#ifndef _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_EXTENSION_PROPER_H_ #define _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_EXTENSION_PROPER_H_ #include "smsdk_ext.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX #include #endif #include "takedamageinfohack.h" #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_CSS && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_LEFT4DEAD #define GETMAXHEALTH_IS_VIRTUAL #endif #if SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_HL2DM && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_DODS && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_CSS && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_TF2 && \ SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_LEFT4DEAD2 && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_CSGO && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_NUCLEARDAWN && \ SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_BLADE && SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_MCV #define GAMEDESC_CAN_CHANGE #endif /** * Globals */ struct HookTypeData { const char *name; const char *dtReq; bool supported; }; enum SDKHookType { SDKHook_EndTouch, SDKHook_FireBulletsPost, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, SDKHook_OnTakeDamagePost, SDKHook_PreThink, SDKHook_PostThink, SDKHook_SetTransmit, SDKHook_Spawn, SDKHook_StartTouch, SDKHook_Think, SDKHook_Touch, SDKHook_TraceAttack, SDKHook_TraceAttackPost, SDKHook_WeaponCanSwitchTo, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, SDKHook_WeaponDrop, SDKHook_WeaponEquip, SDKHook_WeaponSwitch, SDKHook_ShouldCollide, SDKHook_PreThinkPost, SDKHook_PostThinkPost, SDKHook_ThinkPost, SDKHook_EndTouchPost, SDKHook_GroundEntChangedPost, SDKHook_SpawnPost, SDKHook_StartTouchPost, SDKHook_TouchPost, SDKHook_VPhysicsUpdate, SDKHook_VPhysicsUpdatePost, SDKHook_WeaponCanSwitchToPost, SDKHook_WeaponCanUsePost, SDKHook_WeaponDropPost, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, SDKHook_WeaponSwitchPost, SDKHook_Use, SDKHook_UsePost, SDKHook_Reload, SDKHook_ReloadPost, SDKHook_GetMaxHealth, SDKHook_Blocked, SDKHook_BlockedPost, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage_Alive, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage_AlivePost, SDKHook_CanBeAutobalanced, SDKHook_MAXHOOKS }; enum HookReturn { HookRet_Successful, HookRet_InvalidEntity, HookRet_InvalidHookType, HookRet_NotSupported, HookRet_BadEntForHookType, }; #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_CSS typedef void *(*ReticulateSplines)(); #endif /** * Classes */ class IPhysicsObject; class CDmgAccumulator; typedef CBaseEntity CBaseCombatWeapon; namespace SourceMod { class IBinTools; } struct HookList { public: int entity; IPluginFunction *callback; }; class CVTableList { public: CVTableList() : vtablehook(NULL) { }; ~CVTableList() { delete vtablehook; }; public: CVTableHook *vtablehook; std::vector hooks; }; class IEntityListener { public: #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_BMS virtual ~IEntityListener() {}; virtual void OnEntityPreSpawned( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {}; #endif virtual void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {}; virtual void OnEntitySpawned( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {}; virtual void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {}; #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_BMS virtual void OnEntityFlagsChanged( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int nAddedFlags, int nRemovedFlags ) {}; #endif }; class SDKHooks : public SDKExtension, public IConCommandBaseAccessor, public IPluginsListener, public IFeatureProvider, public IEntityListener, public IClientListener, public ISDKHooks { public: /** * @brief This is called after the initial loading sequence has been processed. * * @param error Error message buffer. * @param maxlength Size of error message buffer. * @param late Whether or not the module was loaded after map load. * @return True to succeed loading, false to fail. */ virtual bool SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late); /** * @brief This is called right before the extension is unloaded. */ virtual void SDK_OnUnload(); /** * @brief This is called once all known extensions have been loaded. * Note: It is is a good idea to add natives here, if any are provided. */ virtual void SDK_OnAllLoaded(); /** * @brief Called when the pause state is changed. */ //virtual void SDK_OnPauseChange(bool paused); /** * @brief this is called when Core wants to know if your extension is working. * * @param error Error message buffer. * @param maxlength Size of error message buffer. * @return True if working, false otherwise. */ virtual bool QueryRunning(char *error, size_t maxlength); virtual bool QueryInterfaceDrop(SMInterface* pInterface); /** Returns version string */ virtual const char *GetExtensionVerString(); /** Returns date string */ virtual const char *GetExtensionDateString(); public: #if defined SMEXT_CONF_METAMOD /** * @brief Called when Metamod is attached, before the extension version is called. * * @param error Error buffer. * @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer. * @param late Whether or not Metamod considers this a late load. * @return True to succeed, false to fail. */ virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodLoad(ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late); /** * @brief Called when Metamod is detaching, after the extension version is called. * NOTE: By default this is blocked unless sent from SourceMod. * * @param error Error buffer. * @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer. * @return True to succeed, false to fail. */ //virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodUnload(char *error, size_t maxlength); /** * @brief Called when Metamod's pause state is changing. * NOTE: By default this is blocked unless sent from SourceMod. * * @param paused Pause state being set. * @param error Error buffer. * @param maxlength Maximum