/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "PlayerManager.h" #include "AdminCache.h" #include "ConCmdManager.h" #include "MenuStyle_Valve.h" #include "MenuStyle_Radio.h" #include "sm_stringutil.h" #include "CoreConfig.h" #include "TimerSys.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "ChatTriggers.h" #include "HalfLife2.h" #include <inetchannel.h> #include <iclient.h> #include <IGameConfigs.h> #include "ConsoleDetours.h" #include "logic_bridge.h" #include <sourcemod_version.h> PlayerManager g_Players; bool g_OnMapStarted = false; IForward *PreAdminCheck = NULL; IForward *PostAdminCheck = NULL; IForward *PostAdminFilter = NULL; const unsigned int *g_NumPlayersToAuth = NULL; int lifestate_offset = -1; List<ICommandTargetProcessor *> target_processors; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA SH_DECL_HOOK5(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, bool, CEntityIndex, const char *, const char *, char *, int); SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IServerGameClients, ClientPutInServer, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CEntityIndex, const char *); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CEntityIndex); SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CEntityIndex, const CCommand &); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientSettingsChanged, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, CEntityIndex); #else SH_DECL_HOOK5(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, bool, edict_t *, const char *, const char *, char *, int); SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IServerGameClients, ClientPutInServer, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *, const char *); SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *); #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX SH_DECL_HOOK2_void(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *, const CCommand &); #else SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *); #endif SH_DECL_HOOK1_void(IServerGameClients, ClientSettingsChanged, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *); #endif // SE_DOTA #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA SH_DECL_HOOK0_void(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, SH_NOATTRIB, 0); #else SH_DECL_HOOK3_void(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *, int, int); #endif #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA SH_DECL_EXTERN2_void(ConCommand, Dispatch, SH_NOATTRIB, false, const CCommandContext &, const CCommand &); #elif SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX SH_DECL_EXTERN1_void(ConCommand, Dispatch, SH_NOATTRIB, false, const CCommand &); #elif SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DARKMESSIAH SH_DECL_EXTERN0_void(ConCommand, Dispatch, SH_NOATTRIB, false); #else # if SH_IMPL_VERSION >= 4 extern int __SourceHook_FHAddConCommandDispatch(void *,bool,class fastdelegate::FastDelegate0<void>); # else extern bool __SourceHook_FHAddConCommandDispatch(void *,bool,class fastdelegate::FastDelegate0<void>); # endif extern bool __SourceHook_FHRemoveConCommandDispatch(void *,bool,class fastdelegate::FastDelegate0<void>); #endif ConCommand *maxplayersCmd = NULL; unsigned int g_PlayerSerialCount = 0; class KickPlayerTimer : public ITimedEvent { public: ResultType OnTimer(ITimer *pTimer, void *pData) { int userid = (int)pData; int client = g_Players.GetClientOfUserId(userid); if (client) { CPlayer *player = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client); player->Kick("Your name is reserved by SourceMod; set your password to use it."); } return Pl_Stop; } void OnTimerEnd(ITimer *pTimer, void *pData) { } } s_KickPlayerTimer; PlayerManager::PlayerManager() { m_AuthQueue = NULL; m_FirstPass = false; m_maxClients = 0; m_SourceTVUserId = -1; m_ReplayUserId = -1; m_bAuthstringValidation = true; // use steam auth by default m_UserIdLookUp = new int[USHRT_MAX+1]; memset(m_UserIdLookUp, 0, sizeof(int) * (USHRT_MAX+1)); } PlayerManager::~PlayerManager() { g_NumPlayersToAuth = NULL; delete [] m_AuthQueue; delete [] m_UserIdLookUp; } void PlayerManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientConnect), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientConnect_Post), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientPutInServer, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientPutInServer), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect_Post), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientCommand), false); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientSettingsChanged, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientSettingsChanged), true); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnServerActivate), true); sharesys->AddInterface(NULL, this); ParamType p1[] = {Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_Cell}; ParamType p2[] = {Param_Cell}; m_clconnect = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientConnect", ET_LowEvent, 3, p1); m_clconnect_post = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientConnected", ET_Ignore, 1, p2); m_clputinserver = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientPutInServer", ET_Ignore, 1, p2); m_cldisconnect = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientDisconnect", ET_Ignore, 1, p2); m_cldisconnect_post = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientDisconnect_Post", ET_Ignore, 1, p2); m_clcommand = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientCommand", ET_Hook, 2, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_Cell); m_clinfochanged = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientSettingsChanged", ET_Ignore, 1, p2); m_clauth = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientAuthorized", ET_Ignore, 2, NULL, Param_Cell, Param_String); m_onActivate = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnServerLoad", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); m_onActivate2 = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnMapStart", ET_Ignore, 0, NULL); PreAdminCheck = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientPreAdminCheck", ET_Event, 1, p1); PostAdminCheck = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientPostAdminCheck", ET_Ignore, 1, p1); PostAdminFilter = forwardsys->CreateForward("OnClientPostAdminFilter", ET_Ignore, 1, p1); m_bIsListenServer = !engine->IsDedicatedServer(); m_ListenClient = 0; ConCommand *pCmd = FindCommand("maxplayers"); if (pCmd != NULL) { SH_ADD_HOOK(ConCommand, Dispatch, pCmd, SH_STATIC(CmdMaxplayersCallback), true); maxplayersCmd = pCmd; } } void