SourceMod Changelog SourceMod 1.6.0 [2014-07-03] URL: User Changes: - Added support for Dota 2 (bug 5656, bug 6068). - Added support for Source SDK 2013 mods (bug 5917). - Added support for Insurgency (bug 5951). - Added support for Contagion (bug 6007). - Added support for Blade Symphony (bug 5949). - Updated support for some mods that moved to SDK 2013 - No More Room In Hell, Fistful of Frags, Empires, Synergy. - Updated gamedata and other support for TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S, CS:GO, Left 4 Dead, and Nuclear Dawn. - Added support for customizing ban reasons in basebans.sp (bug 5762) (Matthias "House" Kollek). - Added support for searching all gameinfo search paths when seeking mapcycle file (bug 5839). - Added sm_reload_translations command (bug 5750). - Added support for single-file gamedata custom overrides (bug 5386) (Ondrej "RavuAlHemio" Hošek). - Re-enabled SteamAuthstringValidation config option by default (bug 5791, PR 20). - Fixed plugins not reaching ext dep lists, making dependent plugin not unload on ext unload (bug 5851) (Peace-Maker). - Added printing of SendProp flags to netprop dumps (bug 6082). - Removed support for obsolete plugin_settings.cfg (bug 5605). - Fixed topmenu sorting not getting refreshed after reloading sorting config (bug 6032) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed error log filename date sometimes being incorrect (bug 5761) (Matheus "M28" Valadares). - Dump handle information when a plugin is forcefully unloaded. (bug 5666). - Fixed sm_cancelvote not resetting rtv state. (bug 5808) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed Mapchooser dying on single map rotation servers (bug 5179). - Fixed various problems with unloading ClientPrefs and SourceMod (bug 5874). - Fixed "sm version" command reporting incorrect compile time in many cases (bug 6078) (SystematicMania). - Clear default database driver reference if backing extension is unloaded (bug 5934) (Peace-Maker). - Moved funcommands material and sound definitions to gamedata for easier cross-game support (bug 6085). - Implement a watchdog timer for scripts that take too long to execute (bug 5837). - Use Linux game data for offsets and signatures/symbols on OS X if Mac-specific data is not available (bug 6056). Developer Changes: - Added an API for off-thread SQL transactions. (bug 3775, PR 26). - Added string literal concatenation using ellipses "..." (bug 4261, PR 5) (Peace-Maker). - Added support for nested datatables. (bug 5446). - Added PbRemoveRepeatedFieldValue native (bug 6066). - Added support for getting/setting protobuf enum values with PbGetInt, PbSetInt, and PbAddInt natives. - Removed deprecated PbReadRepeated natives that existed briefly in 1.5.0-dev prerelease versions. - Added RequestFrame native for one-off next-frame actions (bug 5965). - Added CS_DMG_HEADSHOT define for CS:S and CS:GO (PR 7) (Bara20). - Added CS_SLOT_KNIFE define for CS:S and CS:GO (bug 6131). - Updated TF_WEAPON enum (PR 37) (FlaminSarge). - Added TFHoliday_AprilFools to TFHoliday enum (bug 6092) (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose). - Added new TF2_IsHolidayActive native to TF2 Ext (bug 6095) (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose). - Switch TF2 extension to hook CTFGameRules::IsHolidayActive for holiday forward (bug 6137, PR 42). - Added GetPlayerJingleFile native. (bug 5690) (FlaminSarge). - Added PrepSDKCall_SetAddress and Address support to PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf (bug 5261). - Added ability to disable TopMenu Title Caching (bug 6034) (Peace-Maker). - Added DisplayTopMenuCategory native (bug 6033) (Peace-Maker). - Added support for Valve search paths to GetFileSize native (bug 5931). - Fixed invalid entities sometimes passed to OnEntityCreated and OnEntityDestroyed (bug 6119). - Fixed inconsistencies with OnClientDisconnected foward calls (bug 5988, PR 16). - Changed OnClientSayCommand to now pass non-silent chat triggers onward (bug 5926) (SystematicMania). - Changed OnClientSayCommand forwards to strip quotes from chat (bug 5986) (SystematicMania). - Fixed FindStringIndex native not returning INVALID_STRING_INDEX when string not found (bug 6144, PR 40). - Fixed GroundEntChanged hooks not being called (bug 6050) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed INetChannelInfo natives to no longer require clients to be ingame (bug 5775) (SystematicMania). - Fixed replace param being respected inconsistently in SetTrieArray (bug 6113). - Fixed crash creating a timer when there are no handles available. (bug 5317) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed crash in ReconnectClient and InactivateClient natives when IServer ptr is null (bug 6122). - Fixed StoreFromAddress and LoadFromAddress continuing with bad values, usually crashing after error (bug 6080). - Fixed compiler bug with multidimensional array variable release (bug 6100). - Changed float comparison operators to return false for NaN (bug 6107). - Added support in spcomp for sp/inc files > 32767 lines (bug 5959). - Fixed FindFlagChar returning '?' for Admin_Custom6. - Fixed AllPluginsLoaded activities happening before SM is loaded. - Deduplicated a number of files used by extensions by moving them to the public directory (bug 5341). - Removed 'state' keyword from compiler (bug 4572) (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker). - Removed LogMessageEx definition from because it never existed (bug 5897) (Peace-Maker). - Removed native override API (bug 5852). - Call OnLibraryAdded for all available libraries (bug 5925, PR 4). - Made IGameConfig::GetMemSig return value clearer (bug 6081). - Switched StringToInt(Ex) from using strtol to strtoul internally (bug 5939). - Added an spcomp option to print #included files (bug 5997). - Recompiled Regex extension libpcre against v8.32, enabling utf8, unicode props, and jit (bug 5593). - Optimized native calls if statically bound (bug 5842). Internal Changes: - Now using new AlliedModders Template Library (AMTL) in many places, - Ported buildscripts to new AMBuild2 platform, - Moved much logic from core to logic binary to reduce file sizes and compile times (bug 5606, bug 5607, bug 5680, bug 5953, PR 12, PR 13). - Refactored the JIT to use a newer, simpler macro assembler. (bug 5827). - Added sourcepawn interpreter (bug 5902). - Added support for compiling spcomp with emscripten. - Rewrite IThreader implementation around new synchronization primitives (bug 5862). - Rewrite DBManager to use the new synchronization primitives (bug 5870). - Overhauled internals of ClientPrefs extension for improved stability (bug 5538). - Changed ShareSys to store C++ native lists more optimally (bug 5852). - Simplified