#if defined _textparse_included
#define _textparse_included

 * Everything below describes the SMC Parse, or "SourceMod Configuration" format.
 * This parser is entirely event based.  You must hook events to receive data.
 * The file format itself is nearly identical to Valve's KeyValues format.

enum SMCResult
	SMCParse_Continue,		//continue parsing
	SMCParse_Halt,			//stop parsing here
	SMCParse_HaltFail		//stop parsing and return failure

enum SMCError
	SMCError_Okay = 0,			//no error
	SMCError_StreamOpen,		//stream failed to open
	SMCError_StreamError,		//the stream died... somehow
	SMCError_Custom,			//a custom handler threw an error
	SMCError_InvalidSection1,	//a section was declared without quotes, and had extra tokens
	SMCError_InvalidSection2,	//a section was declared without any header
	SMCError_InvalidSection3,	//a section ending was declared with too many unknown tokens
	SMCError_InvalidSection4,	//a section ending has no matching beginning
	SMCError_InvalidSection5,	//a section beginning has no matching ending
	SMCError_InvalidTokens,		//there were too many unidentifiable strings on one line
	SMCError_TokenOverflow,		//the token buffer overflowed
	SMCError_InvalidProperty1,	//a property was declared outside of any section

 * Creates a new SMC file format parser.  This is used to set parse hooks.
 * @return			A new Handle to an SMC Parse structure.
native Handle:SMC_CreateParser();

 * Parses an SMC file.
 * @param smc		A Handle to an SMC Parse structure.
 * @param file		A string containing the file path.
 * @param line		An optional by reference cell to store the last line number read.
 * @param col		An optional by reference cell to store the last column number read.
 * @return			An SMCParseError result.
 * @error			Invalid or corrupt Handle. 
native SMCError:SMC_ParseFile(Handle:smc, const String:file[], &line=0, &col=0);

 * Gets an error string for an SMCError code.
 * @note SMCError_Okay returns false.
 * @note SMCError_Custom (which is thrown on SMCParse_HaltFail) returns false.
 * @param error		The SMCParseError code.
 * @param buffer	A string buffer for the error (contents undefined on failure).
 * @param buf_max	The maximum size of the buffer.
 * @return			True on success, false otherwise.
native bool:SMC_GetErrorString(SMCError:error, String:buffer[], buf_max);

 * Called when parsing is started.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @noreturn
functag SMC_ParseStart public(Handle:smc);

 * Sets the SMC_ParseStart function of a parse Handle.
 * @param smc		Handle to an SMC Parse.
 * @param func		SMC_ParseStart function.
 * @noreturn
 * @error			Invalid or corrupt Handle. 
native SMC_SetParseStart(Handle:smc, SMC_ParseStart:func);

 * Called when parsing is halted.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @param halted			True if abnormally halted, false otherwise.
 * @param failed			True if parsing failed, false otherwise.
 * @noreturn
functag SMC_ParseEnd public(Handle:smc, bool:halted, bool:failed);

 * Sets the SMC_ParseEnd of a parse handle.
 * @param smc		Handle to an SMC Parse.
 * @param func		SMC_ParseEnd function.
 * @noreturn
 * @error			Invalid or corrupt Handle. 
native SMC_SetParseEnd(Handle:smc, SMC_ParseEnd:func);

 * Called when the parser is entering a new section or sub-section.
 * @note Enclosing quotes are always stripped.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @param name			String containing section name.
 * @param opt_quotes	True if the section name was quote-enclosed in the file.
 * @return				An SMCResult action to take.
functag SMC_NewSection SMCResult:public(Handle:smc, const String:name[], bool:opt_quotes);

 * Called when the parser finds a new key/value pair.
 * @note Enclosing quotes are always stripped.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @param key			String containing key name.
 * @param value			String containing value name.
 * @param key_quotes	Whether or not the key was enclosed in quotes.
 * @param value_quotes	Whether or not the value was enclosed in quotes.
 * @return				An SMCResult action to take.
functag SMC_KeyValue SMCResult:public(Handle:smc, const String:key[], const String:value[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes);

 * Called when the parser finds the end of the current section.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @return				An SMCResult action to take.
functag SMC_EndSection SMCResult:public(Handle:smc);

 * Sets the three main reader functions.
 * @param smc			An SMC parse Handle.
 * @param ns			An SMC_NewSection function pointer.
 * @param kv			An SMC_KeyValue function pointer.
 * @param es			An SMC_EndSection function pointer.
 * @noreturn
native SMC_SetReaders(Handle:smc, SMC_NewSection:ns, SMC_KeyValue:kv, SMC_EndSection:es);

 * Called whenever a raw line is read.
 * @param smc			The SMC Parse Handle.
 * @param line			A string containing the raw line from the file.
 * @param lineno		The line number it occurs on.
 * @return				An SMCResult action to take.
functag SMC_RawLine SMCResult:public(Handle:smc, const String:line[], lineno);

 * Sets a raw line reader on an SMC parser Handle.
 * @param smc		Handle to an SMC Parse.
 * @param func		SMC_RawLine function.
 * @noreturn
native SMC_SetRawLine(Handle:smc, SMC_Rawline:func);