#include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Entity Output Hook Testing", author = "AlliedModders LLC", description = "Test suite for Entity Output Hooks", version = "", url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/" }; public void OnPluginStart() { HookEntityOutput("point_spotlight", "OnLightOn", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("point_spotlight", "OnLightOff", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("func_door", "OnOpen", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("func_door_rotating", "OnOpen", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("prop_door_rotating", "OnOpen", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("func_door", "OnClose", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("func_door_rotating", "OnClose", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("prop_door_rotating", "OnClose", OutputHook); if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSGO) { // The server library calls with output names from Activator (from "plated_c4" activator entity in current example). HookEntityOutput("planted_c4", "OnBombBeginDefuse", OutputHook); HookEntityOutput("planted_c4", "OnBombDefuseAborted", OutputHook); // Never fired for planted_c4, only planted_c4_training. HookEntityOutput("planted_c4", "OnBombDefused", OutputHook); } } public void OutputHook(const char[] name, int caller, int activator, float delay) { char callerClassname[64]; if (caller >= 0 && IsValidEntity(caller)) { GetEntityClassname(caller, callerClassname, sizeof(callerClassname)); } char activatorClassname[64]; if (activator >= 0 && IsValidEntity(activator)) { GetEntityClassname(activator, activatorClassname, sizeof(activatorClassname)); } LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] %s (caller: %d/%s, activator: %d/%s)", name, caller, callerClassname, activator, activatorClassname); } public void OnMapStart() { int ent = FindEntityByClassname(-1, "point_spotlight"); if (ent == -1) { LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] Could not find a point_spotlight"); ent = CreateEntityByName("point_spotlight"); DispatchSpawn(ent); } LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] Begin basic"); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff"); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn"); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", .caller = ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", .caller = ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", .activator = ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", .activator = ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", ent, ent); LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] End basic, begin once"); HookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOn", OutputHook, true); HookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOff", OutputHook, true); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", ent, ent); LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] End once, begin single"); HookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOn", OutputHook, false); HookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOff", OutputHook, false); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOff", ent, ent); AcceptEntityInput(ent, "LightOn", ent, ent); // Comment these out (and reload the plugin heaps) to test for leaks on plugin unload UnhookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOn", OutputHook); UnhookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnLightOff", OutputHook); LogMessage("[ENTOUTPUT] End single"); }