/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Client Preferences Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "cookie.h" #include "menus.h" #include "query.h" CookieManager g_CookieManager; CookieManager::CookieManager() { for (int i=0; i<=MAXCLIENTS; i++) { connected[i] = false; statsLoaded[i] = false; } cookieDataLoadedForward = NULL; clientMenu = NULL; } CookieManager::~CookieManager(){} void CookieManager::Unload() { /* If clients are connected we should try save their data */ int maxclients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); for (int i=1; i<=maxclients; i++) { if (connected[i]) { OnClientDisconnecting(i); } } /* Find all cookies and delete them */ SourceHook::List<Cookie *>::iterator _iter; Cookie *current; _iter = cookieList.begin(); while (_iter != cookieList.end()) { current = (Cookie *)*_iter; if (current == NULL) { _iter++; continue; } g_ClientPrefs.cookieMutex->Lock(); if (current->usedInQuery) { current->shouldDelete = true; g_ClientPrefs.cookieMutex->Unlock(); } else { g_ClientPrefs.cookieMutex->Unlock(); delete current; } _iter = cookieList.erase(_iter); } } Cookie *CookieManager::FindCookie(const char *name) { Cookie **pCookie = cookieTrie.retrieve(name); if (pCookie == NULL) { return NULL; } return *pCookie; } Cookie *CookieManager::CreateCookie(const char *name, const char *description, CookieAccess access) { Cookie *pCookie = FindCookie(name); /* Check if cookie already exists */ if (pCookie != NULL) { /* Update data fields to the provided values */ strncpy(pCookie->description, description, MAX_DESC_LENGTH); pCookie->description[MAX_DESC_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; pCookie->access = access; return pCookie; } /* First time cookie - Create from scratch */ pCookie = new Cookie(name, description, access); cookieTrie.insert(name, pCookie); cookieList.push_back(pCookie); /* Attempt to insert cookie into the db and get its ID num */ TQueryOp *op = new TQueryOp(Query_InsertCookie, pCookie); g_ClientPrefs.cookieMutex->Lock(); op->m_params.cookie = pCookie; pCookie->usedInQuery++; g_ClientPrefs.cookieMutex->Unlock(); g_ClientPrefs.AddQueryToQueue(op); return pCookie; } bool CookieManager::GetCookieValue(Cookie *pCookie, int client, char **value) { assert(pCookie); CookieData *data = pCookie->data[client]; /* Check if a value has been set before */ if (data == NULL) { data = new CookieData(""); data->parent = pCookie; clientData[client].push_back(data); pCookie->data[client] = data; data->changed = true; data->timestamp = time(NULL); } *value = &data->value[0]; return true; } bool CookieManager::SetCookieValue(Cookie *pCookie, int client, const char *value) { assert(pCookie); CookieData *data = pCookie->data[client]; if (data == NULL) { data = new CookieData(value); data->parent = pCookie; clientData[client].push_back(data); pCookie->data[client] = data; } else { strncpy(data->value, value, MAX_VALUE_LENGTH); data->value[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; } data->changed = true; data->timestamp = time(NULL); return true; } void CookieManager::OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char *authstring) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); if (player == NULL) { return; } connected[client] = true; TQueryOp *op = new TQueryOp(Query_SelectData, player->GetSerial()); strcpy(op->m_params.steamId, authstring); g_ClientPrefs.AddQueryToQueue(op); } void CookieManager::OnClientDisconnecting(int client) { connected[client] = false; statsLoaded[client] = false; SourceHook::List<CookieData *>::iterator _iter; CookieData *current; _iter = clientData[client].begin(); while (_iter != clientData[client].end()) { current = (CookieData *)*_iter; if (!current->changed) { current->parent->data[client] = NULL; delete current; _iter = clientData[client].erase(_iter); continue; } /* Save this cookie to the database */ IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); if (player == NULL) { /* panic! */ return; } int dbId = current->parent->dbid; if (dbId == -1) { /* Insert/Find Query must be still running or failed. */ return; } TQueryOp *op = new TQueryOp(Query_InsertData, client); strcpy(op->m_params.steamId, player->GetAuthString()); op->m_params.cookieId = dbId; op->m_params.data = current; g_ClientPrefs.AddQueryToQueue(op); current->parent->data[client] = NULL; /* We don't delete here, it will be removed when the query is completed */ _iter = clientData[client].erase(_iter); } } void CookieManager::ClientConnectCallback(int serial, IQuery *data) { int client; IResultSet *results; /* Check validity of client */ if ((client = playerhelpers->GetClientFromSerial(serial)) == 0) { return; } /* Check validity of results */ if (data == NULL || (results = data->GetResultSet()) == NULL) { return; } IResultRow *row; do { if ((row = results->FetchRow()) == NULL) { break; } const char *name; row->GetString(0, &name, NULL); const char *value; row->GetString(1, &value, NULL); CookieData *pData = new CookieData(value); pData->changed = false; unsigned int timestamp = 0; row->GetInt(4, (int *)×tamp); pData->timestamp = timestamp; Cookie *parent = FindCookie(name); if (parent == NULL) { const char *desc; row->GetString(2, &desc, NULL); CookieAccess access = CookieAccess_Public; row->GetInt(3, (int *)&access); parent = CreateCookie(name, desc, access); cookieTrie.insert(name, parent); cookieList.push_back(parent); } pData->parent = parent; parent->data[client] = pData; clientData[client].push_back(pData); } while (results->MoreRows()); statsLoaded[client] = true; cookieDataLoadedForward->PushCell(client); cookieDataLoadedForward->Execute(NULL); } void CookieManager::InsertCookieCallback(Cookie *pCookie, int dbId) { if (dbId > 0) { pCookie->dbid = dbId; return; } TQueryOp *op = new TQueryOp(Query_SelectId, pCookie); /* Put the cookie name into the steamId field to save space - Make sure we remember that it's there */ strcpy(op->m_params.steamId, pCookie->name); g_ClientPrefs.AddQueryToQueue(op); } void CookieManager::SelectIdCallback(Cookie *pCookie, IQuery *data) { IResultSet *results; if (data == NULL || (results = data->GetResultSet()) == NULL) { return; } IResultRow *row = results->FetchRow(); if (row == NULL) { return; } row->GetInt(0, &pCookie->dbid); } bool CookieManager::AreClientCookiesCached(int client) { return statsLoaded[client]; } void CookieManager::OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin) { SourceHook::List<char *> *pList; if (plugin->GetProperty("SettingsMenuItems", (void **)&pList, true)) { SourceHook::List<char *>::iterator p_iter = pList->begin(); char *name; while (p_iter != pList->end()) { name = (char *)*p_iter; p_iter = pList->erase(p_iter); //remove from this plugins list ItemDrawInfo draw; for (unsigned int i=0; i<clientMenu->GetItemCount(); i++) { const char *info = clientMenu->GetItemInfo(i, &draw); if (info == NULL) { continue; } if (strcmp(draw.display, name) == 0) { ItemDrawInfo draw; const char *info = clientMenu->GetItemInfo(i, &draw); AutoMenuData *data = (AutoMenuData *)strtol(info, NULL, 16); if (data->handler->forward != NULL) { forwards->ReleaseForward(data->handler->forward); } delete data->handler; delete data; clientMenu->RemoveItem(i); break; } } delete name; } } } bool CookieManager::GetCookieTime(Cookie *pCookie, int client, time_t *value) { assert(pCookie); CookieData *data = pCookie->data[client]; /* Check if a value has been set before */ if (data == NULL) { return false; } *value = data->timestamp; return true; }