/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Sample Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include #include "TopMenu.h" struct obj_by_name_t { unsigned int obj_index; char name[64]; }; int _SortObjectNamesDescending(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2); unsigned int strncopy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t count); size_t UTIL_Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, ...); TopMenu::TopMenu(ITopMenuObjectCallbacks *callbacks) { m_clients = NULL; m_SerialNo = 1; m_pTitle = callbacks; m_max_clients = 0; if (playerhelpers->IsServerActivated()) { CreatePlayers(playerhelpers->GetMaxClients()); } } TopMenu::~TopMenu() { /* Delete all categories */ while (m_Categories.size()) { RemoveFromMenu(m_Categories[0]->obj->object_id); } /* Remove all objects */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Objects.size(); i++) { assert(m_Objects[i]->is_free == true); delete m_Objects[i]; } m_pTitle->OnTopMenuObjectRemoved(this, 0); /* Delete all cached config entries */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Config.cats.size(); i++) { delete m_Config.cats[i]; } /* Sweep players */ for (size_t i = 0; i <= (size_t)m_max_clients; i++) { TearDownClient(&m_clients[i]); } delete [] m_clients; } unsigned int TopMenu::CalcMemUsage() { unsigned int size = sizeof(TopMenu); size += m_Config.strings.GetMemTable()->MemUsage(); size += (m_Config.cats.size() * sizeof(int)); size += (sizeof(topmenu_player_t) * m_max_clients); size += (m_SortedCats.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)); size += (m_UnsortedCats.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)); size += (m_Categories.size() * (sizeof(topmenu_category_t *) + sizeof(topmenu_category_t))); size += (m_Objects.size() * (sizeof(topmenu_object_t *) + sizeof(topmenu_object_t))); size += m_ObjLookup.mem_usage(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { size += m_Categories[i]->obj_list.size() * sizeof(topmenu_object_t *); size += m_Categories[i]->sorted.size() * sizeof(topmenu_object_t *); size += m_Categories[i]->unsorted.size() * sizeof(topmenu_object_t *); } return size; } void TopMenu::OnClientConnected(int client) { if (m_clients == NULL) { return; } topmenu_player_t *player = &m_clients[client]; TearDownClient(player); } void TopMenu::OnClientDisconnected(int client) { if (m_clients == NULL) { return; } topmenu_player_t *player = &m_clients[client]; TearDownClient(player); } void TopMenu::OnServerActivated(int max_clients) { if (m_clients == NULL) { CreatePlayers(max_clients); } } unsigned int TopMenu::AddToMenu(const char *name, TopMenuObjectType type, ITopMenuObjectCallbacks *callbacks, IdentityToken_t *owner, const char *cmdname, FlagBits flags, unsigned int parent) { return AddToMenu2(name, type, callbacks, owner, cmdname, flags, parent, NULL); } unsigned int TopMenu::AddToMenu2(const char *name, TopMenuObjectType type, ITopMenuObjectCallbacks *callbacks, IdentityToken_t *owner, const char *cmdname, FlagBits flags, unsigned int parent, const char *info_string) { /* Sanity checks */ if (type == TopMenuObject_Category && parent != 0) { return 0; } else if (type == TopMenuObject_Item && parent == 0) { return 0; } else if (m_ObjLookup.retrieve(name) != NULL) { return 0; } else if (type != TopMenuObject_Item && type != TopMenuObject_Category) { return 0; } /* If we're adding an item, make sure the parent is valid, * and that the parent is a category. */ topmenu_object_t *parent_obj = NULL; topmenu_category_t *parent_cat = NULL; if (type == TopMenuObject_Item) { /* Check parent index. Note it will be >= 1 here. */ if (parent > m_Objects.size() || m_Objects[parent - 1]->is_free) { return 0; } parent_obj = m_Objects[parent - 1]; /* Find an equivalent pointer in the category array. