/* udis86 - libudis86/decode.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Vivek Thampi * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "udint.h" #include "types.h" #include "decode.h" #ifndef __UD_STANDALONE__ # include <string.h> #endif /* __UD_STANDALONE__ */ /* The max number of prefixes to an instruction */ #define MAX_PREFIXES 15 /* rex prefix bits */ #define REX_W(r) ( ( 0xF & ( r ) ) >> 3 ) #define REX_R(r) ( ( 0x7 & ( r ) ) >> 2 ) #define REX_X(r) ( ( 0x3 & ( r ) ) >> 1 ) #define REX_B(r) ( ( 0x1 & ( r ) ) >> 0 ) #define REX_PFX_MASK(n) ( ( P_REXW(n) << 3 ) | \ ( P_REXR(n) << 2 ) | \ ( P_REXX(n) << 1 ) | \ ( P_REXB(n) << 0 ) ) /* scable-index-base bits */ #define SIB_S(b) ( ( b ) >> 6 ) #define SIB_I(b) ( ( ( b ) >> 3 ) & 7 ) #define SIB_B(b) ( ( b ) & 7 ) /* modrm bits */ #define MODRM_REG(b) ( ( ( b ) >> 3 ) & 7 ) #define MODRM_NNN(b) ( ( ( b ) >> 3 ) & 7 ) #define MODRM_MOD(b) ( ( ( b ) >> 6 ) & 3 ) #define MODRM_RM(b) ( ( b ) & 7 ) static int decode_ext(struct ud *u, uint16_t ptr); enum reg_class { /* register classes */ REGCLASS_GPR, REGCLASS_MMX, REGCLASS_CR, REGCLASS_DB, REGCLASS_SEG, REGCLASS_XMM }; /* * inp_start * Should be called before each de-code operation. */ static void inp_start(struct ud *u) { u->inp_ctr = 0; } static uint8_t inp_next(struct ud *u) { if (u->inp_end == 0) { if (u->inp_buf != NULL) { if (u->inp_buf_index < u->inp_buf_size) { u->inp_ctr++; return (u->inp_curr = u->inp_buf[u->inp_buf_index++]); } } else { int c; if ((c = u->inp_hook(u)) != UD_EOI) { u->inp_curr = c; u->inp_sess[u->inp_ctr++] = u->inp_curr; return u->inp_curr; } } } u->inp_end = 1; UDERR(u, "byte expected, eoi received\n"); return 0; } static uint8_t inp_curr(struct ud *u) { return u->inp_curr; } /* * inp_uint8 * int_uint16 * int_uint32 * int_uint64 * Load little-endian values from input */ static uint8_t inp_uint8(struct ud* u) { return inp_next(u); } static uint16_t inp_uint16(struct ud* u) { uint16_t r, ret; ret = inp_next(u); r = inp_next(u); return ret | (r << 8); } static uint32_t inp_uint32(struct ud* u) { uint32_t r, ret; ret = inp_next(u); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 8); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 16); r = inp_next(u); return ret | (r << 24); } static uint64_t inp_uint64(struct ud* u) { uint64_t r, ret; ret = inp_next(u); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 8); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 16); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 24); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 32); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 40); r = inp_next(u); ret = ret | (r << 48); r = inp_next(u); return ret | (r << 56); } static inline int eff_opr_mode(int dis_mode, int rex_w, int pfx_opr) { if (dis_mode == 64) { return rex_w ? 64 : (pfx_opr ? 16 : 32); } else if (dis_mode == 32) { return pfx_opr ? 16 : 32; } else { UD_ASSERT(dis_mode == 16); return pfx_opr ? 32 : 16; } } static inline int eff_adr_mode(int dis_mode, int pfx_adr) { if (dis_mode == 64) { return pfx_adr ? 32 : 64; } else if (dis_mode == 32) { return pfx_adr ? 16 : 32; } else { UD_ASSERT(dis_mode == 16); return pfx_adr ? 