 * This file is used to set various options that are important to SourceMod's core.
 * If this file is missing or an option in this file is missing, then the default values will be used.
	 * Relative path to SourceMod's base directory. This is relative to the game/mod directory.
	 * Only change this if you have installed SourceMod in a non-default location.
	 * The default value is "addons/sourcemod"
	"BasePath"		"addons/sourcemod"
	 * This option determines if SourceMod logging is enabled.
	 * "on"		- Logging is enabled (default)
	 * "off"	- Logging is disabled
	"Logging"		"on"
	 * This option determines how SourceMod logging should be handled.
	 * "daily"	- New log file is created for each day (default)
	 * "map"	- New log file is created for each map change
	 * "game"	- Use game's log files
	"LogMode"		"daily"
	 * Language that multilingual enabled plugins and extensions will use to print messages.
	 * Only languages listed in languages.cfg are valid.
	 * The default value is "en"
	"ServerLang"	"en"
	 * String to use as the public chat trigger.  Set an empty string to disable.
	"PublicChatTrigger"		"!"
	 * String to use as the silent chat trigger.  Set an empty string to disable.
	"SilentChatTrigger"		"/"