/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod (C)2004-2011 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ #if defined _entity_included #endinput #endif #define _entity_included /** * Property types for entities. */ enum PropType { Prop_Send = 0, /**< This property is networked. */ Prop_Data = 1 /**< This property is for save game data fields. */ }; /** * @section For more information on these, see the HL2SDK (public/edict.h) */ #define FL_EDICT_CHANGED (1<<0) /**< Game DLL sets this when the entity state changes Mutually exclusive with FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE. */ #define FL_EDICT_FREE (1<<1) /**< this edict if free for reuse */ #define FL_EDICT_FULL (1<<2) /**< this is a full server entity */ #define FL_EDICT_FULLCHECK (0<<0) /**< call ShouldTransmit() each time, this is a fake flag */ #define FL_EDICT_ALWAYS (1<<3) /**< always transmit this entity */ #define FL_EDICT_DONTSEND (1<<4) /**< don't transmit this entity */ #define FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK (1<<5) /**< always transmit entity, but cull against PVS */ #define FL_EDICT_PENDING_DORMANT_CHECK (1<<6) #define FL_EDICT_DIRTY_PVS_INFORMATION (1<<7) #define FL_FULL_EDICT_CHANGED (1<<8) enum PropFieldType { PropField_Unsupported, /**< The type is unsupported. */ PropField_Integer, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */ PropField_Float, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */ PropField_Entity, /**< Valid for Data fields only (SendProp shows as int) */ PropField_Vector, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */ PropField_String, /**< Valid for SendProp and Data fields */ PropField_String_T, /**< Valid for Data fields. Read only. Note that the size of a string_t is dynamic, and thus FindDataMapOffs() will return the constant size of the string_t container (which is 32 bits right now). */ PropField_Variant /**< Valid for Data fields only Type is not known at the field level, (for this call), but dependent on current field value. */ }; /** * @endsection */ /** * Returns the maximum number of networked entities. * * Note: For legacy reasons, this only returns the maximum * networked entities (maximum edicts), rather than total * maximum entities. * * @return Maximum number of networked entities. */ native int GetMaxEntities(); /** * Returns the number of networked entities in the server. * * Note: For legacy reasons, this only returns the current count * of networked entities (current edicts), rather than total * count of current entities. * * @return Number of entities in the server. */ native int GetEntityCount(); /** * Returns whether or not an entity is valid. Returns false * if there is no matching CBaseEntity for this entity index. * * @param entity Index of the entity. * @return True if valid, false otherwise. */ native bool IsValidEntity(int entity); /** * Returns whether or not an edict index is valid. * * @param edict Index of the edict. * @return True if valid, false otherwise. */ native bool IsValidEdict(int edict); /** * Returns whether or not an entity has a valid networkable edict. * * @param entity Index of the entity. * @return True if networkable, false if invalid or not networkable. */ native bool IsEntNetworkable(int entity); /** * Creates a new edict (the basis of a networkable entity) * * @return Index of the edict, 0 on failure. */ native int CreateEdict(); /** * Removes an edict from the world. * * @param edict Index of the edict. * @error Invalid edict index. */ native void RemoveEdict(int edict); /** * Marks an entity for deletion. * * @param entity Index of the entity. * @error Invalid entity index. */ native void RemoveEntity(int entity); /** * Returns the flags on an edict. These are not the same as entity flags. * * @param edict Index of the entity. * @return Edict flags. * @error Invalid edict index. */ native int GetEdictFlags(int edict); /** * Sets the flags on an edict. These are not the same as entity flags. * * @param edict Index of the entity. * @param flags Flags to set. * @error Invalid edict index. */ native void SetEdictFlags(int edict, int flags); /** * Retrieves an edict classname. * * @param edict Index of the entity. * @param clsname Buffer to store the classname. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @return True on success, false if there is no classname set. */ native bool GetEdictClassname(int edict, char[] clsname, int maxlength); /** * Retrieves an entity's networkable serverclass name. * This is not the same as the classname and is used for networkable state changes. * * @param edict Index of the entity. * @param clsname Buffer to store the serverclass name. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @return True on success, false if the edict is not networkable. * @error Invalid edict index. */ native bool GetEntityNetClass(int edict, char[] clsname, int maxlength); /** * @section Entity offset functions * * Offsets should be specified in byte distance from the CBaseEntity * structure, not short (double byte) or integer (four byte) multiples. * It is somewhat common practice to use offsets aligned to their final * type, and thus make sure you are not falling to this error in SourceMod. * For example, if your "integer-aligned" offset was 119, your byte-aligned * offset is 119*4, or 476. * Specifying incorrect offsets or the incorrect data type for an offset * can have fatal consequences. If you are hardcoding offsets, and the * layout of CBaseEntity does not match, you can easily crash the server. * * The reasonable bounds for offsets is greater than or equal to 0 and * below 32768. Offsets out of these bounds will throw an error. However, * this does not represent any real range, it is simply a sanity check for * illegal values. Any range outside of the CBaseEntity structure's private * size will cause undefined behavior or even crash. */ /** * Marks an entity as state changed. This can be useful if you set an offset * and wish for it to be immediately changed over the network. By default this * is not done for offset setting functions. * * @param edict Index to the edict. * @param offset Offset to mark as changed. If 0, * the entire edict is marked as changed. