/** * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #include <cmath> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "common_logic.h" #include "MersenneTwister.h" #include <IPluginSys.h> #include <am-utility.h> #include <am-float.h> /**************************************** * * * FLOATING POINT NATIVE IMPLEMENTATIONS * * * ****************************************/ static cell_t sm_float(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = static_cast<float>(params[1]); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatAbs(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = (val >= 0.0f) ? val : -val; return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatAdd(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]) + sp_ctof(params[2]); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatSub(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]) - sp_ctof(params[2]); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatMul(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]) * sp_ctof(params[2]); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatDiv(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]) / sp_ctof(params[2]); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatGt(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) > sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatGe(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) >= sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatLt(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) < sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatLe(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) <= sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatEq(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) == sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatNe(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { return !!(sp_ctof(params[1]) != sp_ctof(params[2])); } static cell_t sm_FloatNot(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); if (ke::IsNaN(val)) return 1; return val ? 0 : 1; } static cell_t sm_FloatCompare(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val1 = sp_ctof(params[1]); float val2 = sp_ctof(params[2]); if (val1 > val2) { return 1; } else if (val1 < val2) { return -1; } return 0; } static cell_t sm_Logarithm(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); float base = sp_ctof(params[2]); if ((val <= 0.0f) || (base <= 0.0f)) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Cannot evaluate the logarithm of zero or a negative number (val:%f base:%f)", val, base); } if (base == 10.0f) { val = log10(val); } else { val = log(val) / log(base); } return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_Exponential(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); return sp_ftoc(exp(val)); } static cell_t sm_Pow(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float base = sp_ctof(params[1]); float exponent = sp_ctof(params[2]); return sp_ftoc(pow(base, exponent)); } static cell_t sm_SquareRoot(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); if (val < 0.0f) { return pCtx->ThrowNativeError("Cannot evaluate the square root of a negative number (val:%f)", val); } return sp_ftoc(sqrt(val)); } static cell_t sm_RoundToNearest(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); return (int)val; } static cell_t sm_RoundToFloor(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = floor(val); return static_cast<int>(val); } static cell_t sm_RoundToCeil(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = ceil(val); return static_cast<int>(val); } static cell_t sm_RoundToZero(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); if (val >= 0.0f) { val = floor(val); } else { val = ceil(val); } return static_cast<int>(val); } static cell_t sm_FloatFraction(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = val - floor(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_Sine(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = sin(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_Cosine(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = cos(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_Tangent(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = tan(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_ArcSine(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = asin(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_ArcCosine(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = acos(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_ArcTangent(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val = sp_ctof(params[1]); val = atan(val); return sp_ftoc(val); } static cell_t sm_ArcTangent2(IPluginContext *pCtx, const cell_t *params) { float val1 = sp_ctof(params[1]); float val2 = sp_ctof(params[2]); val1 = atan2(val1, val2); return sp_ftoc(val1); } class RandomHelpers : public SMGlobalClass, public IPluginsListener { public: void OnSourceModAllInitialized() { pluginsys->AddPluginsListener(this); } void OnSourceModShutdown() { pluginsys->RemovePluginsListener(this); } void OnPluginDestroyed(IPlugin *plugin) { MTRand *mtrand; if (plugin->GetProperty("core.logic.mtrand", (void**)&mtrand, true)) { delete mtrand; } } MTRand *RandObjForPlugin(IPluginContext *ctx) { IPlugin *plugin = pluginsys->FindPluginByContext(ctx->GetContext()); MTRand *mtrand; if (!plugin->GetProperty("core.logic.mtrand", (void**)&mtrand)) { mtrand = new MTRand(); plugin->SetProperty("core.logic.mtrand", mtrand); } return mtrand; } } s_RandHelpers; static cell_t GetURandomInt(IPluginContext *ctx, const cell_t *params) { MTRand *randobj = s_RandHelpers.RandObjForPlugin(ctx); /* Note the sign bit must be stripped off because cell_t is signed, * and this guarantees a range of [0,max_int] */ return randobj->randInt() & 0x7FFFFFFF; } static cell_t GetURandomFloat(IPluginContext *ctx, const cell_t *params) { MTRand *randobj = s_RandHelpers.RandObjForPlugin(ctx); return sp_ftoc((float)randobj->rand()); } static cell_t SetURandomSeed(IPluginContext *ctx, const cell_t *params) { MTRand *randobj = s_RandHelpers.RandObjForPlugin(ctx); cell_t *addr; ctx->LocalToPhysAddr(params[1], &addr); /* We're 32-bit only. */ randobj->seed((MTRand::uint32*)addr, params[2]); return 1; } REGISTER_NATIVES(floatnatives) { {"float", sm_float}, {"FloatMul", sm_FloatMul}, {"FloatDiv", sm_FloatDiv}, {"FloatAdd", sm_FloatAdd}, {"FloatSub", sm_FloatSub}, {"FloatFraction", sm_FloatFraction}, {"RoundToZero", sm_RoundToZero}, {"RoundToCeil", sm_RoundToCeil}, {"RoundToFloor", sm_RoundToFloor}, {"RoundToNearest", sm_RoundToNearest}, {"__FLOAT_GT__", sm_FloatGt}, {"__FLOAT_GE__", sm_FloatGe}, {"__FLOAT_LT__", sm_FloatLt}, {"__FLOAT_LE__", sm_FloatLe}, {"__FLOAT_EQ__", sm_FloatEq}, {"__FLOAT_NE__", sm_FloatNe}, {"__FLOAT_NOT__", sm_FloatNot}, {"FloatCompare", sm_FloatCompare}, {"SquareRoot", sm_SquareRoot}, {"Pow", sm_Pow}, {"Exponential", sm_Exponential}, {"Logarithm", sm_Logarithm}, {"Sine", sm_Sine}, {"Cosine", sm_Cosine}, {"Tangent", sm_Tangent}, {"FloatAbs", sm_FloatAbs}, {"ArcTangent", sm_ArcTangent}, {"ArcCosine", sm_ArcCosine}, {"ArcSine", sm_ArcSine}, {"ArcTangent2", sm_ArcTangent2}, {"GetURandomInt", GetURandomInt}, {"GetURandomFloat", GetURandomFloat}, {"SetURandomSeed", SetURandomSeed}, {NULL, NULL} };