 * vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet :
 * =============================================================================
 * SourceMod (C)2004-2014 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
 * =============================================================================
 * This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
 * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
 * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
 * by the Valve Corporation.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in
 * all respects for all other code used.  Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
 * this exception to all derivative works.  AlliedModders LLC defines further
 * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
 * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
 * Version: $Id$
#if defined _adt_trie_included
#define _adt_trie_included

/* Object-oriented wrapper for maps. */
methodmap StringMap < Handle
	// Creates a hash map. A hash map is a container that can map strings (called
	// "keys") to arbitrary values (cells, arrays, or strings). Keys in a hash map
	// are unique. That is, there is at most one entry in the map for a given key.
	// Insertion, deletion, and lookup in a hash map are all considered to be fast
	// operations, amortized to O(1), or constant time.
	// The word "Trie" in this API is historical. As of SourceMod 1.6, tries have
	// been internally replaced with hash tables, which have O(1) insertion time
	// instead of O(n).
	// The StringMap must be freed via delete or CloseHandle().
	public native StringMap();

	// Sets a value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param value      Value to store at this key.
	// @param replace    If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
	// @return           True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool SetValue(const char[] key, any value, bool replace=true);

	// Sets an array value in a Map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param array      Array to store.
	// @param num_items  Number of items in the array.
	// @param replace    If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
	// @return           True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool SetArray(const char[] key, const any[] array, int num_items, bool replace=true);

	// Sets a string value in a Map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param value      String to store.
	// @param replace    If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
	// @return           True on success, false on failure.
	public native bool SetString(const char[] key, const char[] value, bool replace=true);

	// Retrieves a value in a Map.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param value      Variable to store value.
	// @return           True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
	//                   as an array or string (not a value).
	public native bool GetValue(const char[] key, any &value);

	// Retrieves an array in a Map.
	// @param map        Map Handle.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param array      Buffer to store array.
	// @param max_size   Maximum size of array buffer.
	// @param size       Optional parameter to store the number of elements written to the buffer.
	// @return           True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
	//                   as a value or string (not an array).
	public native bool GetArray(const char[] key, any[] array, int max_size, int &size=0);

	// Retrieves a string in a Map.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @param value      Buffer to store value.
	// @param max_size   Maximum size of string buffer.
	// @param size       Optional parameter to store the number of bytes written to the buffer.
	// @return           True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
	//                   as a value or array (not a string).
	public native bool GetString(const char[] key, char[] value, int max_size, int &size=0);

	// Removes a key entry from a Map.
	// @param key        Key string.
	// @return           True on success, false if the value was never set.
	public native bool Remove(const char[] key);

	// Clears all entries from a Map.
	public native void Clear();

	// Create a snapshot of the map's keys. See StringMapSnapshot.
	public native StringMapSnapshot Snapshot();

	// Retrieves the number of elements in a map.
	property int Size {
		public native get();

// A StringMapSnapshot is created via StringMap.Snapshot(). It captures the
// keys on a map so they can be read. Snapshots must be freed with delete or
// CloseHandle().
methodmap StringMapSnapshot < Handle
	// Returns the number of keys in the map snapshot.
	property int Length {
		public native get();

	// Returns the buffer size required to store a given key. That is, it
	// returns the length of the key plus one.
	// @param index     Key index (starting from 0).
	// @return          Buffer size required to store the key string.
	// @error           Index out of range.
	public native int KeyBufferSize(int index);

	// Retrieves the key string of a given key in a map snapshot.
	// @param index      Key index (starting from 0).
	// @param buffer     String buffer.
	// @param maxlength  Maximum buffer length.
	// @return           Number of bytes written to the buffer.
	// @error            Index out of range.
	public native int GetKey(int index, char[] buffer, int maxlength);