32 : 16; } } /* * decode_prefixes * * Extracts instruction prefixes. */ static int decode_prefixes(struct ud *u) { int done = 0; uint8_t curr = 0, last = 0; UD_RETURN_ON_ERROR(u); do { last = curr; curr = inp_next(u); UD_RETURN_ON_ERROR(u); if (u->inp_ctr == MAX_INSN_LENGTH) { UD_RETURN_WITH_ERROR(u, "max instruction length"); } switch (curr) { case 0x2E: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_CS; break; case 0x36: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_SS; break; case 0x3E: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_DS; break; case 0x26: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_ES; break; case 0x64: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_FS; break; case 0x65: u->pfx_seg = UD_R_GS; break; case 0x67: /* adress-size override prefix */ u->pfx_adr = 0x67; break; case 0xF0: u->pfx_lock = 0xF0; break; case 0x66: u->pfx_opr = 0x66; break; case 0xF2: u->pfx_str = 0xf2; break; case 0xF3: u->pfx_str = 0xf3; break; default: /* consume if rex */ done = (u->dis_mode == 64 && (curr & 0xF0) == 0x40) ? 0 : 1; break; } } while (!done); /* rex prefixes in 64bit mode, must be the last prefix */ if (u->dis_mode == 64 && (last & 0xF0) == 0x40) { u->pfx_rex = last; } return 0; } static inline unsigned int modrm( struct ud * u ) { if ( !u->have_modrm ) { u->modrm = inp_next( u ); u->have_modrm = 1; } return u->modrm; } static unsigned int resolve_operand_size( const struct ud * u, unsigned int s ) { switch ( s ) { case SZ_V: return ( u->opr_mode ); case SZ_Z: return ( u->opr_mode == 16 ) ? 16 : 32; case SZ_Y: return ( u->opr_mode == 16 ) ? 32 : u->opr_mode; case SZ_RDQ: return ( u->dis_mode == 64 ) ? 64 : 32; default: return s; } } static int resolve_mnemonic( struct ud* u ) { /* resolve 3dnow weirdness. */ if ( u->mnemonic == UD_I3dnow ) { u->mnemonic = ud_itab[ u->le->table[ inp_curr( u ) ] ].mnemonic; } /* SWAPGS is only valid in 64bits mode */ if ( u->mnemonic == UD_Iswapgs && u->dis_mode != 64 ) { UDERR(u, "swapgs invalid in 64bits mode\n"); return -1; } if (u->mnemonic == UD_Ixchg) { if ((u->operand[0].type == UD_OP_REG && u->operand[0].base == UD_R_AX && u->operand[1].type == UD_OP_REG && u->operand[1].base == UD_R_AX) || (u->operand[0].type == UD_OP_REG && u->operand[0].base == UD_R_EAX && u->operand[1].type == UD_OP_REG && u->operand[1].base == UD_R_EAX)) { u->operand[0].type = UD_NONE; u->operand[1].type = UD_NONE; u->mnemonic = UD_Inop; } } if (u->mnemonic == UD_Inop && u->pfx_repe) { u->pfx_repe = 0; u->mnemonic = UD_Ipause; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * decode_a()- Decodes operands of the type seg:offset * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void decode_a(struct ud* u, struct ud_operand *op) { if (u->opr_mode == 16) { /* seg16:off16 */ op->type = UD_OP_PTR; op->size = 32; op->lval.ptr.off = inp_uint16(u); op->lval.ptr.seg = inp_uint16(u); } else { /* seg16:off32 */ op->type = UD_OP_PTR; op->size = 48; op->lval.ptr.off = inp_uint32(u); op->lval.ptr.seg = inp_uint16(u); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * decode_gpr() - Returns decoded General Purpose Register * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static enum ud_type decode_gpr(register struct ud* u, unsigned int s, unsigned char rm) { switch (s) { case 64: return UD_R_RAX + rm; case 32: return UD_R_EAX + rm; case 16: return UD_R_AX + rm; case 8: if (u->dis_mode == 64 && u->pfx_rex) { if (rm >= 4) return UD_R_SPL + (rm-4); return UD_R_AL + rm; } else return UD_R_AL + rm; case 0: /* invalid size in case of a decode error */ UD_ASSERT(u->error); return UD_NONE; default: UD_ASSERT(!"invalid operand size"); return UD_NONE; } } static void decode_reg(struct ud *u, struct ud_operand *opr, int type, int num, int size) { int reg; size = resolve_operand_size(u, size); switch (type) { case REGCLASS_GPR : reg = decode_gpr(u, size, num); break; case REGCLASS_MMX : reg = UD_R_MM0 + (num & 7); break; case REGCLASS_XMM : reg = UD_R_XMM0 + num; break; case REGCLASS_CR : reg = UD_R_CR0 + num; break; case REGCLASS_DB : reg = UD_R_DR0 + num; break; case REGCLASS_SEG : { /* * Only 6 segment registers, anything else is an error. */ if ((num & 7) > 5) { UDERR(u, "invalid segment register value\n"); return; } else { reg = UD_R_ES + (num & 7); } break; } default: UD_ASSERT(!"invalid register type"); return; } opr->type = UD_OP_REG; opr->base = reg; opr->size = size; } /* * decode_imm * * Decode Immediate values. */ static void decode_imm(struct ud* u, unsigned int size, struct ud_operand *op) { op->size = resolve_operand_size(u, size); op->type = UD_OP_IMM; switch (op->size) { case 8: op->lval.sbyte = inp_uint8(u); break; case 16: op->lval.uword = inp_uint16(u); break; case 32: op->lval.udword = inp_uint32(u); break; case 64: op->lval.uqword = inp_uint64(u); break; default: return; } } /* * decode_mem_disp * * Decode mem address displacement. */ static void decode_mem_disp(struct ud* u, unsigned int size, struct ud_operand *op) { switch (size) { case 8: op->offset = 8; op->lval.ubyte = inp_uint8(u); break; case 16: op->offset = 16; op->lval.uword = inp_uint16(u); break; case 32: op->offset = 32; op->lval.udword = inp_uint32(u); break; case 64: op->offset = 64; op->lval.uqword = inp_uint64(u); break; default: return; } } /* * decode_modrm_reg * * Decodes reg field of mod/rm byte * */ static inline void decode_modrm_reg(struct ud *u, struct ud_operand *operand, unsigned int type, unsigned int size) { uint8_t reg = (REX_R(u->pfx_rex) << 3) | MODRM_REG(modrm(u)); decode_reg(u, operand, type, reg, size); } /* * decode_modrm_rm * * Decodes rm field of mod/rm byte * */ static void decode_modrm_rm(struct ud *u, struct ud_operand *op, unsigned char type, /* register type */ unsigned int size) /* operand size */ { size_t offset = 0; unsigned char mod, rm; /* get mod, r/m and reg fields */ mod = MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)); rm = (REX_B(u->pfx_rex) << 3) | MODRM_RM(modrm(u)); /* * If mod is 11b, then the modrm.rm specifies a register. * */ if (mod == 3) { decode_reg(u, op, type, rm, size); return; } /* * !11b => Memory Address */ op->type = UD_OP_MEM; op->size = resolve_operand_size(u, size); if (u->adr_mode == 64) { op->base = UD_R_RAX + rm; if (mod == 1) { offset = 8; } else if (mod == 2) { offset = 32; } else if (mod == 0 && (rm & 7) == 5) { op->base = UD_R_RIP; offset = 32; } else { offset = 0; } /* * Scale-Index-Base (SIB) */ if ((rm & 7) == 4) { inp_next(u); op->scale = (1 << SIB_S(inp_curr(u))) & ~1; op->index = UD_R_RAX + (SIB_I(inp_curr(u)) | (REX_X(u->pfx_rex) << 3)); op->base = UD_R_RAX + (SIB_B(inp_curr(u)) | (REX_B(u->pfx_rex) << 3)); /* special conditions for base reference */ if (op->index == UD_R_RSP) { op->index = UD_NONE; op->scale = UD_NONE; } if (op->base == UD_R_RBP || op->base == UD_R_R13) { if (mod == 0) { op->base = UD_NONE; } if (mod == 1) { offset = 8; } else { offset = 32; } } } } else if (u->adr_mode == 32) { op->base = UD_R_EAX + rm; if (mod == 1) { offset = 8; } else if (mod == 2) { offset = 32; } else if (mod == 0 && rm == 5) { op->base = UD_NONE; offset = 32; } else { offset = 0; } /* Scale-Index-Base (SIB) */ if ((rm & 7) == 4) { inp_next(u); op->scale = (1 << SIB_S(inp_curr(u))) & ~1; op->index = UD_R_EAX + (SIB_I(inp_curr(u)) | (REX_X(u->pfx_rex) << 3)); op->base = UD_R_EAX + (SIB_B(inp_curr(u)) | (REX_B(u->pfx_rex) << 3)); if (op->index == UD_R_ESP) { op->index = UD_NONE; op->scale = UD_NONE; } /* special condition for base reference */ if (op->base == UD_R_EBP) { if (mod == 0) { op->base = UD_NONE; } if (mod == 1) { offset = 8; } else { offset = 32; } } } } else { const unsigned int bases[] = { UD_R_BX, UD_R_BX, UD_R_BP, UD_R_BP, UD_R_SI, UD_R_DI, UD_R_BP, UD_R_BX }; const unsigned int indices[] = { UD_R_SI, UD_R_DI, UD_R_SI, UD_R_DI, UD_NONE, UD_NONE, UD_NONE, UD_NONE }; op->base = bases[rm & 7]; op->index = indices[rm & 7]; if (mod == 0 && rm == 6) { offset = 16; op->base = UD_NONE; } else if (mod == 1) { offset = 8; } else if (mod == 2) { offset = 16; } } if (offset) { decode_mem_disp(u, offset, op); } } /* * decode_moffset * Decode offset-only memory operand */ static void decode_moffset(struct ud *u, unsigned int size, struct ud_operand *opr) { opr->type = UD_OP_MEM; opr->size = resolve_operand_size(u, size); decode_mem_disp(u, u->adr_mode, opr); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * decode_operands() - Disassembles Operands. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int decode_operand(struct ud *u, struct ud_operand *operand, enum ud_operand_code type, unsigned int size) { operand->_oprcode = type; switch (type) { case OP_A : decode_a(u, operand); break; case OP_MR: decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) == 3 ? Mx_reg_size(size) : Mx_mem_size(size)); break; case OP_F: u->br_far = 1; /* intended fall through */ case OP_M: if (MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) == 3) { UDERR(u, "expected modrm.mod != 3\n"); } /* intended fall through */ case OP_E: decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, size); break; case OP_G: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, size); break; case OP_sI: case OP_I: decode_imm(u, size, operand); break; case OP_I1: operand->type = UD_OP_CONST; operand->lval.udword = 1; break; case OP_N: if (MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) != 3) { UDERR(u, "expected modrm.mod == 3\n"); } /* intended fall through */ case OP_Q: decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_MMX, size); break; case OP_P: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_MMX, size); break; case OP_U: if (MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) != 3) { UDERR(u, "expected modrm.mod == 3\n"); } /* intended fall through */ case OP_W: decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_XMM, size); break; case OP_V: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_XMM, size); break; case OP_MU: decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_XMM, MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) == 3 ? Mx_reg_size(size) : Mx_mem_size(size)); break; case OP_S: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_SEG, size); break; case OP_O: decode_moffset(u, size, operand); break; case OP_R0: case OP_R1: case OP_R2: case OP_R3: case OP_R4: case OP_R5: case OP_R6: case OP_R7: decode_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, (REX_B(u->pfx_rex) << 3) | (type - OP_R0), size); break; case OP_AL: case OP_AX: case OP_eAX: case OP_rAX: decode_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, 0, size); break; case OP_CL: case OP_CX: case OP_eCX: decode_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, 1, size); break; case OP_DL: case OP_DX: case OP_eDX: decode_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, 2, size); break; case OP_ES: case OP_CS: case OP_DS: case OP_SS: case OP_FS: case OP_GS: /* in 64bits mode, only fs and gs are allowed */ if (u->dis_mode == 64) { if (type != OP_FS && type != OP_GS) { UDERR(u, "invalid segment register in 64bits\n"); } } operand->type = UD_OP_REG; operand->base = (type - OP_ES) + UD_R_ES; operand->size = 16; break; case OP_J : decode_imm(u, size, operand); operand->type = UD_OP_JIMM; break ; case OP_R : if (MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) != 3) { UDERR(u, "expected modrm.mod == 3\n"); } decode_modrm_rm(u, operand, REGCLASS_GPR, size); break; case OP_C: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_CR, size); break; case OP_D: decode_modrm_reg(u, operand, REGCLASS_DB, size); break; case OP_I3 : operand->type = UD_OP_CONST; operand->lval.sbyte = 3; break; case OP_ST0: case OP_ST1: case OP_ST2: case OP_ST3: case OP_ST4: case OP_ST5: case OP_ST6: case OP_ST7: operand->type = UD_OP_REG; operand->base = (type - OP_ST0) + UD_R_ST0; operand->size = 80; break; default : break; } return 0; } /* * decode_operands * * Disassemble upto 3 operands of the current instruction being * disassembled. By the end of the function, the operand fields * of the ud structure will have been filled. */ static int decode_operands(struct ud* u) { decode_operand(u, &u->operand[0], u->itab_entry->operand1.type, u->itab_entry->operand1.size); decode_operand(u, &u->operand[1], u->itab_entry->operand2.type, u->itab_entry->operand2.size); decode_operand(u, &u->operand[2], u->itab_entry->operand3.type, u->itab_entry->operand3.size); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * clear_insn() - clear instruction structure * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void clear_insn(register struct ud* u) { u->error = 0; u->pfx_seg = 0; u->pfx_opr = 0; u->pfx_adr = 0; u->pfx_lock = 0; u->pfx_repne = 0; u->pfx_rep = 0; u->pfx_repe = 0; u->pfx_rex = 0; u->pfx_str = 0; u->mnemonic = UD_Inone; u->itab_entry = NULL; u->have_modrm = 0; u->br_far = 0; memset( &u->operand[ 0 ], 0, sizeof( struct ud_operand ) ); memset( &u->operand[ 1 ], 0, sizeof( struct ud_operand ) ); memset( &u->operand[ 2 ], 0, sizeof( struct ud_operand ) ); } static inline int resolve_pfx_str(struct ud* u) { if (u->pfx_str == 0xf3) { if (P_STR(u->itab_entry->prefix)) { u->pfx_rep = 0xf3; } else { u->pfx_repe = 0xf3; } } else if (u->pfx_str == 0xf2) { u->pfx_repne = 0xf3; } return 0; } static int resolve_mode( struct ud* u ) { int default64; /* if in error state, bail out */ if ( u->error ) return -1; /* propagate prefix effects */ if ( u->dis_mode == 64 ) { /* set 64bit-mode flags */ /* Check validity of instruction m64 */ if ( P_INV64( u->itab_entry->prefix ) ) { UDERR(u, "instruction invalid in 64bits\n"); return -1; } /* effective rex prefix is the effective mask for the * instruction hard-coded in the opcode map. */ u->pfx_rex = ( u->pfx_rex & 0x40 ) | ( u->pfx_rex & REX_PFX_MASK( u->itab_entry->prefix ) ); /* whether this instruction has a default operand size of * 64bit, also hardcoded into the opcode map. */ default64 = P_DEF64( u->itab_entry->prefix ); /* calculate effective operand size */ if ( REX_W( u->pfx_rex ) ) { u->opr_mode = 64; } else if ( u->pfx_opr ) { u->opr_mode = 16; } else { /* unless the default opr size of instruction is 64, * the effective operand size in the absence of rex.w * prefix is 32. */ u->opr_mode = default64 ? 64 : 32; } /* calculate effective address size */ u->adr_mode = (u->pfx_adr) ? 32 : 64; } else if ( u->dis_mode == 32 ) { /* set 32bit-mode flags */ u->opr_mode = ( u->pfx_opr ) ? 16 : 32; u->adr_mode = ( u->pfx_adr ) ? 16 : 32; } else if ( u->dis_mode == 16 ) { /* set 16bit-mode flags */ u->opr_mode = ( u->pfx_opr ) ? 32 : 16; u->adr_mode = ( u->pfx_adr ) ? 32 : 16; } return 0; } static inline int decode_insn(struct ud *u, uint16_t ptr) { UD_ASSERT((ptr & 0x8000) == 0); u->itab_entry = &ud_itab[ ptr ]; u->mnemonic = u->itab_entry->mnemonic; return (resolve_pfx_str(u) == 0 && resolve_mode(u) == 0 && decode_operands(u) == 0 && resolve_mnemonic(u) == 0) ? 