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of bounds. */ native void ChangeEdictState(int edict, int offset = 0); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the integer value at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param size Number of bytes to read (valid values are 1, 2, or 4). * @return Value at the given memory location. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native int GetEntData(int entity, int offset, int size=4); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the integer value at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param value Value to set. * @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4). * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntData(int entity, int offset, any value, int size=4, bool changeState=false); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the float value at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @return Value at the given memory location. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native float GetEntDataFloat(int entity, int offset); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the float value at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param value Value to set. * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntDataFloat(int entity, int offset, float value, bool changeState=false); /** * This function is deprecated. Use GetEntDataEnt2 instead, for * reasons explained in the notes. * * Note: This function returns 0 on failure, which may be misleading, * as the number 0 is also used for the world entity index. * * Note: This function makes no attempt to validate the returned * entity, and in fact, it could be garbage or completely unexpected. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @return Entity index at the given location, or 0 if none. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. * @deprecated Use GetEntDataEnt2() instead. */ #pragma deprecated Use GetEntDataEnt2() instead. native int GetEntDataEnt(int entity, int offset); /** * This function is deprecated. Use SetEntDataEnt2 instead, for * reasons explained in the notes. * * Note: This function uses 0 as an indicator to unset data, but * 0 is also the world entity index. Thus, a property cannot * be set to the world entity using this native. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param other Entity index to set, or 0 to clear. * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. * @deprecated Use SetEntDataEnt2() instead. */ #pragma deprecated Use SetEntDataEnt2() instead. native void SetEntDataEnt(int entity, int offset, int other, bool changeState=false); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the entity index * at the given offset. * * Note: This will only work on offsets that are stored as "entity * handles" (which usually looks like m_h* in properties). These * are not SourceMod Handles, but internal Source structures. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @return Entity index at the given location. If there is no entity, * or the stored entity is invalid, then -1 is returned. * @error Invalid input entity, or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native int GetEntDataEnt2(int entity, int offset); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the entity index at the * given offset. * * Note: This will only work on offsets that are stored as "entity * handles" (which usually looks like m_h* in properties). These * are not SourceMod Handles, but internal Source structures. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param other Entity index to set, or -1 to clear. * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @error Invalid input entity, or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntDataEnt2(int entity, int offset, int other, bool changeState=false); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the vector at the * given offset. * @note Both a Vector and a QAngle are three floats. This is a * convenience function and will work with both types. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param vec Vector buffer to store data in. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void GetEntDataVector(int entity, int offset, float vec[3]); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the vector at the given * offset. * @note Both a Vector and a QAngle are three floats. This is a * convenience function and will work with both types. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param vec Vector to set. * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntDataVector(int entity, int offset, const float vec[3], bool changeState=false); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and retrieves the string at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Maximum length of output string buffer. * @return Number of non-null bytes written. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native int GetEntDataString(int entity, int offset, char[] buffer, int maxlen); /** * Peeks into an entity's object data and sets the string at * the given offset. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param buffer String to set. * @param maxlen Maximum length of bytes to write. * @param changeState If true, change will be sent over the network. * @return Number of non-null bytes written. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native int SetEntDataString(int entity, int offset, const char[] buffer, int maxlen, bool changeState=false); /** * @endsection */ /** * Given a ServerClass name, finds a networkable send property offset. * This information is cached for future calls. * * Note, this function may return offsets that do not work! * If a property is nested beneath a parent object, the resulting offset * will be invalid for direct use with data functions. Therefore, you * should use FindSendPropInfo() instead. An example of such a property is * CTFPlayer::DT_LocalPlayer.m_nDisguiseClass on Team Fortress. * * @param cls Classname. * @param prop Property name. * @return An offset, or -1 on failure. * @deprecated Use FindSendPropInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence. */ #pragma deprecated Use FindSendPropInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence. native int FindSendPropOffs(const char[] cls, const char[] prop); /** * Given a ServerClass name, finds a networkable send property offset. * This information is cached for future calls. * * @param cls Classname. * @param prop Property name. * @param type Optional parameter to store the type. * @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field * uses, if applicable (otherwise 0 is stored). The number * of bits varies for integers and floats, and is always 0 * for strings. * @param local_offset Optional parameter to store the local offset, as * FindSendPropOffs() would return. * @param array_size Optional parameter to store array size, 0 if not an array. * @return On success, returns an absolutely computed offset. * If no offset is available, 0 is returned. * If the property is not found, -1 is returned. */ native int FindSendPropInfo(const char[] cls, const char[] prop, PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0), int &num_bits=0, int &local_offset=0, int &array_size=0); /** * Given an entity, finds a datamap property offset. * This information is cached for future calls. * * @param entity Entity index. * @param prop Property name. * @param type Optional parameter to store the type. * @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field * uses. The bit count will either be 1 (for boolean) or * divisible by 8 (including 0 if unknown). * @return An offset, or -1 on failure. * @deprecated Use FindDataMapInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence. */ #pragma deprecated Use FindDataMapInfo instead, or HasEntProp if you just want to check for existence. native int FindDataMapOffs(int entity, const char[] prop, PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0), int &num_bits=0); /** * Given an entity, finds a nested datamap property offset. * This information is cached for future calls. * * @param entity Entity index. * @param prop Property name. * @param type Optional parameter to store the type. * @param num_bits Optional parameter to store the number of bits the field * uses. The bit count will either be 1 (for boolean) or * divisible by 8 (including 0 if unknown). * @param local_offset Optional parameter to store the local offset, as * FindDataMapOffs() would return. * @return An offset, or -1 on failure. */ native int FindDataMapInfo(int entity, const char[] prop, PropFieldType &type=view_as<PropFieldType>(0), int &num_bits=0, int &local_offset=0); /** * Wrapper function for finding a send property for a particular entity. * * @param ent Entity index. * @param prop Property name. * @param actual Defaults to false for backwards compatibility. * If true, the newer FindSendPropInfo() function * is used instead. * @return An offset, or -1 on failure. */ stock int GetEntSendPropOffs(int ent, const char[] prop, bool actual=false) { char cls[64]; if (!GetEntityNetClass(ent, cls, sizeof(cls))) { return -1; } int local = -1; int offset = FindSendPropInfo(cls, prop, _, _, local); if (actual) { return offset; } return local; } /** * Checks if an entity property exists on an entity. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @return Whether the property exists on the entity. * @error Invalid entity. */ stock bool HasEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop) { if (type == Prop_Data) { return (FindDataMapInfo(entity, prop) != -1); } if (type != Prop_Send) { return false; } char cls[64]; if (!GetEntityNetClass(entity, cls, sizeof(cls))) { return false; } return (FindSendPropInfo(cls, prop) != -1); } /** * Retrieves an integer value from an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntData, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4). * This value is auto-detected, and the size parameter is * only used as a fallback in case detection fails. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @return Value at the given property offset. * @error Invalid entity or property not found. */ native int GetEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int size=4, int element=0); /** * Sets an integer value in an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntData, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param value Value to set. * @param size Number of bytes to write (valid values are 1, 2, or 4). * This value is auto-detected, and the size parameter is * only used as a fallback in case detection fails. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntProp(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, any value, int size=4, int element=0); /** * Retrieves a float value from an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataFloat, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @return Value at the given property offset. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native float GetEntPropFloat(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int element=0); /** * Sets a float value in an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataFloat, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param value Value to set. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntPropFloat(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, float value, int element=0); /** * Retrieves an entity index from an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataEnt*, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @return Entity index at the given property. * If there is no entity, or the entity is not valid, * then -1 is returned. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native int GetEntPropEnt(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int element=0); /** * Sets an entity index in an entity's property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataEnt*, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param other Entity index to set, or -1 to unset. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ native void SetEntPropEnt(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, int other, int element=0); /** * Retrieves a vector of floats from an entity, given a named network property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over GetEntDataVector, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param vec Vector buffer to store data in. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @error Invalid entity, property not found, or property not * actually a vector data type. */ native void GetEntPropVector(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, float vec[3], int element=0); /** * Sets a vector of floats in an entity, given a named network property. * * This function is considered safer and more robust over SetEntDataVector, * because it performs strict offset checking and typing rules. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @param vec Vector to set. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @error Invalid entity, property not found, or property not * actually a vector data type. */ native void SetEntPropVector(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, const float vec[3], int element=0); /** * Gets a network property as a string. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property to use. * @param buffer Destination string buffer. * @param maxlen Maximum length of output string buffer. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @return Number of non-null bytes written. * @error Invalid entity, offset out of reasonable bounds, or property is not a valid string. */ native int GetEntPropString(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, char[] buffer, int maxlen, int element=0); /** * Sets a network property as a string. * * @param entity Edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property to use. * @param buffer String to set. * @param element Element # (starting from 0) if property is an array. * @return Number of non-null bytes written. * @error Invalid entity, offset out of reasonable bounds, or property is not a valid string. */ native int SetEntPropString(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop, const char[] buffer, int element=0); /** * Retrieves the count of values that an entity property's array can store. * * @param entity Entity/edict index. * @param type Property type. * @param prop Property name. * @return Size of array (in elements) or 0 if property is not an array. * @error Invalid entity or property not found. */ native int GetEntPropArraySize(int entity, PropType type, const char[] prop); /** * Copies an array of cells from an entity at a given offset. * * @param entity Entity index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param array Array to read into. * @param arraySize Number of values to read. * @param dataSize Size of each value in bytes (1, 2, or 4). * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ stock void GetEntDataArray(int entity, int offset, any[] array, int arraySize, int dataSize=4) { for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { array[i] = GetEntData(entity, offset + i*dataSize, dataSize); } } /** * Copies an array of cells to an entity at a given offset. * * @param entity Entity index. * @param offset Offset to use. * @param array Array of values to copy. * @param arraySize Number of values to copy. * @param dataSize Size of each value in bytes (1, 2, or 4). * @param changeState True to set the network state as changed; false otherwise. * @error Invalid entity or offset out of reasonable bounds. */ stock void SetEntDataArray(int entity, int offset, const any[] array, int arraySize, int dataSize=4, bool changeState=false) { for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { SetEntData(entity, offset + i*dataSize, array[i], dataSize, changeState); } } /** * Gets the memory address of an entity. * * @param entity Entity index. * @return Address of the entity. * @error Invalid entity. */ native Address GetEntityAddress(int entity); /** * Retrieves the classname of an entity. * This is like GetEdictClassname(), except it works for ALL * entities, not just edicts. * * @param entity Index of the entity. * @param clsname Buffer to store the classname. * @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer. * @return True on success, false if there is no classname set. */ stock bool GetEntityClassname(int entity, char[] clsname, int maxlength) { return !!GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iClassname", clsname, maxlength); }