#include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "string.h" #include "malloc.h" extern "C" char * cplus_demangle(const char *, int); #define DMGL_PARAMS (1 << 0) struct VOffset { int linux_offset; int windows_offset; }; static bool FindVFunc(void *handle, void **vtable, const char* vtable_end, const char *class_function, const char *params, VOffset *offsets); int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *handle; void **pVtable; VOffset offsets; char *params = NULL; bool ret; if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: <binary> <vtable start symbol> <function> <optional: params> <optional: vtable end symbol>\n"); return -1; } handle = dlopen(argv[1], RTLD_NOW); if (handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open server image, error [%s]\n", dlerror()); return -1; } pVtable = (void **)dlsym(handle, argv[2]); if (pVtable == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid vtable symbol \"%s\"\n", argv[2]); dlclose(handle); return -1; } if (argc >= 5) { params = argv[4]; if (params[0] == '"') { params++; } int len = strlen(params)-1; if (params[len] == '"') { params[len] = '\0'; } if (params[0] == 0) { params = NULL; } } if (argc == 6) { ret = FindVFunc(handle, pVtable, argv[5], argv[3], params, &offsets); } else { ret = FindVFunc(handle, pVtable, "_ZTI", argv[3], params, &offsets); } if (ret) { if (params != NULL) { printf("%s%s - Win: %i Linux : %i\n", argv[3], params, offsets.windows_offset, offsets.linux_offset); } else { printf("%s - Win: %i Linux : %i\n", argv[3], offsets.windows_offset, offsets.linux_offset); } dlclose(handle); return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find function!"); dlclose(handle); return -1; } static bool FindVFunc(void *handle, void **vtable, const char* vtable_end, const char *class_function, const char *params, VOffset *offsets) { Dl_info d; int linux_offset = -1; int windows_offset = -1; int overloads = 0; int location = 0; int start_offset = -1; for (int i=0; i< 1000; i++) { void *FuncPtr = vtable[i]; int status = dladdr(FuncPtr, &d); if (!status) { continue; } if (i > 1 && strncmp(d.dli_sname, vtable_end, strlen(vtable_end)) == 0) { break; } char *name = cplus_demangle(d.dli_sname, DMGL_PARAMS); if (name == NULL) { printf("Demangling failed\n"); continue; } char *foundfunction = strpbrk(name, ":"); if (foundfunction == NULL) { //printf("Couldnt split function\n"); free(name); continue; } //Skip both ':' chars foundfunction += 2; if (strncmp(foundfunction, class_function, strlen(class_function)) == 0 && foundfunction[strlen(class_function)] == '(') { //printf("Symbol: %s Demangled: %s Offset: %i\n", d.dli_sname, name, i); //We have a pointer to a function, but it may be overloaded. overloads++; if (start_offset == -1) { start_offset = i-1; } char *foundparams = strpbrk(foundfunction, "("); if (foundparams == NULL) { printf("ARGH\n"); free(name); continue; } if(params == NULL || strcmp(foundparams, params) == 0) { //This is actually our function - So this is the linux offset linux_offset = i; location = overloads; } } free(name); } windows_offset = (overloads-location) + start_offset; offsets->linux_offset = linux_offset - 2; offsets->windows_offset = windows_offset - 2; return true; }