *secptr = (sp_file_section_t *)(base + sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); memset(plugin, 0, sizeof(sp_plugin_t)); plugin->base = base; while (sectnum < hdr->sections) { nameptr = (char *)(base + hdr->stringtab + secptr->nameoffs); if (!(plugin->pcode) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".code")) { sp_file_code_t *cod = (sp_file_code_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->pcode = base + secptr->dataoffs + cod->code; plugin->pcode_size = cod->codesize; plugin->flags = cod->flags; } else if (!(plugin->data) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".data")) { sp_file_data_t *dat = (sp_file_data_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->data = base + secptr->dataoffs + dat->data; plugin->data_size = dat->datasize; plugin->memory = dat->memsize; } else if (!(plugin->info.publics) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".publics")) { plugin->info.publics_num = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_publics_t); plugin->info.publics = (sp_file_publics_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->info.pubvars) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".pubvars")) { plugin->info.pubvars_num = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_pubvars_t); plugin->info.pubvars = (sp_file_pubvars_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->info.natives) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".natives")) { plugin->info.natives_num = secptr->size / sizeof(sp_file_natives_t); plugin->info.natives = (sp_file_natives_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->info.stringbase) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".names")) { plugin->info.stringbase = (const char *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.files) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.files")) { plugin->debug.files = (sp_fdbg_file_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.lines) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.lines")) { plugin->debug.lines = (sp_fdbg_line_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.symbols) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.symbols")) { plugin->debug.symbols = (sp_fdbg_symbol_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } else if (!(plugin->debug.lines_num) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.info")) { sp_fdbg_info_t *inf = (sp_fdbg_info_t *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); plugin->debug.files_num = inf->num_files; plugin->debug.lines_num = inf->num_lines; plugin->debug.syms_num = inf->num_syms; } else if (!(plugin->debug.stringbase) && !strcmp(nameptr, ".dbg.strings")) { plugin->debug.stringbase = (const char *)(base + secptr->dataoffs); } secptr++; sectnum++; } if (!(plugin->pcode) || !(plugin->data) || !(plugin->info.stringbase)) { goto return_error; } if ((plugin->flags & SP_FLAG_DEBUG) && (!(plugin->debug.files) || !(plugin->debug.lines) || !(plugin->debug.symbols))) { goto return_error; } if (err) { *err = SP_ERROR_NONE; } return plugin; return_error: if (err) { *err = SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT; } return NULL; } sp_plugin_t *SourcePawnEngine::LoadFromFilePointer(FILE *fp, int *err) { sp_file_hdr_t hdr; sp_plugin_t *plugin; uint8_t *base; int z_result; int error; if (!fp) { error = SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; goto return_error; } /* Rewind for safety */ rewind(fp); fread(&hdr, sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t), 1, fp); if (hdr.magic != SPFILE_MAGIC) { error = SP_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT; goto return_error; } switch (hdr.compression) { case SPFILE_COMPRESSION_GZ: { uint32_t uncompsize = hdr.imagesize - hdr.dataoffs; uint32_t compsize = hdr.disksize - hdr.dataoffs; uint32_t sectsize = hdr.dataoffs - sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t); uLongf destlen = uncompsize; char *tempbuf = (char *)malloc(compsize); void *uncompdata = malloc(uncompsize); void *sectheader = malloc(sectsize); fread(sectheader, sectsize, 1, fp); fread(tempbuf, compsize, 1, fp); z_result = uncompress((Bytef *)uncompdata, &destlen, (Bytef *)tempbuf, compsize); free(tempbuf); if (z_result != Z_OK) { free(sectheader); free(uncompdata); error = SP_ERROR_DECOMPRESSOR; goto return_error; } base = (uint8_t *)malloc(hdr.imagesize); memcpy(base, &hdr, sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); memcpy(base + sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t), sectheader, sectsize); free(sectheader); memcpy(base + hdr.dataoffs, uncompdata, uncompsize); free(uncompdata); break; } case SPFILE_COMPRESSION_NONE: { base = (uint8_t *)malloc(hdr.imagesize); rewind(fp); fread(base, hdr.imagesize, 1, fp); break; } default: { error = SP_ERROR_DECOMPRESSOR; goto return_error; } } plugin = (sp_plugin_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_plugin_t)); if (!_ReadPlugin(&hdr, base, plugin, err)) { free(plugin); free(base); return NULL; } plugin->allocflags = 0; return plugin; return_error: if (err) { *err = error; } return NULL; } sp_plugin_t *SourcePawnEngine::LoadFromMemory(void *base, sp_plugin_t *plugin, int *err) { sp_file_hdr_t hdr; uint8_t noptr = 0; memcpy(&hdr, base, sizeof(sp_file_hdr_t)); if (!plugin) { plugin = (sp_plugin_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_plugin_t)); noptr = 1; } if (!