/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Anti-Flood Plugin * Protects against chat flooding. * * SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Anti-Flood", author = "AlliedModders LLC", description = "Protects against chat flooding", version = SOURCEMOD_VERSION, url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/" }; new Float:g_LastTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {0.0, ...}; /* Last time player used say or say_team */ new g_FloodTokens[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {0, ...}; /* Number of flood tokens player has */ new Handle:sm_flood_time; /* Handle to sm_flood_time convar */ public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("antiflood.phrases"); RegConsoleCmd("say", CheckChatFlood); RegConsoleCmd("say_team", CheckChatFlood); sm_flood_time = CreateConVar("sm_flood_time", "0.75", "Amount of time allowed between chat messages"); } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { g_LastTime[client] = 0.0; g_FloodTokens[client] = 0; } public Action:CheckChatFlood(client, args) { /* Chat from server console shouldn't be checked for flooding */ if (client == 0) { return Plugin_Continue; } new Float:maxChat = GetConVarFloat(sm_flood_time); if (maxChat > 0.0) { new Float:curTime = GetGameTime(); if (g_LastTime[client] > curTime) { /* If player has 3 or more flood tokens, block their message */ if (g_FloodTokens[client] >= 3) { PrintToChat(client, "[SM] %t", "Flooding the server"); g_LastTime[client] = curTime + maxChat + 3.0; return Plugin_Stop; } /* Add one flood token when player goes over chat time limit */ g_FloodTokens[client]++; } else if (g_FloodTokens[client]) { /* Remove one flood token when player chats within time limit (slow decay) */ g_FloodTokens[client]--; } /* Store last time of chat usage */ g_LastTime[client] = curTime + maxChat; } return Plugin_Continue; }