/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod * Copyright (C) 2013 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_SMPBMESSAGE_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_SMPBMESSAGE_H_ #include #include #define GETCHECK_FIELD() \ const protobuf::FieldDescriptor *field = msg->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(pszFieldName); \ if (!field) \ { \ return false; \ } #define CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(type) \ if (field->cpp_type() != protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##type) \ { \ return false; \ } #define CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(type1, type2) \ protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CppType fieldType = field->cpp_type(); \ if (fieldType != protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##type1 \ && fieldType != protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##type2) \ { \ return false; \ } #define CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED() \ if (field->label() != protobuf::FieldDescriptor::LABEL_REPEATED) \ { \ return false; \ } #define CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED() \ if (field->label() == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::LABEL_REPEATED) \ { \ return false; \ } #define CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(idx) \ int elemCount = msg->GetReflection()->FieldSize(*msg, field); \ if (elemCount == 0 || idx >= elemCount || idx <= 0) \ { \ return false; \ } typedef List PBHandleList; class SMProtobufMessage { public: SMProtobufMessage( protobuf::Message *message ) { msg = message; } ~SMProtobufMessage() { PBHandleList::iterator iter = childHandles.begin(); while (iter != childHandles.end()) { Handle_t &hndl = (*iter); HandleSecurity sec; sec.pIdentity = g_pCoreIdent; g_HandleSys.FreeHandle(hndl, &sec); iter = childHandles.erase(iter); } } inline void AddChildHandle(Handle_t hndl) { childHandles.push_back(hndl); } inline protobuf::Message *GetProtobufMessage() { return msg; } inline bool GetInt32(const char *pszFieldName, int32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetInt32(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetInt32(const char *pszFieldName, int32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedInt32(const char *pszFieldName, int index, int32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedInt32(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddInt32(const char *pszFieldName, int32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetInt64(const char *pszFieldName, int64 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT64); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetInt64(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetInt64(const char *pszFieldName, int64 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT64); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetInt64(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedInt64(const char *pszFieldName, int index, int64 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT64); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedInt64(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddInt64(const char *pszFieldName, int64 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(INT64); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddInt64(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetUInt32(const char *pszFieldName, uint32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetUInt32(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetUInt32(const char *pszFieldName, uint32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetUInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedUInt32(const char *pszFieldName, int index, uint32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedUInt32(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddUInt32(const char *pszFieldName, uint32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddUInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetUInt64(const char *pszFieldName, uint64 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT64); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetUInt64(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetUInt64(const char *pszFieldName, uint64 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT64); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetUInt64(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedUInt64(const char *pszFieldName, int index, uint64 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT64); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedUInt64(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddUInt64(const char *pszFieldName, uint64 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(UINT64); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddUInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetInt32OrUnsigned(const char *pszFieldName, int32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(INT32, UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32) *out = (int32)msg->GetReflection()->GetUInt32(*msg, field); else *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetInt32(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetInt32OrUnsigned(const char *pszFieldName, int32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(INT32, UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32) msg->GetReflection()->SetUInt32(msg, field, (uint32)value); else msg->GetReflection()->SetInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedInt32OrUnsigned(const char *pszFieldName, int index, int32 *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(INT32, UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32) *out = (int32)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedUInt32(*msg, field, index); else *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedInt32(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddInt32OrUnsigned(const char *pszFieldName, int32 value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(INT32, UINT32); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32) msg->GetReflection()->AddUInt32(msg, field, (uint32)value); else msg->GetReflection()->AddInt32(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetBool(const char *pszFieldName, bool *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(BOOL); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetBool(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetBool(const char *pszFieldName, bool value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(BOOL); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetBool(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedBool(const char *pszFieldName, int index, bool *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(BOOL); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedBool(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddBool(const char *pszFieldName, bool value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(BOOL); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddBool(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetFloat(const char *pszFieldName, float *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(FLOAT); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetFloat(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetFloat(const char *pszFieldName, float value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(FLOAT); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetFloat(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedFloat(const char *pszFieldName, int index, float *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(FLOAT); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedFloat(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddFloat(const char *pszFieldName, float value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(FLOAT); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddFloat(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetDouble(const char *pszFieldName, double *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetDouble(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetDouble(const char *pszFieldName, double value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetDouble(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedDouble(const char *pszFieldName, int index, double *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedDouble(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddDouble(const char *pszFieldName, double value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddDouble(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetFloatOrDouble(const char *pszFieldName, float *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(FLOAT, DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE) *out = (float)msg->GetReflection()->GetDouble(*msg, field); else *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetFloat(*msg, field); return true; } inline bool SetFloatOrDouble(const char *pszFieldName, float value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(FLOAT, DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE) msg->GetReflection()->SetDouble(msg, field, (double)value); else msg->GetReflection()->SetFloat(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedFloatOrDouble(const char *pszFieldName, int index, float *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(FLOAT, DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE) *out = (float)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedDouble(*msg, field, index); else *out = msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedFloat(*msg, field, index); return true; } inline bool AddFloatOrDouble(const char *pszFieldName, float value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE2(FLOAT, DOUBLE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); if (fieldType == protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE) msg->GetReflection()->AddDouble(msg, field, (double)value); else msg->GetReflection()->AddFloat(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetString(const char *pszFieldName, char *out, int size) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(STRING); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); std::string scratch; strncopy(out, msg->GetReflection()->GetStringReference(*msg, field, &buffer).c_str(), size); return true; } inline bool SetString(const char *pszFieldName, const char *value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(STRING); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->SetString(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedString(const char *pszFieldName, int index, char *out, int size) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(STRING); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); std::string scratch; strncopy(out, msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedStringReference(*msg, field, index, &scratch).c_str(), size); return true; } inline bool AddString(const char *pszFieldName, const char *value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(STRING); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); msg->GetReflection()->AddString(msg, field, value); return true; } inline bool GetColor(const char *pszFieldName, Color *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); const CMsgRGBA &msgRGBA = (const CMsgRGBA &)msg->GetReflection()->GetMessage(*msg, field); out->SetColor( msgRGBA.r(), msgRGBA.g(), msgRGBA.b(), msgRGBA.a() ); return true; } inline bool SetColor(const char *pszFieldName, const Color &value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); CMsgRGBA *msgRGBA = (CMsgRGBA *)msg->GetReflection()->MutableMessage(msg, field); msgRGBA->set_r(value.r()); msgRGBA->set_g(value.g()); msgRGBA->set_b(value.b()); msgRGBA->set_a(value.a()); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedColor(const char *pszFieldName, int index, Color *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); const CMsgRGBA &msgRGBA = (const CMsgRGBA &)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(*msg, field, index); out->SetColor( msgRGBA.r(), msgRGBA.g(), msgRGBA.b(), msgRGBA.a() ); return true; } inline bool AddColor(const char *pszFieldName, const Color &value) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CMsgRGBA *msgRGBA = (CMsgRGBA *)msg->GetReflection()->AddMessage(msg, field); msgRGBA->set_r(value.r()); msgRGBA->set_g(value.g()); msgRGBA->set_b(value.b()); msgRGBA->set_a(value.a()); return true; } inline bool GetVector2D(const char *pszFieldName, Vector2D *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); const CMsgVector2D &msgVec2d = (const CMsgVector2D &)msg->GetReflection()->GetMessage(*msg, field); out->Init( msgVec2d.x(), msgVec2d.y() ); return true; } inline bool SetVector2D(const char *pszFieldName, Vector2D &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); CMsgVector2D *msgVec2d = (CMsgVector2D *)msg->GetReflection()->MutableMessage(msg, field); msgVec2d->set_x(vec.x); msgVec2d->set_y(vec.y); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedVector2D(const char *pszFieldName, int index, Vector2D *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); const CMsgVector2D &msgVec2d = (const CMsgVector2D &)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(*msg, field, index); out->Init( msgVec2d.x(), msgVec2d.y() ); return true; } inline bool AddVector2D(const char *pszFieldName, Vector2D &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CMsgVector2D *msgVec2d = (CMsgVector2D *)msg->GetReflection()->AddMessage(msg, field); msgVec2d->set_x(vec.x); msgVec2d->set_y(vec.y); return true; } inline bool GetVector(const char *pszFieldName, Vector *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); const CMsgVector &msgVec = (const CMsgVector &)msg->GetReflection()->GetMessage(*msg, field); out->Init( msgVec.x(), msgVec.y(), msgVec.z() ); return true; } inline bool SetVector(const char *pszFieldName, Vector &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); CMsgVector *msgVec = (CMsgVector *)msg->GetReflection()->MutableMessage(msg, field); msgVec->set_x(vec.x); msgVec->set_y(vec.y); msgVec->set_z(vec.z); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedVector(const char *pszFieldName, int index, Vector *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); const CMsgVector &msgVec = (const CMsgVector &)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(*msg, field, index); out->Init( msgVec.x(), msgVec.y(), msgVec.z() ); return true; } inline bool AddVector(const char *pszFieldName, Vector &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CMsgVector *msgVec = (CMsgVector *)msg->GetReflection()->AddMessage(msg, field); msgVec->set_x(vec.x); msgVec->set_y(vec.y); msgVec->set_z(vec.z); return true; } inline bool GetQAngle(const char *pszFieldName, QAngle *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); const CMsgQAngle &msgAng = (const CMsgQAngle &)msg->GetReflection()->GetMessage(*msg, field); out->Init( msgAng.x(), msgAng.y(), msgAng.z() ); return true; } inline bool SetQAngle(const char *pszFieldName, QAngle &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); CMsgQAngle *msgAng = (CMsgQAngle *)msg->GetReflection()->MutableMessage(msg, field); msgAng->set_x(vec.x); msgAng->set_y(vec.y); msgAng->set_z(vec.z); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedQAngle(const char *pszFieldName, int index, QAngle *out) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); const CMsgQAngle &msgAng = (const CMsgQAngle &)msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(*msg, field, index); out->Init( msgAng.x(), msgAng.y(), msgAng.z() ); return true; } inline bool AddQAngle(const char *pszFieldName, QAngle &vec) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CMsgQAngle *msgAng = (CMsgQAngle *)msg->GetReflection()->AddMessage(msg, field); msgAng->set_x(vec.x); msgAng->set_y(vec.y); msgAng->set_z(vec.z); return true; } inline bool GetMessage(const char *pszFieldName, protobuf::Message **message) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_NOT_REPEATED(); *message = msg->GetReflection()->MutableMessage(msg, field); return true; } inline bool GetRepeatedMessage(const char *pszFieldName, int index, const protobuf::Message **message) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); CHECK_REPEATED_ELEMENT(index); const protobuf::Message *m = &msg->GetReflection()->GetRepeatedMessage(*msg, field, index); *message = m; return true; } inline bool AddMessage(const char *pszFieldName, protobuf::Message **message) { GETCHECK_FIELD(); CHECK_FIELD_TYPE(MESSAGE); CHECK_FIELD_REPEATED(); *message = msg->GetReflection()->AddMessage(msg, field); return true; } inline int GetRepeatedFieldCount(const char *pszFieldName) { const protobuf::FieldDescriptor *field = msg->GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(pszFieldName); \ if (!field) return -1; if (field->label() != protobuf::FieldDescriptor::LABEL_REPEATED) return -1; return msg->GetReflection()->FieldSize(*msg, field); } private: protobuf::Message *msg; PBHandleList childHandles; }; #endif // _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_SMPBMESSAGE_H_