NativeEntry state (bug 5852). - Changed NativeEntry to use Refcounted to manage (bug 5852). - Switched Translator and GameConfigs to hash tables (bug 5878). - Switched numerous subsystems from KTrie to AMTL NameHashSet (bug 5884). - Refactored Trie natives to use AMTL HashMap instead of KTrie (bug 5892). - Removed usages of memtables from many subsystems (bug 5899). - Changed EventHook name storage to use AMTL AString (bug 6188). - Replaced SH List usages in game extensions with AMTL variants (PR 23). - Replaced SourceHook list usages in clientprefs with AMTL (PR 25). - Changed floating-point operations to use SSE when available (bug 5841). - Moved tracker related opcodes entirely to C++. - Statically align the stack at function boundaries (bug 5842). - Removed InfoVars, reassigned DAT from EBP to ESI to preserve C++ stacktraces in JIT code (5844). - Fixed dereferencing potential null pointer in CPlugin::GetProperty (bug 5725). - Fixed memory corruption when parsing natives. (bug 5840). - Fixed some memory errors (bug 5904). - Fixed unaligned memory access in spcomp. - Move versioning to a static library to improve trivial build speed (bug 5997). - Added many missing handle security checks (bug 5595). - Made GetEntityClassname get and cache m_iClassname offset from worldspawn for ents not having it in datadesc (bug 5654). - Cache m_iEFlags offset for datamaps dump instead of getting for each ent (bug 5657). - Fixed mismatched delete [] on thunks in JIT CompData dtor (bug 5639). - Fixed various memory issues. (bug 5766). - Added reference counting and use it for CGameConfig and IDatabase (bug 5876). - Added atomic reference counting and port DBI (bug 5876). - Replaced usages of deprecated Sourcehook Add/Remove macros (bug 5631). - Fixed SDKHooks hook ent validation missing first datatable name (bug 5881). - Fixed case where bots leave server without disconnect notice (hibernation) (PR 20). - Changed FindConVar to utilize convar cache for improved performance (PR 27) (VoiDeD). - Gave define value (of 1) to PLATFORM defs to match the same-name defs in some SDKs (PR 10). - Wrapped ClientPrintf into IGamePlayer (bug 6021). - Consolidated FileExists usage in logic bin (bug 5931). - Removed hardcoded paths to tier0/vstdlib in ICommandLine lookup. - Use updated IServerTools iface on TF2 for getting tempent list and FindEntityByClassname (PR 33). - Added early exit in entity output detour if entity has no classname to prevent crash. - Updated SDKTools entity output functions to use core's GetEntityClassname instead of own (PR 39). - Consolidated SDKTools entity factory lookups. - Changed SDKTools PlayerRunCmd to a global vtable hook to improve performance (bug 6051). - Changed SDKHooks to use global vtable hooks to improve performance (bug 6070). - Added client validation checks to EmitSound SoundsHooks (bug 5873). - Added missing meta results to some pre-hooks in SDKHooks. - Replaced magic numbers for sm_show_activity with named constants (PR 14). ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.5.3 [2014-03-22] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for CS:GO after multiple breaking game updates. - Updated gamedata support for GoldenEye: Source (Peace-Maker). - Fixed crash on SDKHooks extension load in Alien Swarm (bug 6059). - Fixed memory leak from unmanaged forwards never being freed (bug 6025). - Fixed possible crash when unloading the CStrike extension. - Fixed crash in SDKHooks Reload post-hook (Peace-Maker). - Fixed FakeClientCommandEx always leaking memory (bug 5678). - Fixed extra entity networking occuring with SetEntProp natives on some games. - Fixed being able to nominate same map multiple times (bug 5109). - Fixed spurious FindEntityByClassname error being logged on some games and platforms. - Fixed an Anti-Flood bypass exploit (bug 5394). - Removed part of Addresses gamedata error handling which could cause false errors to be logged (bug 6044). - Fixed mapchooser not resetting nominations count when clearing nominations list (bug 5359). - Improved performances of client convar query handling (bug 6003). Developer Changes: - Added GiveAmmo native to SDKTools (bug 6039) (Peace-Maker). - Added SQL_SetCharset native to (re)set charset even after reconnect (bug 5786) (Peace-Maker). - Added support for entity references in SDKHooks natives (bug 6069). - Added support for server passwords to DisplayAskConnectBox stock (bug 5984) (FlaminSarge). - Renamed SortFunc2D parameters to match documentation (bug 6014) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed param order in AddToTopMenu function doc (bug 6035) (Peace-Maker). - Added |any| tag to WritePackCell and ReadPackCell native param/return values (bug 6001). - Updated SDKHook_TakeDamage native for game updates. - Added default infinite value for TF2_AddCondition duration. - Added support for conditions >= 64 in TF2_OnConditionAdded/Removed (bug 5565, bug 5976) (FlaminSarge). - Updated TFCond and TF customkill enum values (bug 6012) (FlaminSarge). - Fixed regression causing incorrect return and inability to block in TF2_OnCalcIsAttackCritical forward. - Fixed TE_* natives operating on incorrect data for some tempents (bug 6072). - Fixed CS_AliasToWeaponID not returning a valid weaponID for cz75a. - Fixed CS_GetWeaponPrice returning incorrect value for M4A1 in CS:GO (bug 6045). - Increased max gamedata byte signature length. - Ported SM build scripts to AMBuild2 (bug 5997). ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.5.2 [2013-10-29] URL: User Changes: - Updated gamedata support for TF2, CS:S, CS:GO, and HL2:DM. - Fixed crash from regression in SDKTools SetClientListening hook refcounting (bug 5956) (KyleS). - Fixed potential crash when having maps with format characters in name. - Fixed some nextmap issues with long map names. - SDKTools no longer requires gamedata for sm_dump_datamaps on TF2, CS:S, HL2:DM, and DoD:S (bug 5968). Developer Changes: - Updated TFCond and TF custom dmg enums. - Updated TF2 critical hit detection logic in TF2_OnCalcIsAttackCritical to handle more cases, including when criticals are disabled (bug 5894). - Fixed GetEngineVersion native returning a bad value when running on MM:S 1.9.x or earlier (bug 5697). ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.5.1 [2013-09-10] URL: User Changes: - Updated gamedata support for TF2. - Added missing DispatchKeyValue gamedata for HL2 CTF (bug 5114) (peace-maker). - Fixed translations not being loaded if identifier was not two or three characters (fixes Portuguese) (bug 5888). - Fixed runoff voting occurring when receiving the exact number of required votes (bug 5890). - Fixed reserve slot plugin hiding too many slots on Orangebox gamesif SourceTV and/or Replay are present (bug 5499). - Fixed some crashes in TF2 and unexpected behavior in all games with SDKHook_TakeDamage due to uninitialized var. - Fixed attempted triggers from gagged users displaying in chat (bug 5918). - Fixed errors in Italian translation (Oktober). - Added Norwegian translation (checkster). Developer Changes: - Added CS_UpdateClientModel native to CStrike extension for CS:S and CS:GO (bug 5905) (Drifter). - Fixed setting weapon param in SDKHook_TakeDamage overwriting attacker instead of setting weapon (bug 5911) (KyleS) ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.5.0 [2013-08-25] URL: User Changes: - Added support for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (bug 5299, bug 5579). - Split CS:S, TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and ND to separate binaries (bug 5370, bug 5813). - Added support for runoff voting in mapchooser (bug 4218). - Added option to require Steam validation before granting admin access (bug 4837) (VoiDeD). - Added localization support for many more core and base plugin messages (bug 5120, bug 5146). - Added the ability to override RegConsoleCommand-created commands (bug 5199). - Added support for "fuzzy" (partial) map names in map-related natives and cmds for L4D and later (bug 5599). - Updated Reserved Slots to use max humans as max count (bug 5444). - Added support for custom maxitems on radio menus (bug 5371). - Improved console config editing (bug 5470). - Increased map name buffer sizes in mapchooser to better account for nested maps (bug 5609) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed JIT conflicts with SELinux (bug 5581). - Added logged error when PlayerRunCommand offset lookup fails (bug 5535) (GoD-Tony). - Fixed double print when sending psay to self (bug 5649) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed check against uninitialized string in extension loader (bug 5546) (KyleS). - Fixed possible runtime errors in basetriggers for not-ingame clients (bug 5191) (Peace-Maker). - Check all possible mapcycle paths on newer orangebox games (bug 5719). - Fixed ReadMapList not seeing maps in all valve search paths (bug 5715) (VoiDeD). - Fixed typo in too-many-params native error message (Peace-Maker). - Fixed various issues in clientprefs (bug 5538) (KyleS). - Removed debug printout from PerformGravity (bug 5679) (KyleS). - Fixed broken translating in some plugins and natives (bug 5612) (KyleS). - Fixed issues with COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS and @bots multi-target. - Fixed crash in SDKHooks when throwing bad ent type error on logical ent (KyleS). Developer Changes: - Added support for CS:GO to the CStrike extension (bug 5299) (Drifter). - Added support for new protobuf usermessages used in newer games (bug 5579, bug 5588, bug 5590, bug 5633). - Added latest SDKHooks version as first-party extension. - Updated SQLite to version (bug 5235). - Added natives for changing team score and mvp stars on CSS/CSGO (bug 5295) (Drifter). - Added global pre and post forwards for client chat (bug 5394) (KyleS). - Added TF2_CanPlayerTeleport forward to the TF2 game extension (bug 5283) (VoiDeD). - Added GetEntityAddress native (bug 5269) (ProdigySim). - Added more parameters to PlayerRunCommand forward (bug 5346) (GoD-Tony). - Added forwards to basecomm plugin (bug 5466) (Drifter). - Added symbol lookup support to gamedata on Windows (bug 5511) (GoD-Tony). - Exposed GetLanguageInfo in ITranslator interface (bug 5249) (VoiDeD). - Increase maximum .sp line length to 4095 characters. (bug 5347) (theY4Kman). - Improved netprop dump output (bug 5471). - Added int64 typename to netprop dumps (bug 5655). - Added GetMaxHumanPlayers native exposing IServerGameClients func (bug 5551). - Added WeaponIDToAlias native to CStrike extension (bug 5460) (KyleS). - Fixed OnLibraryAdded/Removed not being called in all plugins (bug 5431). - Made thread worker processing limits configurable at runtime (bug 5326). - Added support in TF2 ext for detection of player conds >= 64 (bug 5565). - Updated button defines in entity_prop_stocks (bug 5564). - Added GetPlayerResourceEntity to SDKTools to replace old, semi-broken TF2-only version (bug 5491). - Exposed third parameter of TF2's AddCond in TF2_AddCondition (bug 5641) (FlaminSarge). - Added GetSteamAccountID function to IPlayerHelpers and native for sp (bug 5548) (KyleS). - Added ISDKHooks interface with entity listeners (bug 5602) (GoD-Tony). - Added file upload support to webternet extension. - Added more alternative names for TFClass_Heavy (bug 5338) (Afronanny). - Throw error instead of crash when calling SetTeamScore between maps (bug 5718) (KyleS). - Fixed clients not being marked as in kick queue in some cases (bug 5746) (SystematicMania). - Made set working dir to own dir (bug 5710) (KyleS). - Added CS_IsValidWeaponID native and validity checks to other natives (bug 5566) (Drifter). - Numerous code documentation fixups (bug 5720) (Tsunami). - Fixed cmd listener callback return behavior to match func doc (bug 5882). Internal Changes: - Fixed handle misuse in clientprefs plugin (bug 5805) (KyleS). - Removed call to getchar() in debug build of compiler (bug 5626) (KyleS). - Fixed instability issues with cloned handles (bug 5245, bug 5240) (KyleS). - Changed extension unload order to avoid exposing finalization window (bug 5556) (KyleS). - Call OnPluginEnd before finalizer hooks have run (bug 4519). - Fixed potential for reading out of library bounds in MemoryUtils::FindPattern. - Fixed typo in TF2 ext asm.c causing accidental assignment instead of compare. - Overhauled versioning information (bug 5453). - Changed from RemoveEdict to using the Kill input for TF2_RemoveWeapon. - Fixed accidental assignment in each of SDKTools and sp compiler (bug 5745) (KyleS). - Fixed potential deadlock in HandleSystem::TryAndFreeSomeHandles (bug 5665) (KyleS). ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.7 [2013-02-06] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM). - Updated gamedata for Left 4 Dead 2, Nuclear Dawn, No More Room in Hell, Zombie Panic Source, CSPromod, GoldenEye Source, Synergy, The Hidden, and PVKII. - Added system to block malware or illegal plugins (bug 5289). - Fixed a potential crash when a bad entity index is passed to certain functions (bug 5539) (KyleS). - Added an error message for when auto plugin configs fail to be created due to write error (bug 5465) (Drifter). - Fixed an issue where a malformed plugin could cause crashes (bug 5478). Developer Changes: - Added new values to the TFCond TF2 conditions enum (bug 5537) (FlaminSarge). - Updated TFHoliday TF2 holidays enum (bug 5526) (Powerlord). - Fixed regression in SourceMod 1.3.0 causing GetEntPropEnt, GetEntDataEnt2, and GameRules_GetPropEnt to possibly return stale (incorrect) entity indexes in place of -1. - Added support for < 32-bit unsigned sign extension to GameRules_GetProp lookup (already in GetEntProp since SM 1.4.0). - Fixed < 32-bit unsigned sign extension in GetEntProp not being applied for array prop elements (bug 5591). - Fixed value size auto-detection in GetEntProp and GameRules_GetProp for ep2v's new SPROP_VARINT sendprops. - Fixed Sort_Random sort type not including first value in array sorting functions (bug 4292) (Peace-Maker). - Fixed GameRules_SetPropVector writing data to unexpected addresses instead of to the gamerules proxy entity (bug 5592) (ProdigySim). - Fixed VoteMenuToAll stock adding bots to list (bug 5253 (VoiDeD). ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.6 [2012-09-04] URL: User Changes: - Fixed extraneous errors resulting from a bug in 1.4.5. ---------------------------------------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.5 [2012-09-03] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Updated Nuclear Dawn, Dino D-Day, and Zombie Panic gamedata. - Added compatibility for running on Metamod:Source 1.9.0. - Fixed very minor memory leaks in CStrike extension (bug 5456) (KyleS). - Fixed crash from plugins accessing netprops too early (bug 5297) (KyleS). - Fixed crash from plugins trying to access nested datadesc members (bug 5446). Developer Changes: - Added new TF2 weapon and custom dmg defines. - Added new TF2 TFHoliday value (bug 5436) (Powerlord). - Fixed IClientListener::InterceptClientConnect not being able to properly block connections (bug 5461) (PimpinJuice). - Fixed PrepSDKCall_SetSignature native not working with symbol names on L4D2 linux (bug 5440). - Fixed resolution of GetProfilerTime native on non-Windows platforms. ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.4 [2012-07-03] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Updated Nuclear Dawn gamedata. - Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an option on a clientprefs prefab menu (bug 5374). Developer Changes: - Added new TF2 weapon and custom dmg defines. - Added new TF2 TFHoliday value (bug 5364) (Powerlord). - Updated sample extension to properly fill ninvoke with INativeInvoker ptr (bug 5340) (Afronanny). ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.3 [2012-06-09] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Made clientprefs attempt to reconnect to the database on map change (bug 4745). - Log functions now respect sv_logecho (bug 5135). - Fixed client console vote output (bug 5290, bug 5205) (FlaminSarge). - Fixed error when reloading dependant plugins using aliased natives (bug 5302). - Fixed intermittent crash when looking for an invalid signature (bug 5301). - Fixed possible crash when reloading a plugin with an invalid binary (bug 5288). - Exposed extensions list to clients (bug 5221) (VoiDeD). - Fixed intermittent crashes in clientprefs (bug 4660). - Fixed crash when passing an invalid entity reference to ReferenceToEntity (bug 5330). - Fixed cstrike extension crash on shutdown (bug 5328). - Lowered threading API think time to 20ms, making threaded MySQL queries complete faster (bug 4733). Developer Changes: - Fixed client serials not being unique on Windows (bug 5285). - Fixed broken SourceTV detection on L4D1 (bug 5216). - Fixed Float negation operator (bug 5292). - Updated TF2 condition defines (bug 5259) (FlaminSarge). - Adding missing SetMenuNoVoteButton native declaration (bug 4522) (GoD-Tony). - Fixed erroneous const-qualification of name param of GetAdminUsername (bug 5267). - Added GetGameTickCount native (bug 5209) (GoD-Tony). ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.2 [2011-04-13] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Fixed regression in SourceMod 1.4.0 causing SM to cause load errors on The Ship (bug 5216). - Fixed toggling and player lag issues with sm_drug command (bugs 5217, 5218) (FlaminSarge). Developer Changes: - Updated TF2-specific defines and enums (bug 5194). - Fixed StoreToAddress always writing 32 bits and throwing an error (bug 5248) (ProdigySim). - Fixed crash with StoreToAddress if memory wasn't writable (bug 5252) (Dr!fter). - Fixed return value of VoteMenuToAll (bug 5254) (VoiDeD). - Fixed bug in command lower-casing API guarantee ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.1 [2011-12-07] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Added gamedata for Adrenaline Gamer 2 and No More Room in Hell. - Fixed "not connected" error in reserve slots plugin (bug 5158) (ostrel). - Fixed ff trigger output printing to all in triggerer's language (rather than viewer's language) (bug 5161). - Fixed typo in one of basebans ban reasons (bug 5188). - Fixed formatting error in Swedish "Vote Count" phrase (bug 5174). Developer Changes: - Fixed sp MaxClients not being updated on map changes after load (bug 5160). - Removed GLIBC_2.7 dependency from spcomp. - Increased buffer for sm_rcon command to fit larger responses (bug 5169). - BaseComm now properly registers a library allowing it to be required by other plugins (bug 5156). - Fixed TFHoliday enum values (bug 5155). - Updated TF2_OnIsHolidayActive ret behavior to match doc (bug 5155). - Added new TF2 deathflag and dmg custom defines (bug 5157). ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.4.0 [2011-10-28] URL: User Changes: - Added support for Max OS X (bug 4392). - Added support for Bloody Good Time (bug 4780). - Added support for E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (bug 5035). - Added gamedata for Nuclear Dawn. - Added gamedata for International Online Soccer: Source (bug 5019). - Added gamedata for Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag (bug 5114). - Updated mapchooser and other base plugins with Nuclear Dawn specific fixes (bug 5117). - Fixed ServerLang value not being read properly on startup (bug 4675). - Added support for aliases in languages.cfg (bug 4858). - Added output display to sm_rcon command (bug 5018). - Flood protection bypass access can now be overridden with command name sm_flood_access (bug 4584). - Added a reset argument to sm cvars command to revset cvar values to default (bug 5043). - Fixed incorrect language identifiers for Chinese (both Trad. and Simplified) and Brazilian Portuguese not matching cl_language values (bug 5067). - Added translation support for Bulgarian (bg). - Fixed incorrect number of slots being hidden for reserve with sm_hideslots on Source 2009 with SourceTV or replay (bug 5094). - sm_hideslots changes now take effect immediately instead of waiting until a client joins or leaves (bug 5094). - Fixed sv_visiblemaxplayers getting stuck at previous max