#include #include #include #include "sp_file.h" void *fp_open(const char *name); void fp_close(void *handle); size_t fp_write(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, void *handle); size_t fp_read(void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, void *handle); size_t fp_getpos(void *handle); int fp_setpos(void *handle, size_t pos); sp_writefuncs_t cstd_funcs = { fp_open, fp_close, fp_write, fp_read, fp_getpos, fp_setpos }; sp_file_t *spfw_create(const char *name, sp_writefuncs_t *optfuncs) { sp_file_t file; sp_file_t *pFile; if (!optfuncs) { optfuncs = &cstd_funcs; } file.handle = optfuncs->fnOpen(name); if (!file.handle) { return NULL; } pFile = (sp_file_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_file_t)); pFile->handle = file.handle; memcpy(&pFile->funcs, optfuncs, sizeof(sp_writefuncs_t)); pFile->curoffs = 0; pFile->header.magic = SPFILE_MAGIC; pFile->header.sections = 0; pFile->header.stringtab = 0; pFile->header.version = SPFILE_VERSION; pFile->header.imagesize = 0; pFile->lastsection = 0; pFile->offsets = NULL; pFile->sections = NULL; pFile->state = -1; pFile->nametab = NULL; pFile->nametab_idx = 0; return pFile; } void spfw_destroy(sp_file_t *spf) { free(spf->sections); free(spf->nametab); free(spf->offsets); spf->funcs.fnClose(spf->handle); free(spf); } uint8_t spfw_add_section(sp_file_t *spf, const char *name) { size_t namelen; uint8_t s; if (spf->state != -1) { return 0; } namelen = strlen(name) + 1; if (spf->header.sections == 0) { /** allocate for first section */ spf->sections = (sp_file_section_t *)malloc(sizeof(sp_file_section_t)); spf->offsets = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t)); spf->nametab = (char *)malloc(namelen); } else { uint16_t num = spf->header.sections + 1; spf->sections = (sp_file_section_t *)realloc(spf->sections, sizeof(sp_file_section_t) * num); spf->offsets = (size_t *)realloc(spf->offsets, sizeof(size_t) * num); spf->nametab = (char *)realloc(spf->nametab, spf->nametab_idx + namelen); } s = spf->header.sections; spf->sections[s].nameoffs = spf->nametab_idx; /** * "fix" offset will be the second uint2 slot, which is after the previous sections after the header. */ spf->offsets[s] = sizeof(spf->header) + (sizeof(sp_file_section_t) * spf->header.sections) + sizeof(uint32_t); strcpy(&spf->nametab[spf->nametab_idx], name); spf->nametab_idx += namelen; return ++spf->header.sections; } int spfw_finalize_header(sp_file_t *spf) { uint32_t size; if (spf->state != -1) { return -1; } size = sizeof(sp_file_section_t) * spf->header.sections; spf->header.stringtab = sizeof(spf->header) + size; if (spf->funcs.fnWrite(&spf->header, sizeof(spf->header), 1, spf->handle) != 1) { return -1; } if (spf->funcs.fnWrite(spf->sections, sizeof(sp_file_section_t), spf->header.sections, spf->handle) != spf->header.sections) { return -1; } if (spf->funcs.fnWrite(spf->nametab, sizeof(char), spf->nametab_idx, spf->handle) != spf->nametab_idx) { return -1; } spf->curoffs = spf->funcs.fnGetPos(spf->handle); spf->lastsection = spf->curoffs; spf->state++; return 0; } int spfw_next_section(sp_file_t *spf) { uint8_t s; uint32_t rest[2]; if (spf->state < 0 || spf->state > spf->header.sections) { return -1; } if (spf->state == (int)spf->header.sections) { return 0; } s = (uint8_t)spf->state; spf->curoffs = spf->funcs.fnGetPos(spf->handle); spf->funcs.fnSetPos(spf->handle, spf->offsets[s]); rest[0] = spf->lastsection; rest[1] = spf->curoffs - spf->lastsection; if (spf->funcs.fnWrite(rest, sizeof(uint32_t), 2, spf->handle) != 2) { return -1; } spf->funcs.fnSetPos(spf->handle, spf->curoffs); spf->lastsection = spf->curoffs; spf->state++; return 1; } int spfw_finalize_all(sp_file_t *spf) { uint8_t offs; if (spf->state < spf->header.sections) { return -1; } offs = offsetof(sp_file_hdr_t, imagesize); spf->header.imagesize = spf->funcs.fnGetPos(spf->handle); spf->funcs.fnSetPos(spf->handle, offs); spf->funcs.fnWrite(&spf->header.imagesize, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, spf->handle); spf->funcs.fnSetPos(spf->handle, spf->header.imagesize); return 1; } /** * Default file operations... * Based on C standard library calls. */ void *fp_open(const char *name) { return fopen(name, "wb"); } void fp_close(void *handle) { fclose((FILE *)handle); } size_t fp_write(const void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, void *handle) { return fwrite(buf, size, count, (FILE *)handle); } size_t fp_read(void *buf, size_t size, size_t count, void *handle) { return fread(buf, size, count, (FILE *)handle); } size_t fp_getpos(void *handle) { return (size_t)ftell((FILE *)handle); } int fp_setpos(void *handle, size_t pos) { return fseek((FILE *)handle, (long)pos, SEEK_SET); }