 * BinReloc - a library for creating relocatable executables
 * Written by: Hongli Lai <h.lai@chello.nl>
 * http://autopackage.org/
 * This source code is public domain. You can relicense this code
 * under whatever license you want.
 * See http://autopackage.org/docs/binreloc/ for
 * more information and how to use this.

#ifndef __BINRELOC_H__
#define __BINRELOC_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/** These error codes can be returned by br_init(), br_init_lib(), gbr_init() or gbr_init_lib(). */
typedef enum {
	/** Cannot allocate memory. */
	/** Unable to open /proc/self/maps; see errno for details. */
	/** Unable to read from /proc/self/maps; see errno for details. */
	/** The file format of /proc/self/maps is invalid; kernel bug? */
	/** BinReloc is disabled (the ENABLE_BINRELOC macro is not defined). */
} BrInitError;

/* Mangle symbol names to avoid symbol collisions with other ELF objects. */
	#define br_init             SbCJ22537442193159_br_init
	#define br_init_lib         SbCJ22537442193159_br_init_lib
	#define br_find_exe         SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_exe
	#define br_find_exe_dir     SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_exe_dir
	#define br_find_prefix      SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_prefix
	#define br_find_bin_dir     SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_bin_dir
	#define br_find_sbin_dir    SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_sbin_dir
	#define br_find_data_dir    SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_data_dir
	#define br_find_locale_dir  SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_locale_dir
	#define br_find_lib_dir     SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_lib_dir
	#define br_find_libexec_dir SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_libexec_dir
	#define br_find_etc_dir     SbCJ22537442193159_br_find_etc_dir
	#define br_strcat           SbCJ22537442193159_br_strcat
	#define br_build_path       SbCJ22537442193159_br_build_path
	#define br_dirname          SbCJ22537442193159_br_dirname

int   br_init             (BrInitError *error);
int   br_init_lib         (BrInitError *error);

char *br_find_exe         (const char *default_exe);
char *br_find_exe_dir     (const char *default_dir);
char *br_find_prefix      (const char *default_prefix);
char *br_find_bin_dir     (const char *default_bin_dir);
char *br_find_sbin_dir    (const char *default_sbin_dir);
char *br_find_data_dir    (const char *default_data_dir);
char *br_find_locale_dir  (const char *default_locale_dir);
char *br_find_lib_dir     (const char *default_lib_dir);
char *br_find_libexec_dir (const char *default_libexec_dir);
char *br_find_etc_dir     (const char *default_etc_dir);

/* Utility functions */
char *br_strcat  (const char *str1, const char *str2);
char *br_build_path (const char *dir, const char *file);
char *br_dirname (const char *path);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* __BINRELOC_H__ */