using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace builder { public abstract class ABuilder { public Config cfg; public ABuilder() { } public abstract string CompressPackage(Package pkg); public abstract bool BuildLibrary(Package pkg, Library lib, ref string _binName, ref string _binPath); public string GetRevsionOfPath(string path) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.WorkingDirectory = path; info.FileName = cfg.SVNVersion; info.Arguments = "--committed " + path; info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; Process p = Process.Start(info); string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); p.WaitForExit(); p.Close(); string [] revs = output.Split(":".ToCharArray(), 2); if (revs.Length < 1) { return null; } string rev = null; if (revs.Length == 1) { rev = revs[0]; } else { rev = revs[1]; } rev = rev.Trim(); rev = rev.Replace("M", ""); rev = rev.Replace("S", ""); return rev; } public void UpdateRevisionInfo(Package pkg, Library lib) { string path = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}", cfg.SourceBase, lib.LocalPath); string file = Config.PathFormat("{0}/svn_version.h", path); if (File.Exists(file)) { UpdateRevisionInfo(path, file); } } public void UpdateRevisionInfo(string path, string file) { string vers = cfg.ProductVersion.Replace(".", ","); string rev = GetRevsionOfPath(path); File.Delete(file); StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(file); sw.WriteLine("/** This file is autogenerated by build scripts */"); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("#ifndef _INCLUDE_SVN_VERSION_H_"); sw.WriteLine("#define _INCLUDE_SVN_VERSION_H_"); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("#define SVN_REVISION {0}", rev); sw.WriteLine("#define SVN_REVISION_STRING \"{0}\"", rev); sw.WriteLine("#define SVN_FILE_VERSION {0},{1}", vers, rev); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("#endif //_INCLUDE_SVN_VERSION_H_"); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.Close(); } public bool CopyFile(Package pkg, string source, string dest) { string from = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}", cfg.SourceBase, source); string to = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}", cfg.OutputBase, pkg.GetBaseFolder(), dest); File.Copy(from, to, true); return true; } /** dest can be null to mean root base folder */ public void CopyFolder(Package pkg, string source, string dest, string [] omits) { string from_base = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}", cfg.SourceBase, source); string to_base = null; if (dest == null) { to_base = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}", cfg.OutputBase, pkg.GetBaseFolder()); } else { to_base = Config.PathFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}", cfg.OutputBase, pkg.GetBaseFolder(), dest); } string [] files = Directory.GetFiles(from_base); string file; for (int i=0; i