size of error buffer. * @return True to succeed, false to fail. */ //virtual bool SDK_OnMetamodPauseChange(bool paused, char *error, size_t maxlength); #endif public: // IPluginsListener virtual void OnPluginLoaded(IPlugin *plugin); virtual void OnPluginUnloaded(IPlugin *plugin); public: // IConCommandBaseAccessor virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pVar); public: // IFeatureProvider virtual FeatureStatus GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType type, const char *name); public: // IEntityListener virtual void OnEntityCreated(CBaseEntity *pEntity); virtual void OnEntitySpawned(CBaseEntity *pEntity); virtual void OnEntityDeleted(CBaseEntity *pEntity); public: // IClientListener virtual void OnClientPutInServer(int client); virtual void OnClientDisconnecting(int client); public: // ISDKHooks virtual void AddEntityListener(ISMEntityListener *listener); virtual void RemoveEntityListener(ISMEntityListener *listener); public: // IServerGameDLL void LevelShutdown(); private: SourceHook::List m_EntListeners; public: /** * Functions */ cell_t Call(int entity, SDKHookType type, int other=INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX); cell_t Call(CBaseEntity *pEnt, SDKHookType type, int other=INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX); cell_t Call(CBaseEntity *pEnt, SDKHookType type, CBaseEntity *pOther); void SetupHooks(); HookReturn Hook(int entity, SDKHookType type, IPluginFunction *pCallback); void Unhook(int entity, SDKHookType type, IPluginFunction *pCallback); /** * IServerGameDLL & IVEngineServer Hook Handlers */ #ifdef GAMEDESC_CAN_CHANGE const char *Hook_GetGameDescription(); #endif bool Hook_LevelInit(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background); /** * CBaseEntity Hook Handlers */ bool Hook_CanBeAutobalanced(); void Hook_EndTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_EndTouchPost(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_FireBulletsPost(const FireBulletsInfo_t &info); #ifdef GETMAXHEALTH_IS_VIRTUAL int Hook_GetMaxHealth(); #endif void Hook_GroundEntChangedPost(void *pVar); int Hook_OnTakeDamage(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info); int Hook_OnTakeDamagePost(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info); int Hook_OnTakeDamage_Alive(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info); int Hook_OnTakeDamage_AlivePost(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info); void Hook_PreThink(); void Hook_PreThinkPost(); void Hook_PostThink(); void Hook_PostThinkPost(); bool Hook_Reload(); bool Hook_ReloadPost(); void Hook_SetTransmit(CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo, bool bAlways); bool Hook_ShouldCollide(int collisonGroup, int contentsMask); void Hook_Spawn(); void Hook_SpawnPost(); void Hook_StartTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_StartTouchPost(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_Think(); void Hook_ThinkPost(); void Hook_Touch(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_TouchPost(CBaseEntity *pOther); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_HL2DM || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_DODS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_TF2 \ || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_BMS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_SDK2013 || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_PVKII void Hook_TraceAttack(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator); void Hook_TraceAttackPost(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator); #else void Hook_TraceAttack(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr); void Hook_TraceAttackPost(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr); #endif void Hook_Use(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value); void Hook_UsePost(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value); void Hook_VPhysicsUpdate(IPhysicsObject *pPhysics); void Hook_VPhysicsUpdatePost(IPhysicsObject *pPhysics); void Hook_Blocked(CBaseEntity *pOther); void Hook_BlockedPost(CBaseEntity *pOther); bool Hook_WeaponCanSwitchTo(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); bool Hook_WeaponCanSwitchToPost(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); bool Hook_WeaponCanUse(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); bool Hook_WeaponCanUsePost(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); void Hook_WeaponDrop(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, const Vector *pvecTarget, const Vector *pVelocity); void Hook_WeaponDropPost(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, const Vector *pvecTarget, const Vector *pVelocity); void Hook_WeaponEquip(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); void Hook_WeaponEquipPost(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon); bool Hook_WeaponSwitch(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, int viewmodelindex); bool Hook_WeaponSwitchPost(CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon, int viewmodelindex); private: void HandleEntityCreated(CBaseEntity *pEntity, int index, cell_t ref); void HandleEntitySpawned(CBaseEntity *pEntity, int index, cell_t ref); void HandleEntityDeleted(CBaseEntity *pEntity); void Unhook(CBaseEntity *pEntity); void Unhook(IPluginContext *pContext); private: int HandleOnTakeDamageHook(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, SDKHookType hookType); int HandleOnTakeDamageHookPost(CTakeDamageInfoHack &info, SDKHookType hookType); private: inline bool IsEntityIndexInRange(int i) { return i >= 0 && i < NUM_ENT_ENTRIES; } cell_t m_EntityCache[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES]; }; extern CGlobalVars *gpGlobals; extern std::vector g_HookList[SDKHook_MAXHOOKS]; extern ICvar *icvar; #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX extern IServerTools *servertools; #endif extern SourceMod::IBinTools *g_pBinTools; extern IGameConfig *g_pGameConf; #endif // _INCLUDE_SOURCEMOD_EXTENSION_PROPER_H_