 * Creates a hash map. A hash map is a container that can map strings (called
 * "keys") to arbitrary values (cells, arrays, or strings). Keys in a hash map
 * are unique. That is, there is at most one entry in the map for a given key.
 * Insertion, deletion, and lookup in a hash map are all considered to be fast
 * operations, amortized to O(1), or constant time.
 * The word "Trie" in this API is historical. As of SourceMod 1.6, tries have
 * been internally replaced with hash tables, which have O(1) insertion time
 * instead of O(n).
 * @return 			New Map Handle, which must be freed via CloseHandle().
native StringMap CreateTrie();

 * Sets a value in a hash map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param value		Value to store at this key.
 * @param replace	If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
 * @return			True on success, false on failure.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool SetTrieValue(Handle map, const char[] key, any value, bool replace=true);

 * Sets an array value in a Map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param array		Array to store.
 * @param num_items	Number of items in the array.
 * @param replace	If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
 * @return			True on success, false on failure.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool SetTrieArray(Handle map, const char[] key, const any[] array, int num_items, bool replace=true);

 * Sets a string value in a Map, either inserting a new entry or replacing an old one.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param value		String to store.
 * @param replace	If false, operation will fail if the key is already set.
 * @return			True on success, false on failure.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool SetTrieString(Handle map, const char[] key, const char[] value, bool replace=true);

 * Retrieves a value in a Map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param value		Variable to store value.
 * @return			True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
 *					as an array or string (not a value).
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool GetTrieValue(Handle map, const char[] key, any &value);

 * Retrieves an array in a Map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param array		Buffer to store array.
 * @param max_size	Maximum size of array buffer.
 * @param size		Optional parameter to store the number of elements written to the buffer.
 * @return			True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
 *					as a value or string (not an array).
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool GetTrieArray(Handle map, const char[] key, any[] array, int max_size, int &size=0);

 * Retrieves a string in a Map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @param value		Buffer to store value.
 * @param max_size	Maximum size of string buffer.
 * @param size		Optional parameter to store the number of bytes written to the buffer.
 * @return			True on success.  False if the key is not set, or the key is set 
 *					as a value or array (not a string).
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool GetTrieString(Handle map, const char[] key, char[] value, int max_size, int &size=0);

 * Removes a key entry from a Map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @param key		Key string.
 * @return			True on success, false if the value was never set.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native bool RemoveFromTrie(Handle map, const char[] key);

 * Clears all entries from a Map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native void ClearTrie(Handle map);

 * Retrieves the number of elements in a map.
 * @param map		Map Handle.
 * @return			Number of elements in the trie.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native int GetTrieSize(Handle map);

 * Creates a snapshot of all keys in the map. If the map is changed after this
 * call, the changes are not reflected in the snapshot. Keys are not sorted.
 * @param map       Map Handle.
 * @return			New Map Snapshot Handle, which must be closed via CloseHandle().
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native Handle CreateTrieSnapshot(Handle map);

 * Returns the number of keys in a map snapshot. Note that this may be
 * different from the size of the map, since the map can change after the
 * snapshot of its keys was taken.
 * @param snapshot	Map snapshot.
 * @return			Number of keys.
 * @error			Invalid Handle.
native int TrieSnapshotLength(Handle snapshot);

 * Returns the buffer size required to store a given key. That is, it returns
 * the length of the key plus one.
 * @param snapshot	Map snapshot.
 * @param index		Key index (starting from 0).
 * @return 			Buffer size required to store the key string.
 * @error			Invalid Handle or index out of range.
native int TrieSnapshotKeyBufferSize(Handle snapshot, int index);

 * Retrieves the key string of a given key in a map snapshot.
 * @param snapshot	Map snapshot.
 * @param index		Key index (starting from 0).
 * @param buffer	String buffer.
 * @param maxlength	Maximum buffer length.
 * @return			Number of bytes written to the buffer.
 * @error			Invalid Handle or index out of range.
native int GetTrieSnapshotKey(Handle snapshot, int index, char[] buffer, int maxlength);