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i]->obj == parent_obj) { parent_cat = m_Categories[i]; break; } } /* If none was found, leave. */ if (parent_cat == NULL) { return 0; } } /* Re-use an old object pointer if we can. */ topmenu_object_t *obj = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Objects.size(); i++) { if (m_Objects[i]->is_free == true) { obj = m_Objects[i]; break; } } /* Otherwise, allocate a new one. */ if (obj == NULL) { obj = new topmenu_object_t; obj->object_id = ((unsigned int)m_Objects.size()) + 1; m_Objects.push_back(obj); } /* Initialize the object's properties. */ obj->callbacks = callbacks; obj->flags = flags; obj->owner = owner; obj->type = type; obj->is_free = false; obj->parent = parent_obj; strncopy(obj->name, name, sizeof(obj->name)); strncopy(obj->cmdname, cmdname ? cmdname : "", sizeof(obj->cmdname)); strncopy(obj->info, info_string ? info_string : "", sizeof(obj->info)); if (obj->type == TopMenuObject_Category) { /* Create a new category entry */ topmenu_category_t *cat = new topmenu_category_t; cat->obj = obj; cat->reorder = false; cat->serial = 1; /* Add it, then update our serial change number. */ m_Categories.push_back(cat); m_SerialNo++; /* Updating sorting info */ m_bCatsNeedResort = true; } else if (obj->type == TopMenuObject_Item) { /* Update the category, mark it as needing changes */ parent_cat->obj_list.push_back(obj); parent_cat->reorder = true; parent_cat->serial++; /* If the category just went from 0 to 1 items, mark it as * changed, so clients get the category drawn. */ if (parent_cat->obj_list.size() == 1) { m_SerialNo++; } } m_ObjLookup.insert(name, obj); return obj->object_id; } const char *TopMenu::GetObjectInfoString(unsigned int object_id) { if (object_id == 0 || object_id > m_Objects.size() || m_Objects[object_id - 1]->is_free) { return NULL; } topmenu_object_t *obj = m_Objects[object_id - 1]; return obj->info; } const char *TopMenu::GetObjectName(unsigned int object_id) { if (object_id == 0 || object_id > m_Objects.size() || m_Objects[object_id - 1]->is_free) { return NULL; } topmenu_object_t *obj = m_Objects[object_id - 1]; return obj->name; } void TopMenu::RemoveFromMenu(unsigned int object_id) { if (object_id == 0 || object_id > m_Objects.size() || m_Objects[object_id - 1]->is_free) { return; } topmenu_object_t *obj = m_Objects[object_id - 1]; m_ObjLookup.remove(obj->name); if (obj->type == TopMenuObject_Category) { /* Find it in the category list. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i]->obj == obj) { /* Mark all children as removed + free. Note we could * call into RemoveMenuItem() for this, but it'd be very * inefficient! */ topmenu_category_t *cat = m_Categories[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Categories[i]->obj_list.size(); j++) { cat->obj_list[j]->callbacks->OnTopMenuObjectRemoved(this, cat->obj_list[j]->object_id); cat->obj_list[j]->is_free = true; } /* Remove the category from the list, then delete it. */ m_Categories.erase(m_Categories.iterAt(i)); delete cat; break; } } /* Update the root as changed. */ m_SerialNo++; m_bCatsNeedResort = true; } else if (obj->type == TopMenuObject_Item) { /* Find the category this item is in. */ topmenu_category_t *parent_cat = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i]->obj == obj->parent) { parent_cat = m_Categories[i]; break; } } /* Erase it from the category's lists. */ if (parent_cat) { for (size_t i = 0; i < parent_cat->obj_list.size(); i++) { if (parent_cat->obj_list[i] == obj) { parent_cat->obj_list.erase(parent_cat->obj_list.iterAt(i)); /* If this category now has no items, mark root as changed * so clients won't get the category drawn anymore. */ if (parent_cat->obj_list.size() == 0) { m_SerialNo++; } break; } } /* Update the category as changed. */ parent_cat->reorder = true; parent_cat->serial++; } } /* The callbacks pointer is still valid, so fire away! */ obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuObjectRemoved(this, object_id); /* Finally, mark the object as free. */ obj->is_free = true; } bool TopMenu::DisplayMenu(int client, unsigned int hold_time, TopMenuPosition position) { if (m_clients == NULL) { return false; } IGamePlayer *pPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); if (!pPlayer->IsInGame()) { return false; } UpdateClientRoot(client, pPlayer); topmenu_player_t *pClient = &m_clients[client]; if (pClient->root == NULL) { return false; } bool return_value = false; if (position == TopMenuPosition_LastCategory && pClient->last_category < m_Categories.size()) { return_value = DisplayCategory(client, pClient->last_category, hold_time, true); if (!return_value) { return_value = pClient->root->DisplayAtItem(client, hold_time, pClient->last_root_pos); } } else if (position == TopMenuPosition_LastRoot) { pClient->root->DisplayAtItem(client, hold_time, pClient->last_root_pos); } else if (position == TopMenuPosition_Start) { pClient->last_position = 0; pClient->last_category = 0; return_value = pClient->root->Display(client, hold_time); } return return_value; } bool TopMenu::DisplayCategory(int client, unsigned int category, unsigned int hold_time, bool last_position) { UpdateClientCategory(client, category); topmenu_player_t *pClient = &m_clients[client]; if (category >= pClient->cat_count || pClient->cats[category].menu == NULL) { return false; } bool return_value = false; topmenu_player_category_t *player_cat = &(pClient->cats[category]); pClient->last_category = category; if (last_position) { return_value = player_cat->menu->DisplayAtItem(client, hold_time, pClient->last_position); } else { return_value = player_cat->menu->Display(client, hold_time); } return return_value; } void TopMenu::OnMenuSelect2(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, unsigned int item_on_page) { const char *item_name = menu->GetItemInfo(item, NULL); if (!item_name) { return; } topmenu_object_t *obj; topmenu_player_t *pClient = &m_clients[client]; topmenu_object_t **pObject = m_ObjLookup.retrieve(item_name); if (pObject == NULL) { return; } obj = *pObject; /* We now have the object... what do we do with it? */ if (obj->type == TopMenuObject_Category) { /* If it's a category, the user wants to view it.. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i]->obj == obj) { pClient->last_root_pos = item_on_page; if (!DisplayCategory(client, (unsigned int)i, MENU_TIME_FOREVER, false)) { /* If we can't display the category, re-display the root menu */ DisplayMenu(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER, TopMenuPosition_LastRoot); } break; } } } else { pClient->last_position = item_on_page; /* Re-check access in case this user had their credentials revoked */ if (obj->cmdname[0] != '\0' && !adminsys->CheckAccess(client, obj->cmdname, obj->flags, false)) { DisplayMenu(client, 0, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory); return; } /* Pass the information on to the callback */ obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuSelectOption(this, client, obj->object_id); } } void TopMenu::OnMenuDrawItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, unsigned int item, unsigned int &style) { const char *item_name = menu->GetItemInfo(item, NULL); if (!item_name) { return; } topmenu_object_t *obj; topmenu_object_t **pObject = m_ObjLookup.retrieve(item_name); if (pObject == NULL) { return; } obj = *pObject; style = obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuDrawOption(this, client, obj->object_id); if (style != ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT) { return; } if (obj->cmdname[0] == '\0') { return; } if (!adminsys->CheckAccess(client, obj->cmdname, obj->flags, false)) { style = ITEMDRAW_IGNORE; } } unsigned int TopMenu::OnMenuDisplayItem(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, IMenuPanel *panel, unsigned int item, const ItemDrawInfo &dr) { const char *item_name = menu->GetItemInfo(item, NULL); if (!item_name) { return 0; } topmenu_object_t *obj; topmenu_object_t **pObject = m_ObjLookup.retrieve(item_name); if (pObject == NULL) { return 0; } obj = *pObject; /* Ask the object to render the text for this client */ char renderbuf[64]; obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuDisplayOption(this, client, obj->object_id, renderbuf, sizeof(renderbuf)); /* Build the new draw info */ ItemDrawInfo new_dr = dr; new_dr.display = renderbuf; /* Man I love the menu API. Ask the panel to draw the item and give the position * back to Core's renderer. This way we don't have to worry about keeping the * render buffer static! */ return panel->DrawItem(new_dr); } void TopMenu::OnMenuCancel(IBaseMenu *menu, int client, MenuCancelReason reason) { if (reason == MenuCancel_ExitBack) { /* If the client chose exit back, they were on a category menu, and we can * now display the root menu from the last known position. */ DisplayMenu(client, 0, TopMenuPosition_LastRoot); } } void TopMenu::UpdateClientRoot(int client, IGamePlayer *pGamePlayer) { topmenu_player_t *pClient = &m_clients[client]; IGamePlayer *pPlayer = pGamePlayer ? pGamePlayer : playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); /* Determine if an update is necessary */ bool is_update_needed = false; if (pClient->menu_serial != m_SerialNo) { is_update_needed = true; } else if (pPlayer->GetUserId() != pClient->user_id) { is_update_needed = true; } /* If no update is needed at the root level, just leave now */ if (!is_update_needed) { return; } /* First we need to flush the cache... */ TearDownClient(pClient); /* Now, rebuild the category list, but don't create menus */ if (m_Categories.size() == 0) { pClient->cat_count = 0; pClient->cats = NULL; } else { pClient->cat_count = (unsigned int)m_Categories.size(); pClient->cats = new topmenu_player_category_t[pClient->cat_count]; memset(pClient->cats, 0, sizeof(topmenu_player_category_t) * pClient->cat_count); } /* Re-sort the root categories if needed */ SortCategoriesIfNeeded(); /* Build the root menu */ IBaseMenu *root_menu = menus->GetDefaultStyle()->CreateMenu(this, myself->GetIdentity()); /* Add the sorted items */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_SortedCats.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[m_SortedCats[i]]->obj_list.size() == 0) { continue; } root_menu->AppendItem(m_Categories[m_SortedCats[i]]->obj->name, ItemDrawInfo("")); } /* Now we need to handle un-sorted items. This is slightly trickier, as we need to * pre-render each category name, and cache those names. Phew! */ if (m_UnsortedCats.size()) { obj_by_name_t *item_list = new obj_by_name_t[m_UnsortedCats.size()]; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_UnsortedCats.size(); i++) { obj_by_name_t *temp_obj = &item_list[i]; topmenu_object_t *obj = m_Categories[m_UnsortedCats[i]]->obj; obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuDisplayOption(this, client, obj->object_id, temp_obj->name, sizeof(temp_obj->name)); temp_obj->obj_index = m_UnsortedCats[i]; } /* Sort our temp list */ qsort(item_list, m_UnsortedCats.size(), sizeof(obj_by_name_t), _SortObjectNamesDescending); /* Add the new sorted categories */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_UnsortedCats.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[item_list[i].obj_index]->obj_list.size() == 0) { continue; } root_menu->AppendItem(m_Categories[item_list[i].obj_index]->obj->name, ItemDrawInfo("")); } delete [] item_list; } /* Set the menu's title */ char renderbuf[128]; m_pTitle->OnTopMenuDisplayTitle(this, client, 0, renderbuf, sizeof(renderbuf)); root_menu->SetDefaultTitle(renderbuf); /* The client is now fully updated */ pClient->root = root_menu; pClient->user_id = pPlayer->GetUserId(); pClient->menu_serial = m_SerialNo; pClient->last_position = 0; pClient->last_category = 0; pClient->last_root_pos = 0; } void TopMenu::UpdateClientCategory(int client, unsigned int category) { /* Update the client's root menu just in case it needs it. This * will validate that we have both a valid client and a valid * category structure for that client. */ UpdateClientRoot(client); /* Now it's guaranteed that our category tables will be usable */ topmenu_player_t *pClient = &m_clients[client]; topmenu_category_t *cat = m_Categories[category]; topmenu_player_category_t *player_cat = &(pClient->cats[category]); /* Does the category actually need updating? */ if (player_cat->serial == cat->serial) { return; } /* Destroy any existing menu */ if (player_cat->menu) { player_cat->menu->Destroy(); player_cat->menu = NULL; } if (pClient->last_category == category) { pClient->last_position = 0; } IBaseMenu *cat_menu = menus->GetDefaultStyle()->CreateMenu(this, myself->GetIdentity()); /* Categories get an "exit back" button */ cat_menu->SetMenuOptionFlags(cat_menu->GetMenuOptionFlags() | MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXITBACK); /* Re-sort the category if needed */ SortCategoryIfNeeded(category); /* Build the menu with the sorted items first */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cat->sorted.size(); i++) { cat_menu->AppendItem(cat->sorted[i]->name, ItemDrawInfo("")); } /* Now handle unsorted items */ if (cat->unsorted.size()) { /* Build a list of the item names */ obj_by_name_t *item_list = new obj_by_name_t[cat->unsorted.size()]; for (size_t i = 0; i < cat->unsorted.size(); i++) { obj_by_name_t *item = &item_list[i]; topmenu_object_t *obj = cat->unsorted[i]; obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuDisplayOption(this, client, obj->object_id, item->name, sizeof(item->name)); item->obj_index = (unsigned int)i; } /* Sort the names */ qsort(item_list, cat->unsorted.size(), sizeof(obj_by_name_t), _SortObjectNamesDescending); /* Add to the menu */ for (size_t i = 0; i < cat->unsorted.size(); i++) { cat_menu->AppendItem(cat->unsorted[item_list[i].obj_index]->name, ItemDrawInfo("")); } delete [] item_list; } /* Set the menu's title */ char renderbuf[128]; cat->obj->callbacks->OnTopMenuDisplayTitle(this, client, cat->obj->object_id, renderbuf, sizeof(renderbuf)); cat_menu->SetDefaultTitle(renderbuf); /* We're done! */ player_cat->menu = cat_menu; player_cat->serial = cat->serial; } void TopMenu::SortCategoryIfNeeded(unsigned int category) { topmenu_category_t *cat = m_Categories[category]; if (!cat->reorder) { return; } cat->sorted.clear(); cat->unsorted.clear(); if (cat->obj_list.size() == 0) { cat->reorder = false; return; } CVector to_sort; for (size_t i = 0; i < cat->obj_list.size(); i++) { to_sort.push_back(i); } /* Find a matching category in the configs */ config_category_t *config_cat = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Config.cats.size(); i++) { if (strcmp(m_Config.strings.GetString(m_Config.cats[i]->name), cat->obj->name) == 0) { config_cat = m_Config.cats[i]; break; } } /* If there is a matching category, build a pre-sorted item list */ if (config_cat != NULL) { /* Find matching objects in this category */ for (size_t i = 0; i < config_cat->commands.size(); i++) { const char *config_name = m_Config.strings.GetString(config_cat->commands[i]); for (size_t j = 0; j < to_sort.size(); j++) { if (strcmp(config_name, cat->obj_list[to_sort[j]]->name) == 0) { /* Place in the final list, then remove from the temporary list */ cat->sorted.push_back(cat->obj_list[to_sort[j]]); to_sort.erase(to_sort.iterAt(j)); break; } } } } /* Push any remaining items onto the unsorted list */ for (size_t i = 0; i < to_sort.size(); i++) { cat->unsorted.push_back(cat->obj_list[to_sort[i]]); } cat->reorder = false; } void TopMenu::SortCategoriesIfNeeded() { if (!m_bCatsNeedResort) { return; } /* Clear sort results */ m_SortedCats.clear(); m_UnsortedCats.clear(); if (m_Categories.size() == 0) { m_bCatsNeedResort = false; return; } CVector to_sort; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_Categories.size(); i++) { to_sort.push_back(i); } /* If we have any predefined categories, add them in as they appear. */ for (size_t i= 0; i < m_Config.cats.size(); i++) { /* Find this category and map it in if we can */ for (size_t j = 0; j < to_sort.size(); j++) { if (strcmp(m_Config.strings.GetString(m_Config.cats[i]->name), m_Categories[to_sort[j]]->obj->name) == 0) { /* Add to the real list and remove from the temporary */ m_SortedCats.push_back(to_sort[j]); to_sort.erase(to_sort.iterAt(j)); break; } } } /* Push any remaining items onto the unsorted list */ for (size_t i = 0; i < to_sort.size(); i++) { m_UnsortedCats.push_back(to_sort[i]); } m_bCatsNeedResort = false; } void TopMenu::CreatePlayers(int max_clients) { m_max_clients = max_clients; m_clients = (topmenu_player_t *)malloc(sizeof(topmenu_player_t) * (max_clients + 1)); memset(m_clients, 0, sizeof(topmenu_player_t) * (max_clients + 1)); } void TopMenu::TearDownClient(topmenu_player_t *player) { if (player->cats != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < player->cat_count; i++) { topmenu_player_category_t *player_cat = &(player->cats[i]); if (player_cat->menu != NULL) { player_cat->menu->Destroy(); } } delete [] player->cats; } if (player->root != NULL) { player->root->Destroy(); } memset(player, 0, sizeof(topmenu_player_t)); } bool TopMenu::LoadConfiguration(const char *file, char *error, size_t maxlength) { SMCError err; SMCStates states; if ((err = textparsers->ParseFile_SMC(file, this, &states)) != SMCError_Okay) { const char *err_string = textparsers->GetSMCErrorString(err); if (!err_string) { err_string = "Unknown"; } UTIL_Format(error, maxlength, "%s", err_string); return false; } return true; } bool TopMenu::OnIdentityRemoval(IdentityToken_t *owner) { /* First sweep the categories owned by us */ CVector obj_list; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Categories.size(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i]->obj->owner == owner) { obj_list.push_back(m_Categories[i]->obj->object_id); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < obj_list.size(); i++) { RemoveFromMenu(obj_list[i]); } /* Now we can look for actual items */ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Objects.size(); i++) { if (m_Objects[i]->is_free) { continue; } if (m_Objects[i]->owner == owner) { assert(m_Objects[i]->type != TopMenuObject_Category); RemoveFromMenu(m_Objects[i]->object_id); } } return true; } #define PARSE_STATE_NONE 0 #define PARSE_STATE_MAIN 1 #define PARSE_STATE_CATEGORY 2 unsigned int ignore_parse_level = 0; unsigned int current_parse_state = 0; config_category_t *cur_cat = NULL; void TopMenu::ReadSMC_ParseStart() { current_parse_state = PARSE_STATE_NONE; ignore_parse_level = 0; cur_cat = NULL; /* Reset the old config */ m_Config.strings.Reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Config.cats.size(); i++) { delete m_Config.cats[i]; } m_Config.cats.clear(); } SMCResult TopMenu::ReadSMC_NewSection(const SMCStates *states, const char *name) { if (ignore_parse_level) { ignore_parse_level++; } else { if (current_parse_state == PARSE_STATE_NONE) { if (strcmp(name, "Menu") == 0) { current_parse_state = PARSE_STATE_MAIN; } else { ignore_parse_level = 1; } } else if (current_parse_state == PARSE_STATE_MAIN) { cur_cat = new config_category_t; cur_cat->name = m_Config.strings.AddString(name); m_Config.cats.push_back(cur_cat); current_parse_state = PARSE_STATE_CATEGORY; } else { ignore_parse_level = 1; } } return SMCResult_Continue; } SMCResult TopMenu::ReadSMC_KeyValue(const SMCStates *states, const char *key, const char *value) { if (ignore_parse_level > 0 || current_parse_state != PARSE_STATE_CATEGORY || cur_cat == NULL) { return SMCResult_Continue; } if (strcmp(key, "item") == 0) { cur_cat->commands.push_back(m_Config.strings.AddString(value)); } return SMCResult_Continue; } SMCResult TopMenu::ReadSMC_LeavingSection(const SMCStates *states) { if (ignore_parse_level) { ignore_parse_level--; } else { if (current_parse_state == PARSE_STATE_CATEGORY) { cur_cat = NULL; current_parse_state = PARSE_STATE_MAIN; } else if (current_parse_state == PARSE_STATE_MAIN) { current_parse_state = PARSE_STATE_NONE; } } return SMCResult_Continue; } unsigned int TopMenu::FindCategory(const char *name) { topmenu_object_t **p_obj = m_ObjLookup.retrieve(name); if (!p_obj) { return 0; } topmenu_object_t *obj = *p_obj; if (obj->type != TopMenuObject_Category) { return 0; } return obj->object_id; } int _SortObjectNamesDescending(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2) { obj_by_name_t *obj1 = (obj_by_name_t *)ptr1; obj_by_name_t *obj2 = (obj_by_name_t *)ptr2; return strcmp(obj1->name, obj2->name); } unsigned int strncopy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t count) { if (!count) { return 0; } char *start = dest; while ((*src) && (--count)) { *dest++ = *src++; } *dest = '\0'; return (dest - start); } size_t UTIL_Format(char *buffer, size_t maxlength, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(buffer, maxlength, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len >= maxlength) { buffer[maxlength - 1] = '\0'; return (maxlength - 1); } else { return len; } }