#include "vcallbuilder.h" #include "extension.h" ValveCall::ValveCall() { call = NULL; vparams = NULL; retinfo = NULL; thisinfo = NULL; retbuf = NULL; } ValveCall::~ValveCall() { while (!stk.empty()) { unsigned char *ptr = stk.front(); delete [] ptr; stk.pop(); } if (call) { call->Destroy(); } delete [] retbuf; delete [] vparams; } unsigned char *ValveCall::stk_get() { unsigned char *ptr; if (stk.empty()) { ptr = new unsigned char[stackSize]; } else { ptr = stk.front(); stk.pop(); } return ptr; } void ValveCall::stk_put(unsigned char *ptr) { stk.push(ptr); } ValveCall *CreateValveCall(void *addr, ValveCallType vcalltype, const ValvePassInfo *retInfo, const ValvePassInfo *params, unsigned int numParams) { if (numParams > 32) { return NULL; } ValveCall *vc = new ValveCall; size_t size = 0; vc->stackSize = 0; /* Get return information - encode only */ PassInfo retBuf; size_t retBufSize = 0; bool retbuf_needs_extra; if (retInfo) { if ((size = ValveParamToBinParam(retInfo->vtype, retInfo->type, retInfo->flags, &retBuf, retbuf_needs_extra)) == 0) { delete vc; return NULL; } retBufSize = retBuf.size; if (retbuf_needs_extra) { retBufSize += size; } } /* Get thisinfo if needed */ ValvePassInfo thisbuf; ValvePassInfo *thisinfo = NULL; CallConvention cv = CallConv_Cdecl; if (vcalltype != ValveCall_Static) { thisinfo = &thisbuf; thisinfo->type = PassType_Basic; if (vcalltype == ValveCall_Entity) { thisinfo->vtype = Valve_CBaseEntity; thisinfo->decflags |= VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWWORLD; } else if (vcalltype == ValveCall_Player) { thisinfo->vtype = Valve_CBasePlayer; thisinfo->decflags = 0; } thisinfo->encflags = 0; thisinfo->flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; thisinfo->offset = 0; vc->stackSize += sizeof(void *); cv = CallConv_ThisCall; } /* Get parameter info */ PassInfo paramBuf[32]; size_t sizes[32]; size_t normSize = 0; size_t extraSize = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numParams; i++) { bool needs_extra; if ((size = ValveParamToBinParam(params[i].vtype, params[i].type, params[i].flags, ¶mBuf[i], needs_extra)) == 0) { delete vc; return NULL; } if (needs_extra) { sizes[i] = size; } else { sizes[i] = 0; } normSize += paramBuf[i].size; extraSize += sizes[i]; } /* Now we can try creating the call */ if ((vc->call = g_pBinTools->CreateCall(addr, cv, (retInfo ? &retBuf : NULL), paramBuf, numParams)) == NULL) { if (!vc->call) { delete vc; return NULL; } } /* Allocate extra space for thisptr AND ret buffer, even if we don't use it */ vc->vparams = new ValvePassInfo[numParams + 2]; /* We've got the call and everything is encoded. * It's time to save the valve specific information and helper variables. */ if (retInfo) { /* Allocate and copy */ vc->retinfo = &(vc->vparams[numParams]); *vc->retinfo = *retInfo; vc->retinfo->offset = 0; vc->retinfo->obj_offset = retbuf_needs_extra ? sizeof(void *) : 0; /* Allocate stack space */ vc->retbuf = new unsigned char[retBufSize]; } else { vc->retinfo = NULL; vc->retbuf = NULL; } if (thisinfo) { /* Allocate and copy */ vc->thisinfo = &(vc->vparams[numParams + 1]); *vc->thisinfo = *thisinfo; vc->thisinfo->offset = 0; vc->thisinfo->obj_offset = 0; } else { vc->thisinfo = NULL; } /* Now, save info about each parameter. */ size_t last_extra_offset = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numParams; i++) { /* Copy */ vc->vparams[i] = params[i]; vc->vparams[i].offset = vc->call->GetParamInfo(i)->offset; vc->vparams[i].obj_offset = last_extra_offset; last_extra_offset += sizes[i]; } vc->stackSize = normSize + extraSize; vc->stackEnd = normSize; return vc; } ValveCall *CreateValveVCall(unsigned int vtableIdx, ValveCallType vcalltype, const ValvePassInfo *retInfo, const ValvePassInfo *params, unsigned int numParams) { if (numParams > 32) { return NULL; } ValveCall *vc = new ValveCall; size_t size = 0; vc->stackSize = 0; /* Get return information - encode only */ PassInfo retBuf; size_t retBufSize = 0; bool retbuf_needs_extra; if (retInfo) { if ((size = ValveParamToBinParam(retInfo->vtype, retInfo->type, retInfo->flags, &retBuf, retbuf_needs_extra)) == 0) { delete vc; return NULL; } retBufSize = retBuf.size; if (retbuf_needs_extra) { retBufSize += size; } } /* Get parameter info */ PassInfo paramBuf[32]; size_t sizes[32]; size_t normSize = 0; size_t extraSize = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numParams; i++) { bool needs_extra; if ((size = ValveParamToBinParam(params[i].vtype, params[i].type, params[i].flags, ¶mBuf[i], needs_extra)) == 0) { delete vc; return NULL; } if (needs_extra) { sizes[i] = size; } else { sizes[i] = 0; } normSize += paramBuf[i].size; extraSize += sizes[i]; } /* Now we can try creating the call */ if ((vc->call = g_pBinTools->CreateVCall(vtableIdx, 0, 0, (retInfo ? &retBuf : NULL), paramBuf, numParams)) == NULL) { if (!vc->call) { delete vc; return NULL; } } /* Allocate extra space for thisptr AND ret buffer, even if we don't use it */ vc->vparams = new ValvePassInfo[numParams + 2]; /* We've got the call and everything is encoded. * It's time to save the valve specific information and helper variables. */ if (retInfo) { /* Allocate and copy */ vc->retinfo = &(vc->vparams[numParams]); *vc->retinfo = *retInfo; vc->retinfo->offset = 0; vc->retinfo->obj_offset = retbuf_needs_extra ? sizeof(void *) : 0; /* Allocate stack space */ vc->retbuf = new unsigned char[retBufSize]; } else { vc->retinfo = NULL; vc->retbuf = NULL; } /* Save the this info for the dynamic decoder */ vc->thisinfo = &(vc->vparams[numParams + 1]); vc->thisinfo->type = PassType_Basic; if (vcalltype == ValveCall_Entity) { vc->thisinfo->vtype = Valve_CBaseEntity; vc->thisinfo->decflags = VDECODE_FLAG_ALLOWWORLD; } else if (vcalltype == ValveCall_Player) { vc->thisinfo->vtype = Valve_CBasePlayer; vc->thisinfo->decflags = 0; } vc->thisinfo->encflags = 0; vc->thisinfo->flags = PASSFLAG_BYVAL; vc->thisinfo->offset = 0; vc->thisinfo->obj_offset = 0; normSize += sizeof(void *); /* Now, save info about each parameter. */ size_t last_extra_offset = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numParams; i++) { /* Copy */ vc->vparams[i] = params[i]; vc->vparams[i].offset = vc->call->GetParamInfo(i)->offset; vc->vparams[i].obj_offset = last_extra_offset; last_extra_offset += sizes[i]; } vc->stackSize = normSize + extraSize; vc->stackEnd = normSize; return vc; }