0 : -1; } /* * decode_3dnow() * * Decoding 3dnow is a little tricky because of its strange opcode * structure. The final opcode disambiguation depends on the last * byte that comes after the operands have been decoded. Fortunately, * all 3dnow instructions have the same set of operand types. So we * go ahead and decode the instruction by picking an arbitrarily chosen * valid entry in the table, decode the operands, and read the final * byte to resolve the menmonic. */ static inline int decode_3dnow(struct ud* u) { uint16_t ptr; UD_ASSERT(u->le->type == UD_TAB__OPC_3DNOW); UD_ASSERT(u->le->table[0xc] != 0); decode_insn(u, u->le->table[0xc]); inp_next(u); if (u->error) { return -1; } ptr = u->le->table[inp_curr(u)]; UD_ASSERT((ptr & 0x8000) == 0); u->mnemonic = ud_itab[ptr].mnemonic; return 0; } static int decode_ssepfx(struct ud *u) { uint8_t idx; uint8_t pfx; /* * String prefixes (f2, f3) take precedence over operand * size prefix (66). */ pfx = u->pfx_str; if (pfx == 0) { pfx = u->pfx_opr; } idx = ((pfx & 0xf) + 1) / 2; if (u->le->table[idx] == 0) { idx = 0; } if (idx && u->le->table[idx] != 0) { /* * "Consume" the prefix as a part of the opcode, so it is no * longer exported as an instruction prefix. */ u->pfx_str = 0; if (pfx == 0x66) { /* * consume "66" only if it was used for decoding, leaving * it to be used as an operands size override for some * simd instructions. */ u->pfx_opr = 0; } } return decode_ext(u, u->le->table[idx]); } /* * decode_ext() * * Decode opcode extensions (if any) */ static int decode_ext(struct ud *u, uint16_t ptr) { uint8_t idx = 0; if ((ptr & 0x8000) == 0) { return decode_insn(u, ptr); } u->le = &ud_lookup_table_list[(~0x8000 & ptr)]; if (u->le->type == UD_TAB__OPC_3DNOW) { return decode_3dnow(u); } switch (u->le->type) { case UD_TAB__OPC_MOD: /* !11 = 0, 11 = 1 */ idx = (MODRM_MOD(modrm(u)) + 1) / 4; break; /* disassembly mode/operand size/address size based tables. * 16 = 0,, 32 = 1, 64 = 2 */ case UD_TAB__OPC_MODE: idx = u->dis_mode != 64 ? 0 : 1; break; case UD_TAB__OPC_OSIZE: idx = eff_opr_mode(u->dis_mode, REX_W(u->pfx_rex), u->pfx_opr) / 32; break; case UD_TAB__OPC_ASIZE: idx = eff_adr_mode(u->dis_mode, u->pfx_adr) / 32; break; case UD_TAB__OPC_X87: idx = modrm(u) - 0xC0; break; case UD_TAB__OPC_VENDOR: if (u->vendor == UD_VENDOR_ANY) { /* choose a valid entry */ idx = (u->le->table[idx] != 0) ? 0 : 1; } else if (u->vendor == UD_VENDOR_AMD) { idx = 0; } else { idx = 1; } break; case UD_TAB__OPC_RM: idx = MODRM_RM(modrm(u)); break; case UD_TAB__OPC_REG: idx = MODRM_REG(modrm(u)); break; case UD_TAB__OPC_SSE: return decode_ssepfx(u); default: UD_ASSERT(!"not reached"); break; } return decode_ext(u, u->le->table[idx]); } static int decode_opcode(struct ud *u) { uint16_t ptr; UD_ASSERT(u->le->type == UD_TAB__OPC_TABLE); UD_RETURN_ON_ERROR(u); u->primary_opcode = inp_curr(u); ptr = u->le->table[inp_curr(u)]; if (ptr & 0x8000) { u->le = &ud_lookup_table_list[ptr & ~0x8000]; if (u->le->type == UD_TAB__OPC_TABLE) { inp_next(u); return decode_opcode(u); } } return decode_ext(u, ptr); } /* ============================================================================= * ud_decode() - Instruction decoder. Returns the number of bytes decoded. * ============================================================================= */ unsigned int ud_decode(struct ud *u) { inp_start(u); clear_insn(u); u->le = &ud_lookup_table_list[0]; u->error = decode_prefixes(u) == -1 || decode_opcode(u) == -1 || u->error; /* Handle decode error. */ if (u->error) { /* clear out the decode data. */ clear_insn(u); /* mark the sequence of bytes as invalid. */ u->itab_entry = &ud_itab[0]; /* entry 0 is invalid */ u->mnemonic = u->itab_entry->mnemonic; } /* maybe this stray segment override byte * should be spewed out? */ if ( !P_SEG( u->itab_entry->prefix ) && u->operand[0].type != UD_OP_MEM && u->operand[1].type != UD_OP_MEM ) u->pfx_seg = 0; u->insn_offset = u->pc; /* set offset of instruction */ u->asm_buf_fill = 0; /* set translation buffer index to 0 */ u->pc += u->inp_ctr; /* move program counter by bytes decoded */ /* return number of bytes disassembled. */ return u->inp_ctr; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab */