/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod SDKTools Extension * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or . * * Version: $Id$ */ #include #include "extension.h" #include #include "vcallbuilder.h" #include "vnatives.h" #include "vhelpers.h" #include "vglobals.h" #include "tempents.h" #include "vsound.h" #include "output.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "gamerulesnatives.h" #include #include "clientnatives.h" #include "teamnatives.h" #include "filesystem.h" /** * @file extension.cpp * @brief Implements SDK Tools extension code. */ SH_DECL_HOOK6(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, SH_NOATTRIB, false, bool, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, bool, bool); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO SH_DECL_HOOK1_void_vafmt(IVEngineServer, ClientCommand, SH_NOATTRIB, 0, edict_t *); #endif SDKTools g_SdkTools; /**< Global singleton for extension's main interface */ IServerGameEnts *gameents = NULL; IEngineTrace *enginetrace = NULL; IEngineSound *engsound = NULL; INetworkStringTableContainer *netstringtables = NULL; IServerPluginHelpers *pluginhelpers = NULL; IBinTools *g_pBinTools = NULL; IGameConfig *g_pGameConf = NULL; IGameHelpers *g_pGameHelpers = NULL; IServerGameClients *serverClients = NULL; IVoiceServer *voiceserver = NULL; IPlayerInfoManager *playerinfomngr = NULL; ICvar *icvar = NULL; IServer *iserver = NULL; IBaseFileSystem *basefilesystem = NULL; CGlobalVars *gpGlobals; ISoundEmitterSystemBase *soundemitterbase = NULL; #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX IServerTools *servertools = NULL; #endif SourceHook::CallClass *enginePatch = NULL; SourceHook::CallClass *enginesoundPatch = NULL; HandleType_t g_CallHandle = 0; HandleType_t g_TraceHandle = 0; ISDKTools *g_pSDKTools; SMEXT_LINK(&g_SdkTools); extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_CallNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_TENatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_TRNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_StringTableNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_VoiceNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_EntInputNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_TeamNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_GameRulesNatives[]; extern sp_nativeinfo_t g_ClientNatives[]; static void InitSDKToolsAPI(); bool SDKTools::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late) { HandleError err; if (!gameconfs->LoadGameConfigFile("sdktools.games", &g_pGameConf, error, maxlength)) { return false; } sharesys->AddDependency(myself, "bintools.ext", true, true); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_CallNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_Natives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TENatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_SoundNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TRNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_StringTableNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_VoiceNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_EntInputNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TeamNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_EntOutputNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_GameRulesNatives); sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_ClientNatives); SM_GET_IFACE(GAMEHELPERS, g_pGameHelpers); playerhelpers->AddClientListener(&g_SdkTools); g_CallHandle = handlesys->CreateType("ValveCall", this, 0, NULL, NULL, myself->GetIdentity(), &err); if (g_CallHandle == 0) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create call handle type (err: %d)", err); return false; } TypeAccess TraceAccess; handlesys->InitAccessDefaults(&TraceAccess, NULL); TraceAccess.ident = myself->GetIdentity(); TraceAccess.access[HTypeAccess_Create] = true; TraceAccess.access[HTypeAccess_Inherit] = true; g_TraceHandle = handlesys->CreateType("TraceRay", this, 0, &TraceAccess, NULL, myself->GetIdentity(), &err); if (g_TraceHandle == 0) { handlesys->RemoveType(g_CallHandle, myself->GetIdentity()); g_CallHandle = 0; snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create traceray handle type (err: %d)", err); return false; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX g_pCVar = icvar; #endif CONVAR_REGISTER(this); SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SDKTools::LevelInit), true); playerhelpers->RegisterCommandTargetProcessor(this); MathLib_Init(2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2); spengine = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine(); plsys->AddPluginsListener(&g_OutputManager); CDetourManager::Init(g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine(), g_pGameConf); g_OutputManager.Init(); VoiceInit(); GetIServer(); GameRulesNativesInit(); InitSDKToolsAPI(); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO m_bFollowCSGOServerGuidelines = true; const char *pszValue = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("FollowCSGOServerGuidelines"); if (pszValue && strcasecmp(pszValue, "no") == 0) { m_bFollowCSGOServerGuidelines = false; } #endif return true; } void SDKTools::OnHandleDestroy(HandleType_t type, void *object) { if (type == g_CallHandle) { ValveCall *v = (ValveCall *)object; delete v; } else if (type == g_TraceHandle) { trace_t *tr = (trace_t *)object; delete tr; } } void SDKTools::SDK_OnUnload() { SourceHook::List::iterator iter; for (iter = g_RegCalls.begin(); iter != g_RegCalls.end(); iter++) { delete (*iter); } g_RegCalls.clear(); ShutdownHelpers(); if (g_pAcceptInput) { g_pAcceptInput->Destroy(); g_pAcceptInput = NULL; } g_TEManager.Shutdown(); s_TempEntHooks.Shutdown(); s_SoundHooks.Shutdown(); g_Hooks.Shutdown(); g_OutputManager.Shutdown(); gameconfs->CloseGameConfigFile(g_pGameConf); playerhelpers->RemoveClientListener(&g_SdkTools); playerhelpers->UnregisterCommandTargetProcessor(this); plsys->RemovePluginsListener(&g_OutputManager); SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SDKTools::LevelInit), true); if (enginePatch) { SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(enginePatch); enginePatch = NULL; } if (enginesoundPatch) { SH_RELEASE_CALLCLASS(enginesoundPatch); enginesoundPatch = NULL; } bool err; if (g_CallHandle != 0) { if ((err = handlesys->RemoveType(g_CallHandle, myself->GetIdentity())) != true) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Could not remove call handle (type=%x, err=%d)", g_CallHandle, err); } } if (g_TraceHandle != 0) { if ((err = handlesys->RemoveType(g_TraceHandle, myself->GetIdentity())) != true) { g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Could not remove trace handle (type=%x, err=%d)", g_TraceHandle, err); } } } bool SDKTools::SDK_OnMetamodLoad(ISmmAPI *ismm, char *error, size_t maxlen, bool late) { GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetServerFactory, gameents, IServerGameEnts, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS); GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, engsound, IEngineSound, IENGINESOUND_SERVER_INTERFACE_VERSION); GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, enginetrace, IEngineTrace, INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER); GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, netstringtables, INetworkStringTableContainer, INTERFACENAME_NETWORKSTRINGTABLESERVER); #if SOURCE_ENGINE != SE_DOTA GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, pluginhelpers, IServerPluginHelpers, INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS); #endif GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetServerFactory, serverClients, IServerGameClients, INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMECLIENTS); GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, voiceserver, IVoiceServer, INTERFACEVERSION_VOICESERVER); GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetServerFactory, playerinfomngr, IPlayerInfoManager, INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER); GET_V_IFACE_CURRENT(GetEngineFactory, icvar, ICvar, CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION); GET_V_IFACE_CURRENT(GetFileSystemFactory, basefilesystem, IBaseFileSystem, BASEFILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION); #if SOURCE_ENGINE >= SE_ORANGEBOX GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetServerFactory, servertools, IServerTools, VSERVERTOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION); #endif GET_V_IFACE_ANY(GetEngineFactory, soundemitterbase, ISoundEmitterSystemBase, SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION); #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO SH_ADD_HOOK(IVEngineServer, ClientCommand, engine, SH_MEMBER(this, &SDKTools::OnSendClientCommand), false); #endif gpGlobals = ismm->GetCGlobals(); enginePatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(engine); enginesoundPatch = SH_GET_CALLCLASS(engsound); return true; } bool SDKTools::SDK_OnMetamodUnload(char *error, size_t maxlen) { #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO SH_REMOVE_HOOK(IVEngineServer, ClientCommand, engine, SH_MEMBER(this, &SDKTools::OnSendClientCommand), false); #endif return true; } void SDKTools::SDK_OnAllLoaded() { SM_GET_LATE_IFACE(BINTOOLS, g_pBinTools); if (!g_pBinTools) { return; } g_TEManager.Initialize(); s_TempEntHooks.Initialize(); s_SoundHooks.Initialize(); g_Hooks.Initialize(); InitializeValveGlobals(); } void SDKTools::OnCoreMapStart(edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax) { InitTeamNatives(); GetResourceEntity(); } bool SDKTools::QueryRunning(char *error, size_t