clients in some cases with reserves and SourceTV or replay (bug 5094). - Removed error logging if an optional extension is not found (bug 5112). - Fixed bots with semicolon in name being unkickable (bug 5120). - Changed strings in ice-related funcommands to be translatable (bug 4540). - Changed Bintools extension to use a single build for every engine (bug 4548). Developer Changes: - Provided native interface for basecomm (bug 2594). - Client language detection is too late. (bug 3714) (Tony A. "GoD-Tony"). - Added ServerCommandEx native to execute server command and retrieve output (bug 3873). - Added ability to update clientprefs cookies values on clients not currently connected (bug 3882) (databomb). - Added library "matchmaking_ds" support to gamedata lookups (bug 4158). - Rooted menu handles to callbacks (bug 4353). - Fixed corner cases with ExplodeString (bug 4629). (Michael "LumiStance"). - Fixed return omission with else-after-return (bug 4852). - Added OnConditionAdded and OnConditionRemoved forwards to TF2 extension (bug 4851). - Added new natives and forward to the cstrike extension (bug 4732, bug 4985) (Dr!fter). - Added WaitingForPlayers forwards to the TF2 extension (bug 4704) (CrimsonGT). - Updated and added more TF2 condition, weapon, and damagecustom defines (multiple bug#s). - Fixed TF2_RemoveCondition not always removing conditions (bug 4981). - Fixed MaxClients not being updated correctly in some places with SourceTV or replay active (bug 4986). - Fixed some vars not being marked for init on first compile pass (bug 4643). - Increased symbol name limit to 63 characters (bug 4564) (javalia). - Fixed crash when dynamic arrays run out of memory (bug 4632). - Fixed a crash that could happen from looking up out-of-bounds edict or entity indexes (bug 5080). - Fixed client serials not getting cleared on disconnect (bug 5121). - Added error on declaring arrays that the compiler is too buggy to handle (bug 4977). - Removed reliance on gamedata for multiple SDKTools functions in ep2 and later (bug 4899). - Added InvalidateClient and ReconnectClient natives to SDKTools (bug 4931) (Brian "Afronanny" Simon). - Added ability to lookup and set values on the gamerules class (bug 4983. - BaseComm now uses AddCommandListener for chat hooks (bug 4991). - Fixed shutdown bug in SDKTools (bug 5063). - Fixed MM-enabled extensions continuing to load after failing MM attach (bug 5042). - Added GetDistGainFromSoundLevel native to SDKTools (bug 5066) (javalia). - Added CheckAccess native to check an AdminId's command access (bug 5083). - Fixed GetEntProp not sign-extending unsigned values less than 32 bits (bug 5105). - Fixed crashing when calling CreateEntityByName or CreateFakeClient when no map is running (now errors) (bug 5119). - Fixed erring in kick function (e. bad translation) causing client to become unkickable until disconnect (bug 5120). - Fixed KickClientEx not immediately kicking client if client was in kick queue (bug 5120). - Added IsClientSourceTV and IsClientReplay natives (bug 5124). - Added support for getting and setting individual array elements with Get/Set EntProp functions (bug 4160). - Added support for threaded query handles to SQL_GetInsertId and SQL_GetAffectedRows (bug 4699) (Nephyrin). - Added a GetGameRules function to ISDKTools for extensions to easily get the GameRules class pointer (bug 4707). - Added GetMessageName to IUserMessages (bug 4573) (Zach "theY4Kman" Kanzler) - Added HintTextMsg to IGameHelpers (bug 4950). - Added ProcessTargetString simple filter API (bug 4404). - Moved much functionality from core bins to logic bin (bug 4406, bug 4402). - Fixed bogus asserts in sp compiler (bug 4486, bug 4487). - Greatly improved sp compiler performance (~5x overall speedup) (bug 3820, bug 4493, bug 4495). - Changed entity output detours to use CDetour (bug 4416). - Enhanced nominations API (bug 4677) (CrimsonGT). - Added Linux support for profiling natives (bug 4927). - Added a new ValveCallType that allows for arbitrary |this| parameters, as well as associated features in gamedata and for reading/writing memory (bug 3520) (Downtown1). - Updated TF2 extension to handle Valve's changes to the "holiday" system (bug 5150). ----------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.8 [2011-06-23] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Updated support for various games, including Garry's Mod, Zombie Panic, and Dino D-Day. - Added gamedata for Eternal Silence. - Fixed load error present on some systems (bug 4876). - Handle leak notices now print to error log (in addition fatal log) (bug 4929). - Translator now properly falls back on bad server language (bug 4861). - Fixed invalid client errors from bad MaxClients value when SourceTV is late-loaded (bug 4881). - Fixed crash on plugin unload when two commands exist with same name, different casing (bug 4698). Developer Changes: - Updated TF2 condition defines (bug 4916). - Fixed var names and docs for TF2_MakeBleed native (bug 4928). - Removed compiler double include check (bug 4863). - Fixed plugin compile errors when using GetEntityClassname (bug 4798). --------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.7 [2011-04-15] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod). - Updated support for various games, including Zombie Panic, CS ProMod, Empires, and GoldenEye: Source. - Added gamedata for Dino D-Day. - Fix precedence of voice mute flag versus specific client overrides (bug 4826). - Fix mistaken unhooking of voice hooks (bug 4804). - Fixed graphical glitches with funcommands effects in L4D1 (bug 3486). - Fixed bug in nominations that could cause "Unknown command" error (bug 4797). - Removed tv_enable hook to fix rare max client count issue (bug 4791). - Added missing unhooking of ClientConnect in PlayerManager (bug 4749). - Fixed sm_rtv printing "unknown command" (bug 4730). - Fixed voting crash when client console, chat, and SourceTV are enabled (bug 4676). - Fixed CDetour crash in TF2 extension when last plugin using forward is unloaded (bug 4713). Developer Changes: - SetEntProp now marks edict state as changed (bug 4855). - Added GetEntityClassname stock (bug 4798). - Fix compiler hanging when #including a directory (bug 4822). - Added GetEntityFlags and SetEntityFlags natives for better cross-engine compatibility. (bug 4809). - Fixed ClientPrefs natives not being marked optional when REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS not defined (bug 4839). - Changed some instances of LogMessage to LogAction (bug 4649). - Added some new language natives (bug 4613). - Fixed SetTeamScore not updating score on client (bug 2736). - Raised MAXPLAYERS from 64 to 65 (bug 4490). - Added and updated many TF2-specific defines in and - Fixed TF2_GetPlayerConditionFlags no longer necessarily returning all set flags (bug 4726). - Fixed profiler flush not clearing, added 'report' and 'clear' (bug 4674). - Fixed GetPlayerDecalFile crash on L4D and L4D2 (bug 4729). - Fixed TF2_OnGetHoliday detour no longer firing under all circumstances (bug 4700). - Added TF2_IsPlayerInDuel native to TF2 extension (bug 4695). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.6 [2010-10-31] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for latest Left 4 Dead 1 (bug 4681). Developer Changes: - Updated TF2 custom kill defines (bug 4682). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.5 [2010-10-17] URL: User Changes: - Updated support for CS:S, Garry's Mod, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM. - Added support for Firearms: Source (bug 4537). - Added support for Fistful of Frags (bug 3883). - Added support for Alien Swarm (bug 4530). - Fixed living players hearing dead players if alltalk is disabled while deadtalk is on (bug 4533, thanks Zach Callear). - Fixed timeleft not getting reset on Game_Commencing in CS:S (bug 4557). - Fixed PlayerRunCmd being hooked when not used (bug 3990). - Fixed errors and missing effects caused by missing sprites on L4D2 (bug 4512). - Fixed 'sm plugins' public command skipping plugins in recommended listing (bug 4501). - Fixed corruption with large database.cfg files (bug 4286). Developer Changes: - Added TF2 object stocks (bug 4536). - Added TF2_MakeBleed native to TF2 ext (bug 4542). - Added support for logical entities in Synergy (bug 4534). - Updated TF2 conditions enum and defines (bug 4526). - Fixed potential crash with IMemUtils::FindPattern on Linux (bug 4554). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.4 [2010-07-18] URL: User Changes: - Support for latest TF update (bug 4506). - Support for latest L4D2 update (bug 4509). Developer Changes: - Added FindFlagChar native (bug 3776). - Added GetConVarDefault native (bug 4502). - Added forward for TF's GetHoliday function (bug 4462). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.3 [2010-06-23] URL: User Changes: - Added support for CS:S on Orange Box - Added gamedata for Resistance and Liberation (bug 4418). - Updated gamedata for SourceForts, Empires, Obsidian Conflict, Zombie Master. - Fixed memory corruption and leaks with some voice functionality (bug 4415). - Fixed UI bug in sm_motd (bug 4460). Developer Changes: - Added new player condition (TFCond_CritCola, bug 4447). - Fixed clientprefs deleting cookies twice in rare cases (bug 4412). - Fixed OnClientConnected forward not firing for bots (bug 4443). - Fixed sm_dump_datamaps crash (bug 4424). - Fixed switch case comparisons failing with large numbers (bug 4457). - Fixed rare crash in output hooks (bug 4422). - Fixed bug with dynamically sized arrays being sliced (bug 4428). - Fixed SendConVarValue() on TF2, DOD:S, L4D, and L4D2 (bug 4273). - Fixed TF2 natives not being marked optional (bug 4389). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.2 [2010-05-02] URL: User Changes: - Support for recent TF, DoD, and L4D2 updates (bug 4356, bug 4361, bug 4371, bug 4374, bug 4375). - Fixed rare crash when replicating cvars to clients (bug 4315). - Lots of extra game support for Insurgency, ZPS, CSProMod, PVKII, and FortressForever (thanks Nicholas "psychonic" hastings). Developer Changes: - Added TF functions for stunning, conditions, regeneration, and power play (bug 4166, bug 4331). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.1 [2010-02-09] URL: User Changes: - Added extended support for CSProMod (bug 4255). - Fixed client disconnect crash on many third party games (bug 4231). - Improved support for Battlegrounds 2 (bug 4146). - Improved support for Insurgency (bug 4180). - Improved support for Garry's Mod (bug 4230, bug 4268). - Improved support for Synergy (bug 4235). - Updated Day of Defeat support for 20010123 update (bug 4262). - Fixed Webternet extension not loading on Windows 2000 (bug 4234). Developer Changes: - Fixed compiler complaints when using |any| tag on array arguments (bug 4274). - Fixed GetClientCookieTime not being exported (bug 4237). - Fixed potential crash in entity handling code (bug 4249). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.3.0 [2010-01-15] URL: Major Features: * Left 4 Dead 2 support * Non-networked entity support User Changes: - Added Left 4 Dead 2 support (bug 4075). - Added much richer voting progress feedback (bug 1997). - Improved support for various third-party games (Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings). - Added @spec target (bug 2718). - Added sm_resetcvar command (bug 3636). - Added "motd" chat trigger (bug 2694). - Updated GeoIP to OCT-2009. - Fixed rare map vote error (bug 3905). - Fixed small leak in the nominations plugin (bug 4104). - Fixed last client being excluded from some command effects (bug 3984). - Fixed crashes in plugin [|un|re]loading (bug 4034, bug 4038, bug 4044, bug 4153). - Special target "@me" is now filtered for certain statuses properly (bug 4000). - Improved non-admin to admin chat (bug 3844). - Removed "auto.*" extension folders (bug 3949). Developer Changes: - Added non-networked entity support (bug 2459). - Added improved random number generator (bug 3831). - Added GetClientCookieTime native (bug 3736). - Added AskPluginLoad2 callback (bug 3716). - Added PlayerRunCmd callback (bug 3289). - Added PointOutsideWorld native (bug 3906). - Added API for "blanket" command hooks (bug 4015). - Added ability to test for SourceMod features (bug 4021). - Added ability to change broadcast status on hooked events (bug 3886). - OnClientCommand no longer receives unconnected clients (bug 3732). - Fixed various bugs in client listening API (bug 3818). - Fixed crash in BanClient (bug 3912). - Fixed various crashes in self-removing callbacks (bug 4059). - Fixed rare HUD text crash on TF (bug 4016). - Fixed OnConfigsExecuted not running on EP1 games with large configs (bug 3828). - Fixed entity output hooks not working (bug 3988). - Gamedata folder matches are now case-insensitive (bug 3913). - Blocked plugins from hooking "sm" command (bug 4013). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.2.4 [2009-10-03] URL: - Updated for L4D changes (bugs 4032, 4033, 4035). - Updated GeoLite Country database for GeoIP extension. - Fixed crash when block-loading more than eight plugins (bug 4034). - Fixed rare crash in hudtext code on TF (bug 4016). - Fixed crash when reloading a blocked plugin failed (bug 4038). - Fixed Huntsman not firing critical callback on TF (bug 3927). - Registering the "sm" command no longer has any effect (bug 4013). - Fixed translation bug in extension API (bug 4010). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.2.3 [2009-08-28] URL: - Fix extension filename lookup. (bug 3975). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.2.2 [2009-08-28] URL: - Removed auto folders. (bug 3949). - Added PointOutsideWorld native to sdktools. (bug 3906). - Added "motd" chat trigger to basetriggers. (bug 2694). - Added manual extension reloading command to root console menu. (bug 3934) - Fixed 'list' type custom menu entries overwriting admin restrictions. (bug 3783). - Added sm_resetcvar command to basecommands. (bug 3636). - Updated gamedata for DOD:S. (bug 3948). - Updated gamedata for TF2. (bug 3948). - Added new .ep2v build config for valve OB based games. (bug 3948). - Fixed incorrect escaping in clientprefs SQLite queries. (bug 3904) - Updated gamedata for Synergy. (bug 3315). - Upgraded to pcre-7.9 (bug 3923). - Switched Insurgency chat printing to SayText. (bug 3738). - Updated gamedata for Insurgency. (bug 3511). - Updated gamedata for ZM. (bug 3746). - Updated gamedata for Empires. (bug 3500). - Updated gamedata for ZPS. (bug 3877). - Updated gamedata for AoC. (bug 3891). - Fixed RemovePlayerDisguise signature for TF2. (bug 3892). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.2.1 [2009-05-31] URL: - Updated SDKTools for latest Team Fortress update. - Added L4D handling to GuessSDKVersion() (bug 3842). - Updated Zombie Panic Source offsets (bug 3632). - Fixed crash when clientprefs saw disconnect from 64th client (bug 3821). - Fixed Plugin_Handled acting like a Stop in usermsg hooks (bug 3685). - Fixed early tv_enable causing crashes (bug 3766). - Fixed unhook event crash (bug 3814). - Fixed compiler reading uninitialized strings while processing varargs (bug 3811). - Fixed compiler choosing whether to emit stradjust.pri on dynamic arrays based on uninitialized memory (bug 3810). - Fixed Windows L4D CreateFakeClient signature (bug 3792). - Fixed sm_slap for EP1 games (bug 3768). - Fixed casting problems in TextParsers breaking TrimString for non-ASCII characters (bug 3800). - Fixed OnClientConnect rejectmsg handling, improved doc (bug 3690). - Fixed clientprefs not loading cookies for clients on late load (bug 3735). - Fixed GetCommandFlags on original engine games (bug 3759). - Fixed compiler asserting when returning a string literal (bug 3836). - Fixed compiler erroring when tagging functions for string return (bug 3837). - Fixed compiler not handling constant chained relational operators correctly (bug 3838). - Fixed revote bug and inflexibilities in RedrawClientVoteMenu (bug 3834). - Fixed auto update URL being set too late (bug 3699). - Disabled nextmap in Synergy and Dystopia (bug 3687, bug 3741). - Removed unnecessary SSE optimizations from msvc9 project files (bug 3756). - Removed short-lived tag system (bug 3751). - Removed the alive check from sm_rename. (bug 3698). - Switched FortressForever to Valve menus (bug 3819). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.2.0 [2009-03-05] URL: Major Features: * Left 4 Dead Support * Dark Messiah Support * New and Improved Updater Changes: - Added Left 4 Dead support (bug 3414). - Added Dark Messiah game support (requires Metamod:Source 1.7.1 or higher). - Added sm_name command (bug 2150). - Added extension-level dynamic hooking to bintools (bug 2616). - Added client validation API to replace passing userids asynchronously. - Added cURL extension, available to other extensions (bug 3560). - Added parsing of custom gamedata files (bug 3644). - Added case insensitivity search to ReplaceString (bug 3639, Fyren). - Added more detail to certain player-oriented menu titles (bug 2740, Fyren). - Added sv_tags API (bug 3677). - Greatly improved admin-sql-prefetch performance for large tables (bug 3354, FLOOR_MASTER). - Exposed IServer address to extensions (bug 3545). - New gamedata organization; files are now smaller and per-game (bug 3546). - Split sound functions into a new plugin, sounds.smx. - Fixed slap and slay on Insurgency (bug 2560). - Fixed blank admins being created from invalid admin file lines (bug 3431). - Fixed basetriggers not working on Insurgency (bug 3497). - Fixed client preferences missing some clients (bug 3616). - Improved database fallback mechanism in clientprefs (bug 3564). - Improved timer handling in funcommands (bug 3498). - Improved to take filenames (bug 3550, jonasfietz). - sm_kick now shows the kick reason when available. - Fixed MsgPostHook (ex MsgSentNotify) callbacks not firing on intercept hook (bug 3631). - Note: SourceMod now adds "sourcemod" to the sv_tags cvar. ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.1.2 [2009-02-26] URL: Changes: - Fixed critical hits being permanently disabled (bug 2674) ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.1.1 [2009-02-25] URL: Changes: - Added Age of Chivalry support (bug 3366, IceMatrix). - Added Obsidian Conflict support (bug 2699, The DOO). - Fixed compatibility issues with latest TF2 update. - Fixed crash when an event handler fired an event of the same name (bug 3468). - Fixed rare crash in the event manager on post hooks (bug 3548). - Fixed formatting error with zero precision floats (bug 3447). - Fixed various Insurgency offsets (bug 3544). - Fixed admin menu (topmenu) categories being selectable when not usable (bug 3256). - Fixed sm_sql_addgroup not working (bug 3578). - Fixed memory leak when events were hooked as EventHookMode_Post. - Fixed nextmap trigger showing wrong output with end-of-map voting disabled and sm_trigger_show set to zero (bug 3597, mr.e.unk). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.1.0 [2008-12-28] URL: Major features: * New map management plugins. * New reserved slot type. * GameData updates are retrieved remotely * Client Preferences extension for per-client "cookies" * New incremental and independent JIT Changes: - Added new client preferences extension (API in, bug 1925). - Added new gamedata auto-update functionality (bug 2602). - Revamped and greatly expanded map management plugins and their functionality (bug 2201). - Debug mode is now always on; as there is no longer a performance loss, there is no non-debug mode. - The timeleft trigger can now handle mp_winlimit, mp_fraglimit, and mp_maxrounds (bug 2344). - Translations can now be in separate files and placed in language-unique folders. - The leading "STEAM_0:" or "STEAM_1:" in SteamIDs can now be omitted from admin files. - Added sm_revote command so clients can participate in a vote that fell off their screen (bug 2156). - Added Core API for creating stack structures (, bug 2441). - Added API for extending mapchooser (, bug 2201). - Added Core API for map transition control and history ( - Added TF2 forward for overriding how