PlayerManager::OnSourceModShutdown() { SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientConnect), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientConnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientConnect_Post), true); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientPutInServer, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientPutInServer), true); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientDisconnect, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect_Post), true); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientCommand, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientCommand), false); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameClients, ClientSettingsChanged, serverClients, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnClientSettingsChanged), true); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, ServerActivate, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &PlayerManager::OnServerActivate), true); /* Release forwards */ forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clconnect); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clconnect_post); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clputinserver); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_cldisconnect); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_cldisconnect_post); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clcommand); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clinfochanged); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_clauth); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_onActivate); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(m_onActivate2); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(PreAdminCheck); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(PostAdminCheck); forwardsys->ReleaseForward(PostAdminFilter); delete [] m_Players; if (maxplayersCmd != NULL) { SH_REMOVE_HOOK(ConCommand, Dispatch, maxplayersCmd, SH_STATIC(CmdMaxplayersCallback), true); } } ConfigResult PlayerManager::OnSourceModConfigChanged(const char *key, const char *value, ConfigSource source, char *error, size_t maxlength) { if (strcmp(key, "PassInfoVar") == 0) { if (strcmp(value, "_password") != 0) { m_PassInfoVar.assign(value); } return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcmp(key, "AllowClLanguageVar") == 0) { if (strcasecmp(value, "on") == 0) { m_QueryLang = true; } else if (strcasecmp(value, "off") == 0) { m_QueryLang = false; } else { UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "Invalid value: must be \"on\" or \"off\""); return ConfigResult_Reject; } return ConfigResult_Accept; } else if (strcmp( key, "SteamAuthstringValidation" ) == 0) { if (strcasecmp(value, "yes") == 0) { m_bAuthstringValidation = true; } else if ( strcasecmp(value, "no") == 0) { m_bAuthstringValidation = false; } else { UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "Invalid value: must be \"yes\" or \"no\""); return ConfigResult_Reject; } return ConfigResult_Accept; } return ConfigResult_Ignore; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnServerActivate() #else void PlayerManager::OnServerActivate(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax) #endif { static ConVar *tv_enable = icvar->FindVar("tv_enable"); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 static ConVar *replay_enable = icvar->FindVar("replay_enable"); #endif // clientMax will not necessarily be correct here (such as on late SourceTV enable) m_maxClients = gpGlobals->maxClients; ICommandLine *commandLine = g_HL2.GetValveCommandLine(); m_bIsSourceTVActive = (tv_enable && tv_enable->GetBool() && (!commandLine || commandLine->FindParm("-nohltv") == 0)); m_bIsReplayActive = false; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 m_bIsReplayActive = (replay_enable && replay_enable->GetBool()); #endif m_PlayersSinceActive = 0; if (!m_FirstPass) { /* Initialize all players */ m_PlayerCount = 0; m_Players = new CPlayer[ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT + 1]; m_AuthQueue = new unsigned int[ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT + 1]; m_FirstPass = true; memset(m_AuthQueue, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * (ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT + 1)); g_NumPlayersToAuth = &m_AuthQueue[0]; } scripts->SyncMaxClients(m_maxClients); g_OnMapStarted = true; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA extsys->CallOnCoreMapStart(gpGlobals->pEdicts, gpGlobals->maxEntities, gpGlobals->maxClients); #else extsys->CallOnCoreMapStart(pEdictList, edictCount, m_maxClients); #endif m_onActivate->Execute(NULL); m_onActivate2->Execute(NULL); List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; for (iter = m_hooks.begin(); iter != m_hooks.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter)->GetClientListenerVersion() >= 5) { (*iter)->OnServerActivated(m_maxClients); } } SMGlobalClass *cls = SMGlobalClass::head; while (cls) { cls->OnSourceModLevelActivated(); cls = cls->m_pGlobalClassNext; } SM_ExecuteAllConfigs(); } bool PlayerManager::IsServerActivated() { return m_FirstPass; } bool PlayerManager::CheckSetAdmin(int index, CPlayer *pPlayer, AdminId id) { const char *password = g_Admins.GetAdminPassword(id); if (password != NULL) { if (m_PassInfoVar.size() < 1) { return false; } /* Whoa... the user needs a password! */ const char *given = engine->GetClientConVarValue(index, m_PassInfoVar.c_str()); if (!given || strcmp(given, password) != 0) { return false; } } pPlayer->SetAdminId(id, false); return true; } bool PlayerManager::CheckSetAdminName(int index, CPlayer *pPlayer, AdminId id) { const char *password = g_Admins.GetAdminPassword(id); if (password == NULL) { return false; } if (m_PassInfoVar.size() < 1) { return false; } /* Whoa... the user needs a password! */ const char *given = engine->GetClientConVarValue(index, m_PassInfoVar.c_str()); if (!given || strcmp(given, password) != 0) { return false; } pPlayer->SetAdminId(id, false); return true; } void PlayerManager::RunAuthChecks() { CPlayer *pPlayer; const char *authstr; unsigned int removed = 0; for (unsigned int i=1; i<=m_AuthQueue[0]; i++) { pPlayer = &m_Players[m_AuthQueue[i]]; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA authstr = engine->GetPlayerNetworkIDString(pPlayer->m_iIndex - 1); #else authstr = engine->GetPlayerNetworkIDString(pPlayer->m_pEdict); #endif pPlayer->SetAuthString(authstr); if (!pPlayer->IsAuthStringValidated()) { continue; // we're using steam auth, and steam doesn't know about this player yet so we can't do anything about them for now } if (authstr && authstr[0] != '\0' && (strcmp(authstr, "STEAM_ID_PENDING") != 0)) { /* Set authorization */ pPlayer->Authorize(); /* Mark as