#include "ExtensionSys.h" #include "LibrarySys.h" #include "ShareSys.h" #include "CLogger.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "PluginSys.h" CExtensionManager g_Extensions; IdentityType_t g_ExtType; CExtension::CExtension(const char *filename, char *error, size_t err_max) { m_File.assign(filename); m_pAPI = NULL; m_pIdentToken = NULL; m_PlId = 0; char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1]; g_LibSys.PathFormat(path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "%s/extensions/%s", g_SourceMod.GetSMBaseDir(), filename); m_pLib = g_LibSys.OpenLibrary(path, error, err_max); if (m_pLib == NULL) { return; } typedef IExtensionInterface *(*GETAPI)(); GETAPI pfnGetAPI = NULL; if ((pfnGetAPI=(GETAPI)m_pLib->GetSymbolAddress("GetSMExtAPI")) == NULL) { m_pLib->CloseLibrary(); m_pLib = NULL; snprintf(error, err_max, "Unable to find extension entry point"); return; } m_pAPI = pfnGetAPI(); if (!m_pAPI || m_pAPI->GetExtensionVersion() > SMINTERFACE_EXTENSIONAPI_VERSION) { m_pLib->CloseLibrary(); m_pLib = NULL; snprintf(error, err_max, "Extension version is too new to load (%d, max is %d)", m_pAPI->GetExtensionVersion(), SMINTERFACE_EXTENSIONAPI_VERSION); return; } if (m_pAPI->IsMetamodExtension()) { bool already; m_PlId = g_pMMPlugins->Load(path, g_PLID, already, error, err_max); } m_pIdentToken = g_ShareSys.CreateIdentity(g_ExtType); if (!m_pAPI->OnExtensionLoad(this, &g_ShareSys, error, err_max, g_SourceMod.IsLateLoadInMap())) { if (m_pAPI->IsMetamodExtension()) { if (m_PlId) { char dummy[255]; g_pMMPlugins->Unload(m_PlId, true, dummy, sizeof(dummy)); m_PlId = 0; } } m_pAPI = NULL; m_pLib->CloseLibrary(); m_pLib = NULL; g_ShareSys.DestroyIdentity(m_pIdentToken); m_pIdentToken = NULL; return; } } CExtension::~CExtension() { if (m_pAPI) { m_pAPI->OnExtensionUnload(); if (m_PlId) { g_pMMPlugins->Unload(m_PlId, true, NULL, 0); } } if (m_pIdentToken) { g_ShareSys.DestroyIdentity(m_pIdentToken); } if (m_pLib) { m_pLib->CloseLibrary(); } } void CExtension::AddPlugin(IPlugin *pPlugin) { m_Plugins.push_back(pPlugin); } void CExtension::RemovePlugin(IPlugin *pPlugin) { m_Plugins.remove(pPlugin); } void CExtension::SetError(const char *error) { m_Error.assign(error); } IExtensionInterface *CExtension::GetAPI() { return m_pAPI; } const char *CExtension::GetFilename() { return m_File.c_str(); } IdentityToken_t *CExtension::GetIdentity() { return m_pIdentToken; } bool CExtension::IsLoaded() { return (m_pLib != NULL); } void CExtension::AddDependency(IfaceInfo *pInfo) { m_Deps.push_back(*pInfo); } ITERATOR *CExtension::FindFirstDependency(IExtension **pOwner, SMInterface **pInterface) { List::iterator iter = m_Deps.begin(); if (iter == m_Deps.end()) { return NULL; } if (pOwner) { *pOwner = (*iter).owner; } if (pInterface) { *pInterface = (*iter).iface; } List::iterator *pIter = new List::iterator(iter); return (ITERATOR *)pIter; } bool CExtension::FindNextDependency(ITERATOR *iter, IExtension **pOwner, SMInterface **pInterface) { List::iterator *pIter = (List::iterator *)iter; List::iterator _iter; if (_iter == m_Deps.end()) { return false; } _iter++; if (pOwner) { *pOwner = (*_iter).owner; } if (pInterface) { *pInterface = (*_iter).iface; } *pIter = _iter; if (_iter == m_Deps.end()) { return false; } return true; } void CExtension::FreeDependencyIterator(ITERATOR *iter) { List::iterator *pIter = (List::iterator *)iter; delete pIter; } void CExtension::AddInterface(SMInterface *pInterface) { m_Interfaces.push_back(pInterface); } /********************* * EXTENSION MANAGER * *********************/ void CExtensionManager::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { g_ExtType = g_ShareSys.CreateIdentType("EXTENSION"); g_PluginSys.AddPluginsListener(this); } void CExtensionManager::OnSourceModShutdown() { g_PluginSys.RemovePluginsListener(this); g_ShareSys.DestroyIdentType(g_ExtType); } IExtension *CExtensionManager::LoadAutoExtension(const char *path) { IExtension *pAlready; if ((pAlready=FindExtensionByFile(path)) != NULL) { return pAlready; } char error[256]; CExtension *p = new CExtension(path, error, sizeof(error)); if (!p->IsLoaded()) { g_Logger.LogError("[SM] Unable to load extension \"%s\": %s", path, error); p->SetError(error); } m_Libs.push_back(p); return p; } IExtension *CExtensionManager::FindExtensionByFile(const char *file) { List::iterator iter; CExtension *pExt; /* Make sure the file direction is right */ char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH+1]; g_LibSys.PathFormat(path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "%s", file); for (iter=m_Libs.begin(); iter!=m_Libs.end(); iter++) { pExt = (*iter); if (strcmp(pExt->GetFilename(), path) == 0) { return pExt; } } return NULL; } IExtension *CExtensionManager::FindExtensionByName(const char *ext) { List::iterator iter; CExtension *pExt; IExtensionInterface *pAPI; const char *name; for (iter=m_Libs.begin(); iter!=m_Libs.end(); iter++) { pExt = (*iter); if (!pExt->IsLoaded()) { continue; } if ((pAPI = pExt->GetAPI()) == NULL) { continue; } name = pAPI->GetExtensionName(); if (!name) { continue; } if (strcmp(name, ext) == 0) { return pExt; } } return NULL; } IExtension *CExtensionManager::LoadExtension(const char *file, ExtensionLifetime lifetime, char *error, size_t err_max) { IExtension *pAlready; if ((pAlready=FindExtensionByFile(file)) != NULL) { return pAlready; } CExtension *pExt = new CExtension(file, error, err_max); /* :NOTE: lifetime is currently ignored */ if (!pExt->IsLoaded()) { delete pExt; return NULL; } m_Libs.push_back(pExt); return pExt; } void CExtensionManager::BindDependency(IExtension *pOwner, IfaceInfo *pInfo) { CExtension *pExt = (CExtension *)pOwner; pExt->AddDependency(pInfo); } void CExtensionManager::AddInterface(IExtension *pOwner, SMInterface *pInterface) { CExtension *pExt = (CExtension *)pOwner; pExt->AddInterface(pInterface); } void CExtensionManager::BindChildPlugin(IExtension *pParent, IPlugin *pPlugin) { CExtension *pExt = (CExtension *)pParent; pExt->AddPlugin(pPlugin); } void CExtensionManager::OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin) { List::iterator iter; for (iter=m_Libs.begin(); iter!=m_Libs.end(); iter++) { (*iter)->RemovePlugin(plugin); } } bool CExtensionManager::UnloadExtension(IExtension *_pExt) { if (!_pExt) { return false; } CExtension *pExt = (CExtension *)_pExt; if (m_Libs.find(pExt) == m_Libs.end()) { return false; } /* First remove us from internal lists */ g_ShareSys.RemoveInterfaces(_pExt); m_Libs.remove(pExt); List UnloadQueue; /* Handle dependencies */ if (pExt->IsLoaded()) { /* Unload any dependent plugins */ List::iterator p_iter = pExt->m_Plugins.begin(); while (p_iter != pExt->m_Plugins.end()) { g_PluginSys.UnloadPlugin((*p_iter)); /* It should already have been removed! */ assert(pExt->m_Plugins.find((*p_iter)) != pExt->m_Plugins.end()); } /* Notify and/or unload all dependencies */ List::iterator c_iter; CExtension *pDep; IExtensionInterface *pAPI; for (c_iter = m_Libs.begin(); c_iter != m_Libs.end(); c_iter++) { pDep = (*c_iter); if ((pAPI=pDep->GetAPI()) == NULL) { continue; } /* Now, get its dependency list */ bool dropped = false; List::iterator i_iter = pDep->m_Deps.begin(); while (i_iter != pDep->m_Deps.end()) { if ((*i_iter).owner == _pExt) { if (!dropped && !pAPI->QueryInterfaceDrop((*i_iter).iface)) { dropped = true; } pAPI->NotifyInterfaceDrop((*i_iter).iface); i_iter = pDep->m_Deps.erase(i_iter); } else { i_iter++; } } } } List::iterator iter; for (iter=UnloadQueue.begin(); iter!=UnloadQueue.end(); iter++) { /* NOTE: This is safe because the unload function backs out of anything not present */ UnloadExtension((*iter)); } return true; }