maxlength) { SM_CHECK_IFACE(BINTOOLS, g_pBinTools); return true; } bool SDKTools::QueryInterfaceDrop(SMInterface *pInterface) { if (pInterface == g_pBinTools) { return false; } return IExtensionInterface::QueryInterfaceDrop(pInterface); } void SDKTools::NotifyInterfaceDrop(SMInterface *pInterface) { SourceHook::List::iterator iter; for (iter = g_RegCalls.begin(); iter != g_RegCalls.end(); iter++) { delete (*iter); } g_RegCalls.clear(); ShutdownHelpers(); g_TEManager.Shutdown(); s_TempEntHooks.Shutdown(); if (g_pAcceptInput) { g_pAcceptInput->Destroy(); g_pAcceptInput = NULL; } } bool SDKTools::RegisterConCommandBase(ConCommandBase *pVar) { #if defined METAMOD_PLAPI_VERSION return g_SMAPI->RegisterConCommandBase(g_PLAPI, pVar); #else return g_SMAPI->RegisterConCmdBase(g_PLAPI, pVar); #endif } bool SDKTools::LevelInit(char const *pMapName, char const *pMapEntities, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, bool loadGame, bool background) { m_bAnyLevelInited = true; UpdateValveGlobals(); const char *name; char key[32]; int count, n = 1; if (!(name=g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue("SlapSoundCount"))) { RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } count = atoi(name); while (n <= count) { snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "SlapSound%d", n); if ((name=g_pGameConf->GetKeyValue(key))) { engsound->PrecacheSound(name, true); } n++; } RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_IGNORED, true); } bool SDKTools::ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) { IGamePlayer *pAdmin = info->admin ? playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(info->admin) : NULL; if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@aim") == 0) { /* The server can't aim, of course. */ if (pAdmin == NULL) { return false; } int player_index; if ((player_index = GetClientAimTarget(pAdmin->GetEdict(), true)) < 1) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; info->num_targets = 0; return true; } IGamePlayer *pTarget = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(player_index); if (pTarget == NULL) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; info->num_targets = 0; return true; } info->reason = playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags); if (info->reason != COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->num_targets = 0; return true; } info->targets[0] = player_index; info->num_targets = 1; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_VALID; info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "%s", pTarget->GetName()); return true; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@spec") == 0) { const char *teamname = tools_GetTeamName(1); if (strcasecmp(teamname, "spectator") != 0) return false; info->num_targets = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); i++) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i); if (player == NULL || !player->IsInGame()) continue; IPlayerInfo *plinfo = player->GetPlayerInfo(); if (plinfo == NULL) continue; if (plinfo->GetTeamIndex() == 1 && playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, player, info->flags) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[info->num_targets++] = i; } } info->reason = info->num_targets > 0 ? COMMAND_TARGET_VALID : COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER; info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "all spectators"); return true; } return false; } const char *SDKTools::GetExtensionVerString() { return SOURCEMOD_VERSION; } const char *SDKTools::GetExtensionDateString() { return SOURCEMOD_BUILD_TIME; } bool SDKTools::InterceptClientConnect(int client, char *error, size_t maxlength) { g_Hooks.OnClientConnect(client); return true; } #if SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSS || SOURCE_ENGINE == SE_CSGO void SDKTools::OnSendClientCommand(edict_t *pPlayer, const char *szFormat) { // Due to legacy code, CS:S and CS:GO still sends "name \"newname\"" to the // client after aname change. The engine has a change hook on name causing // it to reset to the player's Steam name. This quashes that to make // SetClientName work properly. if (!strncmp(szFormat, "name ", 5)) { RETURN_META(MRES_SUPERCEDE); } RETURN_META(MRES_IGNORED); } #endif void SDKTools::OnClientPutInServer(int client) { g_Hooks.OnClientPutInServer(client); } class SDKTools_API : public ISDKTools { public: virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() { return SMINTERFACE_SDKTOOLS_NAME; } virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() { return SMINTERFACE_SDKTOOLS_VERSION; } virtual IServer *GetIServer() { return iserver; } virtual void *GetGameRules() { return GameRules(); } } g_SDKTools_API; static void InitSDKToolsAPI() { g_pSDKTools = &g_SDKTools_API; sharesys->AddInterface(myself, g_pSDKTools); }