removed from queue */ unsigned int client = m_AuthQueue[i]; m_AuthQueue[i] = 0; removed++; /* Send to extensions */ List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientAuthorized(client, authstr); if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { break; } } /* Send to plugins if player is still connected */ if (pPlayer->IsConnected() && m_clauth->GetFunctionCount()) { /* :TODO: handle the case of a player disconnecting in the middle */ m_clauth->PushCell(client); m_clauth->PushString(authstr); m_clauth->Execute(NULL); } if (pPlayer->IsConnected()) { pPlayer->Authorize_Post(); } } } /* Clean up the queue */ if (removed) { /* We don't have to compact the list if it's empty */ if (removed != m_AuthQueue[0]) { unsigned int diff = 0; for (unsigned int i=1; i<=m_AuthQueue[0]; i++) { /* If this member is removed... */ if (m_AuthQueue[i] == 0) { /* Increase the differential */ diff++; } else { /* diff cannot increase faster than i+1 */ assert(i > diff); assert(i - diff >= 1); /* move this index down */ m_AuthQueue[i - diff] = m_AuthQueue[i]; } } m_AuthQueue[0] -= removed; } else { m_AuthQueue[0] = 0; } } } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA bool PlayerManager::OnClientConnect(CEntityIndex index, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else bool PlayerManager::OnClientConnect(edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; ++m_PlayersSinceActive; pPlayer->Initialize(pszName, pszAddress, pEntity); /* Get the client's language */ if (m_QueryLang) { const char *name; if (!pPlayer->IsFakeClient() && (name=engine->GetClientConVarValue(client, "cl_language"))) { unsigned int langid; pPlayer->m_LangId = (translator->GetLanguageByName(name, &langid)) ? langid : translator->GetServerLanguage(); } else { pPlayer->m_LangId = translator->GetServerLanguage(); } } List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); if (!pListener->InterceptClientConnect(client, reject, maxrejectlen)) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, false); } } cell_t res = 1; m_clconnect->PushCell(client); m_clconnect->PushStringEx(reject, maxrejectlen, SM_PARAM_STRING_UTF8 | SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK); m_clconnect->PushCell(maxrejectlen); m_clconnect->Execute(&res); if (res) { if (!pPlayer->IsAuthorized()) { m_AuthQueue[++m_AuthQueue[0]] = client; } m_UserIdLookUp[GetPlayerUserId(pEntity)] = client; } else { if (!pPlayer->IsFakeClient()) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, false); } } return true; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA bool PlayerManager::OnClientConnect_Post(CEntityIndex index, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else bool PlayerManager::OnClientConnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif bool orig_value = META_RESULT_ORIG_RET(bool); CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; if (orig_value) { List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientConnected(client); if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { return true; } } if (!pPlayer->IsFakeClient() && m_bIsListenServer && strncmp(pszAddress, "", 9) == 0) { m_ListenClient = client; } cell_t res; m_clconnect_post->PushCell(client); m_clconnect_post->Execute(&res, NULL); } else { InvalidatePlayer(pPlayer); } return true; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnClientPutInServer(CEntityIndex index, const char *playername) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else void PlayerManager::OnClientPutInServer(edict_t *pEntity, const char *playername) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif cell_t res; CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; /* If they're not connected, they're a bot */ if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { /* Run manual connection routines */ char error[255]; const char *authid; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA authid = engine->GetPlayerNetworkIDString(client - 1); #else authid = engine->GetPlayerNetworkIDString(pEntity); #endif pPlayer->SetAuthString(authid); pPlayer->Authorize(); pPlayer->m_bFakeClient = true; /* * While we're already filtered to just bots, we'll do other checks to * make sure that the requisite services are enabled and that the bots * have joined at the expected time. * * Checking playerinfo's IsHLTV and IsReplay would be better and less * error-prone but will always show false until later in the frame, * after PutInServer and Activate, and we want it now! * * These checks are hairy as hell due to differences between engines and games. * * Most engines use "Replay" and "SourceTV" as bot names for these when they're * created. EP2V, CSS and Nuclear Dawn (but not L4D2) differ from this by now using * replay_/tv_name directly when creating the bot(s). To complicate it slightly * further, the cvar can be empty and the engine's fallback to "unnamed" will be used. * We can maybe just rip out the name checks at some point and rely solely on whether * they're enabled and the join order. */ // This doesn't actually get incremented until OnClientConnect. Fake it to check. int newCount = m_PlayersSinceActive + 1; int userId = GetPlayerUserId(pEntity); #if (SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_HL2DM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DODS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_NUCLEARDAWN || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_LEFT4DEAD2) static ConVar *tv_name = icvar->FindVar("tv_name"); #endif #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 static ConVar *replay_name = icvar->FindVar("replay_name"); #endif #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 if (m_bIsReplayActive && newCount == 1 && (m_ReplayUserId == userId || (replay_name && strcmp(playername, replay_name->GetString()) == 0) || (replay_name && replay_name->GetString()[0] == 0 && strcmp(playername, "unnamed") == 0) ) ) { pPlayer->m_bIsReplay = true; m_ReplayUserId = userId; } #endif if (m_bIsSourceTVActive && ((!m_bIsReplayActive && newCount == 1) || (m_bIsReplayActive && newCount == 2)) && (m_SourceTVUserId == userId #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO || strcmp(playername, "GOTV") == 0 #elif (SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_HL2DM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DODS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_NUCLEARDAWN) || (tv_name && strcmp(playername, tv_name->GetString()) == 0) || (tv_name && tv_name->GetString()[0] == 0 && strcmp(playername, "unnamed") == 0) #else || strcmp(playername, "SourceTV") == 0 #endif ) ) { pPlayer->m_bIsSourceTV = true; m_SourceTVUserId = userId; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA if (!OnClientConnect(client, playername, "", error, sizeof(error))) #else if (!OnClientConnect(pEntity, playername, "", error, sizeof(error))) #endif { /* :TODO: kick the bot if it's rejected */ return; } List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientConnected(client); /* See if bot was kicked */ if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { return; } } cell_t res; m_clconnect_post->PushCell(client); m_clconnect_post->Execute(&res, NULL); /* Now do authorization */ for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientAuthorized(client, authid); } /* Finally, tell plugins */ if (m_clauth->GetFunctionCount()) { m_clauth->PushCell(client); m_clauth->PushString(authid); m_clauth->Execute(NULL); } pPlayer->Authorize_Post(); } if (playerinfo) { pPlayer->m_Info = playerinfo->GetPlayerInfo(pEntity); } pPlayer->Connect(); m_PlayerCount++; List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientPutInServer(client); } m_clputinserver->PushCell(client); m_clputinserver->Execute(&res, NULL); if (pPlayer->IsAuthorized()) { pPlayer->DoPostConnectAuthorization(); } } void PlayerManager::OnSourceModLevelEnd() { /* Disconnect all bots still in game */ for (int i=1; i<=m_maxClients; i++) { if (m_Players[i].IsConnected()) { #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA OnClientDisconnect(m_Players[i].GetIndex()); #else OnClientDisconnect(m_Players[i].GetEdict()); #endif } } m_PlayerCount = 0; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect(CEntityIndex index) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else void PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect(edict_t *pEntity) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif cell_t res; CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; if (pPlayer->IsConnected()) { m_cldisconnect->PushCell(client); m_cldisconnect->Execute(&res, NULL); } else { /* We don't care, prevent a double call */ return; } if (pPlayer->WasCountedAsInGame()) { m_PlayerCount--; } List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientDisconnecting(client); } InvalidatePlayer(pPlayer); if (m_ListenClient == client) { m_ListenClient = 0; } } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect_Post(CEntityIndex index) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else void PlayerManager::OnClientDisconnect_Post(edict_t *pEntity) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif cell_t res; m_cldisconnect_post->PushCell(client); m_cldisconnect_post->Execute(&res, NULL); List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); pListener->OnClientDisconnected(client); } } void ClientConsolePrint(edict_t *e, const char *fmt, ...) { char buffer[512]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len >= sizeof(buffer) - 1) { buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 2] = '\n'; buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; } else { buffer[len++] = '\n'; buffer[len] = '\0'; } CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(IndexOfEdict(e)); if (!pPlayer) { return; } pPlayer->PrintToConsole(buffer); } void ListExtensionsToClient(CPlayer *player, const CCommand &args) { char buffer[256]; unsigned int id = 0; unsigned int start = 0; AutoExtensionList extensions(extsys); if (!extensions->size()) { ClientConsolePrint(player->GetEdict(), "[SM] No extensions found."); return; } if (args.ArgC() > 2) { start = atoi(args.Arg(2)); } size_t i = 0; for (; i < extensions->size(); i++) { IExtension *ext = extensions->at(i); char error[255]; if (!ext->IsRunning(error, sizeof(error))) { continue; } id++; if (id < start) { continue; } if (id - start > 10) { break; } IExtensionInterface *api = ext->GetAPI(); const char *name = api->GetExtensionName(); const char *version = api->GetExtensionVerString(); const char *author = api->GetExtensionAuthor(); const char *description = api->GetExtensionDescription(); size_t len = UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " \"%s\"", name); if (version != NULL && version[0]) { len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " (%s)", version); } if (author != NULL && author[0]) { len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " by %s", author); } if (description != NULL && description[0]) { len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, ": %s", description); } ClientConsolePrint(player->GetEdict(), "%s", buffer); } for (; i < extensions->size(); i++) { char error[255]; if (extensions->at(i)->IsRunning(error, sizeof(error))) { break; } } if (i < extensions->size()) { ClientConsolePrint(player->GetEdict(), "To see more, type \"sm exts %d\"", id); } } void ListPluginsToClient(CPlayer *player, const CCommand &args) { char buffer[256]; unsigned int id = 0; edict_t *e = player->GetEdict(); unsigned int start = 0; AutoPluginList plugins(scripts); if (!plugins->size()) { ClientConsolePrint(e, "[SM] No plugins found."); return; } if (args.ArgC() > 2) { start = atoi(args.Arg(2)); } SourceHook::List<SMPlugin *> m_FailList; size_t i = 0; for (; i < plugins->size(); i++) { SMPlugin *pl = plugins->at(i); if (pl->GetStatus() != Plugin_Running) { continue; } /* Count valid plugins */ id++; if (id < start) { continue; } if (id - start > 10) { break; } size_t len; const sm_plugininfo_t *info = pl->GetPublicInfo(); len = UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " \"%s\"", (IS_STR_FILLED(info->name)) ? info->name : pl->GetFilename()); if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->version)) { len += UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " (%s)", info->version); } if (IS_STR_FILLED(info->author)) { UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " by %s", info->author); } else { UTIL_Format(&buffer[len], sizeof(buffer)-len, " %s", pl->GetFilename()); } ClientConsolePrint(e, "%s", buffer); } /* See if we can get more plugins */ for (; i < plugins->size(); i++) { if (plugins->at(i)->GetStatus() == Plugin_Running) { break; } } /* Do we actually have more plugins? */ if (i < plugins->size()) { ClientConsolePrint(e, "To see more, type \"sm plugins %d\"", id); } } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnClientCommand(CEntityIndex index, const CCommand &args) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #elif SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX void PlayerManager::OnClientCommand(edict_t *pEntity, const CCommand &args) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #else void PlayerManager::OnClientCommand(edict_t *pEntity) { CCommand args; int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif cell_t res = Pl_Continue; CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { return; } if (strcmp(args.Arg(0), "sm") == 0) { if (args.ArgC() > 1 && strcmp(args.Arg(1), "plugins") == 0) { ListPluginsToClient(pPlayer, args); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } else if (args.ArgC() > 1 && strcmp(args.Arg(1), "exts") == 0) { ListExtensionsToClient(pPlayer, args); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } else if (args.ArgC() > 1 && strcmp(args.Arg(1), "credits") == 0) { ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "SourceMod would not be possible without:"); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, " David \"BAILOPAN\" Anderson, Matt \"pRED\" Woodrow"); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, " Scott \"DS\" Ehlert, Fyren"); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, " Nicholas \"psychonic\" Hastings, Asher \"asherkin\" Baker"); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, " Borja \"faluco\" Ferrer, Pavol \"PM OnoTo\" Marko"); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "SourceMod is open source under the GNU General Public License."); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "SourceMod %s, by AlliedModders LLC", SOURCEMOD_VERSION); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "To see running plugins, type \"sm plugins\""); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "To see credits, type \"sm credits\""); ClientConsolePrint(pEntity, "Visit http://www.sourcemod.net/"); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } g_HL2.PushCommandStack(&args); int argcount = args.ArgC() - 1; const char *cmd = g_HL2.CurrentCommandName(); bool result = g_ValveMenuStyle.OnClientCommand(client, cmd, args); if (result) { res = Pl_Handled; } else { result = g_RadioMenuStyle.OnClientCommand(client, cmd, args); if (result) { res = Pl_Handled; } } if (g_ConsoleDetours.IsEnabled()) { cell_t res2 = g_ConsoleDetours.InternalDispatch(client, args); if (res2 >= Pl_Stop) { g_HL2.PopCommandStack(); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } else if (res2 > res) { res = res2; } } cell_t res2 = Pl_Continue; if (pPlayer->IsInGame()) { m_clcommand->PushCell(client); m_clcommand->PushCell(argcount); m_clcommand->Execute(&res2, NULL); } if (res2 > res) { res = res2; } if (res >= Pl_Stop) { g_HL2.PopCommandStack(); RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } res = g_ConCmds.DispatchClientCommand(client, cmd, argcount, (ResultType)res); g_HL2.PopCommandStack(); if (res >= Pl_Handled) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void PlayerManager::OnClientSettingsChanged(CEntityIndex index) { int client = index.Get(); edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(client); #else void PlayerManager::OnClientSettingsChanged(edict_t *pEntity) { int client = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); #endif cell_t res; CPlayer *pPlayer = &m_Players[client]; if (!pPlayer->IsConnected()) { return; } m_clinfochanged->PushCell(client); m_clinfochanged->Execute(&res, NULL); if (pPlayer->IsFakeClient()) { return; } IPlayerInfo *info = pPlayer->GetPlayerInfo(); const char *new_name = info ? info->GetName() : engine->GetClientConVarValue(client, "name"); const char *old_name = pPlayer->m_Name.c_str(); #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_LEFT4DEAD const char *networkid_force; if ((networkid_force = engine->GetClientConVarValue(client, "networkid_force")) && networkid_force[0] != '\0') { unsigned int accountId = pPlayer->GetSteamAccountID(); g_Logger.LogMessage("\"%s<%d><STEAM_1:%d:%d><>\" has bad networkid (id \"%s\") (ip \"%s\")", new_name, pPlayer->GetUserId(), accountId & 1, accountId >> 1, networkid_force, pPlayer->GetIPAddress()); pPlayer->Kick("NetworkID spoofing detected."); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } #endif if (strcmp(old_name, new_name) != 0) { AdminId id = g_Admins.FindAdminByIdentity("name", new_name); if (id != INVALID_ADMIN_ID && pPlayer->GetAdminId() != id) { if (!CheckSetAdminName(client, pPlayer, id)) { char kickMsg[128]; logicore.CoreTranslate(kickMsg, sizeof(kickMsg), "%T", 2, NULL, "Name Reserved", &client); pPlayer->Kick(kickMsg); RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } } else if ((id = g_Admins.FindAdminByIdentity("name", old_name)) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { if (id == pPlayer->GetAdminId()) { /* This player is changing their name; force them to drop admin privileges! */ pPlayer->SetAdminId(INVALID_ADMIN_ID, false); } } pPlayer->SetName(new_name); } if (m_PassInfoVar.size() > 0) { /* Try for a password change */ const char *old_pass = pPlayer->m_LastPassword.c_str(); const char *new_pass = engine->GetClientConVarValue(client, m_PassInfoVar.c_str()); if (strcmp(old_pass, new_pass) != 0) { pPlayer->m_LastPassword.assign(new_pass); if (pPlayer->IsInGame() && pPlayer->IsAuthorized()) { /* If there is already an admin id assigned, this will just bail out. */ pPlayer->DoBasicAdminChecks(); } } } /* Notify Extensions */ List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); if (pListener->GetClientListenerVersion() >= 13) { pListener->OnClientSettingsChanged(client); } } } int PlayerManager::GetMaxClients() { return m_maxClients; } CPlayer *PlayerManager::GetPlayerByIndex(int client) const { if (client > m_maxClients || client < 1) { return NULL; } return &m_Players[client]; } int PlayerManager::GetNumPlayers() { return m_PlayerCount; } int PlayerManager::GetClientOfUserId(int userid) { if (userid < 0 || userid > USHRT_MAX) { return 0; } int client = m_UserIdLookUp[userid]; /* Verify the userid. The cache can get messed up with older * Valve engines. :TODO: If this gets fixed, do an old engine * check before invoking this backwards compat code. */ if (client) { CPlayer *player = GetPlayerByIndex(client); if (player && player->IsConnected()) { int realUserId = GetPlayerUserId(player->GetEdict()); if (realUserId == userid) { return client; } } } /* If we can't verify the userid, we have to do a manual loop */ CPlayer *player; for (int i = 1; i <= m_maxClients; i++) { player = GetPlayerByIndex(i); if (!player || !player->IsConnected()) { continue; } if (GetPlayerUserId(player->GetEdict()) == userid) { m_UserIdLookUp[userid] = i; return i; } } return 0; } void PlayerManager::AddClientListener(IClientListener *listener) { m_hooks.push_back(listener); } void PlayerManager::RemoveClientListener(IClientListener *listener) { m_hooks.remove(listener); } IGamePlayer *PlayerManager::GetGamePlayer(edict_t *pEdict) { int index = IndexOfEdict(pEdict); return GetGamePlayer(index); } IGamePlayer *PlayerManager::GetGamePlayer(int client) { return GetPlayerByIndex(client); } void PlayerManager::ClearAdminId(AdminId id) { for (int i=1; i<=m_maxClients; i++) { if (m_Players[i].m_Admin == id) { m_Players[i].DumpAdmin(true); } } } void