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* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC.  All rights reserved.
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* For information, see LICENSE.txt or http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php
* Version: $Id$


extern int g_MsgPlayers[256];

class MsgListenerWrapper : public IUserMessageListener
	void Initialize(int msgid, IPluginFunction *hook, IPluginFunction *notify, bool intercept);
	bool IsInterceptHook() const;
	int GetMessageId() const;
	IPluginFunction *GetHookedFunction() const;
	IPluginFunction *GetNotifyFunction() const;
public: //IUserMessageListener
	void OnUserMessage(int msg_id, bf_write *bf, IRecipientFilter *pFilter);
	ResultType InterceptUserMessage(int msg_id, bf_write *bf, IRecipientFilter *pFilter);
	void OnUserMessageSent(int msg_id);
	size_t _FillInPlayers(int *pl_array, IRecipientFilter *pFilter);
	IPluginFunction *m_Hook;
	IPluginFunction *m_Intercept;
	IPluginFunction *m_Notify;
	bool m_IsInterceptHook;
	int m_MsgId;