/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include "HalfLife2.h" #include "sourcemod.h" #include "sourcemm_api.h" #include "UserMessages.h" #include "PlayerManager.h" CHalfLife2 g_HL2; bool g_IsOriginalEngine = false; ConVar *sv_lan = NULL; namespace SourceHook { template<> int HashFunction(datamap_t * const &k) { return reinterpret_cast(k); } template<> int Compare(datamap_t * const &k1, datamap_t * const &k2) { return (k1-k2); } } CHalfLife2::CHalfLife2() { m_pClasses = sm_trie_create(); } CHalfLife2::~CHalfLife2() { sm_trie_destroy(m_pClasses); List::iterator iter; DataTableInfo *pInfo; for (iter=m_Tables.begin(); iter!=m_Tables.end(); iter++) { pInfo = (*iter); sm_trie_destroy(pInfo->lookup); delete pInfo; } m_Tables.clear(); THash::iterator h_iter; for (h_iter=m_Maps.begin(); h_iter!=m_Maps.end(); h_iter++) { if (h_iter->val.trie) { sm_trie_destroy(h_iter->val.trie); h_iter->val.trie = NULL; } } m_Maps.clear(); } CSharedEdictChangeInfo *g_pSharedChangeInfo = NULL; void CHalfLife2::OnSourceModStartup(bool late) { /* The Ship currently is the only known game to use an older version of the engine */ if (strcasecmp(g_SourceMod.GetGameFolderName(), "ship") == 0) { /* :TODO: Better engine versioning - perhaps something added to SourceMM? */ g_IsOriginalEngine = true; } else if (!g_pSharedChangeInfo) { g_pSharedChangeInfo = engine->GetSharedEdictChangeInfo(); } } void CHalfLife2::OnSourceModAllInitialized() { m_MsgTextMsg = g_UserMsgs.GetMessageIndex("TextMsg"); m_HinTextMsg = g_UserMsgs.GetMessageIndex("HintText"); m_VGUIMenu = g_UserMsgs.GetMessageIndex("VGUIMenu"); g_ShareSys.AddInterface(NULL, this); } IChangeInfoAccessor *CBaseEdict::GetChangeAccessor() { return engine->GetChangeAccessor( (const edict_t *)this ); } SendProp *UTIL_FindInSendTable(SendTable *pTable, const char *name) { const char *pname; int props = pTable->GetNumProps(); SendProp *prop; for (int i=0; iGetProp(i); pname = prop->GetName(); if (pname && strcmp(name, pname) == 0) { return prop; } if (prop->GetDataTable()) { if ((prop=UTIL_FindInSendTable(prop->GetDataTable(), name)) != NULL) { return prop; } } } return NULL; } typedescription_t *UTIL_FindInDataMap(datamap_t *pMap, const char *name) { while (pMap) { for (int i=0; idataNumFields; i++) { if (pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName == NULL) { continue; } if (strcmp(name, pMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName) == 0) { return &(pMap->dataDesc[i]); } if (pMap->dataDesc[i].td) { typedescription_t *_td; if ((_td=UTIL_FindInDataMap(pMap->dataDesc[i].td, name)) != NULL) { return _td; } } } pMap = pMap->baseMap; } return NULL; } ServerClass *CHalfLife2::FindServerClass(const char *classname) { DataTableInfo *pInfo = _FindServerClass(classname); if (!pInfo) { return NULL; } return pInfo->sc; } DataTableInfo *CHalfLife2::_FindServerClass(const char *classname) { DataTableInfo *pInfo = NULL; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(m_pClasses, classname, (void **)&pInfo)) { ServerClass *sc = gamedll->GetAllServerClasses(); while (sc) { if (strcmp(classname, sc->GetName()) == 0) { pInfo = new DataTableInfo; pInfo->lookup = sm_trie_create(); pInfo->sc = sc; sm_trie_insert(m_pClasses, classname, pInfo); m_Tables.push_back(pInfo); break; } sc = sc->m_pNext; } if (!pInfo) { return NULL; } } return pInfo; } SendProp *CHalfLife2::FindInSendTable(const char *classname, const char *offset) { DataTableInfo *pInfo = _FindServerClass(classname); if (!pInfo) { return NULL; } SendProp *pProp = NULL; if (!sm_trie_retrieve(pInfo->lookup, offset, (void **)&pProp)) { if ((pProp = UTIL_FindInSendTable(pInfo->sc->m_pTable, offset)) != NULL) { sm_trie_insert(pInfo->lookup, offset, pProp); } } return pProp; } typedescription_t *CHalfLife2::FindInDataMap(datamap_t *pMap, const char *offset) { typedescription_t *td = NULL; DataMapTrie &val = m_Maps[pMap]; if (!val.trie) { val.trie = sm_trie_create(); } if (!sm_trie_retrieve(val.trie, offset, (void **)&td)) { if ((td = UTIL_FindInDataMap(pMap, offset)) != NULL) { sm_trie_insert(val.trie, offset, td); } } return td; } void CHalfLife2::SetEdictStateChanged(edict_t *pEdict, unsigned short offset) { if (!g_IsOriginalEngine) { if (offset) { pEdict->StateChanged(offset); } else { pEdict->StateChanged(); } } else { pEdict->m_fStateFlags |= FL_EDICT_CHANGED; } } bool CHalfLife2::TextMsg(int client, int dest, const char *msg) { bf_write *pBitBuf = NULL; cell_t players[] = {client}; if ((pBitBuf = g_UserMsgs.StartMessage(m_MsgTextMsg, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL) { return false; } pBitBuf->WriteByte(dest); pBitBuf->WriteString(msg); g_UserMsgs.EndMessage(); return true; } bool CHalfLife2::HintTextMsg(int client, const char *msg) { bf_write *pBitBuf = NULL; cell_t players[] = {client}; if ((pBitBuf = g_UserMsgs.StartMessage(m_HinTextMsg, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL) { return false; } pBitBuf->WriteByte(1); pBitBuf->WriteString(msg); g_UserMsgs.EndMessage(); return true; } bool CHalfLife2::ShowVGUIMenu(int client, const char *name, KeyValues *data, bool show) { bf_write *pBitBuf = NULL; KeyValues *SubKey = NULL; int count = 0; cell_t players[] = {client}; if ((pBitBuf = g_UserMsgs.StartMessage(m_VGUIMenu, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL) { return false; } if (data) { SubKey = data->GetFirstSubKey(); while (SubKey) { count++; SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey(); } SubKey = data->GetFirstSubKey(); } pBitBuf->WriteString(name); pBitBuf->WriteByte((show) ? 1 : 0); pBitBuf->WriteByte(count); while (SubKey) { pBitBuf->WriteString(SubKey->GetName()); pBitBuf->WriteString(SubKey->GetString()); SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey(); } g_UserMsgs.EndMessage(); return true; } void CHalfLife2::AddToFakeCliCmdQueue(int client, int userid, const char *cmd) { DelayedFakeCliCmd *pFake; if (m_FreeCmds.empty()) { pFake = new DelayedFakeCliCmd; } else { pFake = m_FreeCmds.front(); m_FreeCmds.pop(); } pFake->client = client; pFake->userid = userid; pFake->cmd.assign(cmd); m_CmdQueue.push(pFake); } void CHalfLife2::ProcessFakeCliCmdQueue() { while (!m_CmdQueue.empty()) { DelayedFakeCliCmd *pFake = m_CmdQueue.first(); if (g_Players.GetClientOfUserId(pFake->userid) == pFake->client) { CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(pFake->client); serverpluginhelpers->ClientCommand(pPlayer->GetEdict(), pFake->cmd.c_str()); } m_CmdQueue.pop(); } } bool CHalfLife2::IsLANServer() { sv_lan = icvar->FindVar("sv_lan"); if (!sv_lan) { return false; } return (sv_lan->GetInt() != 0); } void CHalfLife2::PushCommandStack(const CCommand *cmd) { CachedCommandInfo info; info.args = cmd; #if !defined ORANGEBOX_BUILD strncopy(info.cmd, cmd->Arg(0), sizeof(info.cmd)); #endif m_CommandStack.push(info); } const CCommand *CHalfLife2::PeekCommandStack() { if (m_CommandStack.empty()) { return NULL; } return m_CommandStack.front().args; } void CHalfLife2::PopCommandStack() { m_CommandStack.pop(); } const char *CHalfLife2::CurrentCommandName() { #if defined ORANGEBOX_BUILD return m_CommandStack.front().args->Arg(0); #else return m_CommandStack.front().cmd; #endif }