	"Rock The Vote"
		"en"			"Rock The Vote:"
	"RTV Not Allowed"
		"en"			"Rock the Vote is not allowed yet."
	"RTV Started"
		"en"			"Rock the Vote has already started."

	"RTV Ended"
		"en"			"RTV has already ended, you cannot start it again or nominate maps."

	"Already Voted"
		"en"			"You have already voted to Rock the Vote."
	"Minimal Players Not Met"
		"en"			"The minimal number of players required has not been met."

	"Map Already in Vote"
		"#format"		"{1:s}"
		"en"			"Map '{1}' already in the Rock the Vote list."
	"Map Inserted"
		"#format"		"{1:s}"
		"en"			"Map '{1}' added to Rock the Vote."
	"RTV Requested"
		"#format"		"{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}"
		"en"			"{1} wants to rock the vote. ({2} votes, {3} required)"
	"RTV Vote Ready"
		"en"			"Rocking the Vote!"

	"Don't Change"
		"en"			"Keep Current Map"
	"Already Nominated"
		"en"			"You have already nominated a map."

	"Max Nominations"
		"en"			"The maximum allowed nominations has been reached."
	"Selected Map"
		"#format"		"{1:s},{2:s}"
		"en"			"{1} has selected {2}"
	"No Votes"
		"en"			"No votes received for Rock the Vote, keeping current map."
	"Current Map Stays"
		"en"			"Current map continues! Rock the Vote has spoken!"
	"Changing Maps"
		"#format"		"{1:s}"
		"en"			"Changing map to {1}! Rock the Vote has spoken!"
	"Map Already Nominated"
		"en"			"The map you chose has already been nominated."
	"Map Nominated"
		"#format"		"{1:s},{2:s}"
		"en"			"{1} has nominated {2} for Rock the Vote."
	"Nominate Title"
		"en"			"Nominate Map:"