PlayerManager::ClearAllAdmins() { for (int i=1; i<=m_maxClients; i++) { m_Players[i].DumpAdmin(true); } } const char *PlayerManager::GetPassInfoVar() { return m_PassInfoVar.c_str(); } void PlayerManager::RecheckAnyAdmins() { for (int i=1; i<=m_maxClients; i++) { if (m_Players[i].IsInGame() && m_Players[i].IsAuthorized()) { m_Players[i].DoBasicAdminChecks(); } } } unsigned int PlayerManager::GetReplyTo() { return g_ChatTriggers.GetReplyTo(); } unsigned int PlayerManager::SetReplyTo(unsigned int reply) { return g_ChatTriggers.SetReplyTo(reply); } int PlayerManager::FilterCommandTarget(IGamePlayer *pAdmin, IGamePlayer *pTarget, int flags) { return InternalFilterCommandTarget((CPlayer *)pAdmin, (CPlayer *)pTarget, flags); } void PlayerManager::RegisterCommandTargetProcessor(ICommandTargetProcessor *pHandler) { target_processors.push_back(pHandler); } void PlayerManager::UnregisterCommandTargetProcessor(ICommandTargetProcessor *pHandler) { target_processors.remove(pHandler); } void PlayerManager::InvalidatePlayer(CPlayer *pPlayer) { /** * Remove client from auth queue if necessary */ if (!pPlayer->IsAuthorized()) { for (unsigned int i=1; i<=m_AuthQueue[0]; i++) { if (m_AuthQueue[i] == (unsigned)pPlayer->m_iIndex) { /* Move everything ahead of us back by one */ for (unsigned int j=i+1; j<=m_AuthQueue[0]; j++) { m_AuthQueue[j-1] = m_AuthQueue[j]; } /* Remove us and break */ m_AuthQueue[0]--; break; } } } m_UserIdLookUp[GetPlayerUserId(pPlayer->m_pEdict)] = 0; pPlayer->Disconnect(); } int PlayerManager::InternalFilterCommandTarget(CPlayer *pAdmin, CPlayer *pTarget, int flags) { if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED) == COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED && !pTarget->IsConnected()) { return COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; } else if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED) != COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED && !pTarget->IsInGame()) { return COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_IN_GAME; } if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS) == COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS && pTarget->IsFakeClient()) { return COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_HUMAN; } if (pAdmin != NULL) { if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY) != COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY && !g_Admins.CanAdminTarget(pAdmin->GetAdminId(), pTarget->GetAdminId())) { return COMMAND_TARGET_IMMUNE; } } if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE) == COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE && pTarget->GetLifeState() != PLAYER_LIFE_ALIVE) { return COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_ALIVE; } if ((flags & COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD) == COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD && pTarget->GetLifeState() != PLAYER_LIFE_DEAD) { return COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_DEAD; } return COMMAND_TARGET_VALID; } void PlayerManager::ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) { CPlayer *pTarget, *pAdmin; int max_clients, total = 0; max_clients = GetMaxClients(); if (info->max_targets < 1) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; info->num_targets = 0; } if (info->admin == 0) { pAdmin = NULL; } else { pAdmin = GetPlayerByIndex(info->admin); } if (info->pattern[0] == '#') { int userid = atoi(&info->pattern[1]); int client = GetClientOfUserId(userid); /* See if a valid userid matched */ if (client > 0) { IGamePlayer *pTarget = GetPlayerByIndex(client); if (pTarget != NULL) { if ((info->reason = FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags)) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[0] = client; info->num_targets = 1; strncopy(info->target_name, pTarget->GetName(), info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; } else { info->num_targets = 0; } return; } } /* Do we need to look for a steam id? */ if (strncmp(&info->pattern[1], "STEAM_", 6) == 0) { size_t p, len; char new_pattern[256]; strcpy(new_pattern, "STEAM_"); len = strlen(&info->pattern[7]); for (p = 0; p < len; p++) { new_pattern[6 + p] = info->pattern[7 + p]; if (new_pattern[6 + p] == '_') { new_pattern[6 + p] = ':'; } } new_pattern[6 + p] = '\0'; for (int i = 1; i <= max_clients; i++) { if ((pTarget = GetPlayerByIndex(i)) == NULL) { continue; } if (!pTarget->IsConnected()) { continue; } const char *authstr = pTarget->GetAuthString(false); // We want to make it easy for people to be kicked/banned, so don't require validation for command targets. if (authstr && strcmp(authstr, new_pattern) == 0) { if ((info->reason = FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags)) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[0] = i; info->num_targets = 1; strncopy(info->target_name, pTarget->GetName(), info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; } else { info->num_targets = 0; } return; } } } /* See if an exact name matches */ for (int i = 1; i <= max_clients; i++) { if ((pTarget = GetPlayerByIndex(i)) == NULL) { continue; } if (!pTarget->IsConnected()) { continue; } if (strcmp(pTarget->GetName(), &info->pattern[1]) == 0) { if ((info->reason = FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags)) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[0] = i; info->num_targets = 1; strncopy(info->target_name, pTarget->GetName(), info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; } else { info->num_targets = 0; } return; } } } if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@me") == 0 && info->admin != 0) { info->reason = FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pAdmin, info->flags); if (info->reason == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[0] = info->admin; info->num_targets = 1; strncopy(info->target_name, pAdmin->GetName(), info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; } else { info->num_targets = 0; } return; } if ((info->flags & COMMAND_FILTER_NO_MULTI) != COMMAND_FILTER_NO_MULTI) { bool is_multi = false; bool bots_only = false; int skip_client = -1; if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@all") == 0) { is_multi = true; strncopy(info->target_name, "all players", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@dead") == 0) { is_multi = true; if ((info->flags & COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE) == COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE) { info->num_targets = 0; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_ALIVE; return; } info->flags |= COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD; strncopy(info->target_name, "all dead players", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@alive") == 0) { is_multi = true; if ((info->flags & COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD) == COMMAND_FILTER_DEAD) { info->num_targets = 0; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_DEAD; return; } strncopy(info->target_name, "all alive players", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; info->flags |= COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@bots") == 0) { is_multi = true; if ((info->flags & COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS) == COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS) { info->num_targets = 0; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NOT_HUMAN; return; } strncopy(info->target_name, "all bots", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; bots_only = true; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@humans") == 0) { is_multi = true; strncopy(info->target_name, "all humans", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; info->flags |= COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@!me") == 0) { is_multi = true; strncopy(info->target_name, "all players", info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; skip_client = info->admin; } if (is_multi) { for (int i = 1; i <= max_clients && total < info->max_targets; i++) { if ((pTarget = GetPlayerByIndex(i)) == NULL) { continue; } if (FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags) > 0) { if ((!bots_only || pTarget->IsFakeClient()) && skip_client != i) { info->targets[total++] = i; } } } info->num_targets = total; info->reason = (info->num_targets) ? COMMAND_TARGET_VALID : COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER; return; } } List<ICommandTargetProcessor *>::iterator iter; for (iter = target_processors.begin(); iter != target_processors.end(); iter++) { ICommandTargetProcessor *pProcessor = (*iter); if (pProcessor->ProcessCommandTarget(info)) { return; } } /* Check partial names */ int found_client = 0; CPlayer *pFoundClient = NULL; for (int i = 1; i <= max_clients; i++) { if ((pTarget = GetPlayerByIndex(i)) == NULL) { continue; } if (logicore.stristr(pTarget->GetName(), info->pattern) != NULL) { if (found_client) { info->num_targets = 0; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_AMBIGUOUS; return; } else { found_client = i; pFoundClient = pTarget; } } } if (found_client) { if ((info->reason = FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pFoundClient, info->flags)) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[0] = found_client; info->num_targets = 1; strncopy(info->target_name, pFoundClient->GetName(), info->target_name_maxlength); info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; } else { info->num_targets = 0; } } else { info->num_targets = 0; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; } } void PlayerManager::OnSourceModMaxPlayersChanged( int newvalue ) { m_maxClients = newvalue; } void PlayerManager::MaxPlayersChanged( int newvalue /*= -1*/ ) { if (!m_FirstPass) { return; } if (newvalue == -1) { newvalue = gpGlobals->maxClients; } if (newvalue == MaxClients()) { return; } /* Notify the rest of core */ SMGlobalClass *pBase = SMGlobalClass::head; while (pBase) { pBase->OnSourceModMaxPlayersChanged(newvalue); pBase = pBase->m_pGlobalClassNext; } /* Notify Extensions */ List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; IClientListener *pListener = NULL; for (iter=m_hooks.begin(); iter!=m_hooks.end(); iter++) { pListener = (*iter); if (pListener->GetClientListenerVersion() >= 8) { pListener->OnMaxPlayersChanged(newvalue); } } } int PlayerManager::GetClientFromSerial(unsigned int serial) { serial_t s; s.value = serial; int client = s.bits.index; IGamePlayer *pPlayer = GetGamePlayer(client); if (!pPlayer) { return 0; } if (serial == pPlayer->GetSerial()) { return client; } return 0; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA void CmdMaxplayersCallback(const CCommandContext &context, const CCommand &command) { #elif SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX void CmdMaxplayersCallback(const CCommand &command) { #else void CmdMaxplayersCallback() { #endif g_Players.MaxPlayersChanged(); } /******************* *** PLAYER CODE *** *******************/ CPlayer::CPlayer() { m_IsConnected = false; m_IsInGame = false; m_IsAuthorized = false; m_pEdict = NULL; m_Admin = INVALID_ADMIN_ID; m_TempAdmin = false; m_Info = NULL; m_bAdminCheckSignalled = false; m_UserId = -1; m_bIsInKickQueue = false; m_LastPassword.clear(); m_LangId = SOURCEMOD_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; m_bFakeClient = false; m_bIsSourceTV = false; m_bIsReplay = false; m_Serial.value = -1; m_SteamAccountID = 0; } void CPlayer::Initialize(const char *name, const char *ip, edict_t *pEntity) { m_IsConnected = true; m_Name.assign(name); m_Ip.assign(ip); m_pEdict = pEntity; m_iIndex = IndexOfEdict(pEntity); m_LangId = translator->GetServerLanguage(); m_Serial.bits.index = m_iIndex; m_Serial.bits.serial = g_PlayerSerialCount++; char ip2[24], *ptr; strncopy(ip2, ip, sizeof(ip2)); if ((ptr = strchr(ip2, ':')) != NULL) { *ptr = '\0'; } m_IpNoPort.assign(ip2); } void CPlayer::Connect() { if (m_IsInGame) { return; } m_IsInGame = true; const char *var = g_Players.GetPassInfoVar(); int client = IndexOfEdict(m_pEdict); if (var[0] != '\0') { const char *pass = engine->GetClientConVarValue(client, var); m_LastPassword.assign(pass ? pass : ""); } else { m_LastPassword.assign(""); } } void CPlayer::SetAuthString(const char *steamid) { if (m_IsAuthorized) { return; } m_AuthID.assign(steamid); } // Ensure a valid AuthString is set before calling. void CPlayer::Authorize() { m_IsAuthorized = true; } void CPlayer::Disconnect() { DumpAdmin(false); m_IsConnected = false; m_IsInGame = false; m_IsAuthorized = false; m_Name.clear(); m_Ip.clear(); m_AuthID.clear(); m_pEdict = NULL; m_Info = NULL; m_bAdminCheckSignalled = false; m_UserId = -1; m_bIsInKickQueue = false; m_bFakeClient = false; m_bIsSourceTV = false; m_bIsReplay = false; m_Serial.value = -1; m_SteamAccountID = 0; } void CPlayer::SetName(const char *name) { m_Name.assign(name); } const char *CPlayer::GetName() { if (m_Info && m_pEdict->GetUnknown()) { return m_Info->GetName(); } return m_Name.c_str(); } const char *CPlayer::GetIPAddress() { return m_Ip.c_str(); } const char *CPlayer::GetAuthString(bool validated) { if (validated && !IsAuthStringValidated()) { return NULL; } return m_AuthID.c_str(); } unsigned int CPlayer::GetSteamAccountID(bool validated) { if (IsFakeClient() || (validated && !IsAuthStringValidated())) { return 0; } if (m_SteamAccountID != 0) { return m_SteamAccountID; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE < SE_ORANGEBOX const char * pAuth = GetAuthString(); /* STEAM_0:1:123123 | STEAM_ID_LAN | STEAM_ID_PENDING */ if (pAuth && (strlen(pAuth) > 10) && pAuth[8] != '_') { m_SteamAccountID = (atoi(&pAuth[8]) | (atoi(&pAuth[10]) << 1)); } #else unsigned long long *steamId; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA steamId = (unsigned long long *)engine->GetClientSteamID(m_iIndex); #else steamId = (unsigned long long *)engine->GetClientSteamID(m_pEdict); #endif if (steamId) { m_SteamAccountID = (*steamId & 0xFFFFFFFF); } #endif return m_SteamAccountID; } edict_t *CPlayer::GetEdict() { return m_pEdict; } int CPlayer::GetIndex() const { return m_iIndex; } bool CPlayer::IsInGame() { return m_IsInGame && (m_pEdict->GetUnknown() != NULL); } bool CPlayer::WasCountedAsInGame() { return m_IsInGame; } bool CPlayer::IsConnected() { return m_IsConnected; } bool CPlayer::IsAuthorized() { return m_IsAuthorized; } bool CPlayer::IsAuthStringValidated() { #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX if (!IsFakeClient() && g_Players.m_bAuthstringValidation && !g_HL2.IsLANServer()) { #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA return engine->IsClientFullyAuthenticated(m_iIndex); #else return engine->IsClientFullyAuthenticated(m_pEdict); #endif } #endif return true; } IPlayerInfo *CPlayer::GetPlayerInfo() { if (m_pEdict->GetUnknown()) { return m_Info; } return NULL; } bool CPlayer::IsFakeClient() { return m_bFakeClient; } bool CPlayer::IsSourceTV() const { return m_bIsSourceTV; } bool CPlayer::IsReplay() const { return m_bIsReplay; } void CPlayer::SetAdminId(AdminId id, bool temporary) { if (!m_IsConnected) { return; } DumpAdmin(false); m_Admin = id; m_TempAdmin = temporary; } AdminId CPlayer::GetAdminId() { return m_Admin; } void CPlayer::DumpAdmin(bool deleting) { if (m_Admin != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { if (m_TempAdmin && !deleting) { g_Admins.InvalidateAdmin(m_Admin); } m_Admin = INVALID_ADMIN_ID; m_TempAdmin = false; } } void CPlayer::Kick(const char *str) { MarkAsBeingKicked(); INetChannel *pNetChan = static_cast<INetChannel *>(engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(m_iIndex)); if (pNetChan == NULL) { /* What does this even mean? Hell if I know. */ int userid = GetUserId(); if (userid > 0) { char buffer[255]; UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "kickid %d %s\n", userid, str); engine->ServerCommand(buffer); } } else { IClient *pClient = static_cast<IClient *>(pNetChan->GetMsgHandler()); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO pClient->Disconnect(str); #else pClient->Disconnect("%s", str); #endif } } void CPlayer::Authorize_Post() { if (m_IsInGame) { DoPostConnectAuthorization(); } } void CPlayer::DoPostConnectAuthorization() { bool delay = false; List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; for (iter = g_Players.m_hooks.begin(); iter != g_Players.m_hooks.end(); iter++) { IClientListener *pListener = (*iter); #if defined MIN_API_FOR_ADMINCALLS if (pListener->GetClientListenerVersion() < MIN_API_FOR_ADMINCALLS) { continue; } #endif if (!pListener->OnClientPreAdminCheck(m_iIndex)) { delay = true; } } cell_t result = 0; PreAdminCheck->PushCell(m_iIndex); PreAdminCheck->Execute(&result); /* Defer, for better or worse */ if (delay || (ResultType)result >= Pl_Handled) { return; } /* Sanity check */ if (!IsConnected()) { return; } /* Otherwise, go ahead and do admin checks */ DoBasicAdminChecks(); /* Send the notification out */ NotifyPostAdminChecks(); } bool CPlayer::RunAdminCacheChecks() { AdminId old_id = GetAdminId(); DoBasicAdminChecks(); return (GetAdminId() != old_id); } void CPlayer::NotifyPostAdminChecks() { if (m_bAdminCheckSignalled) { return; } /* Block beforehand so they can't double-call */ m_bAdminCheckSignalled = true; List<IClientListener *>::iterator iter; for (iter = g_Players.m_hooks.begin(); iter != g_Players.m_hooks.end(); iter++) { IClientListener *pListener = (*iter); #if defined MIN_API_FOR_ADMINCALLS if (pListener->GetClientListenerVersion() < MIN_API_FOR_ADMINCALLS) { continue; } #endif pListener->OnClientPostAdminCheck(m_iIndex); } PostAdminFilter->PushCell(m_iIndex); PostAdminFilter->Execute(NULL); PostAdminCheck->PushCell(m_iIndex); PostAdminCheck->Execute(NULL); } void CPlayer::DoBasicAdminChecks() { if (GetAdminId() != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { return; } /* First check the name */ AdminId id; int client = IndexOfEdict(m_pEdict); if ((id = g_Admins.FindAdminByIdentity("name", GetName())) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { if (!g_Players.CheckSetAdminName(client, this, id)) { int userid = GetPlayerUserId(m_pEdict); g_Timers.CreateTimer(&s_KickPlayerTimer, 0.1f, (void *)userid, 0); } return; } /* Check IP */ if ((id = g_Admins.FindAdminByIdentity("ip", m_IpNoPort.c_str())) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { if (g_Players.CheckSetAdmin(client, this, id)) { return; } } /* Check steam id */ if ((id = g_Admins.FindAdminByIdentity("steam", m_AuthID.c_str())) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID) { if (g_Players.CheckSetAdmin(client, this, id)) { return; } } } unsigned int CPlayer::GetLanguageId() { return m_LangId; } void CPlayer::SetLanguageId(unsigned int id) { m_LangId = id; } int CPlayer::GetUserId() { if (m_UserId == -1) { m_UserId = GetPlayerUserId(GetEdict()); } return m_UserId; } bool CPlayer::IsInKickQueue() { return m_bIsInKickQueue; } void CPlayer::MarkAsBeingKicked() { m_bIsInKickQueue = true; } int CPlayer::GetLifeState() { if (lifestate_offset == -1) { if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("m_lifeState", &lifestate_offset)) { lifestate_offset = -2; } } if (lifestate_offset < 0) { IPlayerInfo *info = GetPlayerInfo(); if (info == NULL) { return PLAYER_LIFE_UNKNOWN; } return info->IsDead() ? PLAYER_LIFE_DEAD : PLAYER_LIFE_ALIVE; } if (m_pEdict == NULL) { return PLAYER_LIFE_UNKNOWN; } CBaseEntity *pEntity; IServerUnknown *pUnknown = m_pEdict->GetUnknown(); if (pUnknown == NULL || (pEntity = pUnknown->GetBaseEntity()) == NULL) { return PLAYER_LIFE_UNKNOWN; } if (*((uint8_t *)pEntity + lifestate_offset) == LIFE_ALIVE) { return PLAYER_LIFE_ALIVE; } else { return PLAYER_LIFE_DEAD; } } unsigned int CPlayer::GetSerial() { return m_Serial.value; } void CPlayer::PrintToConsole(const char *pMsg) { if (m_IsConnected == false || m_bFakeClient == true) { return; } INetChannel *pNetChan = static_cast<INetChannel *>(engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(m_iIndex)); if (pNetChan == NULL) { return; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DOTA engine->ClientPrintf(m_iIndex, pMsg); #else engine->ClientPrintf(m_pEdict, pMsg); #endif }