_ReadPlugin(&hdr, (uint8_t *)base, plugin, err)) { if (noptr) { free(plugin); } return NULL; } if (!noptr) { plugin->allocflags |= SP_FA_SELF_EXTERNAL; } plugin->allocflags |= SP_FA_BASE_EXTERNAL; return plugin; } int SourcePawnEngine::FreeFromMemory(sp_plugin_t *plugin) { if (!(plugin->allocflags & SP_FA_BASE_EXTERNAL)) { free(plugin->base); plugin->base = NULL; } if (!(plugin->allocflags & SP_FA_SELF_EXTERNAL)) { free(plugin); } return SP_ERROR_NONE; } #if 0 void SourcePawnEngine::ReleaseFunctionToPool(CFunction *func) { if (!func) { return; } func->Cancel(); func->m_pNext = m_pFreeFuncs; m_pFreeFuncs = func; } CFunction *SourcePawnEngine::GetFunctionFromPool(funcid_t f, IPluginContext *plugin) { if (!m_pFreeFuncs) { return new CFunction(f, plugin); } else { CFunction *pFunc = m_pFreeFuncs; m_pFreeFuncs = m_pFreeFuncs->m_pNext; pFunc->Set(f, plugin); return pFunc; } } #endif IDebugListener *SourcePawnEngine::SetDebugListener(IDebugListener *pListener) { IDebugListener *old = m_pDebugHook; m_pDebugHook = pListener; return old; } unsigned int SourcePawnEngine::GetContextCallCount() { if (!m_CallStack) { return 0; } return m_CallStack->chain; } TracedCall *SourcePawnEngine::MakeTracedCall(bool new_chain) { TracedCall *pCall; if (!m_FreedCalls) { pCall = new TracedCall; } else { /* Unlink the head node from the free list */ pCall = m_FreedCalls; m_FreedCalls = m_FreedCalls->next; } /* Link as the head node into the call stack */ pCall->next = m_CallStack; if (new_chain) { pCall->chain = ++m_CurChain; } else { pCall->chain = m_CurChain; } m_CallStack = pCall; return pCall; } void SourcePawnEngine::FreeTracedCall(TracedCall *pCall) { /* Check if this is the top of the call stack */ if (pCall == m_CallStack) { m_CallStack = m_CallStack->next; } /* Add this to our linked list of freed calls */ if (!m_FreedCalls) { m_FreedCalls = pCall; m_FreedCalls->next = NULL; } else { pCall->next = m_FreedCalls; m_FreedCalls = pCall; } } void SourcePawnEngine::PushTracer(sp_context_t *ctx) { TracedCall *pCall = MakeTracedCall(true); pCall->cip = INVALID_CIP; pCall->ctx = ctx; pCall->frm = INVALID_CIP; } void SourcePawnEngine::RunTracer(sp_context_t *ctx, uint32_t frame, uint32_t codeip) { assert(m_CallStack != NULL); assert(m_CallStack->ctx == ctx); assert(m_CallStack->chain == m_CurChain); if (m_CallStack->cip == INVALID_CIP) { /* We aren't logging anything yet, so begin the trace */ m_CallStack->cip = codeip; m_CallStack->frm = frame; } else { if (m_CallStack->frm > frame) { /* The last frame has moved down the stack, * so we have to push a new call onto our list. */ TracedCall *pCall = MakeTracedCall(false); pCall->ctx = ctx; pCall->frm = frame; } else if (m_CallStack->frm < frame) { /* The last frame has moved up the stack, * so we have to pop the call from our list. */ FreeTracedCall(m_CallStack); } /* no matter where we are, update the cip */ m_CallStack->cip = codeip; } } void SourcePawnEngine::PopTracer(int error, const char *msg) { assert(m_CallStack != NULL); if (error != SP_ERROR_NONE && m_pDebugHook) { uint32_t native = INVALID_CIP; if (m_CallStack->ctx->n_err) { native = m_CallStack->ctx->n_idx; } CContextTrace trace(m_CallStack, error, msg, native); m_pDebugHook->OnContextExecuteError(m_CallStack->ctx->context, &trace); } /* Now pop the error chain */ while (m_CallStack && m_CallStack->chain == m_CurChain) { FreeTracedCall(m_CallStack); } m_CurChain--; } CContextTrace::CContextTrace(TracedCall *pStart, int error, const char *msg, uint32_t native) : m_Error(error), m_pMsg(msg), m_pStart(pStart), m_pIterator(pStart), m_Native(native) { } bool CContextTrace::DebugInfoAvailable() { return ((m_pStart->ctx->flags & SP_FLAG_DEBUG) == SP_FLAG_DEBUG); } const char *CContextTrace::GetCustomErrorString() { return m_pMsg; } int CContextTrace::GetErrorCode() { return m_Error; } const char *CContextTrace::GetErrorString() { if (m_Error > ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX || m_Error < 1) { return "Invalid error code"; } else { return g_ErrorMsgTable[m_Error]; } } void CContextTrace::ResetTrace() { m_pIterator = m_pStart; } bool CContextTrace::GetTraceInfo(CallStackInfo *trace) { if (!m_pIterator || (m_pIterator->chain != m_pStart->chain)) { return false; } if (m_pIterator->cip == INVALID_CIP) { return false; } IPluginContext *pContext = m_pIterator->ctx->context; IPluginDebugInfo *pInfo = pContext->GetDebugInfo(); if (!pInfo) { return false; } if (!trace) { m_pIterator = m_pIterator->next; return true; } if (pInfo->LookupFile(m_pIterator->cip, &(trace->filename)) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { trace->filename = NULL; } if (pInfo->LookupFunction(m_pIterator->cip, &(trace->function)) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { trace->function = NULL; } if (pInfo->LookupLine(m_pIterator->cip, &(trace->line)) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { trace->line = 0; } m_pIterator = m_pIterator->next; return true; } const char *CContextTrace::GetLastNative(uint32_t *index) { if (m_Native == INVALID_CIP) { return NULL; } sp_native_t *native; if (m_pIterator->ctx->context->GetNativeByIndex(m_Native, &native) != SP_ERROR_NONE) { return NULL; } if (index) { *index = m_Native; } return native->name; }