#if defined _mapchooser_included_ #endinput #endif #define _mapchooser_included_ enum NominateResult { Nominate_Added, /** The map was added to the nominate list */ Nominate_Replaced, /** A clients existing nomination was replaced */ Nominate_AlreadyInVote, /** Specified map was already in the vote */ Nominate_InvalidMap, /** Mapname specifed wasn't a valid map */ Nominate_VoteFull, /** This will only occur if force was set to false */ }; enum MapChange { MapChange_Instant, /** Change map as soon as the voting results have come in */ MapChange_RoundEnd, /** Change map at the end of the round */ MapChange_MapEnd, /** Change the sm_nextmap cvar */ }; /** * Attempt to add a map to the mapchooser map list. * * @param map Map to add. * @param force Should we force the map in even if it requires overwriting an existing nomination? * @param owner Client index of the nominater. If the client disconnects the nomination will be removed. Use 0 for constant nominations * @return Nominate Result of the outcome */ native NominateResult:NominateMap(const String:map[], bool:force, owner); /** * Gets the current list of excluded maps. * * @param array An ADT array handle to add the map strings to. Needs to be * @noreturn */ native GetExcludeMapList(Handle:array); /** * Checks if MapChooser will allow a vote * * @return True if a vote can be held, or false if mapchooser is already holding a vote. */ native bool:CanMapChooserStartVote(); /** * Initiates a MapChooser map vote * * Note: If no input array is specified mapchooser will use its internal list. This includes * any nominations and excluded maps (as per mapchoosers convars). * * @param when MapChange consant of when the resulting mapchange should occur. * @param inputarray ADT array list of maps to add to the vote. */ native InitiateMapChooserVote(MapChange:when, Handle:inputarray=INVALID_HANDLE); /** * Checks if MapChooser's end of map vote has completed. */ native bool:HasEndOfMapVoteFinished(); /** * Called when mapchooser removes a nomination from its list. * Nominations cleared on map start will not trigger this forward */ forward OnNominationRemoved(String:map[], owner); public SharedPlugin:__pl_mapchooser = { name = "mapchooser", file = "mapchooser.smx", #if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN required = 1, #else required = 0, #endif }; public __pl_mapchooser_SetNTVOptional() { MarkNativeAsOptional("NominateMap"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetExcludeMapList"); MarkNativeAsOptional("CanMapChooserStartVote"); MarkNativeAsOptional("InitiateMapChooserVote"); MarkNativeAsOptional("HasEndOfMapVoteFinished"); }