critical hits are calculated. - Added SetClientInfo() native for modifying how a server sees a client's setinfo properties. - Added CreateDirectory() native (bug 3253). - Added "magic" MaxClients variable to replace slower GetMaxClients() call. - Added support for three-letter language codes (bug 3526). - Functions to control client versus client mic listening now work as described (bug 2498). - Fixed SDKTools not being reloadable, and fixed a related bug in Handle type removal (bug 2753). - Rewrote internal translation handling. Extensions now have access to an ITranslator API (bug 2535). - Rewrote internal handling of dependencies (especially relating to native providers) (bug 2466). - Added user config hooks to IGameConfigManager, for parsing user-defined sections. - Revamped SourcePawn API. Removed and deprecated many structures and functions accidentally exposed publicly. - Revamped SourcePawn structure, it is now separable from SourceMod for other projects. - Renamed basefuncommands.phrases.txt to funcommands.phrases.txt (bug 2485). - Renamed basefunvotes.phrases.txt to funvotes.phrases.txt (bug 2485). - Added IDBDriver API call for extensions to handle IDBDriver dependencies properly. - Usermessage natives now validate clients to prevent crashing. - Fixed OnConfigsExecuted not working on listen servers. - Fixed out-of-handle conditions in CreateTimer() causing crashes (bug 3381). - Fixed accessing invalid Handles causing crashes (bug 3359). - Fixed memory corruption with MySQL + FetchString (bug 3352). - Fixed ReadFileString ignoring its fourth parameter (bug 3459). - Fixed sm_sql_addadmin reading the immunity field as a password (bug 3395). - Fixed ReadFile sign-extending instead of zero-extending (bug 3449). ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.0.4 [2008-09-14] Changes: - Fixed amb1986: Format() with very long strings could crash if the input and output buffers overlapped. - Fixed amb1938: The compiler ate too many characters in preprocessor macros. - Fixed amb1935: Topmenu child names were not uncached when a category was deleted. - Fixed amb1929: Banning via the console threw a runtime error. - Fixed amb1918: Ban menu should compare userids, not client indexes - Fixed amb1916: Threaded query delay is now 50ms instead of 500ms. - Fixed amb1899: Duplicate maps in auto generated maplists. - Fixed amb1891: Basechat didn't check for blank message in private says. - Fixed amb1853: Ternary operators with string assignments could chop strings off. - Fixed amb1815: Custom admin menu wasn't escaping input. - Fixed amb1808: KickClient() is now delayed to prevent crashes, use KickClientEx for old functionality. - Fixed amb1802: Possible crash when a client disconnected. - Fixed amb1801: Improved bot detection, and fixed bots crashing if inside an OrangeBox server.cfg. - Fixed amb1780: admin-sql-threaded had a debug spew turned on. - Fixed amb1779: Crash in GetTeamName() on mods that don't support it. - Fixed amb1763: Function call status is now cleared on a new function call. - Fixed amb1749: Updated and improved DoD:S SDKTools coverage. - Fixed team native crashes in SDKTools for mods like Insurgency. - Fixed various file handle leaks. ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.0.3 [2008-06-21] Changes: - Fixed SDKTools compatibility for latest TF2 update. - Fixed amb1750: OnAutoConfigsBuffered() inserted before "exec server.cfg". - Fixed a logic bug where OnConfigsExecuted() could be executed before "exec server.cfg" finished. - Fixed a rare crash in the event manager that manifested on Zombie Panic! Source. ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.0.2 [2008-05-31] Changes: - The admin menu is now user-modifiable (the "Dynamic Admin Menu"). - Added a TF2 extension with Team Fortress functions. - Added a RegEx extension with regular expression functions. - Added functions to SDKTools for hooking entity outputs. - Added preliminary support for the DoD:S Orange Box beta. - Added a forward for map config plugins for preventing race conditions. - Added a %b format specifier for binary printing. - Added sm_dump_datamaps command (SDKTools) for enumerating datamap properties. - Added sm_dump_admcache command for debugging the admin cache. - Added amb1715 - TraceHull functions to SDKTools (complementing TraceRay). - Added amb1694 - FindCharInString() function. - Added amb1685 - GetTickInterval() function. - Added amb1620 - ActivateEntity() function to SDKTools (for Orange Box particle system). - Added amb1610 - StripQuotes() function. - Added amb1558 - Compiler now has __BINARY_PATH__ and __BINARY_FILE__ macros. - Fixed amb1686 - ReplaceString* with an empty search string crashed; it now throws an error. - Fixed amb1684 - Blank passwords required an empty but set password. - Fixed amb1595 - Extension load failures did not show a platform error message. - Fixed amb1583 - MySQL string fetch from prepared queries returned corrupted data. - Fixed amb1358 - Timeleft did not reset on TF2 restarts. - Fixed cases where the JIT was too cautious in space optimizations. - Fixed TF2/Cstrike extensions being loadable on incompatible games. - Fixed various documentation inconsistencies and typos. - Fixed internal bugs with file extension handling. Notes: There is a possible compatibility regression from amb1684. SetAdminPassword() has been modified to remove any set password when given an empty string. Previously, a blank password ("") would force an admin to use "setinfo" to set an empty password, but this functionality was deemed unuseful and unintended. Blank passwords now remove any set password. ---------------------------- SourceMod 1.0.1 [2008-05-20] Changes: - Fixed SDKTools compatibility for latest TF2 update. - Removed GivePlayerItem from TF2 (TF2 update broke functionality). - Fixed amb1688: GivePlayerItem offset was wrong for DoD:S Linux. - Fixed amb1657: Server console did not see admin version of sm_who. - Fixed amb1648: Stack corruption from GetClientEyeAngles() on Windows. - Fixed amb1646: NetFlow_Both did not work for client network statistics. - Fixed amb1601: Vote FF menu reading from sv_alltalk cvar instead of mp_friendlyfire. - Fixed amb1591: Fixed listen server crashes on mods like IOS:S which pre-add more than one bot. - Fixed amb1586: GetTeamName() could crash the server if called on load. - Fixed mapchooser's round counting for TF2. - Fixed a bug where an RTE on plugin load would throw a message referring to the plugin as "-1". - Symbols are no longer stripped on Linux. - Minor SourceMod SDK fixes. Notes: The extension interface version has been bumped. Any extensions compiled against 1.0.1 will require 1.0.1 or higher to run. Extensions against 1.0.0 will continue to run normally.