#include "extension.h" #include "forwards.h" #include "util_cstrike.h" bool g_pTerminateRoundDetoured = false; bool g_pCSWeaponDropDetoured = false; bool g_pIgnoreTerminateDetour = false; bool g_pIgnoreCSWeaponDropDetour = false; bool g_PriceDetoured = false; bool g_HandleBuyDetoured = false; int lastclient = -1; IForward *g_pHandleBuyForward = NULL; IForward *g_pPriceForward = NULL; IForward *g_pTerminateRoundForward = NULL; IForward *g_pCSWeaponDropForward = NULL; CDetour *DHandleBuy = NULL; CDetour *DWeaponPrice = NULL; CDetour *DTerminateRound = NULL; CDetour *DCSWeaponDrop = NULL; int weaponNameOffset = -1; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER3(DetourHandleBuy, int, const char *, weapon, int, iUnknown, bool, bRebuy) #else DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER1(DetourHandleBuy, int, const char *, weapon) #endif { int client = gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(reinterpret_cast<CBaseEntity *>(this)); lastclient = client; cell_t result = Pl_Continue; g_pHandleBuyForward->PushCell(client); g_pHandleBuyForward->PushString(weapon); g_pHandleBuyForward->Execute(&result); if (result != Pl_Continue) { lastclient = -1; return 0; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO int val = DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourHandleBuy)(weapon, iUnknown, bRebuy); #else int val = DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourHandleBuy)(weapon); #endif lastclient = -1; return val; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_CSGO DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER0(DetourWeaponPrice, int) { int price = DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourWeaponPrice)(); if (lastclient == -1) return price; const char *weapon_name = reinterpret_cast<char *>(this+weaponNameOffset); return CallPriceForward(lastclient, weapon_name, price); } #else DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER2(DetourWeaponPrice, int, const char *, szAttribute, CEconItemView *, pEconItem) { int price = DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourWeaponPrice)(szAttribute, pEconItem); if(lastclient == -1 || strcmp(szAttribute, "in_game_price") != 0) return price; const char *weapon_name = reinterpret_cast<char *>(this+weaponNameOffset); return CallPriceForward(lastclient, weapon_name, price); } #endif DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER2(DetourTerminateRound, void, float, delay, int, reason) { if (g_pIgnoreTerminateDetour) { g_pIgnoreTerminateDetour = false; DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourTerminateRound)(delay, reason); return; } float orgdelay = delay; int orgreason = reason; cell_t result = Pl_Continue; g_pTerminateRoundForward->PushFloatByRef(&delay); g_pTerminateRoundForward->PushCellByRef(&reason); g_pTerminateRoundForward->Execute(&result); if (result >= Pl_Handled) return; if (result == Pl_Changed) return DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourTerminateRound)(delay, reason); return DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourTerminateRound)(orgdelay, orgreason); } DETOUR_DECL_MEMBER3(DetourCSWeaponDrop, void, CBaseEntity *, weapon, bool, something, bool, toss) { if (g_pIgnoreCSWeaponDropDetour) { g_pIgnoreCSWeaponDropDetour = false; DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourCSWeaponDrop)(weapon, something, toss); return; } int client = gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(reinterpret_cast<CBaseEntity *>(this)); int weaponIndex = gamehelpers->EntityToBCompatRef(weapon); cell_t result = Pl_Continue; g_pCSWeaponDropForward->PushCell(client); g_pCSWeaponDropForward->PushCell(weaponIndex); g_pCSWeaponDropForward->Execute(&result); if (result == Pl_Continue) DETOUR_MEMBER_CALL(DetourCSWeaponDrop)(weapon, something, toss); return; } bool CreateWeaponPriceDetour() { if (weaponNameOffset == -1) { if (!g_pGameConf->GetOffset("WeaponName", &weaponNameOffset)) { smutils->LogError(myself, "Could not find WeaponName offset - Disabled OnGetWeaponPrice forward"); return false; } } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO DWeaponPrice = DETOUR_CREATE_MEMBER(DetourWeaponPrice, "GetAttributeInt"); #else DWeaponPrice = DETOUR_CREATE_MEMBER(DetourWeaponPrice, "GetWeaponPrice"); #endif if (DWeaponPrice != NULL) { if (!CreateHandleBuyDetour()) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "GetWeaponPrice detour could not be initialized - HandleCommand_Buy_Internal failed to detour, disabled OnGetWeaponPrice forward."); return false; } DWeaponPrice->EnableDetour(); g_PriceDetoured = true; return true; } g_pSM->LogError(myself, "GetWeaponPrice detour could not be initialized - Disabled OnGetWeaponPrice forward."); return false; } bool CreateTerminateRoundDetour() { DTerminateRound = DETOUR_CREATE_MEMBER(DetourTerminateRound, "TerminateRound"); if (DTerminateRound != NULL) { DTerminateRound->EnableDetour(); g_pTerminateRoundDetoured = true; return true; } g_pSM->LogError(myself, "TerminateRound detour could not be initialized - Disabled OnTerminateRound forward"); return false; } bool CreateHandleBuyDetour() { if (g_HandleBuyDetoured) return true; DHandleBuy = DETOUR_CREATE_MEMBER(DetourHandleBuy, "HandleCommand_Buy_Internal"); if (DHandleBuy != NULL) { DHandleBuy->EnableDetour(); g_HandleBuyDetoured = true; return true; } g_pSM->LogError(myself, "HandleCommand_Buy_Internal detour could not be initialized - Disabled OnBuyCommand forward"); return false; } bool CreateCSWeaponDropDetour() { DCSWeaponDrop = DETOUR_CREATE_MEMBER(DetourCSWeaponDrop, "CSWeaponDrop"); if (DCSWeaponDrop != NULL) { DCSWeaponDrop->EnableDetour(); g_pCSWeaponDropDetoured = true; return true; } g_pSM->LogError(myself, "CSWeaponDrop detour could not be initialized - Disabled OnCSWeaponDrop forward"); return false; } void RemoveWeaponPriceDetour() { if (DWeaponPrice != NULL) { DWeaponPrice->Destroy(); DWeaponPrice = NULL; } g_PriceDetoured = false; } void RemoveHandleBuyDetour() { if (g_PriceDetoured) return; if (DHandleBuy != NULL) { DHandleBuy->Destroy(); DHandleBuy = NULL; } g_HandleBuyDetoured = false; } void RemoveTerminateRoundDetour() { if (DTerminateRound != NULL) { DTerminateRound->Destroy(); DTerminateRound = NULL; } g_pTerminateRoundDetoured = false; } void RemoveCSWeaponDropDetour() { if (DCSWeaponDrop != NULL) { DCSWeaponDrop->Destroy(); DCSWeaponDrop = NULL; } g_pCSWeaponDropDetoured = false; } int CallPriceForward(int client, const char *weapon_name, int price) { int changedprice = price; cell_t result = Pl_Continue; g_pPriceForward->PushCell(client); g_pPriceForward->PushString(weapon_name); g_pPriceForward->PushCellByRef(&changedprice); g_pPriceForward->Execute(&result); if (result == Pl_Continue) return price; return changedprice; }