/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_FORWARDINTERFACE_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_FORWARDINTERFACE_H_ /** * @file IForwardSys.h * @brief Defines the interface for managing collections ("forwards") of plugin calls. * * The Forward System is responsible for managing automated collections of IPluginFunctions. * It thus provides wrappers to calling many functions at once. There are two types of such * wrappers: Managed and Unmanaged. Confusingly, these terms refer to whether the user manages * the forwards, not Core. Managed forwards are completely managed by the user, and are custom * editable collections. Unmanaged forwards are the opposite, and will only work on a single global * function name in all plugins. */ #include <IPluginSys.h> #include <sp_vm_api.h> using namespace SourcePawn; #define SMINTERFACE_FORWARDMANAGER_NAME "IForwardManager" #define SMINTERFACE_FORWARDMANAGER_VERSION 4 /* * There is some very important documentation at the bottom of this file. * Readers interested in knowing more about the forward system, scrolling down is a must! */ namespace SourceMod { /** * @brief Defines the event hook result types plugins can return. */ enum ResultType { Pl_Continue = 0, /**< No result */ Pl_Changed = 1, /**< Inputs or outputs have been overridden with new values */ Pl_Handled = 3, /**< Result was handled, stop at the end */ Pl_Stop = 4, /**< Result was handled, stop now */ }; /** * @brief Defines how a forward iterates through plugin functions. */ enum ExecType { ET_Ignore = 0, /**< Ignore all return values, return 0 */ ET_Single = 1, /**< Only return the last exec, ignore all others */ ET_Event = 2, /**< Acts as an event with the ResultTypes above, no mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */ ET_Hook = 3, /**< Acts as a hook with the ResultTypes above, mid-Stops allowed, returns highest */ ET_LowEvent = 4, /**< Same as ET_Event except that it returns the lowest value */ }; #define SP_PARAMTYPE_ANY 0 #define SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF (1<<0) #define SP_PARAMTYPE_CELL (1<<1) #define SP_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT (2<<1) #define SP_PARAMTYPE_STRING (3<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF #define SP_PARAMTYPE_ARRAY (4<<1)|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF #define SP_PARAMTYPE_VARARG (5<<1) /** * @brief Describes the various ways to pass parameters to plugins. */ enum ParamType { Param_Any = SP_PARAMTYPE_ANY, /**< Any data type can be pushed */ Param_Cell = SP_PARAMTYPE_CELL, /**< Only basic cells can be pushed */ Param_Float = SP_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT, /**< Only floats can be pushed */ Param_String = SP_PARAMTYPE_STRING, /**< Only strings can be pushed */ Param_Array = SP_PARAMTYPE_ARRAY, /**< Only arrays can be pushed */ Param_VarArgs = SP_PARAMTYPE_VARARG, /**< Same as "..." in plugins, anything can be pushed, but it will always be byref */ Param_CellByRef = SP_PARAMTYPE_CELL|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF, /**< Only a cell by reference can be pushed */ Param_FloatByRef = SP_PARAMTYPE_FLOAT|SP_PARAMFLAG_BYREF, /**< Only a float by reference can be pushed */ }; struct ByrefInfo { unsigned int cells; cell_t *orig_addr; int flags; int sz_flags; }; struct FwdParamInfo { cell_t val; ByrefInfo byref; ParamType pushedas; bool isnull; }; class IForwardFilter { public: virtual void Preprocess(IPluginFunction *fun, FwdParamInfo *params) { } }; /** * @brief Unmanaged Forward, abstracts calling multiple functions as "forwards," or collections of functions. * * Parameters should be pushed in forward order, unlike the virtual machine/IPluginContext order. * Some functions are repeated in here because their documentation differs from their IPluginFunction equivalents. * Missing are the Push functions, whose only doc change is that they throw SP_ERROR_PARAM on type mismatches. */ class IForward : public ICallable { public: /** Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~IForward() { } public: /** * @brief Returns the name of the forward. * * @return Forward name. */ virtual const char *GetForwardName() =0; /** * @brief Returns the number of functions in this forward. * * @return Number of functions in forward. */ virtual unsigned int GetFunctionCount() =0; /** * @brief Returns the method of multi-calling this forward has. * * @return ExecType of the forward. */ virtual ExecType GetExecType() =0; /** * @brief Executes the forward. * * @param result Optional pointer to store result in. * @param filter Do not use. * @return Error code, if any. */ virtual int Execute(cell_t *result=NULL, IForwardFilter *filter=NULL) =0; /** * @brief Pushes an array of cells onto the current call. Different rules than ICallable. * NOTE: On Execute, the pointer passed will be modified according to the copyback rule. * * @param inarray Array to copy. If NULL and cells is 3 pushes a reference to the NULL_VECTOR pubvar to each callee. * Pushing other number of cells is not allowed, unlike ICallable's version. * @param cells Number of cells to allocate and optionally read from the input array. * @param flags Whether or not changes should be copied back to the input array. * @return Error code, if any. */ virtual int PushArray(cell_t *inarray, unsigned int cells, int flags=0) =0; /** * @brief Pushes a string onto the current call. * * @param string String to push. If NULL pushes a reference to the NULL_STRING pubvar to each callee. * @return Error code, if any. */ virtual int PushString(const char *string) = 0; }; /** * @brief Managed Forward, same as IForward, except the collection can be modified. */ class IChangeableForward : public IForward { public: /** * @brief Removes a function from the call list. * NOTE: Only removes one instance. * * @param func Function to remove. * @return Whether or not the function was removed. */ virtual bool RemoveFunction(IPluginFunction *func) =0; /** * @brief Removes all instances of a plugin from the call list. * * @param plugin Plugin to remove instances of. * @return Number of functions removed therein. */ virtual unsigned int RemoveFunctionsOfPlugin(IPlugin *plugin) =0; /** * @brief Adds a function to the call list. * NOTE: Cannot be used during an incomplete call. * NOTE: If used during a call, function is temporarily queued until calls are over. * NOTE: Adding multiple copies of the same function is illegal. * * @param func Function to add. * @return True on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool AddFunction(IPluginFunction *func) =0; /** * @brief Adds a function to the call list. * NOTE: Cannot be used during an incomplete call. * NOTE: If used during a call, function is temporarily queued until calls are over. * * @param ctx Context to use as a look-up. * @param index Function id to add. * @return True on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool AddFunction(IPluginContext *ctx, funcid_t index) =0; /** * @brief Removes a function from the call list. * NOTE: Only removes one instance. * * @param ctx Context to use as a look-up. * @param index Function id to add. * @return Whether or not the function was removed. */ virtual bool RemoveFunction(IPluginContext *ctx, funcid_t index) =0; }; /** * @brief Provides functions for creating/destroying managed and unmanaged forwards. */ class IForwardManager : public SMInterface { public: virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() { return SMINTERFACE_FORWARDMANAGER_NAME; } virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_FORWARDMANAGER_VERSION; } virtual bool IsVersionCompatible(unsigned int version) { if (version < 2 || version > GetInterfaceVersion()) { return false; } return true; } public: /** * @brief Creates a managed forward. This forward exists globally. * The name used to create the forward is used as its public function in all target plugins. * As new non-private plugins become loaded or unloaded, they will be automatically added * or removed. This is ideal for global, static forwards that are never changed. * * @param name Name of public function to use in forward. * @param et Execution type to be used. * @param num_params Number of parameter this function will have. * NOTE: For varargs, this should include the vararg parameter. * @param types Array of type information about each parameter. If NULL, types * are read off the vararg stream. * @param ... If types is NULL, num_params ParamTypes should be pushed. * @return A new IForward on success, NULL if type combination is impossible. */ virtual IForward *CreateForward(const char *name, ExecType et, unsigned int num_params, const ParamType *types, ...) =0; /** * @brief Creates an unmanaged forward. This forward exists privately. * Unlike managed forwards, no functions are ever added by the Manager. * However, functions will be removed automatically if their parent plugin is unloaded. * * @param name Name of forward (unused except for lookup, can be NULL for anonymous). * @param et Execution type to be used. * @param num_params Number of parameter this function will have. * NOTE: For varargs, this should include the vararg parameter. * @param types Array of type information about each parameter. If NULL, types * are read off the vararg stream. * @param ... If types is NULL, num_params ParamTypes should be pushed. * @return A new IChangeableForward on success, NULL if type combination is impossible. */ virtual IChangeableForward *CreateForwardEx(const char *name, ExecType et, int num_params, const ParamType *types, ...) =0; /** * @brief Finds a forward by name. Does not return anonymous forwards (named NULL or ""). * * @param name Name of forward. * @param ifchng Optionally store either NULL or an IChangeableForward pointer * depending on type of forward. * @return IForward pointer, or NULL if none found matching the name. */ virtual IForward *FindForward(const char *name, IChangeableForward **ifchng) =0; /** * @brief Frees and destroys a forward object. * * @param forward An IForward created by CreateForward() or CreateForwardEx(). */ virtual void ReleaseForward(IForward *forward) =0; }; } /* * In the AMX Mod X model of forwarding, each forward contained a list of pairs, each pair containing * a function ID and an AMX structure. The forward structure itself did very little but hold parameter types. * An execution call worked like this: * - executeForward() took in a function id and a list of parameters * - for each contained plugin: * - the list of parameters was preprocessed and pushed * - the call was made * - the list was freed and copybacks were made * - return * * The advantages to this is that the system is very easy to implement, and it's fast. The disadvantage is * varargs tend to be very unforgiving and inflexible, and thus weird problems arose with casting. You also * lose flexibility, type checking, and the ability to reasonably use variable arguments lists in the VM. * * SourceMod replaces this forward system with a far more advanced, but a bit bulkier one. The idea is that * each plugin has a table of functions, and each function is an ICallable object. As well as being an ICallable, * each function is an IPluginFunction. An ICallable simply describes the process of adding parameters to a * function call. An IPluginFunction describes the process of actually calling a function and performing allocation, * copybacks, and deallocations. * * A very powerful forward system emerges: a Forward is just a collection of IPluginFunctions. Thus, the same * API can be easily wrapped around a simple list, and it will look transparent to the user. * Advantages: * 1) "SP Forwards" from AMX Mod X are simply IPluginFunctions without a collection. * 2) Forwards are function based, rather than plugin based, and are thus far more flexible at runtime.. * 3) [2] Individual functions can be paused and more than one function from the same plugin can be hooked. * 4) [2] One hook type that used to map to many SP Forwards can now be centralized as one Forward. * This helps alleviate messes like Fakemeta. * 5) Parameter pushing is type-checked and allows for variable arguments. * * Note that while #2,3,4 could be added to AMX Mod X, the real binding property is #1, which makes the system * object oriented, rather than AMX Mod X, which hides the objects behind static functions. It is entirely a design * issue, rather than a usability one. The interesting part is when it gets to implementation, which has to cache * parameter pushing until execution. Without this, multiple function calls can be started across one plugin, which * will result in heap corruption given SourcePawn's implementation. * * Observe the new calling process: * - Each parameter is pushed into a local cache using the ICallable interface. * - For each function in the collection: * - Each parameter is decoded and -pushed into the function. * - The call is made. * - Return * * Astute readers will note the (minor) problems: * 1) More memory is used. Specifically, rather than N params of memory, you now have N params * M plugins. * This is because, again, parameters are cached both per-function and per-forward. * 2) There are slightly more calls going around: one extra call for each parameter, since each push is manual. * * HISTORICAL NOTES: * There used to be a # about copy backs. * Note that originally, the Forward implementation was a thin wrapper around IForwards. It did not cache pushes, * and instead immediately fired them to each internal plugin. This was to allow users to know that pointers would * be immediately resolved. Unfortunately, this became extremely burdensome on the API and exposed many problems, * the major (and breaking) one was that two separate Function objects cannot be in a calling process on the same * plugin at once. (:TODO: perhaps prevent that in the IPlugin object?) This is because heap functions lose their order * and become impossible to re-arrange without some global heap tracking mechanism. It also made iterative copy backs * for arrays/references overwhelmingly complex, since each plugin had to have its memory back-patched for each copy. * Therefore, this was scrapped for cached parameters (current implementation), which is the implementation AMX Mod X * uses. It is both faster and works better. */ #endif //_INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_FORWARDINTERFACE_H_