/** * vim: set ts=4 : * ============================================================================= * SourceMod Map Management Plugin * Contains misc functions. * * SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved. * ============================================================================= * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the * code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the * "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software * by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants * this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further * exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007), * or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>. * * Version: $Id$ */ SetNextMap(String:map[]) { strcopy(g_NextMap, sizeof(g_NextMap), map); SetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, map); } SetMapChange(client, map, when, Float:time = 3.0) { g_MapChangeSet = true; g_MapChangeWhen = when[0]; SetNextMap(map); if (when[0] == 'r') { ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%t", "Changing map end of round", map); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" set end of round map change to \"%s\"", client, map); } else if (when[0] == 'e') { ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%t", "Set nextmap", map); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" set the next map to \"%s\"", client, map); } else { ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%t", "Change map", map); LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" changed map to \"%s\"", client, map); g_MapChanged = true; CreateTimer(3.0, Timer_ChangeMap); } } FindAndSetNextMap() { if (ReadMapList(g_MapList, g_MapListSerial, "mapcyclefile", MAPLIST_FLAG_CLEARARRAY|MAPLIST_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT) == INVALID_HANDLE) { if (g_MapListSerial == -1) { LogError("FATAL: Cannot load map cycle. Nextmap not loaded."); SetFailState("Mapcycle Not Found"); } } new mapCount = GetArraySize(g_MapList); decl String:mapName[32]; if (g_MapPos == -1) { decl String:current[64]; GetCurrentMap(current, 64); for (new i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); if (strcmp(current, mapName, false) == 0) { g_MapPos = i; break; } } if (g_MapPos == -1) g_MapPos = 0; } g_MapPos++; if (g_MapPos >= mapCount) g_MapPos = 0; GetArrayString(g_MapList, g_MapPos, mapName, sizeof(mapName)); SetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, mapName); } Float:GetVotePercent(votes, totalVotes) { return FloatDiv(float(votes),float(totalVotes)); } bool:TestVoteDelay(client) { new delay = CheckVoteDelay(); if (delay > 0) { if (delay > 60) { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Vote Delay Minutes", delay % 60); } else { ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Vote Delay Seconds", delay); } return false; } return true; } BuildMapMenu() { if (g_MapMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(g_MapMenu); g_MapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; } g_MapMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapSelectMenu); SetMenuTitle(g_MapMenu, "%t", "Nominate Title"); decl String:map[64]; for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_MapList); i++) { GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, map, sizeof(map)); AddMenuItem(g_MapMenu, map, map); } SetMenuExitButton(g_MapMenu, false); } SetupTimeleftTimer() { new time; if (GetMapTimeLeft(time) && time > 0) { new startTime = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartTime) * 60; if (time - startTime < 0) { InitiateVote(); } else { if (g_VoteTimer != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(g_VoteTimer); g_VoteTimer = INVALID_HANDLE; } g_VoteTimer = CreateTimer(float(time - startTime), Timer_StartMapVote); } } } InitiateVote() { if (g_HasVoteStarted || g_RetryTimer != INVALID_HANDLE) { return; } if (IsVoteInProgress()) { // Can't start a vote, try again in 5 seconds. g_RetryTimer = CreateTimer(5.0, Timer_StartMapVote); return; } g_HasVoteStarted = true; g_VoteMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapVoteMenu, MenuAction:MENU_ACTIONS_ALL); SetMenuTitle(g_VoteMenu, "Vote Nextmap"); decl String:map[32]; for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NextMapList); i++) { GetArrayString(g_NextMapList, i, map, sizeof(map)); AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, map, map); } if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Extend)) { new bool:allowExtend, time; if (GetMapTimeLimit(time) && time > 0 && time < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendTimeMax)) { allowExtend = true; } if (g_Cvar_Winlimit != INVALID_HANDLE && GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Winlimit) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendRoundMax)) { allowExtend = true; } if (g_Cvar_Maxrounds != INVALID_HANDLE && GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maxrounds) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendRoundMax)) { allowExtend = true; } if (g_Cvar_Fraglimit != INVALID_HANDLE && GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendFragMax)) { allowExtend = true; } if (allowExtend) { AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map"); } } SetMenuExitButton(g_VoteMenu, false); VoteMenuToAll(g_VoteMenu, 20); LogMessage("Voting for next map has started."); PrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "Nextmap Voting Started"); } SetNextMap(const String:map[]) { SetConVarString(g_Cvar_Nextmap, map); PushArrayString(g_OldMapList, map); if (GetArraySize(g_OldMapList) > GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps)) { RemoveFromArray(g_OldMapList, 0); } PrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "Nextmap Voting Finished", map); LogMessage("Voting for next map has finished. Nextmap: %s.", map); } CreateNextVote() { if(g_NextMapList != INVALID_HANDLE) { ClearArray(g_NextMapList); } decl String:map[32]; new index, Handle:tempMaps = CloneArray(g_MapList); GetCurrentMap(map, sizeof(map)); index = FindStringInArray(tempMaps, map); if (index != -1) { RemoveFromArray(tempMaps, index); } if (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps) && GetArraySize(tempMaps) > GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps)) { for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_OldMapList); i++) { GetArrayString(g_OldMapList, i, map, sizeof(map)); index = FindStringInArray(tempMaps, map); if (index != -1) { RemoveFromArray(tempMaps, index); } } } new limit = (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_IncludeMaps) < GetArraySize(tempMaps) ? GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_IncludeMaps) : GetArraySize(tempMaps)); for (new i = 0; i < limit; i++) { new b = GetRandomInt(0, GetArraySize(tempMaps) - 1); GetArrayString(tempMaps, b, map, sizeof(map)); PushArrayString(g_NextMapList, map); RemoveFromArray(tempMaps, b); } CloseHandle(tempMaps); } /* new Handle:g_map_array = INVALID_HANDLE; new g_map_serial = -1; LoadMapList(Handle:menu) { new Handle:map_array; if ((map_array = ReadMapList(g_map_array, g_map_serial, "sm_map menu", MAPLIST_FLAG_CLEARARRAY|MAPLIST_FLAG_NO_DEFAULT|MAPLIST_FLAG_MAPSFOLDER)) != INVALID_HANDLE) { g_map_array = map_array; } if (g_map_array == INVALID_HANDLE) { return 0; } RemoveAllMenuItems(menu); decl String:map_name[64]; new map_count = GetArraySize(g_map_array); for (new i = 0; i < map_count; i++) { GetArrayString(g_map_array, i, map_name, sizeof(map_name)); AddMenuItem(menu, map_name, map_name); } return map_count; } */